Comparing Glycine and Glycine Forte are important differences.

Stress and its consequences greatly affect health, interfering with a full-fledged life with all its joys. It is not necessary to tolerate it, because there are many effective means that help the body cope with stressful situations with minimal loss to health. In this regard, we have disassembled two drugs-analogue for improving brain activity and are ready to tell you how Glycine differs from Glycine Forte and what is better to choose.

Glycine - features


Immediately it is worth noting that the means Glycine and Glycine Forte are distinguished by their composition. The first preparation contains amino acids and excipients - magnesium stearate, methylcellulose. Glycine Forte is a dietary supplement, a dietary supplement that also contains B vitamins that are useful for brain activity, namely B1, B6 and B12. Their action is aimed at increasing mental alertness and normalizing sleep.

Means Glycine comes in the form of tablets that have a sweetish taste. They need to dissolve under the tongue. Active ingredients quickly penetrate through the mucous membrane, which provides a quick effect. However, the drug belongs to the prolonged, that is, you need to take it in a certain course.

This is a drug group of nootropics and psychoactive substances. Nootropic drugs are agents that activate metabolic processes in the nervous system and improve thought processes. Such tools are used for people with neurological disorders and for their prevention.

Some scientists believe that nootropic drugs are useless. Good reviews and positive dynamics are associated with the placebo effect. Abroad, where large-scale research is regularly conducted, such tools are no longer considered medicinal and have been used as dietary supplements.

Glycine Forte - features

Glycine Forte

The tool is also available in pleasant-to-taste tablets. In its composition there are vitamins of group B, which have a positive effect on the nervous system and activate the natural forces of the body to increase resistance.

The use of tablets helps the body in the following:

  1. normalize sleep, get rid of insomnia;

  2. reduce mental and nervous tension;

  3. improve mental performance.

They are easy to use, due to the sweet taste they are easy to give to children. The effect is achieved almost immediately after resorption, because nutrients penetrate the mucous membrane the fastest.

Components in the composition and features of their actions:

  1. Amino acid glycine - its deficiency in the body causes constant fatigue, emotional stress, therefore replenishment in the form of tablets helps protect the nervous system from negative external factors, the psyche becomes stronger, brain function improves;

  2. B1 - important for normal functioning of the nervous system, improves mental performance, improves the perception of information, contributes to mental activity and cognitive activity;

  3. B6 - improves brain function, is important for the prevention of drowsiness, irritability and inhibition, contributes to a better absorption of other vitamins of this group;

  4. B12 - needed for the natural renewal of cells of the nervous system, improves concentration, prevents irritability, its deficiency can cause serious changes in the structure of the nervous system.

Despite the fact that the drug is very useful for the brain and the entire nervous system, they should not be abused. Take the pill should be recommended by a doctor.

Indications for use

Both drugs are effective for the normalization of the brain in the face of stress. This does not apply to cases when serious pathological processes of the organs of the central and peripheral systems occur, but even then the means can be used as ancillary. The pills have many indications, they can be administered to children, adults and the elderly, as well as pregnant women and women during breastfeeding.

Glycine is effectively used for the following indications:

  1. frequent stress and nervous tension;

  2. sleep problems, insomnia, frequent nightly awakenings;

  3. vascular dystonia;

  4. traumatic brain injury;

  5. conditions that are accompanied by a violation of cerebral circulation;

  6. intrauterine disorders of the nervous system;

  7. alcoholic delirium;

  8. hypertensive encephalopathy;

  9. stuttering in a child;

  10. head injuries of different types;

  11. affective respiratory syndrome at an early age;

  12. hyperactivity and deviant behavior in children;

  13. suffered ischemic stroke;

  14. encephalopathy.

Glycine Forte with a high content of the main active ingredient also helps to cope with increased irritability and loss of strength. The tool without obstacles can be assigned to young children and the elderly to improve the psycho-emotional state.

Contraindications and possible adverse reactions

There are practically no restrictions on the use of these products. Glycine Forte, in turn, is not recommended to be used independently during pregnancy. You must first consult with your doctor.

