How to cover the roof of the garage

By its nature, a garage is a real “temple” for every man. Here his iron horse lives, here you can take a break from the routine and hassle, pick the car at your pleasure, you can also use the garage as a place for gathering with friends. And in order to ensure the most correct indoor microclimate - constant temperature and humidity, to avoid leakage and condensate formation, as well as frost penetration in the winter period, it is necessary to responsibly approach the arrangement of the room in general and the roof in particular.

How to cover the roof of the garage


  1. Types of materials for cladding and ceiling roof garage
  2. Waterproofing materials

Types of materials for cladding and ceiling roof garage

When choosing a specific material used to cover the roof of a garage, you should be aware of the main characteristics that a particular material should have:

  1. Excellent waterproofing;

  2. Resistance to direct sunlight and the effects of temperature extremes;

  3. Easy installation;

  4. Durability;

All these characteristics correspond to modern roofing materials that are widely used in construction at present.



The material known to roofers for more than a dozen years. It is a special roofing paper, covered with a composition of refractory bitumen. Differs very good waterproofing, unpretentious in laying and resistant to temperature extremes and sunlight. For laying it is used bitumen or resin heated by a blowtorch. The disadvantages of this material are - first of all, it is low strength, as well as flammability.



Another traditional material known since time immemorial. The roof, made of slate, has excellent mechanical strength, perfectly removes moisture, is not afraid of temperature changes and direct sunlight and does not conduct electrical current. Installation is carried out in separate sheets, and therefore, if a particular fragment is damaged, it can be replaced with a new one. The disadvantage of slate is extremely high weight and size, as well as increased fragility. In addition, asbestos is the basic material underlying the slate, is characterized by low environmental friendliness.

Galvanized metal profile

Galvanized metal profile

The iron roof is also popular. It is made of thin metal sheets and copes with the responsibilities assigned to it. Of the minuses should be noted the high cost, as well as the complexity of processing. In addition, such a roof has the property of tearing along cut lines and joints, and therefore can flow at any time;



Advanced analogue of roofing material, coated on both sides with a special polymer film and treated with granite chips to increase strength and aesthetic perception. Possessing all the characteristics inherent to roofing material, rubemast is devoid of their shortcomings, and therefore it is widely used for arranging the final layer of the roof. The disadvantage of this material is one - quite high cost.

Materials for roof waterproofing

Despite the fact that the above materials can be considered universal, they are not always able to provide an adequate level of moisture resistance. In this case, you have to think through additional waterproofing. It is carried out with the help of special materials laid on the roof prior to the installation of the finishing coating.



The most popular material used for waterproofing. It is a glass fiber impregnated with bitumen with special additives. Soft, plastic and very resistant to mechanical stress material, easy to install and unpretentious to care. Not afraid of exposure to open flame and temperature changes, is not prone to corrosion and rot.



By its structure, this material is similar to stekloizola - its basis is still the same fiberglass treated with bitumen. Its characteristics are also similar - this material provides excellent moisture resistance, isolates the room from temperature changes and other negative influences. The disadvantage is the complexity of installation, as well as low thermal insulation characteristics (stekloizol in this regard, an order of magnitude higher).

Top manufacturers

Choosing materials for the arrangement of the roof, to give preference to the best products of those brands that work in this field for a long time and managed to gain a positive reputation from customers:

  1. Gerard

  2. Koramic

  3. Ruuki

  4. Ondulina

In addition to these materials, in each region of our Motherland there are own local productions engaged in the production of roofing and waterproofing materials. Their products can also be recommended for purchase, but first you need to carefully examine the quality, as well as get acquainted with user feedback on the Internet.

In the following articles, our experts tell what to cover the wall paneling inside the house and secrets choosing a septic tank for a private house.

Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a guide to purchase.
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