14 best plasters

Plastering mixtures are widely used in the construction industry. If earlier this material was used exclusively for leveling walls and ceilings, today, some formulations are used for decorative finishing. Accordingly, the range of plasters has expanded. Today it is already difficult to find builders who prepare cement-lime mortars themselves. They were replaced by innovative developments that simplify not only the preparation of the solution, but the application and leveling. Once in the building supermarket, a simple man in the street can easily get confused. In order not to be mistaken in the choice of plaster, it is worth getting acquainted with the recommendations of experts.

Criteria for the selection of plaster

  1. First of all, the master must roughly determine the thickness of the leveling layer. Most often, plaster is used to help with a minimum deviation of 3 mm from the ideal. It is possible to plaster large irregularities in several layers, but due to the long drying of the surface, there is a loss of precious time. In this case, you should pay for the maximum permissible thickness of one layer.

  2. When choosing a composition, it is important to consider the type of foundation. If practically any plasters are perfectly combined with concrete bases, then it will be necessary to carefully select a mixture for gypsum-containing bases.

  3. Some types of plaster can be used to prepare the surface for laying tiles, other solutions allow you to create modern decorative surfaces.

  4. Not all plasters retain their qualities equally well in dry rooms and outdoors. If a wide range of compositions is suitable for interior work, it is better to buy products resistant to moisture, frost and ultraviolet light for finishing outdoor bases.

  5. Different plaster and composition. Cement mixtures are good for outdoor work, they are the most affordable. Gypsum plaster dry quickly, their scope of application is usually limited to dry rooms. The most expensive were synthetic compounds. They give the master a wide field of activity.

In our review hit the best plaster. The following criteria were taken into account when compiling the rating:

  1. appointment;

  2. the composition of the product;

  3. price;

  4. expert opinion;

  5. consumer reviews.

Advantages and disadvantages of various types of plasters

Type of plaster




+ low price

+ resistance to atmospheric conditions

+ vapor permeability coating

- used only for base leveling

- insufficient elasticity


+ plasticity

+ quick drying

+ can be used for decorative purposes.

+ thick layer

- afraid of atmospheric exposure

- does not maintain mechanical impact


+ plasticity

+ multifunctionality

+ high adhesion

+ decorative

- high price

- low vapor permeability

- easy to get dirty


Top plasters rating

Nomination a place Name of product Rating
The best cement plasters      1 PLITONIT T1 +          4.9
     2 Knauf Grünband          4.8
     3 Weber.vetonit TT40          4.7
     4 Ceresit CT 29          4.7
     5 Creps Master          4.6
     6 KM Profi with reinforcing fiber          4.5
The best gypsum plaster      1 Knauf Rotband          4.9
     2 Vetonit Profi Gypsum Strengthened (Weber.Vetonit)          4.8
     3 VOLMA Layer          4.8
     4 Ceresit CT 35          4.7
     5 Unis Teplon          4.6
     6 Will base Gipswell          4.5
The best plaster based on synthetic resin      1 Caparol streichputz          4.8
     2 Mapei nivoplan          4.7

The best cement plasters

The main purpose of cement plasters is the alignment of the internal and external bases. After drying, a durable coating is formed that is resistant to water, frost and sunlight. The experts chose several popular compositions in Russia.


Rating: 4.9


PLITONIT T1 + plaster is a cement-containing compound to which water-repellent components and reinforcing fibers are added. Mix can be used for alignment of the internal and external bases. Experts praised the versatility of the application, the plaster is excellently retained on concrete, brick, aerated concrete surfaces. Material deservedly recognized the winner of the rating. It has good adhesion, easy to apply, does not crack after drying.

Finishers positively respond to the viability of the prepared solution (240 minutes), a wide range of thicknesses (from 2 to 30 mm). It is possible to apply plaster manually or by means of mechanization.


  • wide range of thicknesses;

  • low consumption;

  • moisture resistance and plasticity;

  • applied by hand or machine.


  • not found.

Knauf Grünband

Rating: 4.8

Knauf Grünband

Cement plaster Knauf Grunband can be a very profitable option for finishing a house or apartment. The porous structure, which provides polystyrene granules, gives the layer heat-insulating properties. At the same time, experts note the uniformity of composition and ease of application to the substrate. Due to its moisture resistance, the material is successfully used both for interior and exterior. Given all these qualities, the composition is worthy of the second line of our rating. Unlike the winner, the thickness range looks somewhat more modest (10-30 mm).

Professional builders emit another feature of the plaster, it affects the economical expense. To align 1.4 square. m 15 mm thick enough one bag weighing 25 kg.


  • thermal insulation properties;

  • uniformity of composition;

  • moisture resistance;

  • economical consumption.


  • insufficient strength.

