Comparison of drugs Berlition and Octolipen. Determine the best.

When choosing an antioxidant drug, the question arises, on what to stop, if the means are almost the same. Of course, the doctor should prescribe it after a thorough examination. But for review, we have disassembled the popular tools of this group and are ready to share information that will help to understand which is better - Berlition or Octolipen.

Effect of funds and composition

Berlition is a hepatoprotective and antioxidant agent with a lipid-lowering property. Its action is aimed at reducing the content of glucose and the elimination of "harmful" lipids that are in the blood. Its main component is thioctic acid. The latter is located in almost all organs and is important for their normal functioning.

Thioctic acid is a strong antioxidant. It reduces the negative effects of toxic substances on the body. It protects the liver and improves its function.

Octolipen is a metabolic drug, an endogenous antioxidant. Its main effect is on the binding of radicals. The active component is the same - thioctic acid. The drug not only reduces glucose, but also increases the glycogen content.

Thioctic acid has proven itself in the treatment of diabetes. It enhances the action of hypoglycemic insulin. Clinical studies have confirmed an improvement in nerve conduction in diabetic neuropathy after a monthly course of use of the substance.

Berlition - drug features


German-made Berlition is available in tablets and solution. One pack contains 5, 10, 20 ampoules. There is Berlition 600 - 24 ml and Berlition 300 - 12 ml. Tablets of 300 mg are sold in blisters, in their packaging can be 3, 6, 10 and 10 pieces.

Doctors say that it is better to use it in the form of injections, because it increases the bioavailability. This does not mean that the pills have less effect, but they will have to take more, waiting for the effect a little longer.

It is especially often prescribed for such conditions as hypotension, diabetes, obesity. The drug not only normalizes blood sugar, but also helps to lose weight.

However, studies at Yale University in the United States have shown that thioctic acid has little effect on body mass index, so for this purpose it is not rational to use it. It may be part of therapy, but by itself it will not be able to give a long-term perspective of maintaining a normal body weight.

Octolipen - features of the drug


Octolipen is produced by a domestic manufacturer. You can buy it in the form of capsules, concentrate for injections and tablets. It belongs to the vitamin-like. The drug copes well with the regulation of the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.

The difference of Octolipen is that it has only 2 indications for use, namely alcohol and diabetic polyneuropathy. The conditions are characterized by damage to the nerves against the background of diabetes and alcohol dependence.

The essence of Octolipen is to reduce the negative effects of radicals on cells. The drug is similar in properties to vitamin B.We can say that it slows down cell aging.

The drug acts as a regulator of lipid metabolism. It activates the metabolism of cholesterol, improves the functional ability of the liver. The drug in the form of a solution for infusion is used in stationary conditions. Tablets are prescribed for use at home.

Important! In no case can this antioxidant be combined with alcoholic beverages. Also during the course of treatment is not recommended to use dairy products.

Indications and Contraindications

Berlition has several positive actions, which leads to a wide list of indications for its use. He is able to improve the general condition of the patient.

Indications for use of antioxidant Berlition:

  1. degenerative changes of the spine of any localization, in particular, protrusion, osteochondrosis, the risk of a hernia of an intervertebral disk;

  2. cirrhosis, hepatitis;

  3. polyneuropathy of diabetic origin;

  4. toxic poisoning by various substances;

  5. chronic intoxication on the background of heavy metal poisoning.

In Octolipen, as already noted, there is little evidence - alcoholic and diabetic polyneuropathy. But he has more contraindications. Means Octolipen can not be used during pregnancy, up to 18 years, in the case of hypersensitivity to the components in the composition and during breastfeeding.

Berlitsion has the following contraindications:

  1. minority;

  2. breastfeeding and gestation period;

  3. hypersensitivity to the components in the composition;

  4. lactose intolerance.

Important! Contraindications and prescriptions are treated by a doctor individually. You can not make a decision about the start of the medication alone, as you need to follow a certain dosage depending on the course of the disease and the general condition.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, these antioxidants are not prescribed due to the lack of clinical data, which is confirmed by their safety for these categories of patients.

Dosing and Administration

The drug Berlition taken orally 300-600 mg up to 2 times a day. This is the standard dosage and may be changed by the attending physician. In severe forms of the disease, the agent is administered intravenously in 300-600 mg The course of treatment can last up to 30 days. After primary therapy, maintenance may continue. Antioxidant continues to enter already in a lower dosage - 300 mg per day.

An overdose is possible, in which the following symptoms occur:

  1. severe headache;

  2. nausea and vomiting;

  3. change of consciousness;

  4. psychomotor agitation;

  5. convulsions;

  6. appearance of lactic acidosis.

If intoxication and overdose is suspected, urgent hospitalization is necessary. For first aid, gastric lavage should be performed and activated carbon should be given to the injured person (at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight).

Octolipen tablets should be drunk on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. The standard dosage is 600 mg. An approximate course of therapy is up to 90 days. Treatment may continue depending on the condition of the patient.

Intravenous administration is indicated in severe conditions. The treatment lasts up to 4 weeks.

An overdose is possible with the following symptoms:

  1. vomiting;

  2. Strong headache;

  3. nausea.

Symptomatic therapy is used to eliminate unwanted symptoms. There is no specific antidote for overdose.

Opinion of doctors and patients

Experts note that the difference between drugs is not large. The composition, release form, effects are the same. It should be borne in mind that the doctor can only choose a medicine after conducting a series of studies. Some auxiliary components of drugs may not be tolerated by individual patients, which also affects the choice of means.

The German drug is more expensive, so many believe that you should not overpay for the same effect. But there is another opinion that the more expensive the means, the more effective it is.

Side effect comparison

There are a lot of side effects in Berlithion, but they are potential and rarely occur. In Octolipen their less, but they are noted more often. In this case, we can say that everyone should be taken with caution, given the likely risks that increase while ignoring the recommendations of the doctor.

What are the possible side effects of the drug Berlition:

  1. nausea with frequent urge to vomit;

  2. increased bleeding;

  3. convulsive contractions;

  4. shortness of breath and other breathing problems;

  5. painful sensations in the area of ​​administration;

  6. allergic symptoms - rash, itching, redness;

  7. dizziness and sweating with a decrease in glucose;

  8. increased intracranial pressure, which manifests itself with heaviness in the head;

  9. point hemorrhages, hemorrhagic rash;

  10. change in taste.

When taking Octolipen there is a risk of such adverse events as dyspepsia, allergies and manifestations of hypoglycemia. With the simultaneous use of alcohol therapeutic effect of thioctic acid is significantly reduced. This can lead to poor health.

Drug prices

In terms of cost, the domestic drug wins. The price of Octolipen is on average from 330 rubles to 750 rubles, depending on the number of tablets and ampoules in a package.

The cost of Berlition, the German drug starts at 560 rubles. Tablets 300 mg number 30 can be bought for 750 rubles, 600 mg ampoules in the amount of 5 pieces - for 860 rubles.

So, what is better - Berlition or Octolipen?

Comparison of compositions, actions, side effects and contraindications shows that both drugs are not without drawbacks. If you focus on the cost, it is better to choose domestic, and when you need to conduct a comprehensive treatment of the liver, it will be optimal to stop at a foreign one. But it is relative, depends on the state of health and not only.

To make the right choice, it is better to consult with several doctors, then it will become clear which remedy is more popular for treating a particular disease. It may be that one drug is ineffective and causes side effects, then another medicine may be recommended.

Due to the fact that these are drugs that the doctor chooses, we cannot single out the best and the worst, because these concepts are relative in this case. Do not forget about the importance of consulting a specialist and the risks of self-treatment.

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