How to choose a curler? Making curly hair

Well-groomed curly hair looks attractive. But not all the girls nature rewarded with such styling, so you have to spend time creating an attractive image. The curlers, which have long been present in the arsenal of girls, help in this. With their help, at home and without complicated procedures, the volume of hair is given, they are laid in the right direction.

How to choose a curler? Which ones are the best?

How to choose a curler? Which ones are the best?

Curling with the help of curlers - the reception is old and popular. In our time, the choice is offered a range of products of different types. They allow you to achieve the desired result with minimal effort and time. Differences relate to the shape, size, materials of manufacture.

If you have to decide which curlers to choose, then you need to focus primarily on the purpose of use. Experts advise to consider what time to do styling.

In this case, follow a few tips:

  1. for the morning styling requires curlers to help reduce the time and quickly achieve the desired result;

  2. for styling in the evening, select products from dense material that holds the shape well.

Today, girls are not limited in the choice of curlers to create an attractive hairstyle for every day or for a festive evening.

It must be remembered that the volume of curls depends fully on the shape of the curlers. Material features affect the volume that can be obtained by this method. Dealing with the features is difficult, so you have to consult an experienced stylist.

When choosing pay attention to the materials of manufacture:

  1. plastic;

  2. metal;

  3. tape, fabric.

Despite the external simplicity, the quality of the styling, the pomp and speed of work, and the safety of the hair depend on the specific material.

Plastic curlers

A common option is plastic. Classic curlers are made from it to create different hairstyles. Plastic curlers are used in the morning and evening. They have a cylindrical shape with protrusions for wrapping hair.


  • comfortably twisted;

  • quick fix


  • bend easily and get damaged.
Plastic curlers are used for curling any hair. However, the plastic form is easily damaged, and plastic is not recommended to heat.

Metal curlers

Durable and durable option - metal curlers. They are equipped with special holes that ensure fixation and uniform drying.


  • can not be dried hair dryer;

  • There is a risk of damage to the hair when it is very hot.


  • electrify hair;

  • provoke cross section of the tips.

This material is durable and very hot, resulting in the risk of damage to the hair when using a hair dryer.

Fabric curlers

A popular option is fabric curlers, in the manufacture of which soft materials and fabrics are used.


  • ease and lack of discomfort;

  • attractive appearance.


  • soft material can not always keep the desired shape.
What are the types of hair curlers - their varieties

What are the types of hair curlers - their varieties

If you carefully examine the proposal, then you can find many varieties. Famous masters create their own products with a unique design. It all depends on the methods, goals, characteristics of the hair. In addition, fashion is changing rapidly, so it is difficult to keep track of everything.

However, the following varieties are distinguished:

  1. thermal curlers;

  2. Velcro curlers;

  3. velvet curlers;

  4. papilotki ("Boomerangs");

  5. "Koklushki".

Girls need to deal with all the features of these products, and then you can achieve the perfect hairstyle with minimal effort. Improper use of curlers leads to undesirable consequences, and sometimes even causes damage to the hair.

Thermal curlers

Heated hair rollers are one of the old varieties of these devices. Our mothers and grandmothers used these models, so the principle of operation is clear to many. They are simple plastic or metal products. Before use, they were warmed up in hot water, after which curls were curled. In professional thermal rollers inside the paraffin wax, which promotes uniform heating and slow cooling.


  • ease of use;

  • effective curling;

  • fast heating and laying (no more than 20-30 minutes).


  • there is a risk of burns if used carelessly;

  • complexity of use with long hair.

Velcro curlers

For girls who do not want to spend time on their hair, fit Velcro curlers. A distinctive feature is the complete absence of special mounts. Instead, a rough surface is used, thanks to which the curls seize without additional fixation. Such devices are used with a hairdryer, if necessary, suitable diameter is selected.


  • ease of use;

  • a variety of styling options to create the desired hairstyle;

  • quick volume and pomp.


  • rough surface leads to tangling of hair with careless handling;

  • difficult to use with long hair.

Such curlers are suitable for different hair. Without spending a lot of time, girls give hair volume and make magnificent hairstyles. On these hair curlers hair dryer to save time. They have a lot of advantages, but they are not recommended for use with long and brittle hair, as it is likely to damage them.

Velvet curlers

Such devices for styling are made of special material with velor coating. This ensures a soft and gentle effect on the hair, so they are recommended for those whose hair is too fragile. A distinctive feature of velvet hair curlers is that they can be freely used with any hair types, regardless of length, color or other qualities. Fixing curls by using special plastic sticks.


  • a wide range of applications;

  • high quality of laying;

  • safety for hair.


  • complexity of application;

  • the duration of the procedure.

Velvet curlers are used even in beauty salons, because they are safe. But the procedure itself takes more time and requires curling skills.


Papilottes, or boomerang curlers, are a popular and effective styling tool. Such devices like girls, because they are easy to use and do not cause any discomfort. The curlers are made of thick foam rubber on a flexible wire, so they can be left without problems even for the night. With the help of papillotok at home, both small curls and a fluffy hairstyle with large curls are obtained.


  • ease of use;

  • no harm to hair and discomfort;

  • universality (suitable for all types of hair);

  • no discomfort.


  • because of its softness, curlers can flatten, which will lead to uneven curls;

  • it is necessary to choose the right size and shape.

The sticks are categorized as curlers with a small diameter. Aluminum, plastic or wood in some cases is used as the main material of manufacture. Fixing curls at the expense of gum. By purpose and features they look like papillots, but have a rigid structure. They are used to obtain small curls with chemical perm.


  • simple appearance;

  • large volume for hair;

  • convenience of a small curl.


  • not suitable for all occasions;

  • metal is bad for the hair (it is better to choose wooden or plastic curlers).

Such products belong to the professional category of styling tools. They will help to get the volume with minimal cost, but it is better to use them for chemical perm.

What curlers to choose?

What curlers to choose?

The choice presented a huge assortment of different curlers, so choose the right and only option is difficult. Specific varieties depending on the characteristics are suitable for specific purposes. You must first understand everything, consult with experienced stylists, and only then make a choice.

If you want to quickly style your hair, then you should pay attention to thermo or electric curlers. They will help to give volume in half an hour without complicated procedures and visits to the salon. They are chosen for morning makeup, when there is no time for long procedures. But remember that they cause injury or damage to the hair.

Another option for quick styling in the morning or at other times of the day is velvet curlers. They perform a perm in a sparing manner without rendering harm to the hair. Such devices fall into the category of professional tools.

Be sure to consider the type of hair and their features before you buy those or other hair curlers. If the hair is strong, thick and long, then you should get papilotkami or bobbins. Such products are more suitable for night styling, because it takes more time to complete the procedure. Thanks to them, you will not have to make compromises, and the result will not be long in coming.

If the hair is short and not strong, then you can do with simple velcro curlers or plastic devices. Any girl with the right choice will preserve the health of the hair, as well as help you get a haircut with natural volume.

In the following articles, our experts tell how to choose a hair straightener and secrets selection of colors for eyebrows.

Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a guide to purchase.
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