How to choose a stick for training hockey

Hockey is one of those sports that makes quite serious demands on the equipment used. Dynamic and gambling, and at the same time very traumatic, this game is hockey for many of us. Therefore, in order to get maximum pleasure and improve as a hockey player, the correct selection of hockey equipment in general and clubs in particular, you must pay close attention.

how to choose a hockey stick

Choosing a hockey stick depending on the age and weight of the hockey player

This formulation in hockey circles is the most real axiom that does not require proof. Choosing a club is easy to do: all that is required for a hockey player is to pay attention to the inscriptions indicated on it:

  1. Marking youth (abbreviated yth) indicates that the stick is childish, and the hockey player’s best age is from 4 to 7 years;

  2. Junior (JR) is designed for older players. As a rule, we are talking about adolescents from 7 to 14-15 years;

  3. Intermediate (Int) is an excellent choice for teenagers of the older age group whose age ranges from 15 to 18 years;

  4. If the club is chosen for an adult, adult person, you should purchase models marked Senior (Sr);

Types of hockey sticks and from which material are produced

Types of hockey sticks

Regardless of which age group this or another club is intended for, they all consist of two main parts - the handle and the hook. Depending on the design, hockey sticks are divided into two main groups:

  1. Whole putter. Made from a single piece of material and have an inseparable structure. The characteristics of such models are at the highest level, however, in case of a breakdown, it is unlikely that the club will be repaired

  2. Folding sticks. Consist of two separate elements interconnected by a special hot melt adhesive. Damage during the game in this situation is fixable - the elements are disconnected, and the damaged one is replaced with a new one.

Different hockey sticks and the type of material used. The first models were made of wood or aluminum, but their performance was far from perfect. At the present time on sale can be found clubs, made from the following materials:

  1. Multilayer plywood. The most budget and least durable material;

  2. Solid wood. The strength of such clubs is much higher, as well as the price;

  3. Polymeric materials - fiberglass, carbon fiber, carbon. Differ in the greatest possible durability and wear resistance, however are rather labor-consuming in production, and therefore have the highest price. On top of that, such clubs are quite laborious to repair;

  4. Aluminum. Their inherent advantage is the highest possible durability. Among the shortcomings can be identified low sensitivity and regular loss of control over the puck during the game;

  5. Titan and Kevlar. The lightest, plastic and durable materials. Sticks made from these metals - the lot of professional hockey players.The disadvantage of them, perhaps, is one - the transcendental cost;

In order to eliminate the disadvantages of a particular type of material, a modular design is widely used, implying the use of several types of materials. For example, the combination of a wooden handle and a carbon or titanium hook allows for an affordable price and excellent performance;

Determine the stiffness and grip of a hockey stick

hockey stick stiffness

Stick stiffness is an important parameter that directly affects the usability of the tool and the overall effectiveness of the game. Every experienced hockey player knows that in order to make an accurate and strong throw of the puck, the club must be given the appropriate deflection. And the heavier the hockey player is, the more powerful the deflection he creates. It is for this reason that the rigidity of the stick is matched by the weight of the hockey player: the greater his weight, the more rigid one or other stick must be. Otherwise, the stick will become unusable after 2-3 full matches.

To assess the rigidity, a special scale, called Eastcon, is used, and its values ​​vary between 40 and 120. There are markings on the stick: the softest model is designated by the abbreviation Whip, the toughest is XX Stiff.

Equally important is the grip of a particular club. The choice of club for this parameter depends entirely on whether the person is either left-handed or right-handed. There are also universal clubs that do not have a bend - such models are suitable for right-handers and left-handers. They are recommended to buy, first of all, for young hockey players, who often do not know what they will have during the game.

What are the hooks in hockey sticks

Despite the seeming simplicity and primitiveness of this element of the hockey stick, there are quite a few requirements for its features:

  1. Depending on the position of the player in the arena, the form of the club's toe is selected. So, a round toe is an ideal option for attackers who require constant contact with the puck and high maneuverability. Square, on the contrary, is an ideal option for defenders - with its help it is more convenient to control the puck. Midfielders can also provide a compromise option - a square toe with rounded corners;

  2. The place where the hook begins. The farther from the sock it starts - the more active the game is, one or another stick. Universal is considered the option in which the bend begins from the middle of the sock;

  3. The angle between the stick and the plane of the hook. This parameter is individual and depends entirely on the growth of the player, his build and weight. Typically, this parameter ranges from 4.4 to 6 degrees;

How to choose the length of the hockey stick

The length of a hockey stick is another very individual parameter, selected depending on the physical characteristics of a particular hockey player. It is easy to choose the length - it is necessary to stand on a flat surface and place the club next to you. Ideally, its length should reach the tip of the nose (or up to the chin when you are skating). To play in the attack, you can pick up a stick a little shorter, for the defender, respectively, the model will fit longer.

Video on hockey sticks

Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a guide to purchase.
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