9 best vitamins for pregnant women

To this controversial topic of vitamins in pregnant women there are fundamentally different approaches. And it is legitimate. After all, pregnancy is a period of strict medicinal restrictions and abstinence. The principle that no one disputes, says: "any drug can be used in a pregnant woman if and only if the risk of not being treated would entail a greater risk for the mother and child than the possible side effects of this drug affecting the fetus."

The first opinion is the desire to make the most of all existing vitamins that manufacturers produce, depending on the periodization of pregnancy. That is, when preparing for pregnancy, a pregnant woman uses one vitamin preparation. In the first trimester - the other, “optimized” for the second trimester, and so on, respectively. Proponents of this approach argue that since during pregnancy, the processes occurring in the female body and (we will explain later) and the baby change in the future, it is desirable to use any opportunity of modern pharmaceuticals. That is why the whole series of multivitamin preparations are created for the first, second and third trimester of pregnancy, to prepare for pregnancy and for the period of breastfeeding.

There are opponents to this approach, and their argumentation is also understandable. Here are some of these cons:

  1. currently clinical, in the study of avitaminosis is extremely rare. Scurvy, beriberi, and other avitaminosis, like pernicious malignant anemia, are long gone. Therefore, multivitamins during pregnancy do not cure, but prevent possible risks;
  2. but at the same time, the diet of a pregnant woman may well compensate for a small lack of vitamins, and there is simply no need to introduce other drugs into the body;
  3. In addition, if during pregnancy two five or six periods would have been officially adopted not three trimesters, the producers of vitamins would significantly change and expand their range in accordance with the new classification.

Finally, there is a third opinion: there is no need to stuff pregnant women with multivitamin complexes with a very high content of various components. It is enough to pay attention to several vitamins and trace elements that play the most important role in the development of the future baby. All three points of view are legitimate, and which one to adhere to is the business of an obstetrician-gynecologist leading a pregnancy.

What changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman, and which vitamins are the most necessary?

A bit about the features of pregnancy in terms of biochemistry

Recall what happens in the body in pregnant women. First, the ratio of proteins changes: first of all, those involved in blood coagulation. This is fibrinogen and antithrombin-3. In the normal course of pregnancy, the blood coagulation capacity increases. This means that a woman needs protein. Fibrinogen gradually grows, it is nothing like preparing for childbirth to quickly stop the bleeding.Therefore, protein is a very important component of the diet of a pregnant woman.

At the same time, the total protein content in the blood slightly decreases, despite the growth of the most important proteins of the hemostasis system. Why it happens? A very simple answer: a woman has no protein deficiency, just the body fluids come in more than the ability of a pregnant woman’s liver to accumulate proteins for normal concentration. Protein consumption is greater than its intake. This situation occurs when breastfeeding, as well as at the end of pregnancy. We are not talking about catastrophic numbers, but still in the case of kidney disease, the presence of edema, there may be threatening conditions, nephropathy of pregnant women or gestosis.

  1. Changing the ratio of protein fractions of blood plasma. As for cholesterol, its level increases, but for a very short time. After all, a child needs to build up something of the lipid membranes of its cells, a woman needs steroid sex hormones, bile acids. Cholesterol is very important for the synthesis of placental tissue, as well as many fetal tissues.
  2. The child also needs sugar, that is, glucose. Therefore, the amount of sugar in the blood of women drops, but only slightly. The lower threshold for pregnant women can be 3.5 mmol / l, because glucose is consumed for the fetus. In a pregnant woman, insulin consumption is significantly higher than usual. The role of insulin is the uptake of glucose by cells, which is why it is necessary for the growth of baby’s tissues. Maternal insulin acts as a regulator of the nutrition of the child’s cells. That is why, due to the increased load on the pancreas in a pregnant woman, there may at times be a relative insulin deficiency. In this case, talking about gestational diabetes, or about pregnant diabetes.
  3. Urea in a pregnant woman is low because it is excreted by a large amount of urine due to the growth of the total volume of fluid. Blood creatinine decreases, because filtration in the kidneys increases, its speed increases. After all, the volume of fluid in the body of a pregnant woman, along with the volume circulating in the baby’s tissues and the placenta, is significantly higher than outside the state of pregnancy.
  4. During pregnancy, the concentration of certain enzymes, such as alkaline phosphatase, changes, the level of calcium in the blood decreases. After all, the bones of the baby are created from calcium. A pregnant woman has an increased iron intake, and all related "services", such as transport proteins (ferritin and transferrin), are also increased in the blood.
  5. It should be remembered that in the body of a pregnant woman changes and hormones. The pregnancy itself begins with a significant increase in hCG, and the highest concentration of this hormone occurs at 7-10 weeks of pregnancy. The concentration of estrogen, prolactin and TSH increases. It should be remembered that the placenta itself is a source of hormones, such as progesterone. In the first trimester, the function of the thyroid gland increases, the parathyroid glands become activated, and the calcium in the blood of the pregnant woman increases, in order to build an embryo skeleton from it.

