How to choose running shoes - expert reviews

Like any exercise, running has both positive and negative sides: improper performance and non-compliance with the technique, as well as the lack of necessary equipment can cause serious injury to your body, and in this case we are talking about the knee joints. And correctly chosen shoes play an important role in this situation - it depends on them whether running will bring pleasure, will it benefit the organism, or, on the contrary, will only harm it.


  1. The best manufacturers of sneakers - which company to choose
  2. Features running shoes
  3. Types of running shoes
  4. Options for choosing sneakers for running
  5. What sneakers to choose
  6. The cost of running shoes
  7. Video on the choice of sneakers for running

How to choose running shoes

The best manufacturers of sneakers - which company to choose

The release of sports equipment and equipment for outdoor activities is currently engaged in a great many manufacturers. If you want your shoes to serve faithfully for many seasons and not unstuck at the very first race, you should give preference to the products of those brands that are popular and "untwisted":

  1. Nike

  2. Adidas

  3. Reebok

  4. Puma

  5. Asics

The above brands have a huge number of different models in their own catalog, and therefore, when choosing the most suitable shoes, it is necessary to take into account not only catalog descriptions, but also customer reviews who had time to familiarize themselves with one model or another and try it out in action.

Features running shoes

At its core, running shoes have a lot of common features with shoes of this class, however, the differences are no less. In fact, the main goal of any cross-country sneakers is to ensure maximum comfort when performing the exercise and reducing the load on the ankle and knee joints. To solve these problems, each manufacturer applies different solutions, but the general features of all running shoes for running are as follows:

  1. Soft, breathable upper part, devoid of a large number of inserts and seams;

  2. Dense heel made of rigid material, having a cutout of a special shape to hold the foot in the correct position;

  3. The soft intermediate part - the midsole - has a special porous structure and is designed to minimize the impact loads on the ankle and knee joint;

  4. The sole is of a special shape, with a toe rising to the top and a high back. It is made of soft and durable, and at the same time, springy, elastic materials that provide the easiest and most natural movement of the joint during a run;

Types of running shoes

Depending on the season of the year

Summer sneakers

Summer running shoes for running

The lightest, compact and practical models, designed for use in the warm summer period. They are also suitable for active workouts in the gym throughout the year, as well as for running on a treadmill.


  • Low weight;

  • A wide variety of model options;

  • Comfortable fit and anatomical shape;

  • Excellent breathable performance;


  • Quality models are expensive;

  • Suitable for use only in the warm season;

  • In wet weather, get wet quickly enough;

Winter sneakers

winter sneakers for running

In terms of its structure, such sports shoes are a cross between classic sneakers and light winter boots: the traditional form here is very often adjacent to a high top, which fixes the ankle. The best models of such sneakers are made of membrane fabrics, and their protector provides reliable adhesion even with slippery surfaces and snow.


  • Maximum protection against cold;

  • Reliable fixation on the leg due to the high top;

  • Powerful tread;

  • Resistance to moisture;


  • Winter sneakers practically do not breathe;

  • High price;

  • When operated at a positive temperature, the leg sweats in them;

Winter sneakers

Winter sneakers

The most popular model in our latitudes, which makes it possible to consider it universal. Has absorbed all the advantages of summer and winter sneakers and is almost devoid of their shortcomings. Such sneakers provide decent protection from cold and moisture, provide comfortable movement, and also quite well wicking moisture outside - “breathe”.


  • Versatility - can be used in cool summer weather, and in relatively cold winter;

  • Very good breathing characteristics;

  • Excellent protection against moisture;

  • High-quality fit on the leg, anatomical cut;


  • High price;

  • Not suitable for use in heat and cold

Depending on the training mode

Competition Trainers

Running shoes for competitions

Sneakers designed for maximum results and the implementation of all the declared indicator. The highest quality and most technologically advanced materials are used in their manufacture, and the strongest world athletes-athletes participate in the development.


  • Minimum weight;

  • The thought-over form and maximum rigidity of the top part;

  • Vapor permeability and moisture protection at the highest level;

  • Top quality workmanship;


  • High price;

  • Short-lived due to constant ultimate loads;

  • Mediocre cushioning properties, not suitable for long monotonous workouts;

Training sneakers

Running shoes for training

A simplified version of the training models, in which many key elements are trimmed in their functionality for the convenience of everyday use. They have excellent performance characteristics and are excellent for evening runs due to an advanced shock absorption system.