Weber.vetonit TT40

Rating: 4.7

Weber.vetonit TT40

Weber.vetonit TT40 cement plaster has universal qualities. It is suitable for leveling concrete, brick, lightweight aggregate and stone foundations. The composition retains its properties, both in heated dry rooms and in street conditions. Apply the solution manually or by machine. The versatility of the product was not ignored by the experts, the plaster was among the top three rankings.

The strengths of the material finishers include a wide range of thicknesses, ranging from 5 mm to 40 mm. After preparation, the master will have 2 hours to work out a solution. For high-quality hardening in dry rooms, it is necessary to moisten the fresh plaster with water for the first 2 days.


  • universality of use;

  • high strength;

  • moisture and frost resistance;

  • large thickness of one layer.


  • badly sticks to the wall.

Ceresit CT 29

Rating: 4.7

Ceresit CT 29

The quality of Ceresit CT 29 cement plaster is so high that in some cases subsequent leveling of the walls or ceiling does not require subsequent filler. To make the cement composition more docile, the manufacturer added reinforcing fibers and polymer additives. Scope of application is a little limited, mix is ​​suitable for alignment of the bases from a brick, concrete or the plastered surfaces. Therefore, the material is located only in the fourth position of the rating.

Finishers use plaster not only to finish the walls and ceiling, but also to form window slopes. Special praise was given to such qualities as efficiency and manufacturability.


  • multifunctionality;

  • smooth surface;

  • suitable for decking.


  • high price;

  • low crack resistance.

Creps Master

Rating: 4.6

Creps Master

Russian Kreps Master plaster is a dry composition of fine sand, cement and plasticizers. It can be used to level walls and ceilings of concrete, brick, aerated concrete, reinforced concrete. Material consumption is 1.5 kg / sq. m with a layer thickness of 1 mm. According to experts, the plaster perfectly kept in dry areas and in outdoor conditions.

Place in the ranking of the composition and provided good reviews finishers. The mixture is convenient in preparation and application, it has excellent adhesion, after drying the layer does not crumble. The plaster quickly hardens, so the master has about 8-10 minutes to apply and level. It is possible to work with the solution both manually and by means of mechanization.


  • excellent adhesion;

  • easy to prepare and apply;

  • durable layer.


  • very quickly the solution dries.


KM Profi with reinforcing fiber

Rating: 4.5

KM Profi with reinforcing fiber

A great combination of availability and quality is noted in cement plaster KM Profi with reinforcing fiber. It clings well to concrete, brick, cement-lime and cellular bases. Strength and elasticity is provided by the reinforcing fiber, the material does not lose its condition in a humid environment and at low temperature. Therefore, plaster deservedly falls into our rating. Only the composition is not suitable for leveling gypsum-containing surfaces.

High quality material is achieved through the use of ingredients such as Portland cement, lime, fine sand. After drying, the layer does not crack, since modifying plasticizers are added to the mixture.


  • easy to prepare and apply;

  • durable layer.


  • poor adhesion;

  • high consumption.

The best gypsum plaster

Plasters on a plaster basis allow not only to level the base, but also to fully prepare the surface for painting or pasting. Best of all, these compounds have proven themselves in interior decoration. The following mixtures are in our rating.

Knauf Rotband

Rating: 4.9

Knauf Rotband

Knauf Rotband plaster has been used by Russian builders for many years. In a variety of comparative tests, this composition invariably falls on the pedestal. Our rating did not become an exception, the experts gave Rotband the laurels of the winner. The basis of the mixture is gypsum, to which polymer components and plasticizers are added. Mix is ​​intended for alignment of walls and ceilings in buildings. At the same time, due to moisture resistance, the material can even be used in baths, bathrooms or kitchens. The solution is perfectly kept on different bases, be it concrete or brick. Layer thickness can vary from 5 to 50 mm.

Professional builders say excellent adhesion, plasticity, quick drying. The advantages of the composition include fire resistance, vapor permeability and environmental friendliness.


  • excellent adhesion;

  • universality of use;

  • high plasticity;

  • environmental friendliness.


  • high price.

Vetonit Profi Gypsum Strengthened (Weber.Vetonit)

Rating: 4.8

Vetonit Profi Gypsum Strengthened (Weber.Vetonit)

Vetonit Profi Gypsum plaster confidently ranked second in the ranking for several reasons. The composition has enhanced adhesion to a wide range of bases, starting with concrete and ending with plaster surfaces. Due to the presence of microfibers and plasticizers in a single pass, a layer up to 50 mm thick can be applied. In addition, these additives prevent the plaster from cracking after drying.

Finishing craftsmen call Vetonit Profi Gypsum the most flexible material. It is easily leveled, and the resulting layer is smooth and uniform. The color of the coating depends on the gypsum, there may be different shades in white.


