How to choose a punch bag
For those who do not have the opportunity to spar with a live opponent, a punch bag is the best option for staging and honing techniques of impact. Choose such an accessory should be given all the design features and technical nuances.
Which boxing bag to choose? Top manufacturers
The choice to exercise is best in favor of models from well-known manufacturers of boxing equipment and gear:
You can familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the above models, as well as with the feedback from customers who have tried pears in action, on the Internet. The maximum amount of information is present on thematic forums or in social networks.
Types of boxing bags. What are they like?
Pneumatic boxing bags. They are strong cameras with one fixation point located in its upper part. The filler is the air injected into the bag with a special pump. This bag holds the pressure well and allows you to do without the need for swapping for a long time. Among the shortcomings note the impossibility of practicing kicks, as well as the high cost of high-quality models;
Water filled boxing bags. Being filled with water, they resemble a human body in consistency, which contributes to the correct positioning of the hands and the correct execution of the blows. Differ in compactness - in order to move the bag to another place, you need to drain the water. Among the shortcomings, there is a fear of sharp objects - even one careless movement can threaten with a "flood";
Printed boxing bags are considered universal. They are dense, durable and durable, allow you to work out punches with both hands and feet. The characteristics of the bag vary considerably depending on the material used as the packing. The disadvantages emit a lot of weight and bulkiness, so that it is difficult to transfer such a bag to another place, if necessary;
What to look for when choosing a boxing bag? Selection options
Bag weight
Light bags, the weight of which does not exceed 40-50 kilograms, are designed for practicing techniques of strikes, maneuvering and evading them. Not suitable for powerful shots, in which the entire body is inserted.
As a universal model, boxers allocate bags weighing 50 - 70 kilograms. These models allow you to hone and combat technology, and powerful point strikes.
Heavy boxing bags are optimal for delivering pinpoint punches with full display. The weight of such bags is 80-110 kilograms, which is comparable with the weight of an average person. Prefer their professional boxers with well-honed combat techniques;
Stuff used as padding
Tyrsa and sawdust are currently used exclusively in budget models. Differ in the increased hygroscopicity, and still quickly compressed. As a result, the density of the pear changes - the upper part becomes soft, and the lower one turns into stone;
Sand is not considered the best material.Due to the high density, strikes on such a projectile are tough, which is not for everyone. In addition, the sand is also hygroscopic and having collected water in itself, it also turns into stone.
The best material for a boxing bag is rubber sawdust or shavings. Being densely stuffed, such a pear has decent springing properties, it does not stick and is suitable for both beginners and professional boxers;
Exterior upholstery
Budget models of punching bags are made of leatherette. This material is suitable for staging a novice, does not differ in excessive resistance to mechanical loads and is not suitable for intensive use in the mode of a professional sports club;
Professional models are made of genuine leather, stitched with durable threads. Such a pear without any problems withstands shock and mechanical stress, it is characterized by durability and durability. Negative high cost;
Mounting method
Metal hook tied to centering cables is the easiest method used in most budget models. Easy to use and allows you to quickly hang and remove the pear if necessary. The disadvantage is that the fixation is not reliable enough; under the influence of powerful blows the bag may come off the anchorages;
The metal ring fixing the pear with chains is a much more reliable, durable and durable method of fastening. It is difficult to mount and even harder to remove, but it is the ring that provides maximum reliability in any training mode;
Bag height
Compact models, 50-70 centimeters high, are suitable for practicing punches. They cannot be called universal;
High pears, the length of which is 120-140 centimeters, are the most preferred option for the purchase. They allow for multi-level punches with both hands and feet.
In the following articles, our experts tell how to choose boxing glovessecrets choosing a punching bag and features boxing selection.
Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a guide to purchase.