11 best lice products
Lice are ectoparasites (inhabiting the outside, unlike helminths), and have existed together with the human race for tens of thousands of years. Only in the last hundred years, due to the intensive development of medicine, the general increase in the level of well-being, has it become possible to attribute the lumpiness to a bright sign of social distress, poverty and poor sanitation. But this was not always the case. For many centuries, especially in the Middle Ages, lice were considered to be perfectly normal human companions, just like fleas and rats. They were even welcomed, as they were clear evidence of the mortification of the flesh, and, therefore, helped surround the devotee with an areola of holiness.
For these millennia of lice existence nothing important has happened in their biology. Three types of lice parasitize a person, just like many centuries ago. This is a head louse that settles on the head; pubic lice, which parasitizes the armpits and genitals. A little to the side is a clothes louse, which lives in clothes, and temporarily separated from its “breadwinner”, for example, at night. It is the youngest and therefore “advanced” type of louse, which is capable of relative autonomy.
These types of lice can not change their location, because an adult louse of any kind on the legs has a special mechanism for fixing on the substrate - hair or fabric - a kind of claw for its girth. As you know, the hair on the head and pubic hair are of different thickness, and the louse simply cannot hold on to another place in the human body, because the claw fits the hair type like a key to the lock.
Lice are dioecious and lay their eggs, which they stick to the hair. These eggs are called nits, and such hair, completely covered with nits, can be easily distinguished by swiping with your fingers. One gets the impression that small, tightly-fitting beads are strung all over the hair. Nits, in contrast to adults, are much less sensitive to the means of pediculosis (this is the second, the scientific name for stitching).
Therefore, among the preparations for the destruction of lice and nits, mechanical tools, or special combs with very narrow teeth, are considered to be extremely effective means.
Therefore, at the end of our ranking, we will look at chemicals designed to kill adult lice and their eggs (shampoos, sprays, lotions and emulsions, creams and gels), which are insecticides and acaricides, and then we will also consider combs, which must used as part of a complex treatment of this unpleasant parasitosis.
Top lice cleaner rating
Nomination | a place | Name of product | price |
The best pediculosis shampoos (lice) | 1 | Paranit | 331 ₽ |
2 | Parasidosis | 250 ₽ | |
3 | Pedikulen Ultra | 145 ₽ | |
The best lice sprays and sprays | 1 | Nuda spray | 485 ₽ |
2 | Full Marks | 341 ₽ | |
3 | Avalanche | 1 250 ₽ | |
The best liquid preparations for pediculosis (lice) | 1 | Medifox (permethrin) | 126 ₽ |
2 | Avicin | 1 400 ₽ | |
3 | Medilis - super | 250 ₽ | |
Top crests against lice | 1 | Anti v | 1 200 ₽ |
2 | Nit free | 990 ₽ | |
Conclusion or basic principles of lice control |
The best pediculosis shampoos (lice)
At the beginning of the 20th century, a radical remedy for eliminating head lice was shaving the head. Now, due to the progress of pharmaceutical chemistry, this measure is unnecessary. Even if a person has lush and thick hair, it is not at all necessary to eliminate them. A variety of lice shampoos are available, with which you can achieve with proper diligence and compliance with instructions for the complete destruction of not only lice, but in some cases even more resistant nits, although the latter are destroyed with great difficulty only when used.
This arises from the fact that lice shampoos are often designed for use in children, and therefore insecticides of relatively low concentration are present in their composition. More effective are emulsions, concentrates and lotions. Consider the most popular shampoos for the treatment of lice.
Rating: 4.9
Paranit is highly effective not only against lice, but also from nits. It is a liquid without color, having a viscous consistency and a specific, but rather pleasant smell. Paranit does not contain an insecticide, and therefore can be used not only adults, but also in children, even from the first year of life. The active ingredient of paronite is a special substance called clearol. It belongs to the class of oils of organic origin. Clearol acts mechanically on the lice, blocking the respiratory holes on the body surface of adult insects, which leads to oxygen starvation and subsequent suffocation, because it is known that insects do not have lungs, but breathes through special holes - the trachea. On nits, which are protected by a hard shell, clearol acts in the same way, because the eggs need gas exchange to form the embryo. In addition to the occurrence of oxygen starvation in insect embryos, clearol prevents the exchange of fluid between the tissues of the egg and the surrounding air, which leads to toxicosis, or drying, and the death of nits.
