How to choose winter shoes for a child

From the choice of children's shoes depends on the correct formation of the foot, posture and gait of the child. Poor quality products can increase the risk of flat feet and spinal curvature. In addition, poorly selected winter shoes can lead to hypothermia child. Therefore, these products need to have special requirements.


  1. The best manufacturers of winter shoes for children
  2. Types of winter shoes
  3. Material
  4. What to look for when buying

The best manufacturers of winter shoes for children

The best manufacturers of children's shoes

Before entering the market, the shoes pass a lot of tests for durability, sanitary-chemical and toxic-hygienic indicators, compliance with state standards and so on, and then receive certificates of conformity. Only after that it can be called quality.

Such shoes are durable and have good thermal insulation properties. It is warm and comfortable for the child, it is absolutely safe and does not contain toxic substances.

These requirements are met by products of the following manufacturers:

  1. Viking;

  2. Columbia;

  3. Kotofey;

  4. Dei-tex;

  5. Kapika;

  6. Skandia;

  7. Ecco;

  8. Kuoma;

  9. Nordman.

Types of winter shoes

Types of winter shoes

Leather boots

Classic shoes for the winter. Most often made of genuine leather and fur insulation. It is designed for temperatures from +5 to -15 ° C.


  • Good on the leg;

  • It is comfortable, durable and durable.


  • Indoors, the baby will be hot and the feet will start to sweat

  • Leather shoes can get wet, so they should be treated with water repellent.

Felt boots

These are ideal shoes for a harsh winter and walking through the snowdrifts. Boots keep baby's feet warm even at -30 ° C. Classic models of sheep wool have a solid form, but many manufacturers have upgraded this product. Modern boots have a sole and a rigid backdrop - this is necessary for the proper formation of the child's foot and the prevention of flatfoot. Such shoes can be selected 1–2 cm more in length, because she has the property to sit down. You should not buy felt boots of bright colors, they can be of poor quality.


  • They create an excellent microclimate for the baby’s feet. They breathe, absorb and evaporate moisture, protect from getting wet;

  • Suitable for the coldest winters.


  • Classic solid boots are not recommended for long walks, because They do not support the correct position of the foot of the baby.

High fur boots

This shoe is used during hard frosts. It is made from deer skins (fur out). The inner part of the high fur boots is often insulated with fur or felt. The soles of modern models, as a rule, are made of rubber, due to which the child is not slippery in winter.


  • Feet warm even in 30-degree frosts;

  • Easy to dress and fit comfortably.


  • Quickly get wet, not suitable for slush .;

  • At temperatures above –15 ° C, the foot begins to sweat;

  • Requires special care - after use, you need to dry and comb the fur.

Membrane shoes

In the production of winter shoes, membrane materials are often used that make the product lighter, allow it to “breathe” and protect from moisture. These shoes can be worn in the fall and winter.


  • Low weight .;

  • Membrane shoes do not get wet - it is ideal for walking through the slush and snow drifts;

  • Many models are designed for a wide range of temperatures (from 0 ° C to -30 ° C).


  • High price.




Choose models in which production natural materials were used (as a rule, skin). Such products adapt to the shape of the foot of the child, they are well breathable, preventing excessive sweating. Leather models are frost-resistant, wear-resistant and durable.

Discard products from leatherette. This material wears out quickly, does not breathe and bursts in the cold. In addition, in such shoes, baby's feet often sweat.

Do not rush to choose models from nubuck and suede. Such materials quickly deteriorate under the action of dirt and water. In addition, they require special care. They need to be cleaned with a special brush and treated with water-repellent creams.


The sole of the winter footwear must be “conscientiously” glued and stitched. It is also important that it be flexible. Try to bend the product in half. If you do it without much effort, then the sole fits.

For winter shoes, it is also desirable to have a tread - deep carved patterns. Due to this, the baby will keep balance on icy roads.

In the production of soles for children's shoes are often used:

  1. Polyurethane. This sole has a low weight, it is flexible and durable. But it is very slippery, and under the influence of low temperatures (below -20 ° C) faults may form on it.

  2. Thermoelastoplastic. Differs in good frost resistance and elasticity. It is a durable and durable material that provides strong grip and reduces the risk of falls.

  3. Polyvinyl chloride Differs in low frost resistance - at temperatures below -20 ° C can crack. It is also quite heavy and wears quickly.

  4. Thermoplastic rubber. It is a durable, abrasion resistant and non-slip material. In addition, the rubber is characterized by good flexibility and frost resistance.


The insole in children's shoes should be made from natural materials, ideally, fur. It will not allow the child to freeze and at the same time allow the leg to "breathe."

What to look for when buying

What to look for when buying

  1. When choosing winter shoes, pay attention to the insulation. A great option would be models with natural fur, felt or products with a membrane layer.

  2. It is permissible to choose models 1–1.5 cm longer than the length of the child’s foot, since shoes will have to be worn on warm socks. At the same time there should be an air layer in order to increase the thermal insulation properties.

  3. Legs of the child should be well fixed and not hang out.

  4. You can not choose tight shoes, because in her baby's feet will freeze more and the blood circulation will be broken.

  5. Try to buy light weight products. In heavy shoes, the baby quickly gets tired and eventually begins to shuffle his feet.


In the following articles, our experts tell how to choose a winter jumpsuit for the child and secrets selection of boots for a child.

Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a guide to purchase.
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