How to choose a sunscreen?
A tan is the dream of girls. Experts warn, in pursuit of beauty, do not forget about the safety of the skin. In the summer or while relaxing in a sunny spa, use a sunscreen for the body. It will help reduce the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, which leads to aging of the skin.
The best manufacturers of sunscreens, which company to choose?
A wide range of cosmetics for face and body care is on sale. There are thousands of names of SPF creams, but not every one of them justifies the price and provides protection against UV radiation. In such matters it is better to trust the products of proven manufacturers and not to risk health.
Nivea. The trademark of the German manufacturer Beierdorf AG since 1989 is represented on the Russian market. It adheres to progressive methods of production and research. The line of Nivea SUN combines safe cream, featuring water resistance and ease of use. They are approved by dermatologists and other experts.
L'Oreal. The French company L'Oreal is the largest manufacturer of perfumes and cosmetics. In Russia, it sells goods worth over 600 million euros each year. Sun Cream L'Oreal is a safe and reliable means of protection from ultraviolet radiation.
Librederm. Librederm stands out among Russian brands on the market. The company is not so well known, but it offers some types of high quality products. By production developments in the field of cosmetology and pharmaceutics are used. Sunscreen brand received a lot of positive feedback from consumers.
Vichy. The French cosmetic brand is named after the resort town, where there are sources of healing water. It was used for the production of cosmetic products. In our country, the brand model is popular. It is sold through pharmacy chains, which speaks of quality and safety.
The principle of operation and structure of sunscreen
From the sun comes radiation in different ranges. Ultraviolet, which is divided into three types - UVA, UVB and UVC, has a dangerous effect. Rays C are dangerous to the human body, but they are completely absorbed by the earth's atmosphere. Rays B reach the surface in an amount of not more than 5%.
The basis of all ultraviolet radiation affecting human skin is rays A (their number is 95%). They lead to the formation of sunburn, and during prolonged exposure to the sun to negative consequences - hypersensitivity, tissue damage (burns), cell mutations and oncology. Lovers of sunbathing without protective creams face the loss of skin elasticity, rapid aging and the appearance of wrinkles.
Dermatologists, oncologists recommend using sunscreens when they are in the sun.This will avoid burns and prevent photoaging of the skin. Means do not interfere with the appearance of bronze tan.
The principle of action of sunscreen is based on the neutralization of the action of the rays A and B of the spectrum. Their action is as follows:
creating effective UV filters;
preventing the penetration of dangerous rays into the skin layers, reducing the risk of burns and oncology;
chemical conversion of ultraviolet light energy into heat energy.
The beneficial effect depends on the specific type of cream, composition and other features. Pay attention to the SFP index, ranging from 4 to 50, it determines the level of protection from exposure to harmful radiation.
Types of sunscreens for sunburn
Beauticians offer a variety of sunscreens for the face and body. They are selected on the basis of individual needs and skin type. A simple classification of tanning products is the division according to the type of skin for which they are intended:
for very light;
for light;
for normal;
for the dark.
People with pale and very fair skin should be attentive to the protection from ultraviolet radiation. It is better to choose products with intensive protection and SPF indicators of at least 35. It is also recommended for those who find it difficult to achieve an even tan, so you have to be in the sun for a long time. Intensive creams prevent burns and signs of premature aging, skin damage, but they are applied every 2 hours.
Means for light skin - cream with SPF indicators from 25 to 35. They are recommended for people of a pale type with light-brown hair, who after 1-3 hours in the sun burns on the shoulders and back. These sunscreens help smooth the tan without any negative consequences.
Creams for normal skin are a common category. Their SPF values range from 15 to 25. The effect is protection against burns, toning and regenerating properties. Means are easily put and absorbed. Recommended for people with slightly dark skin and dark shades of hair.
Dark-skinned people are better to choose a cream with SPF indicators of no more than 15. These funds are needed more to maintain skin elasticity and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Due to the light texture, they are quickly absorbed and protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays.
Sunscreen selection options
When choosing, it is important to choose the right cream to suit the specific skin type. Otherwise, the beneficial effect will be minimal.
Parameters include:
degree of protection against UV rays;
physical and chemical filters;
water resistance;
additional substances for moisturizing and strengthening.
People with fair skin who plan to stay in the sun for a long time need a cream with a degree of protection SPF higher than 30. Others will need light tanning products.
Physical and chemical filters protect against specific types of UV rays. For this, it is worth examining the weather forecast for the region where the UV index is indicated. On the packaging of the cream is usually indicated protection against radiation UVA, UVB. In this case, the marking IPD, PA + appears. PPD.
Vitamins A, B, C, F are primarily considered to be useful additional substances. They strengthen and moisturize the skin and have an antioxidant effect. Undesirable additives include alcohol, parabens, hydroxybenzones, and so on.
An important parameter is water resistance. Even if you do not plan to swim in the water, a person sweats in the sun. Good water resistance indicators guarantee long-term exposure, otherwise the beneficial effect will disappear within 15-20 minutes.
Dermatologists and allergists pay attention to the fact that such cosmetics have a serious effect on the skin. Each agent must undergo clinical trials confirming safety.First of all it concerns hypoallergenic. Otherwise, the person will experience dryness, burning, irritation.
Which sunscreen to choose?
First of all, a tanning cream is selected for a specific skin type. Cosmetologists recommend having on hand 5 types of creams - for intensive protection, dark skin, face and body, children. It all depends on how you plan to spend time under the sun.
People with very white and sensitive skin are recommended to have products with an SPF of at least 35-40. This includes those who undergo cosmetic procedures or surgery on the skin. Intensive protection is also important at first, when the skin is not covered with tan. This will avoid burns and hypersensitivity.
Remember that children also have sensitive skin, so they need products with intensive protection.
If you plan to buy the cream for daily use while walking or not for a long stay at the beach, then standard SPF products from 10 to 20 will do.
Filters play an important role. If a person wants to get a quick tan, then you should choose creams with filters only from UVB. If you plan to spend a lot of time in the sun, then pay attention to safety. In this case, UVA and UVB protection products are used.
Pay attention to the indicators of water resistance - the higher the better. This cream will not be superfluous, because it is taken along for walks and the beach.
How much does sunscreen cost?
The price of cosmetics varies depending on the brand, components, complexity of production.
Simple sunscreens are sold from 100 rubles.
Expensive funds can cost more than 10,000 rubles.
In the following articles, our experts tell how to choose the right face creamsecrets selection of cream after sunburn and features choice of cream for depilation.
Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a guide to purchase.