In accordance with the instructions, you can only wash insect-infested hair with Paranite, and not apply it on exposed skin. To achieve the desired effect, the shampoo must be left for at least 10 minutes. Then a small amount of water is added, a foam is formed and washed off with water. After that, a special comb is taken, and the hair, divided into strands, is gently combed, and after combing, the comb is cleaned on a white napkin or cloth to control the quality of the combing.
Usually paranit can be used with a slight flush once, but if desired, the washing procedure can be repeated after a week. The Belgian company Medgenix Benilux produces this shampoo, and you can buy 200 ml of shampoo with a comb for 780 rubles.
Advantages and disadvantages
The biggest advantage of Paranita is the lack of toxicity, which allows the use of this tool, starting from early childhood in the presence of lice. Paranit can also be produced not only in the form of a shampoo, but also in the form of a spray for application to hair, lotion and even in the form of a conditioning shampoo, the effect of which is stronger and more lasting. It is very important that the drug acts for 10 minutes, causing suffocation in insects and the death of eggs. Manufacturers are confident in the effectiveness of this tool, arguing that re-carrying out the procedure with a guarantee destroys all lice. This tool is quite economical. If you fully use one bottle, then it can be enough for up to 6-8 procedures, depending on the state of curl, thickness and length of hair. Thus, one treatment can cost less than 100 rubles, and given the fact that it can completely cure pediculosis, this drug can be put on the leading position in the rating of funds for lice.
Rating: 4.8
This tool, unlike the previous one, is a real insecticide containing phenotrin, a derivative of a pyrethroid group. It acts neurotoxicly, disrupting the metabolism in the neurons of adults, as well as larvae, and leads them to death. Shampoo is applied twice a day. Apply the shampoo to wet hair, rub it in carefully, then it is necessary to stand the shampoo on wet hair for 5 minutes, rinse, and carefully comb it out with a comb. In addition to the insecticidal action, shampoo facilitates the mechanical removal of nits, dissolving the biological glue with which louses attach their eggs to the hair. One pack of shampoo, with a volume of 100 ml will cost 380 rubles. Launches Parazidoz French company "Gilbert Laboratories."
Advantages and disadvantages
The biggest disadvantage of this tool is the effect of insecticide only on adult forms, and on their larval stages. Parasidosis does not affect nits; it only facilitates their removal. Therefore, in the event that nits too much, then you need to use another shampoo. There are contraindications to the application of Parasidosis. These are increased skin sensitivity, individual intolerance, scratches and abrasions on the scalp. This shampoo is contraindicated in children who are under the age of 2.5 months. It is not recommended to wash your hair with shampoo for pregnant and lactating women. Parasidosis is available in the form of a lotion and spray. The lotion can be used in pregnant women, in combination with combing.
Pedikulen Ultra
Rating: 4.7
Pediculen Ultra is a human-friendly shampoo because it does not contain insecticides. The active ingredient is petroleum jelly, in combination with a perfume and perfume composition. The effect of shampoo is reduced to the enveloping effect on adult lice, the termination of oxygen in their body. At the same time it affects the nits, which, although they do not die, but the mechanical ones are easily separated from the hair upon subsequent combing.
This shampoo can be used in children from the age of three. Pediculen Ultra is applied, unlike previous shampoos, on dry hair, while the agent must be especially carefully rubbed into the roots. In that case, if the hair is too long, it is necessary to treat them with individual strands. The exposure time of the shampoo is quite long - 3 hours. Then you need to perform a thorough combing procedure with a comb, and then wash your hair with warm water. Repeat the procedure can be carried out in a week. Shampoo produces Pedikulen Ultra domestic company LLC Dina, and the cost of 200 ml of shampoo is from 430 rubles.
Advantages and disadvantages
The main disadvantage of Pediculenus is exactly the same as that of Parasitosis. Chemically, it does not destroy nits, and therefore it will be required to reapply the shampoo on the hair. In rare cases, itching and irritation may occur on the scalp. Contraindications include children's age up to 3 years, and damage to the skin of the head. On the other hand, this product has clinically proven efficacy in relation to adult forms of lice, and therefore, in the presence of a large number of adult insects, we can safely recommend treating the head with this shampoo.
The best lice sprays and sprays
Means that are sprayed onto the hair are much simpler to use, do not require a person to be in the bathroom for a long time to expose, do not wet the hair, and rarely cause side effects. But substances sprayed in an aerosol form are effective only with a minor infection, or if lice is suspected, for example, when visiting places with poor sanitary conditions and with close contact with sick people. It is known that lice can not like fleas, jump from one person to another. In order to get infected, you need a really close bodily contact, or use of the same bedding.