Listed here are only the most important changes that come in a pregnant woman. As a result, it became clear that one of the most important indicators of pregnant metabolism is increased folic acid intake, and all obstetricians and gynecologists agree that folic acid, folates, and vitamin B12 are the substances that a pregnant woman must take.

From here we can concludeThat these two vitamins, along with calcium supplements, are the most important. This is true, All manufacturers of vitamin complexes, knowing this, consciously include them in their preparations. Then other components are “strung” on this basis, and the result is a commercially profitable drug. This rating includes several of the most popular vitamin complexes for pregnant women.

Usually in drug ratings we are talking about the most popular and effective drugs. The effectiveness of vitamins is that the pregnancy flows normally, and nothing terrible has happened.Usually, no one ever measures the concentration in the blood of a pregnant woman with vitamin B12 and folic acid, since most often vitamins are used not for medical purposes, but for preventive purposes. Therefore, it remains only the quality of substances, as well as the popularity of the measure of the success of the complex. So, what vitamin complexes are shown during the preparation for carrying a baby, and in the first trimester? We remind you that prices for vitamins are relevant at the end of May 2024 for pharmacies of all types of property in the territory of the Russian Federation. The average price is given. The minimum as well as the maximum cost can be higher and lower by 40-50%.

Top vitamins for pregnant women

Nomination a place Name of product price
The best vitamins for pregnant women in the first trimester and during preparation for pregnancy      1 Trimester Complite 1 Trimester      378 ₽
     2 Elevit planning and the first trimester      527 ₽
     3 Femibion ​​Natalcare 1      514 ₽
The best vitamins for pregnant women in the second trimester      1 Complust trimester 2 trimester      368 ₽
     2 Femibion ​​Natalcare 2      947 ₽
     3 Multitabs Perinatal      564 ₽
The best vitamins for pregnant women in the third trimester      1 Trimester Complite 3 Trimester      377 ₽
     2 Pregnaca +      609 ₽
     3 Complite mom      228 ₽

The best vitamins for pregnant women in the first trimester and during preparation for pregnancy

Preparation for pregnancy can take place in a planned manner, when a woman is obliged to deal with all of her chronic diseases, heal the foci of infection, try to cure all inflammatory gynecological diseases. It is at this time that you can freely and safely take any vitamin complexes, since the baby is not there yet, but it is necessary to prepare for gestation. As for the first trimester, it is very important, because it is at this time that the vital organs of the baby are laid, and all developmental disorders of the child at this stage can lead to defects that are incompatible with life. Therefore, it is in those vitamin complexes intended for the first trimester that there is a high concentration of vitamin B12, as well as folic acid. What are these complexes?

Trimester Complite 1 Trimester

Rating: 4.9

Trimester Complite 1 Trimester

Trimester Complite 1 Trimester contains 22 different ingredients. These are vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B6, ascorbic acid, folic acid, calcium pantothenate, cyanocobalamin, cholecalciferol, lutein. It includes rutin, thioctic acid, and several minerals and trace elements. These are iron, manganese, copper, zinc, magnesium, calcium, selenium and iodine. In all other complexes Complivit trimester (second and third trimester) the same number of main ingredients, there are 22 of them. Only the concentration of some of them will change, in accordance with the physiological norm. These are white or almost white tablets, and on the cross-section they have various multi-colored inclusions.

