How to choose a video card for a computer

When choosing a video card, you need to pay attention not only to its performance, but also to compatibility with the rest of the hardware, as well as software graphics technologies.


  1. How to choose a video card for your computer: what characteristics you need to pay attention to
  2. Which manufacturer of video cards to choose
  3. Interface
  4. Video processor
  5. Volume, type and frequency of video memory
  6. power usage
  7. Cooling
  8. Video card size
  9. Connectors
  10. CPU compatibility
  11. Summary

How to choose a video card for your computer: what characteristics you need to pay attention to

video card for computer

When choosing a video card, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. Developer and manufacturer of the device;

  2. Interface;

  3. Video processor;

  4. Number, frequency and type of video memory;

  5. Power usage;

  6. Cooling system;

  7. Video card size;

  8. Video card connectors - external and additional power.

Well, of course, it is worth remembering about compatibility with other hardware components of the computer.

The following information is valid for desktop configurations. For a laptop, a video card is almost impossible to choose due to the nature of mobile computers.

Which manufacturer of video cards to choose

video card manufacturers

The modern video card market is represented mainly by two developers - NVIDIA and AMD. The former work closely with game developers, and therefore, models behind their authorship often support unique graphics technologies. In addition, NVIDIA GeForce graphics cards are characterized by good energy efficiency and increased performance.

But AMD video cards are much cheaper and better suited for mining.

However, AMD and NVIDIA are the developers who produce only chips. The production of video cards themselves are engaged in other companies. And it depends on them how durable this device will be. Among video card manufacturers, ASUS, Gigabyte and MSI have recommended themselves the most.


Practically all modern video cards are connected to a computer through an interface (slot) of PCI-E. Previously, there were also models that were connected via AGP or PCI, however, they do not provide a sufficient speed of data exchange and, therefore, they were preserved only in very old computers.

Choosing a video card, you need to pay attention to the generation of the PCI-E interface installed on the motherboard - 2.0, 2.1 or 3.0. It is desirable that it be the same for both devices. Otherwise, the speed of data exchange will be "cut" to the minimum supported by one device.

That is, if you plug a PCI-E 2.0 video card into a PCI-E 3.0 slot, then the maximum data transfer rate will comply with the PCI-E 2.0 standard.

Video processor

The video processor is one of two parameters that determine the performance of a video card. It is a computational module consisting of computational cores (which are also called shader units and can be not only hardware, but also software and hardware, as in the NVIDIA CUDA technology).

The higher the number of shader units and the clock frequency of the video processor, the higher its performance. For example, the least powerful graphics accelerators have up to 500 cores, and the frequency is up to 1100 MHz, as a result of which it’s almost impossible to run modern games on them. But for top-end video cards, the number of shader units has already exceeded 3500, and the clock frequency is 1700 MHz.

Volume, type and frequency of video memory

video card type

Video memory is the second parameter that determines the performance of a video card. What is more, so, respectively, better. However, volume is not the only parameter that needs attention.

When choosing a video card, you need to pay attention to the following video memory settings:

  1. Type of;

  2. Frequency (or at least bandwidth);

  3. Volume

The most optimal type of video memory for cards that are supposed to be used in modern games is GDDR5. GDDR3 is only suitable for very old projects. On top cards from NVIDIA can be found GDDR5X memory, and from AMD - HBM.

Video memory performance is measured in frequency and width of the data transmission bus. Together they form such a parameter as missing ability. And it determines how fast the video processor will communicate with the video memory.

It is advisable to buy a video card with a bandwidth of 224 Gb / s. For top models it is better to take from 320 Gb / s.

The amount of video memory determines how many image elements the card can handle. Therefore, modern games with high details require at least 4 GB of video memory. However, it is worthwhile to foresee future use and take a model with 6 GB or even larger volume - it will “pull” projects whose release is only planned.