Nuda spray
Rating: 4.9
Spray Nuda is one of the most well-known effective drugs for spraying with anti-pediculosis action. This spray contains dimethicone. This compound is not in itself a harmful insecticidal preparation, its action is based on physical factors, and dimethicone itself belongs to silicon-containing lubricants. Being applied to the hair, hitting the surface of the body of insects, it sticks to them and, just like the previous preparations, leads to their death from suffocation. It is indicated for use in the destruction of adult lice, their larvae, and nits, and can be used from the age of three on children.
Spray need now to dry hair that has been pre-combed, and divided into strands. This is necessary so that the tool could be applied to almost every hair, scalp, and roots until they are fully moisturized. The kit also includes a special plastic comb, which is used not for combing, but for applying and distributing the preparation. After the spray has been applied, you need to leave it for 45 minutes, during which you can do the usual things. After that, you should carefully, with the use of a special comb, comb out the hair with the inspection, and then wash your hair with any ordinary shampoo. This drug is consumed quite intensively, about one half of the bottle is required for one treatment. One 50 ml bottle can be purchased at a pharmacy, starting at 528 rubles. The German company G. Pohl-Boskamp GmbH produces the Nydu spray.
Advantages and disadvantages
The great advantage of this spray is the ease of application, no need to wet the hair, the disastrous effect of the drug on the lice eggs. However, it is contraindicated for use in children under the age of three, in pregnant women and during lactation. Contraindications exist not because special reactions may occur in children and pregnant women, but due to the fact that large-scale and expensive clinical trials have simply not been conducted. Application of the product in the vicinity of an open flame should be avoided, since some components of this spray are easily ignited. But in the event that all the conditions of the instruction are carefully observed, then this spray really effectively destroys all possible forms of lice, and rightfully occupies a worthy place in the rating of anti-pediculosis drugs.
Full Marks
Rating: 4.8
Full Marks is also a highly effective drug that destroys lice and nits, is available in the form of a spray with a volume of 150 ml, and in the form of a solution. Just like the previous drug Nuda, Full Marx is a derivative of organosilicon compounds, it contains cyclomethicone. This tool contributes not only to blocking the respiratory openings of insects and their larvae, but also prevents water molecules from entering the lice tissue. As a result, Full Marx is a dual mechanism of action, leading to suffocation and dehydration.
Spray is applied to dry hair, previously separated with a comb into strands if necessary. The tool should be applied as carefully as possible over the entire length, including the roots, the exposure time - 10 minutes. If everything is done correctly, and the subsequent combing was carried out carefully and carefully, then the second treatment may not be necessary. To remove cyclomethicone from the hair after the procedure, it is sometimes necessary to wash the head twice with any shampoo.
Advantages and disadvantages
The great advantage of this tool is the lack of development of addiction to it in insects, and the impossibility of changing the genetic code by mutations, since no chemicals are used. It is not possible to change the respiration mechanism with the help of mutations and acquire the ability to fully exist without water.In some cases, individual intolerance may occur with the development of an allergic reaction, which consists in itching and redness of the scalp. But usually, after the end of the procedure and thorough washing with baby shampoo, all the unpleasant feelings disappear. This drug can be used in all people older than 5 years, including pregnant and lactating women. The manufacturer emphasizes that persons suffering from various forms of bronchial asthma can use this drug without any restrictions.
Rating: 4.7
The effect of this spray for the destruction of lice and nits is based on physical principles, and consists of natural oils of lavender and ylang-ylang. These oils exhibit an ovicidal and pediculicidal effect, that is, they act on both eggs and adults. In addition, the application allows you to loosen and dissolve the glue, with which the nits are fixed on the hair, which facilitates subsequent combing.
The spray is shown in adults and in children from 2 years old, and in each package a special comb for subsequent combing is also included, and a special cap. After stirring the spray, Lavinal is applied to dry hair, also wetting them to the roots, then you need to wait half an hour in a special protective cap (attached, as well as the comb), and wash the hair with warm water. Then the head is washed with shampoo, and after it is washed off, thoroughly comb the wet hair with a comb.
The manufacturer of the product recommends that it is necessary to process all those items with which the infected patient could come into contact. These include things, toys, hairbrushes and hats, bedding and collars. Of course, it is theoretically possible that adult insects, and even more so, individual nits can be found on these items, but still this can be seen as the interest of manufacturers in the increased consumption of the drug, which will lead to an increase in sales. Lavinal is produced by the same Ukrainian company, and it can be purchased at a price of 260 rubles.
