Compare sambo and freestyle wrestling | What's better

There are a lot of martial arts, and there are even more schools that are ready to teach them from scratch. Therefore, before the novice athlete gets up a difficult choice - where to go? How does one martial art differ from another? Will it be possible to apply the knowledge gained in the classroom in practice if you suddenly need it?

And among the most "practical" types of martial arts can be identified Sambo and freestyle wrestling. These two areas not only teach you how to control your body, but are also full-fledged sports disciplines, and also - in some cases - help with street skirmishes. We will understand the difference between sambo and wrestling - and what is better to choose for yourself or a child.



Sambo is a fairly young martial art. The rules of his conduct as a sports discipline were formed around the time of the Soviet Union. But the main advantage of Sambo is that it is an incredibly “practical” type of martial arts.

Even the name of the discipline - “Sambo” - is decoded as “self-defense without weapons”. All techniques that are studied in this art, aimed at practical use. The obtained knowledge will be quite useful to use, having come across a quarrel of Gopnik in some dark alley.

It is worth considering that sambo exists in two of its variants:

  1. Sports sambo - full discipline with a huge number of rules of conducting a duel. Throws, painful and suffocating techniques are allowed. Direct kicks or hands are prohibited;

  2. Combat Sambo - A comprehensive self-defense system, which is not used in tournaments or competitions due to the high risk of injury to athletes. In this martial art, punches and kicks are allowed to the opponent’s body, as well as throws, strangling and painful techniques.

As a result, combat sambo is not a struggle. It can rather be compared to boxing or kickboxing.

Sambo also allows other techniques aimed at defeating the enemy. For example, the capture of jackets or sweeps. In general, this martial art is more aggressive than other wrestling disciplines, and allows more painful or traumatic techniques even in the sport of its iteration.

But Sambo is very useful in everyday life. That is, a sambist athlete may not be afraid of a collision with enemies on the street - the techniques learned in training are quite applicable in real conditions.

So let's summarize.


  • The ability to use techniques in real life;

  • Quite "free" rules of conducting a duel;

  • Learning practical and useful movements.


  • High injury risk;

  • Even in the sports version, painful and suffocating techniques are allowed;

  • The existence of two versions - sports and combat.

In principle, both versions of sambo - that sports, that combat - are useful. They not only train important fighting techniques, but also improve the athlete's physical fitness, as well as teach him to control his body and feel the condition of someone else.

Freestyle wrestling

Freestyle wrestling

Freestyle wrestling is a rather ancient sport.It is not known exactly when he appeared, but according to the documents, even 100-150 years ago in the British Empire, gentlemen did not deny themselves the pleasure of fighting in the ring. And the “antiquity” of this discipline played into its hands - free-style wrestling is included in the list of Olympic sports.

The fact that freestyle wrestling is an Olympic sport provides this discipline with two important advantages at once:

  1. Strict rules, aimed not only at accuracy in conducting fights, but also at protecting athletes. In free-style wrestling direct blows, painful and suffocating techniques are prohibited. As a result, the trauma when practicing this martial art is quite low and affects only certain aspects;

  2. A huge number of clubs, competitions at various levels - from regional to federal and international, as well as, of course, the Olympics. For the person who decided to take up wrestling, it will not be difficult to find a suitable school. A sports career, with a certain physical fitness and success in training, can be dizzying.

An interesting feature of free-style wrestling is an excellent training of the back muscles. The fact is that to win a wrestler must lay the enemy on both shoulder blades. Therefore, athletes train to "fall" in such a way as to touch the ground not with their entire back. As a result, the muscles around the spine and the flexibility of the spine itself are “pumped” to incredible limits.

The rules of freestyle wrestling allow many techniques that are designed to bring down the opponent. Among them - sweeps, the use of legs, throws, grabs, coups, and more.

Of course, in real life, all these techniques can also be useful.

So let's summarize.


  • Excellent back muscle training;

  • A huge number of clubs, schools and other sports associations;

  • Low risk of injury;

  • The possibility of an excellent sports career.


  • Not as useful in real life as sambo.

Indeed, wrestling is a sporting discipline with strict rules prohibiting direct strikes. In addition, other methods of warfare are also regulated or limited.

However, it is worth considering that this discipline is the basis for MMA (mixed martial arts, or the so-called “mix-fight”). In 70% of the champions of the sport before joining the MMA they were engaged in freestyle wrestling.

This results from the fact that sportsmen-wrestlers differ in high physical strength and dexterity. In addition, they already know how to overwhelm the enemy. Training in mixed martial arts for them is mainly limited to the production of punches. Also, wrestling athletes are distinguished by high endurance, which is very useful for intense, intense fights in MMA.


It is foolish to deny the benefits of both types of martial arts. Both sambo and free-style wrestling teach you how to control your body, increase endurance, ensure the moral development of an athlete. So, the athlete wrestler will be cool, fearless and organized.

However, compare these two sports is still worth it.



Freestyle wrestling

Developed physical qualities

Endurance, coordination, body control

Strength flexibility

The presence of pain techniques

there is


How well suited for self defense

Excellent. Based on army self defense techniques

Weak, because it has a bunch of rules that do not allow harm to the opponent

Risk of injury

Medium (for example, lower than boxing or kickboxing)



Not an Olympic sport, few clubs and federations

Olympic sport, a huge number of clubs, schools and federations

The age from which to practice this discipline

7-8 years

10-12 years

Thus, if we talk about the development of physical qualities, then Sambo is for self-defense, and wrestling is for increasing strength and flexibility. However, both of these sports involve hard training.

As a result, the athlete must have a desire to engage in one or another martial art. Otherwise, training and classes will be skipped, and the effect will be zero. Choosing a martial art for yourself, it is worth determining what you want to do more. And for a child, first it is advisable to talk with his son or daughter, talking about each discipline or even reducing them to demonstration competitions.

In addition, it is important to take into account the age of the child. Children up to 10 years old can be sent to strength training, but it is better to teach self-defense and pain techniques after the age of ten.

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