9 best headache remedies

Headache is one of the most serious problems of clinical medicine. The head can not only hurt the brain, because it does not contain any receptors. All of them are located on the periphery, and therefore, during operations, thin electrodes can be introduced into the substance of the brain, and the patient is fully conscious without any pain. All other tissues in varying degrees are endowed with pain receptors.

The skin, hypodermic cellulose and periosteum, the meninges and the blood vessels may ache in the head. Neuralgia of the occipital nerves and the trigeminal nerve, migraine and severe vascular spasm, infectious and inflammatory conditions such as meningitis, odontogenic irradiation, or toothache can be the cause of headache.

The headache is often caused by otitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis, or inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Finally, high or low blood pressure, glaucoma, and even chronic stress and depression, parasitic abscesses, meningitis, and tumors can lead to headaches.

All this makes the headache problem quite complicated, and even a competent and experienced doctor sometimes takes more than one day to figure out the causes of this pathological condition. That is why the rating of the best drugs for headache can be built only on their belonging to the groups by action. It is clear that there is not, and there can be no medicine "separately" from a piercing, aching, compressive or boring headache - you need to know its cause.

So, for meningitis, antibiotics will be the ideal remedy, since they destroy pathogenic microorganisms — the cause of the disease, and for migraines, ergotamine or sumatriptan will be required. But these are extreme cases. The largest number of drugs that are sold for over-the-counter headache are either nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory compounds (NSAIDs), combination drugs, or directly anesthetic drugs. Therefore, in the first place, we will consider precisely these means. We also mention a few prescription drugs - they are purchased by prescription, because they contain codeine.

Top headache pills ranking

Nomination a place Name of product price
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs      1 Paracetamol          121 ₽
     2 Aspirin, ASA, acetylsalicylic acid          270 ₽
     3 Mig 400, ibuprofen          135 ₽
Analgesics      1 Ketorolac (Ketanov, Ketorol, Ketolak, Adolor, Dolak, Ketofril)          233 ₽
     2 Analgin (metamizole sodium)          29 ₽
     3 Bonifen and Bonifen - Forte (naproxen)          257 ₽
Combined headache remedies      1 Caffetine          122 ₽
     2 Pentalgin plus          124 ₽
     3 Citramon-Forte (Askofen-P, Kofitsil Plus)          94 ₽

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

There are several dozens or even hundreds of varieties of these drugs in the world, the ancestor of which is the well-known aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid. All nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have three properties: it is an analgesic, or analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic.Different representatives of these properties are expressed in varying degrees, so here we look at those drugs that most help eliminate headaches.

It should be said in advance about the most well-known side effect of these drugs, which is manifested in the occurrence of an increased risk of gastric or duodenal ulcer, erosive gastritis and in violation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, which is called an ulcerogenic effect.

Ulcerogenic, or ulcer-forming effect develops with prolonged intake of high doses of NSAIDs, as well as in patients with an existing predisposition, such as the presence of peptic ulcer or gastritis. Therefore, these patients need to consult a doctor before starting to take the drugs included in the rating.

Another way out is to take along with the NSAID special proton pump blockers, which will be protected by the gastric and duodenal mucosa from the harmful effects of drugs. An example of such a gastroprotective drug may be ordinary omeprazole.

Finally, patients should be warned against believing in the so-called “enteric” form of tablets. Manufacturers say that if the drug is protected by a special acid-resistant sheath, and dissolve and be absorbed not in the stomach, but further in the intestine (for example, as “cardiac” aspirin - Cardiomagnyl), then this can allegedly protect the gastric mucosa from harmful effects. Alas, this is not true.

It is proved that the same aspirin has an ulcerogenic effect systemically, that is, being already dissolved and in the blood. Therefore, it does not make any difference in which shell the active substance will be located, and the fact that it will dissolve not in the stomach, but in the intestine, will in no way help protect the mucous membrane. The whole thing is to take headache medications, included in the rating, in the shortest possible rates and in the smallest dosages.


