What amino acids to choose
Amino acids play a key role in the life of the organism. Being a kind of "building material" for cells, they provide growth and recovery during exercise. Amino acids for sale in sports nutrition stores are concentrated supplements designed for those who are keen on strength training and who prefer a healthy lifestyle.
The best manufacturers of amino acids and sports nutrition
In the market of sports nutrition there is a large number of low-quality products and even outright fakes. Choosing amino acids, preference should be given to high-quality, proven products of world concerns, working closely with professional bodybuilders:
Optimum Nutrition
Cuttler nutrition
Product reviews of each of the brands can be found on the Internet on specialized sites dedicated to bodybuilding, as well as in groups of the same name in social networks.
What are amino acids and what types exist?
Amino acids are the simplest constituents of a protein, something that the latter breaks down as a result of synthesis. They are the quickest and easiest to digest for our body, and therefore concentrated amino acids are an essential supplement for those who want to build muscle mass.
Modern amino acid complexes are considered indispensable, they are recommended by experienced coaches to all those who decided to engage in iron sports purposefully.
Muscle growth;
Prevention of catabolism that destroys muscle fibers during exercise;
Fast and effective recovery after workouts;
Intensive burning of subcutaneous fat;
Normalization of metabolism;
Increase endurance;
The growth of power indicators;
Requires careful selection;
It is required to observe the regularity of the reception and dosage;
High price;
Muscle growth;
Prevention of catabolism that destroys muscle fibers during exercise;
Fast and effective recovery after workouts;
Intensive burning of subcutaneous fat;
Normalization of metabolism;
Increase endurance;
The growth of power indicators;
Requires careful selection;
It is required to observe the regularity of the reception and dosage;
High price;
Types of Amino Acids
The so-called BCAA, the three amino acids - leucine, isoleucine, valine, which is important for the body and takes direct influence in its life. It is not produced by the body on its own; it comes with the received food from the outside. Immediately absorbed by the body and supplies the muscles with building material, suppressing catabolism;
Creatine is a substance that directly affects strength and muscle endurance. "Inflates" muscle fibers and retains moisture, with the result that muscles increase in volume, and strength indicators - grow;
Glutamine is intended for rapid recovery after intensive physical training;
L-carnitine is a special additive that speeds up the metabolism and increases the body temperature, as a result of which the fat burning process is significantly accelerated;
Arginine helps to increase the effective area of blood vessels, thereby increasing the amount of oxygen in the blood and normal blood pressure. In addition, arginine prevents the formation of tumors and fruitfully affects the immune system of the body;
Amino acid selection parameters
The above amino acids are present in almost any sports nutrition, they are particularly rich in whey protein and casein. Only the proportions of one or another element in their composition are different. However, in view of some minor importance, they should not be sufficient for fruitful work in the mode of extreme loads and recovery after them. For this reason, experienced athletes are advised to buy amino acids separately and take them as a supplement to the basic and sports nutrition.
What amino acids to prefer?
First of all, BCAA are obligatory, they are accepted from the very morning and during training. Their main purpose is to prevent the emergence of catabolism.
Creatine will also be useful, thanks to which a significant increase in power indices is ensured.
For those who wish to lose weight, L-carnitine, one of the most effective fat burners, will become an essential supplement.
If the recovery process after training is given to an athlete is very difficult, glutamine will come to the rescue.
Girls, acting in the discipline of fitness bikini, say that the intake of amino acids has an extremely positive effect on the rejuvenation of the body in general and on the condition of nails, skin, hair in particular. If your goal is to look young and fresh, you need to turn your attention to amino acids such as arginine, l-carnitine and tyrosine.
In the following articles, our experts tell how to choose a gainersecrets protein selectionrecommendations for dumbbell picker for sports and features choosing a bar for home.
Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a guide to purchase.