How to choose a protein

If you decide to put the body in order on the eve of the new beach season, you will hardly be able to manage without the use of specialized sports nutrition. The main representative is protein - a highly concentrated synthesized protein enriched with vitamins and trace elements. This supplement does not cause any harm to the body and is suitable for professional athletes as well as for adherents of a healthy lifestyle, as well as for those who do not have the opportunity to eat regularly - protein shake is much healthier and more satisfying than a hamburger or a package of chips.


  1. Top Protein Manufacturers
  2. Types of protein
  3. Protein selection options
  4. Choose a protein for a specific situation

Top Protein Manufacturers

the best proteins for training

These brands are unlikely to say anything to newbies, but experienced bodybuilders know these names:

  1. Optimum Nutrition

  2. Weider

  3. Universal

  4. Cuttler nutrition

  5. Dymatize

These products can be purchased in specialized sports nutrition stores. Before you give preference to one or another brand, you should read the reviews of the athletes who used it, who are not difficult to find in social networks and on thematic forums.

Types of protein

Protein is nothing more than a highly concentrated natural protein made by extracting protein products. The best varieties of protein contain 75-80% of pure protein, the remaining 20-25% fall to the share of all kinds of multivitamins, amino acids, creatine and other necessary for weight gain, elements. Both pure protein and its flavored counterparts with various flavors — banana, chocolate, vanilla flavors — can be found on sale.

Whey Protein

Whey Protein

The most common type of protein derived from whey at high temperature and pressure. Whey protein can be divided into three conditional groups:

  1. Concentrate. The protein content is 75-80%, absorbed for 1.5-2 hours;

  2. Isolate Purified protein, the mass fraction of protein reaches 90-95%. This protein is almost completely devoid of lactose, and therefore absorbed by the body much faster concentrate;

  3. Waterproofing. The most advanced type of protein, in which the protein molecules are split into the form of essential amino acids. Absorbed immediately, and therefore suitable for reception during exercise.


  • A decent mass fraction of protein;

  • Low cost;

  • It is used both for weight gain and for “drying”;

  • Suitable for use at night;

  • Quickly digested;


  • Not suitable for people with individual protein intolerance;



At the heart of casein is skimmed milk. Its main advantage lies in long-term assimilation - 6 - 8 hours, which makes it an excellent supplement for those who play sports, but do not have the opportunity to eat regularly. Use casein at night to avoid muscle catabolism.


  • Protein content up to 90-95%;

  • Suitable for suppressing catabolism at night;

  • It is absorbed in 6-8 hours;

  • The minimum amount of fat;


  • Individual lactose intolerance;

  • Specific taste;

Egg Protein

Egg Protein

Among professional bodybuilders is considered the best option, with full digestibility. The source of protein in this protein is chicken eggs, from which all moisture is removed during the synthesis process. Egg protein is famous for its 100% protein content and the complete absence of fats and carbohydrates.


  • 95-100% protein content;

  • Perfectly nourishes;

  • Lack of fat and carbohydrates;

  • Full digestibility;


  • In its pure form, quite rare;

  • Not suitable for people who are allergic to egg white;

  • Very expensive;

Soy protein

Soy protein

By this name they mean protein produced from plant sources - soybeans, various leguminous crops, wheat, rice. The quality of this protein is very average, but it is preferred by vegetarians and all those who do not eat animal products.


  • It is absorbed in 3-5 hours;

  • Low cost;

  • Protein content at the level of 60-65%;


  • Depleted composition in terms of amino acids;

  • Not fully absorbed by the body;

Protein selection options

main protein selection criteria

Amount and percentage of amino acids in protein

High-quality protein must necessarily include 18 different amino acids, and the prevailing number of them should be the so-called BCAA - essential amino acids, including isoleucine, leucine and valine. The more of them in percentage terms - the better and more expensive, respectively, protein. The best in this regard are whey and casein proteins, they contain all the necessary amino acids, and the percentage of BCAA is also at the maximum level.

The composition and percentage of protein components

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the amount of protein per 100 grams of the product, as well as its origin. The fact is that many manufacturers are cunning and point out “whey protein” or “isolate” on the package, and in the composition on the reverse side, the first line is “soy protein”, which is of vegetable origin. From the purchase of this protein should refrain, unless, of course, there is no task to purchase vegetable protein.

The amount of fat and carbohydrates contained in the protein is also important. Completely get rid of them will not work, some of them are contained even in pure egg white. It is necessary to pay close attention to the fact that the content of fats and carbohydrates does not exceed 4-5% of the total protein, otherwise these substances will contribute to the recruitment of not only muscle, but also adipose tissue.

Flavored or "clean"?

Protein is a substance that does not have a pronounced smell, and the taste is vaguely reminiscent of dry milk. This circumstance leads to the fact that many athletes prefer to buy flavored products - chocolate, vanilla, with some fruit flavor. On this account, experienced bodybuilders do not have a unanimous opinion, but still it is considered that it is better to buy "pure" protein. Its composition is devoid of flavors and sweeteners, and its price is significantly lower.

Choose a protein for a specific situation

protein for girls

In fact, the only true answer to this question does not exist. It all depends on who gets the protein, for what purposes, as well as on the level of exercise that his body receives.

What protein to choose a girl

For girls who want to keep fit and regularly work out in the gym, classic whey protein with an amount of protein up to 80-85%, as well as with a high percentage of BCAA, will do.If you are lactose intolerant, it is best to give preference to isolate.

Choosing a protein for weight loss

In order for the process of losing weight to go efficiently, it is necessary to minimize the amount of carbohydrates and fats entering the body. For this purpose, preference should be given to protein with a minimum of their content, as well as a high percentage of protein. An excellent choice would be casein - due to slow absorption, it dulls the feeling of hunger for a long time. A useful supplement is L-carnitine - thanks to it, while performing physical exercises, fat burning will occur as efficiently as possible.

Choosing protein to gain muscle mass

Gaining muscle mass is a complex task, in which a properly selected protein plays an important role. One particular view here will not work. Isolate is perfect for everyday use, it will serve as the main source of protein entering the body. During training and immediately after it, in order to avoid catabolism, it is necessary to resort to the help of hydroisolate, which is absorbed by the body as quickly as possible. And in order to prevent catabolism at night, resort to the help of casein, which is absorbed for 6-8 hours. And we should not forget that protein is not the main source of food, but only an additive.

Choosing Whey Protein

Varieties of whey protein have been described above in full detail, and therefore, choosing which protein to buy, it is necessary to make a start on whether your body tolerates lactose or not. In the first case, the concentrate will be an option; in the second, the isolate will be preferred. Do not forget about the waterproofing - this type of whey protein is the best suited for use during exercise and immediately after it.

In the following articles, our experts tell how to choose a gainersecrets choice of dumbbells for sportsrecommendations for amino acid selection for sports and features choosing a bar for home.

Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a guide to purchase.
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