How to choose a mouse for a computer

When choosing a computer mouse, it is necessary to pay attention primarily to its ergonomics - i.e. determine how comfortable this accessory is in the hand. And the rest of the parameters are of secondary importance.


  1. How to choose a mouse: the parameters that need attention
  2. Wired or Wireless Mouse
  3. Connection standard
  4. Scroll wheel
  5. Mouse sensitivity
  6. Availability of additional functional elements
  7. Mouse Surfaces
  8. sA little about ergonomics
How to choose a mouse: the parameters that need attention

How to choose a mouse for a computer

In addition to ergonomics, when choosing a mouse, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. Connection type (wired or wireless);

  2. Connection standard (USB, PS / 2 or Bluetooth);

  3. Scroll wheel;

  4. Sensitivity (in DPI);

  5. The presence of additional functional elements (buttons, etc.);

  6. Surfaces on which the mouse works.

Immediately it is worth making a reservation that the article will deal with optical and "laser" mice. "Ball" because of the presence only at flea markets and in museums do not count.

Wired or Wireless Mouse

wired or wireless mouse

In addition to ease of use, some of its other operational qualities depend on the type of mouse connection, and the most important of them is the speed of response.

The speed of response is the speed at which the computer responds to certain actions of the mouse: moving the cursor, clicking, entering certain commands. And the wireless controllers, it is not too large.

Therefore, a wireless mouse is more suitable for a laptop. It will also suit undemanding users who do not need a high response rate. But for games it is better to take a wired mouse.

Connection standard

The vast majority of modern mice imply a USB connection. However, for a computer that was released in the last century or at the beginning of the 00s, it is better to take a controller with a PS / 2 connector. On motherboards, such USB slot devices are often very small, and it’s pointless to give one of them under the mouse when there is still a lot of devices hungry for connecting devices.

The same is true for laptops (as well as hybrids). If your mobile computer has a Bluetooth module, you should buy a wireless mouse that supports connecting through it.

Scroll wheel

It just has to be. This functional element is very convenient. And therefore, you should not buy a mouse without a wheel or with a wheel replaced by a touch panel.

Mouse sensitivity

Such a parameter as sensitivity is very important if you need to buy a gaming mouse. He also defines the convenience of this controller for designers, photo editors and other professionals of creative professions.

Sensitivity means how accurately and accurately the cursor will react to mouse movements. With a low value of this parameter, it will be necessary to make a wide “swing” by the controller so that the arrow on the screen travels a long distance. When high - on the contrary, the cursor reacts to every movement of the mouse.

For gamers and specialists of creative professions, mice with high sensitivity are recommended - from 400 DPI. For ordinary users, a smaller value is sufficient.

The ideal solution would be to buy a mouse with several speeds - from 300 to 3400 DPI, for example. Then the user can adjust the sensitivity "by itself".

Availability of additional functional elements

Computer mouse sensitivity

Additional buttons on the mouse significantly increase its convenience. Especially if you can customize them. But here it is important not to overdo it.

The optimal value for most users is 2-6 additional mouse buttons. Gamers may need a little more. But mice with a whole keyboard for 10 or more buttons (they also exist and are positioned as “gaming”, although they bring nothing but inconvenience, even in games) are not very comfortable and practical.

It is desirable that the mouse driver allows you to customize these additional buttons. Then the convenience of using the device will be maximum.

Mouse Surfaces

glass mice

This is quite an important parameter, especially when it comes to buying a mouse for a laptop. The vast majority of budget controllers require a smooth, but not glossy, opaque surface. However, some models of mice may work on glass, wool, clothing, and similar textures.

If the user travels a lot, then the ideal solution for him is to buy a mouse that can work on a variety of surfaces.

A little about ergonomics

The ergonomics of the mouse consists of three parameters:

  1. Shape and size;

  2. Weight;

  3. Material.

Small, ultra-compact mice are convenient to travel, because they do not require much space in the pocket of a laptop bag. However, they are absolutely not practical. Due to being too compact, it can be inconvenient to use such mice even for a child or person with miniature palms.

The funny shape of the mouse (for example, in the form of a racing car or a female body) improves the mood, but makes the controller extremely uncomfortable. Hands get tired even after a few minutes of using such a device. Therefore, even if you want to get a funny souvenir, you should give up the idea to buy a mouse in the form of something unusual.

If weight is important, it is advisable to purchase a mouse with a tuning mass. Such devices are completed with additional weights, allowing to weight or ease the controller. The weight of the mouse is very important for gamers or people who constantly work with this mouse.

Well, the material finally determines how comfortable the mouse will be by touch. Soft-touch is most comfortable - but not in wet hands. Plastic is a versatile material that fits all. But it is not as convenient as soft-touch.

Thus, when choosing a mouse, you must first determine by whom and how often it will be used. But in the first place comes the ergonomics and convenience of the device.


In the following articles, our experts tell how to choose a computer monitorsecrets processor selection for a computerfull guideoptional network filter for the computer and the main criteria choosing a computer power supply.

Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a guide to purchase.
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