An important point: if you plan to use a 4K monitor, then 8 GB is in principle the minimum memory capacity of a video card that will send a signal to it (though this is true only for games).

power usage

The higher the performance (power) of the video card, the more it consumes energy and the more heated it is. So, the top modern models consume up to 250 watts. This parameter should be taken into account when choosing not only a video card, but also a computer power supply unit - the total consumption of components of the system unit should not exceed the capacity of the power supply unit.


video card cooling

Video card cooling is passive and active. The first implies that only a radiator is installed on the chip, without a fan. It requires that the cooling system be worked out in the cooler - in the form of coolers or a liquid system. Otherwise, the video card will quickly overheat and fail.

Active cooling is of two types - normal and turbine. The usual is a system of radiator, teplovodov and cooler (and even several). Turbine is most effective - it quickly cools the video card. However, under load it can cause a strong hum and noise.

In case of insufficient cooling operation, the operational period of the video card may decrease, it will overheat and fail. In addition, with increasing temperature there is a so-called throttling - a temporary drop in performance.

It is most advisable to acquire video cards equipped with a good cooling system — a radiator, two fan-coolers, and massive heat pipes (metal tubes). If the noise level does not matter (with good sound insulation of the room and playing with headphones), you can take a video card with a turbine cooling system.

It is desirable that the temperature of the video card does not exceed 80 degrees.

Video card size

Modern graphics cards are available in two versions - occupying one slot and two. The former differ in reduced thickness and therefore can be installed in configurations heavily loaded with peripheral devices. But at the same time, such video cards are not very productive due to a weak or often absent cooling system.

Gaming video cards in the overwhelming majority of cases are dual-slot, and this should be taken into account when planning the case.


You also need to pay attention to the connectors that are equipped with a video card.

External connectors

External connectors are designed to connect the monitor. The maximum resolution of the display depends on which connectors the video card is equipped with:

  1. VGA is the oldest analog connector. Modern video cards are practically not equipped with them;

  2. DVI - once the standard, now obsolete connector. Required to connect most monitors released in the 00s and early 10s;

  3. HDMI is the current multimedia standard. Transmits not only video, but also audio. Found in the vast majority of video cards, monitors, televisions and other devices;

  4. DisplayPort is the most modern standard. Designed to connect gaming or special monitors with a resolution of 4K and a refresh rate above 60 Hz.

Internal connectors for additional power

The vast majority of modern power supply cards that come from the PCI-E port are not enough. Additional required. Such video cards are equipped with a 6- or 8-pin power connector, to which the corresponding bus from the power supply unit is connected.

If you do not plan to change the power supply, you need to see what kind of bus it is equipped with. For older computers, you can use the MOLEX-PCI-E adapter.

CPU compatibility

graphics card compatibility with the processor

To unleash the potential of a video card, it is required that it be fully compatible with the processor. Independently determine the degree of compatibility is difficult - you need to take into account the width and frequency of a lot of tires. However, you can do this approximately.

Actual top video cards require top processors (i5 or i7 of the current or past generation.

"Medium" cards require medium processors (i3, i5 current or previous).

For weak graphics cards need weak processors.

If you install a too powerful video card on a “weak” configuration (and vice versa, if you install a “weak” video card on a too powerful configuration), the performance of the video card will be reduced.


When choosing a video card, it is necessary to strictly define the goals for which it will be used - whether it is a game in modern projects right now, no need for an upgrade in the next few years, or just a display on the screen. Also, do not go to extremes. Acquiring top-end video cards for huge sums (for example, the NVIDIA Titan XP flagship of 2017 costs 89 thousand rubles) and it makes little sense to use them for a couple of matches in Overwatch a week - but, having saved, you can deprive yourself of the pleasure of modern games.

It makes sense just once every 2-3 years to acquire an "average" video card, conducting an upgrade of the computer. Then the costs will not be too high.

And, of course, it is important to assess the compatibility of the computer with the video card installed in it. Moreover, extremely low productivity is not the only problem that may be caused by incompatibility. In extreme cases, the video card may simply not start - for example, due to lack of power.


In the following articles, our experts tell how to choose the right power supply for computer secrets sound card selection and a complete guide to keyboard selection for desktop computer.

Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a guide to purchase.
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