Rating: 4.9


Paracetamol and its numerous analogues, for example, children's “Panadol”, “Kalpol” and other drugs are a reliable assistant for eliminating tension headaches and vascular headaches, both in adults and in children. This drug is indicated for pain emanating from the upper respiratory tract, for rhinitis and sinusitis, for odontogenic pain, the source of which are bad teeth, for migraine and other conditions.

Paracetamol has a strong antipyretic effect, therefore it is indicated for the treatment of the headache that is a symptom of a feverish state, for example, for flu. The analgesic effect of paracetamol is also quite good, although not so strongly pronounced, but it has almost no anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, taking paracetamol in diseases of the joints, rheumatism and other similar conditions is practically meaningless. Most often, paracetamol is available in tablets of 500 mg of the active substance in each. Adults need to take paracetamol no more than two tablets four times a day. Admission to an adult more than 4 grams of paracetamol per day is contraindicated, because in high doses it has a harmful effect on the liver, causing even necrosis of hepatocytes in rare cases.

Advantages and disadvantages

Paracetamol is so popular that it is available not only in tablets, but also in suspensions, in syrup and even in rectal suppositories for children. This allows you to take it even if the child refuses to eat and drink due to severe intoxication or high temperature. A very important positive quality is the wide availability and low price. So, 20 tablets of paracetamol 500 mg can be bought even at a price lower than 10 rubles.

The negative aspects of various paracetamol analogues include the need for careful use in liver and kidney dysfunction, as well as a dosage restriction. As mentioned above, it can be used no more than 4 times a day.

Aspirin, ASA, acetylsalicylic acid

Rating: 4.8


Immediately it should be said that the rating of painkillers includes only forms of acetylsalicylic acid, which are taken in concentrations significantly higher than 75 mg in a single dose. The standard dosage of one pill is 500 mg. Low-dose ASA drugs (50 mg, 75 mg, 100 mg per tablet) are referred to as so-called “heart aspirins”, the purpose of which is to have an antiplatelet effect, or, as they say, “thin the blood” and prevent the occurrence of blood clots, thereby preventing heart attacks and strokes. Therefore, headaches should not be bought at all such drugs as "Cardiask", "Thrombo ACC", "Cardiomagnyl", and other acetylsalicylic acid drugs in low doses. As for the really working drugs of acetylsalicylic acid with an analgesic effect, among them can be listed: aspirin, aspirin UPSA, Aspro-C and many other drugs.

It is very important to remember that any and all preparations containing acetylsalicylic acid in any form, from candles and tablets to suspension and syrup, are absolutely contraindicated in children under 12 years of age. And it does not matter that the baby has fever, pain, which are a direct indication for reception in adults. Aspirin is categorically contraindicated at an early age, due to the possible development of rare, but very serious and often fatal complications.

In adults, aspirin also helps with colds, which are combined with fever, with neuralgia and neuritis, with toothache, with temporal arthritis, and with other conditions. Preparations of acetylsalicylic acid for adults are not recommended for use in a dose higher than 1 gram per day for more than 5 days. Aspirin can cause a decrease in platelet concentration, promote the development of nonsteroidal gastropathy, in which there is abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea, allergies, or symptoms of liver and kidney problems. Acetylsalicylic acid is prohibited in the first trimester of pregnancy.

The range of prices for acetylsalicylic acid is extremely wide. So, if you ask at a pharmacy for tablets of acetylsalicylic acid in a dose of 500 mg number 10, and at the same time the cheapest, then you will be offered these tablets for 3 rubles already! In the same case, if you just ask for Aspirin, in the same dosage and the same quantity, but produced not by the domestic enterprise Medicisorb, or by the Borisov Belarusian medical preparations plant, it will cost 235 rubles, that is, 78 times expensive! Such a price range must be taken into account, bearing in mind the quality of the original substance and the different results of treatment.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps the biggest drawback is the insufficiently pronounced analgesic effect of acetylsalicylic acid. Best of all, she copes with fever and weak pain, for example, when she feels ill during a cold. If the pain is strong enough, then combined drugs or drugs with a more pronounced analgesic effect are necessary. In this case, acetylsalicylic acid is contraindicated in patients with inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines, with reduced blood clotting. As for the "benefits", acetylsalicylic acid preparations are always available, cheap, at the same time able to prevent thrombosis and "thin" the blood, and help reduce the symptoms of fever.