Advantages and disadvantages
Essential oil of lavender and ylang-ylang have an antiseptic and additionally anti-inflammatory effect, beneficial effect on the scalp. Therefore, even with a single use of this drug, the symptoms of irritation weaken, the pain that develops after prolonged combing bites, allergic rashes associated with the body's response to louse saliva are reduced.
The avalanche is indicated for use in pregnant and lactating women, it can be used by patients with chronic liver and kidney diseases, there are no contraindications for the use of the avalanche in these conditions. Also, lavender essential oil in folk medicine is used to scare away lice, and therefore Lavinal can be used for prophylaxis if a person is presumed to be at the center of infection, for example, in an unfavorable situation at school or kindergarten. The bottle spray is rather economic, and allows to carry out from 4 to 8 processings.
The best liquid preparations for pediculosis (lice)
As a rule, this group includes fairly concentrated solutions, emulsions and various concentrates that belong to the class of insecticides, which act not on physical, but on chemical principles, paralyzing insects and causing their death. These remedies, as a rule, have more contraindications and more restrictions for use, since they are insecticides.
Medifox (permethrin)
Rating: 4.9
Medfox contains permethrin, which belongs to the pyrethroid insecticides. It is produced in the form of a concentrate from which the emulsion is prepared. In addition to the active substance, the concentrate includes ethyl alcohol, castor oil and butyl acetate. This tool is also used to destroy pubic lice, as well as skin lesions with a scabies tick. This drug will be used after dilution.To do this, take 8 ml of concentrate, which is diluted in a glass of warm boiled water, the volume of a glass is 200 ml. The resulting emulsion is thoroughly mixed, and then applied to wet hair, while the application must be abundant, and the medicine must be rubbed, for example, using a foam or cotton swab. The exposure time is 20 minutes, and then Medifox must be washed off the hair. With the classic and not running form of head lice, one application can be enough to completely get rid of lice. The product is produced in a 24 ml vial by the domestic company Fox and K, and the cost of the product is low: from 90 rubles. per bottle.
Advantages and disadvantages
The obvious advantages of Medifox include the ability to treat pediculosis of another location, to use it in scabies, since permethrin is a broad-spectrum insecticide. Medipox is usually well tolerated, and only occasionally there may be a slight burning sensation at the site of application of the drug. If it is used in the recommended doses and according to the instructions, then for a person this drug is still slightly toxic, not absorbed through the skin, does not cause local irritation symptoms. Medfox is indicated for use in children older than a year. In pregnant women and during breastfeeding, increased caution is recommended.
Rating: 4.8
Avicin is a domestic variant that contains the same permethrin, and, in addition to destroying lice, both head, wardrobe and pubic, is used to eliminate bugs, ants, fleas and other insects. Avicin comes in the form of 0.15% aqueous emulsion, and you first need to prepare a working solution. One volume of the drug is mixed with one hundred volumes of water, or, more precisely, with 99 volumes. Then, the resulting solution should be abundantly moistened with pre-combed hair, apply a scarf, cap, or food film to prevent the solution from draining from the head. The exposure time is 15 minutes, and then the hair is washed with any shampoo. The manufacturer recommends rinsing the hair with weak, 5% vinegar after washing and then combing it with a thick comb. Recommended frequency of treatment once every two weeks. The cost of one liter of funds - 1400 rubles.
Advantages and disadvantages
The disadvantage of Avicin is its release in large volumes, ranging from one liter, and the associated high price. But on the other hand, it is also an advantage for those buyers who suffer from garden or house ants, bed bugs and cockroaches. The advantages include only a single action, the ability to apply with pubic lice and for processing linen. The disadvantages of Avicin include recommendations to apply it, starting only from 5 years of age, the inadmissibility of the treatment of pediculosis in pregnant and lactating women, as well as inconveniences associated with the independent preparation of the working solution. In case of an error, an abnormal, significantly stronger concentration can be obtained, which can lead to scalp burns and a pronounced allergic reaction.
Medilis - super
Rating: 4.7
This tool is an insecticoacaricidal drug, which produces LLC Laboratory Medilis Russia. The active ingredient is 24% fentoin concentrate. He quickly and mercilessly deals with all types of lice, with other insects, with bees and wasps, with flies, their larvae and mosquitoes. The drug is highly active against scabies.