  • reinforced with microfiber;

  • easy to pounce and level;

  • no cracks are formed during drying;

  • high plasticity.


  • plaster with instant freezing comes across.


Rating: 4.8


Domestic plaster VOLMA Layer is sold at the most attractive price. The composition is based on high-quality gypsum, mineral and chemical components are added to it. The mixture perfectly adheres to the concrete, brick, aerated concrete and plasterboard foundations. The main advantage of this material, according to experts, is the glossy surface of the applied layer. Therefore, often finishers exclude the operation of putty. Plaster hit the top three of the rating also for environmental friendliness, which is confirmed by relevant certificates.

The exceptional purity of the composition allows it to be used in children's and medical institutions. Breathable plaster maintains an optimal indoor microclimate.


  • excellent adhesion;

  • environmental friendliness;

  • exceptional purity of the composition.


  • elasticity is lost 30 minutes after mixing.

Ceresit CT 35

Rating: 4.7

Ceresit CT 35

The quality of building mixtures is well known throughout the post-Soviet space. Decorative plaster Ceresit CT 35 has all the advantages of German-Russian products. The main purpose of the composition is decorative finish of already plastered or previously prepared surfaces. The product can be purchased in different colors. Most often, the masters use the mixture simultaneously with the device of thermal insulation. Take a higher position in the ranking prevented the cost of plaster. And the lifetime of the finished mass is limited to 1 hour.

Builders use materials for finishing the internal and external bases. After drying, the coating becomes resistant to low temperatures and ultraviolet.


  • German quality;

  • there is a choice of color;

  • resistance to low temperatures and ultraviolet.


  • high price;

  • fast hardening.

Unis Teplon

Rating: 4.6

Unis Teplon

The plaster plaster Unis Teplon has one important advantage over its competitors. After drying, the surface acquires a white color. Therefore, after sanding, you can start painting or pasting. Experts note the possibility of applying a thick layer in one pass (up to 50 mm). The scope of application of the composition is limited only to the interior, which influenced the place in the rating. Masters also note the quick setting time of the prepared solution (50 min). But plaster can be applied to the walls not only manually, but also by means of mechanization.

Users in the reviews express satisfaction with the affordable price, economical consumption and understandable instructions for use. Slightly spoils the pleasant impression of poor adhesion.


  • affordable price;

  • white color;

  • large thickness of one layer.


  • poor adhesion;

  • limited scope.

Will base Gipswell

Rating: 4.5

Will base Gipswell

Finishers who use gypsum plaster Founded Gipswell can afford the biggest smoke break. The prepared solution has a viability of 90 minutes. Another advantage allowed us to get material in our rating. This is a record range of the thickness of one layer (3-80 mm). Due to good adhesion, the composition can be applied on concrete, brick, plaster bases. The only limitation is the use in dry heated rooms.

Masters appreciate the condition of the surface after drying. After sanding, you can begin to decorate the walls or ceilings. The consumer will receive all this set of qualities at a reasonable price.


  • duration of viability;

  • wide range of single layer thicknesses;

  • acceptable price.


  • cracks after drying;

  • unstable quality.

The best plaster based on synthetic resin

The most modern types of plasters are compositions based on synthetic resins. Mixtures are easy to prepare, apply and level. Synthetic plasters are often used to decorate walls and ceilings. Here are some quality products.

Caparol streichputz

Rating: 4.8

Caparol Streichputz plaster

High-quality thin-layer and weather-resistant coatings are made possible with Caparol Streichputz matte plaster. The basis of the German composition of steel resins, the material can be diluted with water to the desired consistency. The experts gave the material palm for a wide range of applications. With the help of plastic mass, it is possible not only to level the bases, but also to produce different types of modern finishes (spraying mosaic, imitation of graffiti).

High marks from professional builders have received such qualities of plaster as durability, environmental friendliness, low odor, no cracking after drying. The mixture is easy to apply and level.


  • weather resistance;

  • strength and ductility;

  • environmental friendliness;

  • wide scope.


  • high price.

Mapei nivoplan

Rating: 4.7

Mapei nivoplan

Experts attribute the strong qualities of Mapei Nivoplan synthetic plaster to a reasonable price, good adhesion and high elasticity. Therefore, the composition has proven to be a versatile material that allows not only to align the external and internal bases. With the help of the mixture it is possible to carry out the restoration of the plastered surfaces, to prepare the walls for laying the tiles. The elasticity of the solution combined with good adhesion allows it to be applied to the ceiling. The thickness of one layer is limited to 30 mm.

It is important to properly prepare the dry composition before starting work, mixing it with water. Plaster is not suitable for leveling gypsum-based bases. These properties did not allow the material to become the winner of the rating.


  • universality of use;

  • affordable price;

  • good adhesion.


  • rarely found in the trade network;

  • not suitable for gypsum surfaces.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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