Mig 400, ibuprofen

Rating: 4.7

Mig 400

So called medicine containing another NSAID, which has a more pronounced analgesic effect, we are talking about ibuprofen. Mig - 400 contains 400 mg of ibuprofen in a film-coated tablet.These tablets are most pronounced anesthetic effect, then - anti-inflammatory and antipyretic. The drug was ranked due to the ability to reduce headache mainly in inflammatory diseases. Therefore, in the first place, it will help with such types of headache as temporal arteritis in elderly men, symptomatic cephalgia, which is associated with chronic sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, frontitis and ethmoiditis. The drug is effective in shooting pain in the ear, which is a symptom of otitis, with toothache.

The drug can be used by adults at a dosage of no more than 3 tablets (1200 mg) per day, and for children from six years of age no more than one and a half tablets per day, or 600 mg. The drug is produced by the German manufacturer Berlin-Hemi, and 20 tablets of the drug can be purchased for 118 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Ibuprofen preparations are capable of good anesthesia, and help very quickly, for good reason, the medicine is so called - “Mig.” The peak of the analgesic effect comes after 10 minutes, and lasts for at least 12 hours, and sometimes - up to a day. The drug contains only pure ibuprofen, which is usually well tolerated even by patients with different polyvalent and drug allergies. As for the negative aspects of medication, it must first be prescribed for the first time after consulting a doctor. Ibuprofen should be used at the lowest possible dose, and possibly as short as possible. It is often able to cause heartburn and abdominal pain (NSAIDs - gastropathy), diarrhea and constipation, aggravation of gastric and duodenal ulcers, and even in itself can rarely cause headache and dizziness.


In that case, if the level of headache is strong enough, and it is not stopped by drugs from the group of NSAIDs, then, if necessary, you can use directly the drugs, the main advantage of which is a pronounced analgesic effect. But when switching to these analgesics after several days of unsuccessful treatment with NSAIDs, it is very important to consult a neurologist, as there are persistent headaches that require emergency hospitalization, for example, meningitis, subarachnoid hemorrhage, or focal brain formation - a malignant tumor. Nevertheless, we consider the most popular painkillers, included in the rating of "strong painkillers."

Ketorolac (Ketanov, Ketorol, Ketolak, Adolor, Dolak, Ketofril)

Rating: 4.9


Ketorolac, more specifically, ketorolac tromethamine, like other NSAIDs, also inhibits cyclooxygenase, therefore, it is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. But its analgesic effect is the strongest of the entire group of NSAIDs. That is why it is used intramuscularly even in the early postoperative period with severe pain, and with some oncological diseases, when it is still possible to do without narcotic analgesics.

Despite the pronounced analgesic effect, this drug does not suppress the respiratory center, and at the same time it does not cause such dependence, which is formed when using opioid drugs. Some researchers believe that the analgesic power of Ketorolac is comparable to morphine, but it does not have its side effects.

The maximum anesthetic effect after taking the pills develops in 3-4 hours, the indications for taking this remedy are persistent and acute headache, which is permanent, or is a consequence of surgery, or injury. These drugs are used after ENT operations, otitis, with migraine, with severe and persistent headache and especially toothache. It is shown at various volume and focal tumors, including those associated with a violation of liquorodynamics.

It must be remembered that this drug is symptomatic, it only reduces pain, and will not affect the course of the disease and the prognosis. As in other cases, it is possible to use Ketorolac and its analogues only with the shortest possible courses and with the lowest possible dosages, and only after consulting a doctor.

