Compare lining and imitation timber | What's better

Finishing with natural wood for many years does not lose its relevance, although materials that imitate real wood try to compete with it. Among various sawn timber, imitation of timber and lining are considered to be among the most versatile, but many are confused in the intricacies of each product. Our experts will tell you how to choose the best.

Features of finishing materials

Both considered products are highly valued for their versatility and excellent appearance, which allows to achieve maximum similarity with a real bar.



It is a carefully processed and fitted board made of hardwood / softwood. Lining - a real treasure when it comes to the design of the internal space of the premises. It is often used in various interior styles:

  1. Scandinavian - goes well with stone;

  2. Hi-tech - in the interior is used in combination with metal;

  3. Loft - various types of decor are used;

  4. Provence - lining is covered with a layer of paint, etc.

Lining made of wood, has several important properties:

  1. Versatility;

  2. Environmental friendliness;

  3. Easy installation;

  4. Affordable price.

Lining of wood has the unique ability to form a healthy microclimate indoors. In the cold season, a room decorated with this material will be warm, and the humidity of the air will be within the normal range.

Among the weaknesses of the wall paneling - Flammability and susceptibility to rotting. To avoid this, the material is covered with special impregnations.

Imitation timber


It belongs to the planed category with a rather wide size ruler: the product length can be 6 m, and the width ranges from 0.65 to 2 m. Such dimensions are an ideal solution for working with wooden facades, and simple and convenient installation is suitable for facing buildings absolutely any configurations. Imitation of timber is sometimes called a kind of symbiosis of wall paneling and block house.

Advantages of timber

  1. Environmental friendliness - for the manufacture of imitation timber used various materials of natural origin (in particular, wood). And modern methods of decorative processing allow you to create a safe and aesthetic exterior coating.

  2. Versatility - panels made of imitation timber can be used to finish surfaces of any material.

  3. Durability - the product under consideration perfectly copes with temperature changes, and, in the presence of antiseptic processing, with humidity (the fungus, mold and moisture are not terrible for such a product). The operational period of imitation of timber can be up to 25 years.

  4. Excellent noise and heat insulation - structural features allow the product to provide sufficient protection of the premises from heat loss.

  5. Easy installation - for finishing surfaces (both horizontal and vertical) with the help of a bar imitation, no special skills or tools are required. The connection of structural elements among themselves is carried out by the “thorn-groove” method.

  6. Affordable price - low price and widespread prevalence make imitation of timber available to every consumer material.

  7. To make the product not seem ideal, its weak points are worth mentioning: propensity to shrink and flammability.

The main differences

Imitation of a bar and lining practically have no differences, therefore nonprofessionals often confuse these two finishing materials. Understand the difference in choosing the right product. First, the thickness of the products. Imitation of a bar differs in bigger thickness, than lining: in a range from 16 to 37 mm. The thickness of the lining does not exceed 16 mm.

Secondly, the installation method. Lining can be installed in almost any direction: horizontally, vertically, diagonally. Imitation timber can not boast of such versatility - this material is only suitable for horizontal installation.

What to choose for exterior / interior decoration

For cladding facades, in principle, both materials are suitable. Everything depends mainly on the budget allocated for construction / repair, and taste preferences. We recommend to use for exterior work (in the case of frame and wooden buildings) imitation of timber, because it is less susceptible to external influence.

When choosing a suitable product, always pay attention to its humidity - the optimal indicator is 10-14%. If it is higher, there is a high probability of deformation of the finish after a long stay in the sun. It would not be superfluous to take into account the type of product - it is better to dwell on products of class A. Such products are free from defects and have a durable connection.

For interior decoration of buildings, lining is the best option (although it can also be used for exterior decoration). By the way, lining is also used for covering bath walls, since the material is made from hardwood, which does not emit essential oils that are toxic to humans when heated.

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