What vitamins to take when planning pregnancy - the opinion of doctors

Baby health depends on the lifestyle and diet of the mother. Lack of nutrients in girls of reproductive age adversely affects the well-being of the baby and its susceptibility to diseases, and a correct lifestyle during pregnancy cannot always solve this problem. Therefore, even before conception, you need to normalize your diet and start taking vitamins.


  1. Who needs vitamin supplements
  2. What vitamins need to take women
  3. What vitamins need to take men

What vitamins to take when planning pregnancy

Who needs vitamin supplements

Additional consumption of nutrients may be necessary for both parents. Representatives of the weaker sex should begin taking vitamins 4-16 weeks before the planned conception. This will prepare them for pregnancy, because during the carrying of a baby, the body's need for nutrients increases several times.

Men are often advised to take vitamins if they:

  1. Not eating well;

  2. Often get sick (that means the immune system is not functioning well);

  3. Have problems with potency;

  4. Often consume alcohol and smoke.

What vitamins need to take women

vitamins when planning pregnancy for women

Folic acid

Plays a major role in the development of the fetus. With its help, the formation of the nervous system and the brain of the future baby. Folate deficiency is often caused by:

  1. Underweight at birth;

  2. Neural tube defects (DNT);

  3. Premature birth;

  4. Undeveloped embryo;

  5. Other anomalies.

Scientists have shown that consuming this substance before pregnancy reduces the likelihood of DNT by 46%. This is due to the fact that the fetal neural tube closes at 3-4 weeks of pregnancy (between 21-28 days after conception), when the expectant mother does not yet know about her new status.

Unfortunately, the diet of the majority of the weaker sex does not provide sufficient saturation of the body with vitamin. Therefore, experts recommend women to start taking folic acid one to three months before conception and continue the course at least until the end of the first trimester. The daily intake of vitamins for girls of reproductive age is 400 micrograms.

It should be noted that some women are prescribed more than 400 μg of vitamin a day. The probability of deficiency of this substance is increased in women suffering from:

  1. Diabetes;

  2. Celiac disease;

  3. Syndrome of insufficiency of absorption (malabsorption).


In addition, folic acid deficiency is often observed in women who smoke, regularly consume alcohol and / or take oral contraceptives and some diuretics.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is prescribed when a woman has problems with the cycle and conception, as a rule, in a quantity that is much higher than the daily norm - about 200 IU / day. It normalizes the production of hormones, helps to get pregnant and carry the baby. This vitamin plays an important role in the formation of healthy cells, the metabolism between mother and cub, and the development of the child.

Vitamin E deficiency is a rare occurrence. A bigger problem is the uncontrolled intake of this substance. Consumption of excessive amounts of vitamin during pregnancy can lead to complications during childbirth and increase the likelihood of diseases of the cardiovascular system in the baby in later life.

Supplements of vitamin E should be taken only on prescription.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D

Supplementing this substance is usually given to women who are overweight (BMI is more than 30 kg / m2), because obesity reduces the ability of the vitamin to be absorbed in the body. Also at risk are future mothers who spend little time under the open sky and do not eat fish.

The child receives vitamin D from the mother's supply, so it is important to provide it with the necessary amount. This substance is necessary for the formation of the musculoskeletal system, brain and fetal immunity.

Vitamin deficiency can cause the development of bone diseases (in particular, osteoporosis), regardless of the amount of this substance in the body of the baby after childbirth. He can also:

  1. Slow the development of the fetus;

  2. Increase the risk of diabetes, cancer, hypokalemia and cardiovascular diseases in the future;

  3. Lead to preterm labor;

  4. Become a cause of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A

It is necessary for the formation of the mucous membranes of the fetus, respiratory tract, skin, bone tissue, immunity and vision. However, its excessive consumption is extremely dangerous - it can lead to abnormalities in the development of the calf. Therefore, the intake of vitamin A or retinol must be stopped before conception.


iodine rich foods

As well as folic acid, in most cases iodine should be taken within three months of conception, during pregnancy and lactation. A woman should receive about 150-250 micrograms of this substance per day. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, vitamin supplements with potassium iodide are often prescribed. The dangerous dosage of iodine is 1100 mcg / day or more.

This substance affects the development of the central nervous system of the fetus. When it is deficient, the child has cognitive and behavioral problems, impaired brain formation and other abnormalities.



Iron deficiency leads to iron deficiency anemia. Anemia before pregnancy and in the early stages leads to developmental disorders of the baby, premature birth and the birth of an infant with low weight. Therefore, iron is recommended to take before conception.

The need for mother and baby for the gland has increased in the last four months. If a woman does not receive a sufficient amount of this substance at this time, the likelihood of developing infectious diseases, cognitive disorders, and the likelihood of maternal mortality and placental abruption will increase.

In rare cases, as a rule, for medical reasons, the doctor prescribes women an additional intake of vitamins B12 (often vegetarians), ascorbic acid, K, or copper.

What vitamins need to take men

As a rule, the additional intake of vitamins by men improves the quality and quantity of male germ cells, improves potency and contributes to trouble-free conception. In addition, it strengthens the immune system and the health of the body as a whole.

In most cases, men are assigned to:

  1. Folic acid is necessary for the formation and increase of the activity of male germ cells.

  2. Vitamin E - makes sperm more mobile and resilient, helps with violations of the reproductive system.

  3. Ascorbic acid - increases the number of sperm and regulates the concentration of testosterone.

  4. Zinc - normalizes hormones, helps with violations of sexual function.

  5. Selenium - supports the work of the genitals, is used for male infertility.

  6. Remember that taking vitamins should be started only after the appointment of a doctor.


In the next article, our experts will tell how to choose a bandage for pregnant women and which model to give preference.


Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a guide to purchase.
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