It is not necessary to list the effects of various vitamins and minerals. We can only say that in addition to minerals and vitamins, there are additives such as rutin, which has a capillary-protective effect, alpha lipoic acid, which reduces lipid peroxidation, and lutein.

As usual, this drug is shown for the prevention of beriberi, in the period of preparation for pregnancy, and for the thirteenth week. It is necessary to apply one tablet per day. This complex is produced by the domestic company Pharmstandard-Ufa, and one pack, calculated for a monthly use (out of 30 tablets) costs 365 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Talking about the advantages and disadvantages of any multivitamin complex is extremely difficult. Unlike drugs that are used according to strict indications, it is difficult to understand whether the complex was taken in vain or not, and especially if there was no avitaminosis from the very beginning.

Therefore, apparently, the criterion will be the tolerance of the multivitamin complex, and the optimal balance according to the principle of “nothing extra”.It is known that in some cases allergic reactions, nausea or vomiting may develop to Complivit. The official instructions warns that nausea may not be a reaction to the drug at all, but is, as everyone knows, an early symptom of pregnancy. Therefore, in this case, it is recommended to take vitamins in the afternoon.

Elevit planning and the first trimester

Rating: 4.8

Elevit planning and the first trimester

Elevit planning and the first trimester is a complex vitamin and mineral preparation made by a French company for the well-known pharmaceutical group Bayer. The release of vitamin-mineral complex under the patronage of Bayer says that all the substances that make up the complex are cleaned in the best way, and meet international standards. The manufacturer immediately warns that this is a biologically active additive that is not a drug. This is a good point. The composition of this complex includes many vitamins, including all fat soluble vitamins of group B, ascorbic acid, vitamin D, as well as folates. The preparation contains biotin, 8 microelements, including zinc, manganese and iodine. It is necessary to use the drug one tablet once a day, regardless of the meal.

Advantages and disadvantages

The cost of this vitamin-mineral complex is twice as high as Complivit: for one package calculated for a monthly course, 600 rubles should be given. Perhaps the price is its main drawback. But still, this is a high-quality drug, and you need to think that a pregnant woman does not hurt the stomach from a large amount of various impurities in the compounds of trace elements and vitamins. No special indications, except for the prevention of vitamin-mineral deficiency does not exist, and this is quite normal. Elevit tolerates planning and the first trimester well, and the complex fully meets the daily need of women. As for vitamin B5, as well as folic acid, copper, iodine and manganese, the norm of their daily need is fully satisfied by only taking vitamins.

Femibion ​​Natalcare 1

Rating: 4.7

Femibion ​​Natalcare 1

This is a high-quality imported vitamin-mineral complex, which is adopted when planning pregnancy, and also inclusively until the end of 12 weeks after its occurrence, that is, during the first trimester. The drug is taken as usual, one tablet per day, washed down with water. It contains ascorbic acid, nicotinamide, vitamin E, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, riboflavin, two folates: folic acid and methyl folate, which is very important. This set of folates eliminates the risk of damage to the neural tube and the cardiovascular system.

Advantages and disadvantages

The cost of this multivitamin complex is also very high, the average price in pharmacies comes to 550 rubles. per pack of 30 tablets. However, it is a drug of high European quality, well tolerated, while folic acid is presented in two varieties at once. A total of 9 vitamins in the preparation, as well as iodine and biotin. It can be noted that rutin, lutein, alpha-lipoic acid, which is loaded with the domestic drug Complivit, is not included in its composition. Perhaps this is the right approach. The more components in the preparation, the higher the risk of individual intolerance.

The best vitamins for pregnant women in the second trimester

The second trimester starts at week 14, and continues through week 27. Therefore, that pregnant woman who took the drug in the first trimester, it is desirable to stock up on the means for the reception in the second trimester. Of course, it is better to have high-quality European complexes. At least they are more expensive, but they are guaranteed to supply the body with vitamins and minerals stated in the instructions, and at the same time their portability is good. If there is an opportunity, it is better to switch from domestic drugs to imported ones. All of them are reflected in the corresponding section. Let's start, as usual, with Complivit.