For the treatment of head and pubic lice, you must take 1 ml of concentrate, and dilute it with 83 ml of water. Then the resulting emulsion should be carefully, using a tampon, applied to damp hair and allowed to stand for 20 minutes. Then the hair is washed with any shampoo, rinsed with a 5% solution of table vinegar, and combed with a frequent comb. In order to destroy the lice that are on clothes and underwear, 8.5 ml of concentrate is taken and diluted with 990 ml of water.In the resulting solution soaked things, or irrigate them by spraying. It is worth expensive: 500 ml of the drug will cost 1200 rubles.
Advantages and disadvantages
It would seem that the price - the main drawback. But, given that this means is enough for 55 treatments of clothes, or for 1000 procedures of washing the head, this price can be considered ridiculous. Since the tool is produced in such a large volume, it can be used by organizations for the treatment of premises, with outbreaks of pediculosis and scabies. Since fentoin is a highly active drug, it is not recommended for use in children and adolescents, and it can only be started at 16 years of age. The disadvantages of this tool is also attributed to the impossibility of treating pregnant and lactating women, and the need to prepare ready-made aqueous solutions, and immediately before use.
Top crests against lice
Readers, who carefully studied all the information, probably noticed that the word “carefully” sounded most often in the rankings, regarding rubbing preparations into hair, and regarding subsequent combing. Almost without exception, means like shampoos, sprays, or concentrated emulsions, in any case, required physical removal of the lice by combing them with special combs. The use of special combs is a necessary step for quickly and completely getting rid of lice. Using them, you can remove not only dead insects, but also comb the head lice that are not in the eggs from the surface of the hair and not completely destroyed.
After all, it is known that two or three nits that remained in the hair after treatment will turn into larvae in a few days, and then adult lice will reappear and drink blood. In order to avoid this, it is necessary after the treatment to comb the hair with special combs, the best of which are made of medical steel.
Anti v
Rating: 4.9
One of the best combs, which is specifically designed to combat pediculosis, is the Anti V comb, which can be bought at pharmacies and online stores. It is manufactured by ASISTANCE SRL, and its effectiveness is ensured not only by the presence of very narrow gaps between individual teeth, but also by laser radiation processing of the steel. The result is such a design that freely passes human hair through the crevices, but any, even the most insignificant growth on it, or a single nit, gets stuck between the teeth. Such a highly efficient comb allows you to cope with head lice in some cases from the first time, even without using any special preparations.
Nit free
Rating: 4.8
The analogue of this comb, but a little cheaper, is the special comb Nit Free, which is produced in Argentina. Laser jags, which are applied in abundance on each tooth, as hair passes through them with nits, simply mechanically destroy them and kill future lice. This comb is worth 500 rubles. less, about 1000 rubles, and it can be purchased at pharmacies, but even more likely - in online stores.
Finally, in the event that you cannot purchase a comb separately, then almost every quality product in the form of a shampoo or lice spray that is included in the rating may have a comb in its kit, which is included in the set price, which is why all these drugs with sufficient efficiency are not cheap. The comb can be used separately, in order to prevent, and control treatment.
Conclusion or basic principles of lice control
In conclusion, it is necessary to recall the basic principles of lice control, the non-observance of which will not lead to the desired result, and disappointment even in high-quality preparations will be endless and unfair:
- First of all, any means should be as thoroughly as possible, with excess, applied to the scalp and all hair, without saving.Remember that most modern drugs can destroy lice by a single use, so do not take care of the tool;
- the preparation should be applied evenly, and the exposure time should be maintained according to the instructions;
- An obligatory element is the subsequent combing, with the use of special medical combs, which allow you to remove both dead lice, and not completely destroyed eggs, or nits. Means that are based on physical destruction principles, and do not contain toxic substances, can be used once a week, and combing out - almost daily;
- it is necessary to comb the lice slowly and carefully, in a circle, observing the sequence, and dividing the hair into strands, so as not to miss a single hair, along the entire length;
- after each pass from the beginning of the hair to the end (and in no case in the opposite direction), you need to wipe the comb on the napkin on both sides, inspecting after each pass.
It should not be forgotten that when lice appear in the family, it is necessary to conduct mutual and self-examination (with the help of a comb) of all persons living together, and you should not be shy. If you find at least one lice or nits, you should immediately treat everyone, and if you find lice in a child, be sure to report this to the school or kindergarten medical worker.
Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.