Rating of the best wobblers on asp

Rating of the best wobblers on asp

Nomination a place Name of product price
Rating of the best wobblers on asp      1 Zip Baits RIGGE 56          1 070 ₽
     2 Rapala husky jerk          567 ₽
     3 Nils Master Haka          890 ₽
     4 Salmo thril          362 ₽
     5 RAPALA Tail Dancer Deep TDD11-PEL          714 ₽
     6 Lucky Craft Flat CB MR          986 ₽

Zip Baits RIGGE 56

Rating 4.9

Zip Baits RIGGE 56

The legendary Zip Baits RIGGE 56 series is a fusion of very successful characteristics and phenomenal catchiness, before which other models seem just stout wobblers. A typical minnow with a small dorsal crotch has a length of 5.6 centimeters, and, most remarkable, a weight of 2.8 grams symmetrical to this. Because of the work on the horizons of depth from 0.5 to 1 meter, it is able to hunt not only the asp, but also a huge number of other predators: ide, chub, perch, rainbow trout, etc.

According to consumers, Zip Baits RIGGE 56 is distinguished by its versatility in terms of fishing conditions, freely feeling both in the current and in standing water. Unfortunately for newbies and budget-minded anglers, the legendary wobbler has an appropriate value, which is why it is used primarily by professionals.


  • the widest range of colors for any water bodies and preferences;

  • high efficiency when fishing for various types of fish (from asp to trout);

  • working depth horizon (from 0.5 to 1 meter);

  • equally useful when fishing in streams and in stagnant water.


  • high price.

Rapala husky jerk

Rating 4.8

Rapala husky jerk

The next line of the rating goes to a series of standard minnows from the Latvian company Rapala. Husky Jerk is a line of suspenders retaining an intermediate position in the water layer (at a depth of 1.2-2.4 meters), regardless of the type of wiring. The main feature of these cranks is in the position of the front blade, which is located under the head of the fish and creates additional drag to the flow. They are perfectly “lost” in a flock of fry, from which they represent the greatest danger to predators.

Concerning the use of Rapala Husky Jerk among consumers there is a resonant opinion. Professional anglers are pleased with the wave of both the technical aspects and the behavior of the wobbler in the water. For newbies, it turned out to be difficult to master, indicating that it was sharpened by skill users.


  • optimal depth of fishing (from 1.2 to 2.4 meters);

  • a wide range of models in the lineup;

  • abundance of color schemes for various fishing conditions.


  • Difficult to learn for beginners.

Nils Master Haka

Rating 4.7

Nils Master Haka

A series of ultra light wobblers of quick penetration, which won a place in the ranking by the possibility of catching a huge number of different types of predators. Depending on the modernization and the field of fishing, they can be used to catch perch, zander, salmon, pike and asp. The 5 cm model is capable of diving to a depth of 2.5 meters, where it works stably regardless of the type of wiring. In turn, the second (and last) model for 7 centimeters has a working horizon within 5 meters - ideal for luring the asp.

In general, consumers are satisfied with the work of Nils Master Haka. The small fish lures the predator not only with an interesting game, but also with a change of position at the depth, coupled with an acoustic wave from the dissection of the water column.The triple effect triples the catch rate, and consumers confirm this statement with their example.


  • suitable for catching a predator of various types (from pike and perch to salmon and asp);

  • abundance of colors for any conditions;

  • stable work on the depth horizon from 0 to 5 meters.


  • not found.

Salmo thril

Rating 4.7

Salmo thril

The famous series of wobblers from one of the strongest manufacturers in the fishing segment, which began production in 2007. The first appearance of Salmo Thrill on the store shelves caused serious skepticism from anglers, dictated by the visual design features of the fish. First, they lacked a variety of colors: the three basic combinations with the prevailing silver can not be called a big choice. Secondly, confused weight characteristics of all models of the line. The 7-centimeter fish of the TH7S weighed a decent 12 grams, and the 9-centimeter TH9 - all 22, which in no way matched the ability to maintain a subsurface level of penetration.

Fortunately for the series, among the anglers were brave souls who decided to break in the bait in the harshest fishing conditions. And they did it: from the first season, the wobbler showed phenomenal catchiness, shutting up former competitors in the bosom. However, in the hunt for the asp, the real competition to Thrill to this day can be only a few.


  • high degree of popularity among consumers;

  • optimal depth range for catching asp (from 0.5 to 5 meters);

  • good flight performance;

  • precise detail of the body of the fish.


  • scarcity of coloring options.

RAPALA Tail Dancer Deep TDD11-PEL

Rating 4.6

RAPALA Tail Dancer Deep TDD11-PEL

A catchy wobbler such as minnow, caught in the rating due to its high efficiency and demand among domestic fishermen. Focuses on capturing the trophy predator from a great depth, which is clearly confirmed by the 11-centimeter body performance and the depth characteristics (from 4.5 to 9 meters). It has an expressive game and enhanced vibroacoustic effect from a curved elongated blade, which makes it possible to lift from the bottom of even the most sluggish and lazy predator (very important when catching asp).

Among other advantages of RAPALA Tail Dancer Deep TDD11-PEL, consumers also distinguish a wide range of colors suitable for various fishing conditions. Balancing also leaves a pleasant impression - it is thanks to her that the 22-gram wobbler is great for long-distance casts.


  • wide range of burial horizon;

  • relatively low cost;

  • good balancing and optimal weight for long casting (22 grams);

  • luring ability.


  • not found.

Lucky Craft Flat CB MR

Rating 4.5

Lucky Craft Flat CB MR

The production of these cranks is based on long-term research in the field of fishing with cranks, carried out with the aim of maximizing operational conditions. Their main feature lies in the flattened geometry of the body, optimizing the oscillatory processes during wiring. Combining these constructive nuances, Lucky Craft Flat CB MR perfectly adapts to catching very selective asp. The 6-centimeter fish is able to work on the horizon of depths up to 1.2 meters, luring the predator into an expressive game. Balancing a wobbler, in turn, adds realism to all movements, but at the same time slightly prevents long-distance casting.

Contrary to price conditions, Lucky Craft Flat CB MR is very popular in the circles of beginners and amateurs, rather than professional anglers (against their deep-sea "brothers"). This is an excellent wobbler for spinning fishing, showing stable performance on any water bodies.


  • manufacturability and versatility;

  • realistic imitation of the movement of a small fish;

  • increased demand from amateurs and beginners from fishing.


  • flight performance is poor.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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