Complust trimester 2 trimester

Rating: 4.9

Complust trimester 2 trimester

Pharmstandard in its factory located in the city of Ufa, produces Complivit trimester 2 trimester. This is a complex of the same 22 vitamins and minerals with additives and again rutin, lutein and thioctic acid are introduced into it. The type of pills is the same, the readings are the same, the only official shift in terms of use. It is recommended for 2 trimester, from 43 to 27 weeks of pregnancy. The drug is taken as one tablet per day. We remind you that the difference between Complivit of different periods of pregnancy is the change in the concentration of individual components.

Advantages and disadvantages

The cost of this complex is the same, that is 360 rubles. In the event that a pregnant woman tolerated Complivit well throughout the first trimester, there are no restrictions to receive this variety. The only thing that the additional load on the liver with thioctic acid, lutein and rutin may not be very necessary for a pregnant woman, and it was possible to make the number of components a little less.

Femibion ​​Natalcare 2

Rating: 4.8

Femibion ​​Natalcare 2

Merck's company from Germany can be commended for non-standard approach. It could be expected that Femibion ​​natalker 2 will consist of tablets of one variety, but this is not so. The package contains 30 tablets and 30 capsules, designed for daily use of one tablet and one capsule in the second trimester of pregnancy. The tablet contains a complex of vitamins, folic acid, iodine and biotin. The official instructions indicate the percentage of daily consumption in pregnant and lactating women. Most of the vitamins in one pill fully satisfy the daily need of a pregnant woman, and in a nursing woman - this is vitamin C, E, folic acid. Reception of this complex satisfies the need of a nursing mother for these vitamins by 100%.

In addition, soft capsules contain fat-soluble vitamin E, docosahexaenoic acid, or the equivalent of fish oil. This separation of forms improves the quality of assimilation of vitamin D and fat-soluble vitamins A and E. There is no doubt that the introduction of essential omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins soluble in fats in a separate capsule increased the price of the drug, but improved its quality.

Advantages and disadvantages

Feimbion Natalker 2 can be taken not only in the second trimester of pregnancy, and this is very important. It turns out that official testimony is the second trimester of pregnancy, the third trimester, and the entire breastfeeding period. Of course, the cost of such a drug is quite high: a monthly course will cost about 1,000 rubles. But quality justifies the cost. In addition, the company has no desire to "push more" ingredients into one pill. It is desirable to take into account their physico-chemical properties, and the possibility of influence on each other. Therefore, one capsule with fat-soluble components is the right solution.

Multitabs Perinatal

Rating: 4.7

Multitabs Perinatal

Multi-tabs perinatal, manufactured by Pfizer, contains 10 different vitamins, and 9 minerals and trace elements. In particular, there is a part of chromium, which is not so often the case in vitamin complexes. These are yellow pills that are shown not only during the second trimester, but also during the continuation of the entire pregnancy and breastfeeding. The drug is used one tablet each day, and the Danish company Ferrosan releases it under the guidance of Pfizer.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps, this vitamin-mineral supplement can be considered one of the best. Nothing more, 19 components. European quality. In one pack of 60 tablets, respectively, it is designed for a course of two months. In this case, the average cost is 650 rubles, that is 325 rubles. per month, even cheaper than in the case of domestic Complivit with the European quality of vitamin and mineral substances.If we take into account that the drug is indicated throughout pregnancy, during the period of preparation for pregnancy and during breastfeeding, then this drug will be one of the leaders in the rating of vitamins for pregnant women.

The best vitamins for pregnant women in the third trimester

The third trimester can be called the "finish line". Surveys of doctors show that if a woman takes vitamins in the third trimester of pregnancy, then in 90% of cases she took them in previous periods. 40% of women taking vitamins in the third trimester, began to take them at the planning stage of pregnancy. This indicator indirectly indicates the percentage of women performing well-planned, consistent actions and a competent approach to motherhood.

Those women who did not take vitamins in the early stages, and suddenly began to take them in the last trimester - very few. As a rule, this occurs when the pathology of pregnancy occurs and the woman rests on preservation. In this case, medicines are already prescribed, including vitamins. All the organs and tissues of the baby have already been formed, and now it is only necessary to wait for its final development in order to complete the pregnancy with childbirth. Therefore, in this case, all the vitamins and minerals are aimed at continuing the growth of already existing fetal tissues.