It is possible to use this remedy in tablets either once a day, or several, but in any case no more than 40 mg of the drug can be consumed as much as possible daily, and the course of such self-treatment should not last more than 5 days. The drug is contraindicated in children under 16 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. This tool is not intended for long-term use and treatment of chronic headaches. This is a highly effective "ambulance" for severe pain.

Of all the analogues of Ketorolaka, the most affordable is Ketorolaka (INN) tablets, dosage 10 mg number 10, and you can buy them starting at 12 rubles., Produced by their domestic company Synthesis. As for the most popular Indian drug "Ketanov", produced by Ranbaxy, the packaging of 20 tablets with a dosage of 0.01 g can be purchased for 46 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of "Ketanov" and its analogues is a strong and lasting anesthetic effect when even a strong toothache is relieved. The disadvantage of drugs is a large list of contraindications, frequent side effects, especially in elderly patients with diseases of the stomach and intestines, and especially with prolonged use, interaction with various drugs, which increases the risk of ulcerative lesions. Therefore, ketorolac and its analogues must be prescribed by a doctor taking into account other medications taken by the patient.

Analgin (metamizole sodium)

Rating: 4.8


Immediately, after the highly effective ketorolac, we mention the nationwide favorite in Russia - Analgin, which is located in almost every home medicine chest. From the very beginning, it must be said that by applying the supposedly “safe” Analgin, you act at your own peril and risk. In domestic instructions, you can simply read that with long-term treatment and use in large doses, analgin contributes to the development of agranulocytosis, or a decrease in the number of neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils. These are blood cells that belong to leukocytes and carry out numerous functions, primarily protective.

But this is “half truth.” The whole truth is that in the developed countries of Western Europe, in Israel and in the USA, where rich Russians go for treatment, this drug is banned altogether at the end of the last century (in the USA in general since 1977). In those countries where it is used, for example, in Germany, he is discharged only under strict indications (is prescription).

According to statistics, a severe case of agranulocytosis after taking analgin occurs in approximately one case for 2000 prescriptions, or 0.05%. This is a very high figure. At the same time, out of every 100 cases of such a dangerous complication there is a risk of dying in 7 to 10% of cases, and even with a normal level of medical care. In our conditions, it will be even higher. So, on average, it may well be severe agranulocytosis with a fatal outcome in every 20 - thousand cases of the appointment of analgin for a trifling matter. This situation is aggravated by the very wide distribution of this drug, its high availability and sale everywhere without a prescription and low price. Thus, 10 tablets of dipyrone with a dosage of 500 mg can be bought for 7 rubles already, produced by OAO Tatkhimpharmpreparaty.

As for the "advantages" - all of them (availability, cheapness, quick effect) are found in other drugs. Therefore, if it is necessary to choose a drug with sufficient analgesic activity, it is better to abandon this old and far from safe means.We list some more effective and safe medicine worthy of the rating of painkillers.

Bonifen and Bonifen - Forte (naproxen)

Rating: 4.7

Bonifen - Forte

One of these modern drugs that help well in various forms of migraine headache, otitis, facial and toothache, tension headaches and post-traumatic cephalgia is Halgesin and Nalgesin-Forte, which contain naproxen sodium, and also include to NSAIDs.

In the case of ordinary Bonifen, each tablet contains about 300 mg of naproxen, in the case of Bonifen-Forte, this dose is increased to 0.55 g. This drug should be taken by mouth, not more than 2 tablets per day. The exception is very severe headaches, when you can increase the dose by one more pill, but not more than 10 days. This drug can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of migraine attacks, then it is used one tablet each day. An analgesic should be taken at the onset of the first signs of a migraine, for example, when symptoms of a visual, sensory or motor aura occur.

Nalgezin and Nalgezin - Forte is produced by the KRKA company, a pack of 20 tablets costs 340 rubles. and more.