  • Sophisticated design;

  • The use of modern materials in the manufacture;

  • Reliable fixation on the leg, even with intense workouts;

  • Excellent vapor permeability;

  • Excellent cushioning characteristics, excluding injury;


  • High price;

  • Sufficiently high weight;

For training on rough terrain

Cross Country Running Shoes

To train at high-quality stadiums and asphalt pavement does not work for everyone, but because those who prefer to run in the park or the forest, it’s best to opt for sneakers designed for training in such conditions. According to their characteristics, they are similar to the training ones, however, they differ from them by a powerful sole of a special design that ensures tight contact with the surface of any structure;


  • High strength;

  • A wide variety of models for any operating conditions;

  • Convenient fixation on the leg;

  • Monolithic construction;


  • Great weight;

Options for choosing sneakers for running

running shoes options

Sneaker size

Choosing one model or another, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the size indicated on the shoes, but also to their own sensations during the fitting, because quite often the manufacturers overestimate or, on the contrary, underestimate the size.

Degree of pronation

This parameter indicates how much the foot bends during the repulsion from the surface. Pronation plays an important role in the choice of footwear - it depends on how accurately this parameter is taken into account, the comfort and the absence of painful sensations while running. To determine the degree of pronation is simple - just wet your feet and stand on a dry surface. Under normal pronation, foot flexion will reach the middle of the foot. Depending on the anatomy, there can be not only pronation, but also supination - when the bend is more than half the width of the foot, as well as flatfoot, when the bend is completely absent. The above anatomical features must be taken into account by the manufacturer when designing the inside and the sole of the sneakers.

Shock absorption characteristics of the sole

Currently, there are two main types of sneakers for sale, depending on the depreciation characteristics:

  1. Sock as a point of depreciation means that such models are designed for short-distance running and "ragged" pace with frequent accelerations;

  2. If the point of depreciation falls on the heel, this means that these sneakers will be good when running in a monotonous rhythm for long distances;

The material from which the sole is made

Considering the stresses to which running shoes are exposed during operation, as well as regular temperature drops, special attention is paid to the material from which the sole is made. It should be soft, durable, not afraid of deformation and constant bending at an angle up to 45 degrees.

  1. Rubber in all its manifestations is a relatively low-cost, high-quality and wear-resistant material that provides decent performance. The lack of rubber is one: it is afraid of temperature changes and “dubeet” in the cold;

  2. Duralon synthetic material, which is a combination of conventional rubber and EVA, can be distinguished as the opposite of rubber. Soft, plastic and not afraid of temperature changes, this material is not without flaws. These are low wear resistance and a tendency to wear out for a short period of time;

The material of the top sneakers

  1. Artificial leather (dermantin, sensatek) is most often found in budget models of running shoes. It has very good strength, but is not able to withstand severe loads and low temperatures;

  2. Genuine leather in this plan is much better. Durable and durable, it provides maximum reliability in any rhythm of operation. The disadvantage is minimal vapor permeability - the leg in such sneakers sweats only a short time after the start of the workout;

  3. Nylon fabric or mesh - the material most often used in the manufacture of summer sneakers. It provides excellent ventilation and heat exchange, even during intense workouts;

  4. Goretex (Gore-tex) is a synthetic membrane material, having in its structure three layers and perfectly suitable for winter sneakers;

What sneakers to choose

what sneakers to choose

  1. For ordinary workouts and weight loss, it is best to choose classic training models with a rubber or duralon base, the anatomy of which will correspond to the structure of your foot;

  2. If you take regular participation in competitions and various races and pick up sneakers, based on these needs, it is best to give preference to competitive models;

  3. If it is necessary to train, not only in summer, but also in winter, you should prefer warm winter sneakers, which will be based on Gore-tex material;

  4. If you are not running around the stadium or flat asphalt ground, but over rough terrain, the best choice would be off-road sneakers equipped with a pronounced tread;

The cost of running shoes

  1. High-quality training sneakers cost about 5-30 thousand rubles;

  2. Models designed for competitions are more expensive - from 10 to 40 thousand;

  3. Winter models can’t be called budget ones - the cost of a pair of high-quality footwear will vary between 10 and 15 thousand rubles;

  4. Models for training on rough terrain have a similar order of numbers. The price of such sneakers starts from 5-7 thousand and can reach 30-35 thousand rubles.her;

In the following articles, our experts tell types of Nike sneakers and secrets choosing a pedometer for active workouts.

Video on the choice of sneakers for running

Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a guide to purchase.
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