How to choose a fondue

Do you often come to visit, and you do not like to stand at the stove? Try making fondue. It takes less than five minutes, and guests will enjoy a delicious dish.

The easiest to prepare is chocolate fondue. There is also cheese, fish and meat. Depending on the ingredients that you will use for fondue, you should select a fondue holder.

How to choose the product and what to look for when buying, we will tell in our article.

choose a fondue

Types of fondyushnits - which one to choose: electric or burner

Electricity or fire is used to heat the fondue. It cannot be said that any of these two sources of heat is better - both electric and burner products have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Burner fonds

Burner fonds

To heat such products, a candle or burner is used, which is charged with special tablets or gel that do not emit odor, soot or smoke. Burner fonduce dishes are ideal for creating a romantic atmosphere in the house or just a cozy atmosphere on cold winter evenings.


  • Fondues with burners or candles are not “tied” to one place. You can take them with you where there is no electricity (for example, for nature);

  • With a burner, it is possible to adjust the height of the flame and, therefore, the heating rate.


  • It is necessary to buy fuel for fondue dishes. One liter of gel is enough for 8-10 times of use, one tablet - for one use (about 2-3 hours);

  • Thermoregulation is not possible in all burner fonds.

Electric Fonduers

Electric Fonduers

Due to the rapid heating and the ability to regulate the temperature, electric fondue appliances are an excellent option for cheese, meat and dessert dishes that need to be cooked at a certain temperature. Such fonduers are connected to the mains, so they can not be used outside the house.

Some fondues have magnetic cables. They open, if a person accidentally touches the wire, and thus prevent spilling fondue on the table or the hapless guest. Also there are models with too short electric cords. When buying such products, it is advisable to stock up with an extension so that you can “get” from the table to the outlet.

Electric fondues are made of metal and often have a non-stick coating, which facilitates the process of washing dishes.


  • Suitable for all types of fondue;

  • Security. Suitable for home with small children.

  • No need to buy fuel;

  • Convenient system of thermoregulation;


  • Cannot be used outdoors or in rooms without electricity;

  • Creates a less comfortable atmosphere in the house, compared with the burners. However, some models are equipped with light indicators that mimic the burner flame. This makes them look more like classic burner products.

What fondyushnitsu buy for chocolate, cheese, meat and vegetable fondue

What kind of fondue to buy

Fondue containers are made of ceramic, clay and metal (stainless steel and cast iron):

  1. Ceramic and clay products are suitable for making dessert or chocolate fondue. They are not designed to create meat, fish or vegetable dishes that require higher temperatures. These products are very fragile and vulnerable. With a strong blow, they can break up, and when exposed to high temperatures - crack. Such fondues can not be heated on the stove.

  2. Products made of cast iron are ideal for cooking meat fondue. They heat food evenly and keep it warm for a long time. Such dishes are durable and durable, but they are poorly suited for making cheese and chocolate fondue. In addition, cast iron fonds are very heavy and tend to absorb odors. If the fondue holder made of cast iron does not have a protective non-stick layer, it should be used to prepare one type of fondue (meat or fish, for example).

  3. Fondyushnitsa from stainless steel - universal model. It is suitable for cooking any food and withstands high temperatures. It can be put on the stove to cook fondue faster.

Which heating element is better - a burner or a candle?

The candle is used only for heating clay or ceramic dishes and making chocolate fondue. Her temperature is not enough to cook another dish. In addition, a burning candle can not heat a large container and provide a large company with fondue (5-6 people).

The burner wins in this regard. It provides the preparation of any amount of fondue and can be used to heat fondues from any material. In addition, in most burner models, you can adjust the height and intensity of the fire.

What to look for before you buy - practical advice

  1. Pay attention to the amount of dishes. If you plan to enjoy fondue in a limited circle of friends or together with your loved one, choose containers of 0.7–1 l. If you need to buy a fondue bottle for a large family, or you often relax in a large company, a capacity of 1.5–2.5 liters will do. The standard volume of a fondue box is 1.3–1.5 l. Also consider the fact that you need to choose more containers for meat, vegetable and fish dishes, while 0.3–0.4 liters will be enough for cooking chocolate fondue.

  2. When buying, keep in mind that wood fondue handles have poor thermal conductivity, i.e. you do not risk getting burned. However, they are not very durable and do not like to “bathe” in the dishwasher. Metal handles are more durable and unpretentious, but they are very hot.

  3. Pay attention to forksincluded in the fondue set. Choose products with long handles. It is desirable that these pens be made of a non-heating material (wood or plastic). So that guests do not confuse their skewers, choose products with multi-colored tags on the handle. When buying, also consider that for tasting a sweet fondue a person will need one fork, while for a meat dish he will need to use two skewers.

Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a guide to purchase.
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