Advantages and disadvantages

Bonifen is a great alternative if the patient does not tolerate aspirin or paracetamol. However, it should be remembered that Bonifen, despite its analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity, reduces only the symptoms of the disease, but does not eliminate their cause. Bonifen, and especially Bonifen-Forte, acts very quickly and relieves pain in other sites, such as painful periods, endometriosis, and in other cases. But it should be remembered that Nalgezin is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, it is contraindicated in children and adolescents under 15 years of age, to various groups of patients, especially with erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach, with impaired blood clotting with liver and kidney pathology. Therefore, this medication, especially prescribed for the first time, can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Combined headache remedies

The vast majority of combination drugs with analgesic activity contains metamizole sodium, or the ill-fated analgin. Such a drug as Saridon, as Next, as Tempalgin, and many others. Therefore, we will try to describe in the rating those drugs that have a pronounced analgesic effect in case of cephalgic syndrome or headache, and which do not contain analgin. The choice is big enough. Basically, it will include those drugs and agents that act on vascular headache, or angiocephalgia. They often contain caffeine and other substances.

In some ratings, you can find drugs that reduce the tone of smooth muscles, and due to this they are recorded in effective remedies for headaches. So, you can meet Papaverin, Halidor, Drotaverin, No-silo. In fact, the best way to use these myotropic antispasmodics is pain of a spastic nature in diseases of the liver, intestines and biliary tract, when there are pains of a "pulling" nature, or spasms. The antispasmodic effect on the cerebral vessels does not always lead to anesthesia, because sometimes a sharp pain is caused not by a spasm of the vessels, but by their sharp overexpansion.

Consider the typical representatives of this rating, which are often found in home first-aid kits and even in handbags, especially in women who smoke. After all, smoking causes a change in the tone of the vascular wall, and then - a headache.


Rating: 4.9


This is the name of a highly effective combination containing paracetamol, propyphenazone, caffeine and codeine. This drug is a prescription because it contains an antitussive from the group of opioids - codeine.Also, headache pills contain propifenazone, which is a psychogogic. This drug is very good for headaches caused by migraine, for toothache, for tension headaches, and for post-traumatic cephalgia. The tablets have an extruded inscription - caffetine - in Latin on one side and the number 5 on the other side of the tablet.

In general, the drug has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic, antitussive, and psychostimulating action. Caffeine helps to reduce drowsiness and reduces fatigue, codeine - in addition to reducing cough, stimulates special receptors that alter the emotional perception of headaches, which also improves the patient's condition. The psychostimulant propifenazone can anesthetize. After taking one tablet of Caffetine, the maximum effect develops in an hour, and this action continues for 6 or 8 hours. It is necessary for adults to apply one tablet three times a day, but not more than 6 tablets per day. The duration of admission should not exceed 5 days. Macedonian company “Alkaloid” produces this medicine for headaches, one pack of 12 tablets is sold at a price of 80 rubles, but with the obligatory availability of a prescription.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantage of this drug can be attributed to the need to purchase a prescription, the possibility of the appearance of symptoms of caffeine overdose with simultaneous use of several cups of natural coffee. This can cause anxiety, increase headache, cause heartbeat - therefore, during treatment, you need to refrain from drinking coffee. The unconditional negative aspects of the use of these effective headache pills include inhibition of the activity of the respiratory center. Therefore, it is categorically not recommended to apply them to persons with sleep apnea syndrome, severe snoring and breathing problems during sleep.

Pentalgin plus

Rating: 4.8

Pentalgin plus

Pentalgin-plus contains an even greater number of active and balanced components. It differs from Caffetine in that, besides caffeine, codeine and propifenazone, it also contains paracetamol and phenobarbital. In one tablet is 300 mg of paracetamol, and propyphenazone, caffeine, phenobarbital, and codeine account for 250, 50, 10, and 8 mg, respectively. The action of the drug is determined by the components that are included in it. Propifenazone and paracetamol mutually reinforce each other's action, helping to fight pain and high fever. Caffeine is able to tone up the body and energize. Codeine improves the tolerance of headache, and somewhat reduces its emotional coloring. Phenobarbital is a derivative of the group of barbiturates, and at the same time is able to have an antispasmodic and mild sedative effect.