The most serious contraindication to the use of tablets is the intolerance of the components in the composition.

The side effects of drugs are also few. Extremely rarely can occur neurological phenomena in the form of drowsiness, lethargy. Even less often, a decrease in blood pressure may be observed. Psychomotor reactions and attention to drugs do not affect, so they can be taken by drivers and people engaged in potentially hazardous activities.

There is a very low probability of developing the following complications from taking Glycine:

  1. Quincke edema when swelling of the face, larynx, lips occurs, which interferes with normal breathing;

  2. allergic symptoms in the form of rash, itching, urticaria, rhinitis;

  3. difficulty breathing against the background of a sharp narrowing of the upper respiratory system;

  4. reduction of blood pressure with the resulting symptoms;

  5. dyspeptic symptoms, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea;

  6. cyanosis or pallor of the skin.

An overdose of the amino acid in the composition of the drugs is almost impossible. It is quickly neutralized by liver cells without posing a threat to health. The substance is deactivated and transformed into carbon dioxide and water.

The amino acid in the composition is a natural substance for the body, so it does not accumulate in the tissues and is quickly eliminated from the body without undesirable consequences.

It should be noted that when used simultaneously with antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and antipsychotics, their activity decreases. When there is a need to combine several drugs, the possibility of this needs to be checked with the doctor.

Dosing and Administration

Supplements recommended to take 1-2 pieces every day, divided into 2 doses. Approximate course - 30 days.The tool does not cause dependence and can be canceled at any time if necessary. The course can be reduced and increase depending on the state of health.

In case of ischemic stroke, it is recommended to use Glycine 10 tablets per day for a week, then 3 pieces for one more month. With toxic encephalopathy and alcohol dependence, a course of one month is prescribed, 2-3 tablets per day.

For children, the remedy is recommended 2 tablets 2-3 times a day for 2-4 weeks with deviant behavior and decreased performance. Up to 3 years of age, the maximum single dose should not exceed 50 mg.

Features of the use of tablets Glycine for various disorders:

  1. With the preventive purpose to improve brain activity, memory, concentration of attention - 100 mg up to 3 times within 15-30 days;

  2. with organic and functional disorders of the brain, poor sleep, irritability, mood changes, excessive excitability - 100 mg up to 3 times for 7-14 days with the possibility to prolong the course if necessary;

  3. effects of ischemic stroke - 1 g for the first 6 hours, after 200 mg 3 times during the month;

  4. encephalopathy, in narcological practice - 100 mg up to 3 times a month, the course of therapy is repeated from 3 to 6 times a year.

When a baby needs glycine, a mother can take it. Amino acid enters the breast milk and enters the body of the child.

Key differences and similarities

Oddly enough, but the drugs Glycine and Glycine Forte belong to different pharmacological groups. The first is a nootropic drug that enhances mental performance, the second is a dietary supplement.

The similarities of the drugs in that they have a similar active ingredient, are available in lozenges, and are produced in Russia.

The drug with the prefix "Forte" composition richer. In addition, it contains 3 times more amino acids than in the standard of the same name.

Strongly distinguishes the means and cost. For 60 tablets of Glycine Forte you need to pay about 150 rubles, for 50 tablets of Glycine - from 30 rubles.

Features of drugs - the differences and similarities:



Main action

Side effects

Duration of use


From 30 rubles for 50 tablets


Reverse effect on overdose

2-4 weeks or more

Glycine Forte

From 150 rubles for 60 tablets

Enhance mental capacity and improve sleep quality

Drowsiness, apathy, lethargy, general weakness

3-4 weeks or more

Ordinary Glycine copes with its task no worse than an improved drug, so it’s not necessary to abandon it in favor of the “best”. Different components in the composition cause a diverse effect, which is taken into account when choosing a product.

In fact, these funds can not be compared, since one is a drug, and the other is a biologically active additive. Glycine will be optimal for eliminating the effects of stress and nervous system disorders, while Glycine Forte can be a good preventive drug. For the correct choice should consult a doctor.

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