How to choose the right wallpaper for the kitchen, bedroom, hall and hallway
Despite the large variety of options for wall decoration in residential areas, wallpaper and to this day are very popular. Excellent performance characteristics, a wide range of colors and materials used, low price - these and many other characteristics make the choice of wallpaper logical and justified. However, in order to get a stylish and beautiful interior, the wallpaper must not only be properly and neatly glued, but also selected, paying attention to their most important characteristics.
How to choose wallpaper for the kitchen, bedroom, hall and hallway
When choosing wallpaper for a particular room, it is necessary to take into account the degree of environmental friendliness of a particular material, as well as the functional purpose of the room. From this it follows that the wallpaper for the kitchen in their parameters will be significantly different from the wallpaper used in the bedroom or hallway.
Hallway Wallpaper
Practically in any dwelling the hallway serves as a kind of vestibule, it is here that outerwear and shoes are put on and taken off, and various street accessories and devices (bicycles, skis, sledges) are stored. It is for this reason that wallpaper for the hallway should have a number of characteristics:
Be strong enough to withstand unintended contact with hard and sharp objects;
Do not be too light and mark, do not leave traces of moisture and unintentional contact with dirty hands on the surface;
In the event of contamination, the possibility of smooth removal of stains should be provided. Wallpaper should provide the ability to use household chemicals and not be afraid of brushing and sponge;
The best option at the present time are non-woven or vinyl wallpaper, having a smooth texture and a smooth surface, not afraid of cleaning and mechanical effects.
Wallpaper for the kitchen
Similar characteristics should have and wallpaper used in the kitchen. An atmosphere of high temperature and humidity almost always reigns here - when cooking, the inevitable release of steam, fat and other substances, and no matter how good the hood is, is unlikely to prevent these substances from settling on the walls.
The best option for the kitchen are vinyl washable wallpaper, available neutral, close to dark colors and shades. The drawing is selected on the basis of the dimensions of a particular room, as well as from its general stylistics.
Bedroom Wallpaper
Since we spend the lion's share of our time in the bedroom, not only the texture, color and shade of the wallpaper, but their environmental friendliness plays an important role. Cheap wallpapers will not only have an unpleasant smell, but can even emit harmful toxic substances. It is for this reason that close attention should be paid to environmental friendliness, as well as to the materials underlying the wallpaper, as well as to the brand - high-quality, expensive wallpaper from reputable manufacturers will most certainly be the safest.
As for the color scheme, preference should be given to calm, neutral shades of pastel colors.It is they who have a positive effect on the general condition of the body, calm the nervous system and contribute to a strong and healthy sleep. This rule, by the way, is also relevant for wallpapers selected in the children's room.
Wallpaper for the hall
The hall, often called the living room, is a room that directly speaks of the tastes and attention of the owner to the details and trifles in the interior. This should be chosen bright, unusual and eye-catching wallpaper, combining them with the general interior of the room or, conversely, building the interior and color scheme around them. Natural wallpapers such as bamboo and reed are popular, they not only look very extravagant, but also have a high environmental friendliness. In addition, in view of the special texture, such wallpapers perfectly hide surface irregularities and flaws in general construction works.
Photo wallpapers are extremely popular lately. You can choose not only a specific illustration from the wide range of models on sale, but also create your own image. All that is required for this is a high-quality, high-resolution photo that will be printed in a photo studio in a specific format.
In the following articles, our experts tell how to choose wallpaper and secrets selection of bimetallic radiators.
Video on the choice of wallpaper
Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a guide to purchase.