Trimester Complite 3 Trimester

Rating: 4.9

Trimester Complite 3 Trimester

Pharmstandard finishes the appropriate line of its vitamin-mineral complexes with Complivit trimester 3 trimester. However, in contrast to the Ufa plant, it is produced by the company OTCPharm, and the packaging, designed for a monthly course of use, costs a little more - 394 rubles. It contains the same ingredients, both vitamins and minerals, and the same rutin, thioctic acid and lutein. This complex drug is not only designed from the 28th week, that is, in the period of the 3rd trimester, it can be used during the breastfeeding period. As usual, for the purpose of prophylaxis, it is recommended to take 1 tablet per day, by mouth during food intake or after, drinking plenty of liquid.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is difficult to judge the merits and demerits of one of the representatives of the vitamin line with minor differences. Perhaps the advantage may be combining the possibility of application in the third trimester, along with the period of lactation. If a pregnant woman used to take the appropriate Complivit vitamin complexes, and they were well tolerated, then there are no contraindications to the continuation of this technique.

Pregnaca +

Rating: 4.8

Pregnaca +

This drug, manufactured by the British pharmaceutical company Vitabiotiks, also contains a full range of vitamins, minerals, omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, iron, folic acid and other ingredients. The complete composition is biotin, vitamins of group B, vitamin D3 and E, vitamin PP, ascorbic acid, iron, iodine, magnesium and copper, selenium, pantothenic acid, folic acid, zinc. In addition, Pregnaca Plus has several "highlights". So, it contains vitamin K, which helps prevent bleeding in both the mother and the baby. This is a mixture of carotenoids, which improve the absorption of vitamin A, and are more physiological to use than vitamin A in its pure form. Also in the complex several components of polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega-3 class. This complex is applied one tablet each and one capsule daily, without chewing. It is clear that this vitamin-mineral complex resembles Fembion Natalker 2, because both capsules and tablets are in one package. The truth is it is a little cheaper: the monthly course of the drug, of 28 tablets and 28 capsules costs 880 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is difficult to judge whether the presence of carotenoids instead of vitamin A is beneficial or the presence of vitamin K. It is possible. But in our opinion, the fact that Pregnaca + can be used not only in the second and third trimester, and in the breastfeeding period, but also during preparation for pregnancy, will be much more important.That is, with this “long-lasting” drug it is possible to completely cover a rather long period of time, naturally, if there are financial opportunities. Practice shows that it is not so easy, even psychologically, in the process of pregnancy to acquire new drugs, or to search by weeks, with great accuracy, especially if it relates to vitamin. It is much easier to start taking any one drug, and take it throughout the year without thinking about changing the assortment, than remember that you need to look for a replacement at the pharmacy.

Complite mom

Rating: 4.7

Complite mom

Finally, in conclusion of the pregnancy rating of vitamins, you should again return to the domestic company Pharmstandard, and to the Ufa plant. This drug Complivit mother. Its distinguishing feature is the absence of such ingredients as lutein, rutin, alpha-lipoic acid. In total, the complex contains only vitamins in the amount of 11 varieties, as well as 7 minerals and trace elements. These are calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, manganese. It is necessary to take the drug one tablet once a day, but the indication - just like the best imported vitamins - is the full duration of the pregnancy, preparation for it and breastfeeding. How much will Complivit mother? A package of 60 tablets designed for a two-month intake will cost 280 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Naturally, the most advantageous trump card in this case will be the price: the leader of the ranking of vitamins for pregnancy in terms of economy is Complivit mom, a pack of 60 tablets. Accordingly, admission during the month will cost 140 rubles. If this is compared with Pregnaca +, (more than 800 rubles), or Femibion ​​Natalker 2 (1000 rubles), then this argument, in the end, may be decisive, and the balance leans in favor of choosing this multivitamin complex. However, if you choose quality, then try to take European minerals and multivitamins. If possible, then at least during the first and second trimester.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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