How to choose a profile of plastic windows

The comfort in the room, the absence of drafts and other “charms” of the autumn-winter period entirely depends on how correctly the plastic windows are chosen. They are a kind of guarantor and protection against colds. However, plastic windows are a complex mechanism, the functioning of which directly depends on the quality of manufacturing, as well as on the key elements used in their production. The profile that underlies plastic windows is one knot, and you cannot save on it in any way!

What profile of plastic windows to choose

What profile of plastic windows to choose?

When choosing PVC windows, many naively rely on the manufacturer, allowing him to independently choose components for the production of windows. However, it is far from always to talk about honesty - the principle “minimum investment - maximum value” is more relevant than ever. For this reason, choosing PVC windows for installation in your home, pay attention to the profile in general and the following features in particular.

Country of manufacture of the profile

Currently, the sale can be found a variety of PVC windows, made from profiles produced in all countries of the world. The Chinese or Taiwanese profile is considered to be the cheapest and, accordingly, mediocre in quality - it only makes sense to prefer it if there is a serious financial constraint. The European profile produced in England, France and Germany is traditionally considered to be the best. These three countries were at the very beginning of the production of PVC windows in the middle of the last century.

Profile width

The width of a specific profile is a parameter that directly affects the noise, vibration and thermal insulation of a particular window, its mechanical strength and durability. On sale you can find a variety of PVC windows, starting with standard ones, equipped with a 58mm profile and ending with wide models based on a profile of 70 or even 90 millimeters. Windows, made on a similar width of the profile, are much more laborious to install, are more heavy, and their cost is much higher.

Number of insulation chambers

Number of insulation chambers

As a rule, the standard profile with a width of 58 mm is equipped with three cameras. The exterior is bordered by the atmosphere and is designed to smooth out atmospheric processes, equalize the degree of moisture and remove moisture through special channels. The inner chamber serves as a kind of heat insulator, and it also significantly limits the penetration of sound from the outside. The average camera complements the internal functions, and also serves as a kind of stiffener, making the overall design resistant to mechanical stress and torsion.

The above pattern is valid only for a profile with a width of 58 millimeters, but wider models are almost always equipped with a large number of cameras. For example, a profile with a width of 90 millimeters of such cameras is almost always six.

Number of cameras of a double-glazed window

Equally, as is the case with the number of insulating profile chambers, the number of double-glazed windows cameras directly affects the characteristics of a particular window. The camera is an air gap isolated from the atmosphere between two separate glasses, which protects from cold, moisture and extraneous sounds.


The more cameras - the better the protection and isolation of extraneous sounds and other "charms" of life in urban environments. The reverse side of the medal - more weight, complexity and complexity of installation, as well as the final price of a particular window.

The more cameras - the better the protection and isolation of extraneous sounds and other "charms" of life in urban environments. The reverse side of the medal - more weight, complexity and complexity of installation, as well as the final price of a particular window.

Reinforcing steel insert

An element that directly affects the strength of a particular profile, its resistance to mechanical stress and temperature drops - under the influence of direct sunlight in hot summer weather, plastic can “lead”, and it is the metal insert that retains its geometric shape and the overall performance of the window.

ISO 9001 certificate

The quality of a particular profile can be confirmed in one and only one way: by the presence of a certificate confirming its quality. This document means that a specific profile model has passed the appropriate tests, and its characteristics fully correspond to those stated. However, you should not deceive yourself: this certificate can be “bought”, and it is very inexpensive, and therefore a cheap, nameless profile that has a certificate of conformity should arouse at least suspicion.

Top manufacturers

As noted above, the European manufacturers are considered to be the best, who were once the ancestors of the production of PVC windows as a class. These include the following companies:

  1. "Veka"

  2. "Montblanc"

  3. Rehau

  4. "KBE"

  5. "Trocal"

  6. "Plafen"

Preferring products of this manufacturer, you can be sure that it will last a long time and will not cause a single complaint during operation.

In the following articles, our experts tell how to choose plastic windowssecrets window sill selection and features choice of blinds.

PVC profile selection video

Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a guide to purchase.
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