It should not be surprising that the composition of the drug includes components that are opposite in nature: caffeine stimulates, and phenobarbital soothes. All together leads to a balanced state of mood and optimization of behavioral responses. This medicine has been shown for various forms of headache, including toothache, tension headache, migraine headaches, cluster headaches, or beam headaches, temporal arteritis, and fever. Pentalgin-plus is produced by the domestic pharmaceutical company Pharmstandard, and its price starts from 130 rubles. per pack of 12 tablets.

Advantages and disadvantages

As in the past case, the relative disadvantage of the remedy is the need for prescribing a prescription form, since these headache pills are subject to rigorous quantitative accounting. These headache pills should not be used more than 4 tablets per day. Otherwise, not only allergic reactions can occur, but also nausea and vomiting during overdose. Signs of interaction with other medications are possible. It is undesirable to apply them at a sleepy apnea and at snore.You can not take Pentalgin-plus with other barbiturates, with epilepsy, it is forbidden to drink alcohol while taking, as the risk of liver damage increases. But, on the other hand, these headache pills are highly effective and quickly reduce the severity of the cephalgic syndrome.

Citramon-Forte (Askofen-P, Kofitsil Plus)

Rating: 4.7


This drug, unlike the previous ones, can be freely purchased without a prescription. It also contains paracetamol and caffeine, but acetylsalicylic acid is also added to it. Each tablet contains 320, 240, 40, and 7 mg of acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, caffeine, and citric acid, respectively. The remedies are indicated in the presence of various types of headache, in case of toothache, headache associated with intoxication and fever in the complex therapy of various infectious diseases. Reception of Citramone-Forte is shown not more than one tablet three times a day. As for the sudden headache, for example, due to fatigue, one or two pills are taken once. Citramon Forte is an affordable and effective domestic drug. It is produced by Ozon, and one pack of 10 tablets can be bought for 23 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Citramon-Forte and its other analogues include high efficiency, over-the-counter leave, widespread prevalence in all pharmacies, and low price. On the other hand, this remedy, despite seeming harmlessness, can cause such side effects as nausea and vomiting, a decrease in blood clotting and bleeding, nosebleeds, and even headache, allergic reactions and kidney damage. Therefore, Citramon-Forte should be prescribed taking into account the presence of such diseases as gastric ulcer, portal hypertension, renal and liver failure. Prohibited drug for children under the age of 15 years, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.


Unfortunately, in one small review of popularity ratings it is impossible to consider all effective remedies for headaches, since it has an extremely different nature. The most common tension headache, vascular cephalgia, as well as symptomatic headache associated with damage to the upper respiratory tract, or due to diseases of the dental system. And all these drugs work well with such pain.

But there is a completely different headache, for example, in trigeminal neuralgia, in which it is necessary to prescribe special drugs. They belong to anticonvulsants, and do not possess anesthetic action. With a well-established diagnosis of migraine, patients are soon moving from common medications to special drugs that can quickly eliminate its attack. These are drugs from the group of triptans, some other drugs in the form of nasal sprays. All of them are specific, prescribed only by a neurologist, and therefore there is no need to mention them. In any case, the most important fact is the need for the primary purpose of any medication for headache, taking into account the opinion of the doctor, the rejection of any types of acetylsalicylic acid in children under 12 years of age, as well as information about the harmful effects of analgin. Currently, there are a large number of different drugs that can relieve a headache, or significantly reduce its severity, without resorting to this tool.

Finally, you need to remember about the so-called aboutuse headache. So called headache caused by excessive medication for headaches. In some cases, the rejection of all drugs, the normalization of work and rest, the abandonment of bad habits, the normalization of sleep, restriction of coffee consumption can lead to completely getting rid of perennial and persistent headaches, which were cured with various pills.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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