9 best manufacturers of porridge for the first feeding

Proper nutrition in the first year of life is very important for the full development and good health of the child. The very first product for feeding are porridges. They can be cooked on their own or purchased.

Cornmeal makers

Nutritionists advise starting feed with industrially produced children's cereals, as they have a number of advantages. Groats are crushed to the state most favorable for absorption in the children's intestines. Also, purchased cereals are enriched with vitamins, minerals and prebiotics that improve nutritional value and absorption of the product. Baby food manufacturers offer a variety of products based on the age of the child. The following brands are most popular with consumers:

  1. Heinz;

  2. Friso;

  3. "FrutoNyanya";

  4. Nestlé;

  5. "Gerber";

  6. "Agusha";

  7. Hipp;

  8. "Baby";

  9. "Spelenok".

It is recommended to start feeding with the simplest type of porridge: from one cereal, without milk, without gluten and without additives. The first reception is limited to one teaspoon. The chosen type of porridge is given to the child for two weeks, carefully observing the reaction of the organism. If necessary, the product can be replaced with another type of cereal or products of another company.

How to choose the porridge for the first feeding

When choosing products for the first feeding of the baby, mothers should study the composition shown on the package, take into account the age and health features of their baby. Baby cereals are characterized by the following features:

  1. The presence of gluten. Divided into gluten-free, which include rice, buckwheat, corn, and gluten - wheat, semolina, oatmeal. It is recommended to begin feeding with a gluten-free porridge.

  2. Dairy or dairy-free. Dairy-free cereals are recommended for the feeding of children with allergies and lactase deficiency. Dairy are more nutritious, and the baby eats faster.

  3. The number of cereals. Porridge can consist of several kinds of cereals or be monocomponent.

  4. Presence of additives. Fruits, nuts, berries, dried fruits are added to the product. Sometimes soothing herbal extracts are added to the composition, such porridges are recommended for evening reception. In the food without additives, you can independently put the fruit puree, preferred for a particular baby.

  5. The presence of sugar and flavor enhancers. It is desirable that there was no sugar, salt and other flavor enhancers. Products with sugar is introduced into the diet of the child later, for the gradual preparation of the body to good nutrition.

  6. Presence of preservatives. The use of preservatives is considered unacceptable for baby food.

  7. Child's age. The age of the child is usually indicated on the package. Parents should take into account the recommendations of the manufacturer and pediatrician, and buy products that are suitable for the age of the baby.

  8. The amount of gluten. It is necessary to control the amount of gluten. A safe dose is considered at the rate of 10-14 mg per 1 kg of body weight of the child, in this case the intestinal mucosa will not suffer.

  9. Presence of vitamins. Enrichment with a vitamin complex and minerals is desirable for adding healthy properties to the diet. However, in some cases, parents prefer to feed the child with cereals without vitamins, with the exception of B1.

  10. Packing volume. At the beginning of feeding, it is better to purchase small packages, since the baby may become allergic to the product. Well, if a child often eats the same porridge, then to save and convenience it is worth buying a big pack.

We have compiled a ranking of the best manufacturers of cereals for the first food, so that young parents do not get confused in a huge variety of packages. Our experts have carefully studied the opinions of buyers and pediatricians advice.

Rating the best porridge for the first feeding

Nomination a place Name of product price
The best hypoallergenic dairy-free cereals for the first feeding      1 Fleur Alpine Dairy-Free          190 ₽
     2 Baby sitter dairy-free          345 ₽
     3 Hipp dairy-free          172 ₽
     4 Nestle dairy-free          85 ₽
     5 Remedia dairy-free          299 ₽
     6 Heinz Dairy-Free          90 ₽
     7 Bebi Dairy-Free          112 ₽
The best dairy-free cereals ready to eat      1 HiPP Dairy-free          95 ₽
     2 FRUTONIAN Dairy-free          49 ₽

The best hypoallergenic dairy-free cereals for the first feeding

Dairy-free cereals are recommended by nutritionists as the first grain complementary foods. The nutritional value of the diet is determined by the nutritional value of the flour or cereal from which the product is produced. Diluted with water, goat, cow or breast milk. Fluid temperature should be moderate, the use of boiling water sometimes leads to the formation of lumps.

Fleur Alpine Dairy-Free

Rating: 4.9

Fleur alpine

A feature of Fleur Alpine is the use of whole-grain product, which increases their nutritional value and usefulness. Cereals are grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, GMOs and growth hormones. Almost all products of the manufacturer do not contain any additives, with the exception of vitamin B1 in rice, oatmeal and wheat cereals. Corn - is enriched with prebiotic.

The range allows you to please the baby with different tastes. Parents can improve the product for the child by adding grated fruit. Fleur Alpine is well diluted in water or milk, does not form lumps, has a delicate texture.


  • lack of salt and sugar;

  • it is well dissolved;

  • a large assortment;

  • dairy-free.


  • high price;

Baby sitter dairy-free

Rating: 4.8

Baby sitter

On the second place of this category of a rating products of the Baby Sitter company were located. The manufacturer offers consumers only dairy-free cereals without additives and fillers. The product is enriched with a multivitamin complex. The presence of 13 vitamins and 8 minerals compensate for the loss of nutrients during the processing of the grain product. Buckwheat is especially recommended for feeding weakened children with underweight and liver diseases.

The Baby Sitter products are distinguished by the economical consumption of a dry product, which is ensured by the peculiarities of the technological process, with thermal processing of the cereals and subsequent gelatinization. Consumers praise products for taste, naturalness and graininess. Grains gently dissolve in the mouth, and kids like it. Corn and oatmeal cereals also like children, but they tend to the formation of lumps, and the cultivation of these cereals requires more attention from the mother.


  • it is well dissolved;

  • enriched with vitamins and trace elements;

  • natural taste.


  • high price.

Hipp dairy-free

Rating: 4.7


Hipp products are good choices for first feeding. Parents can buy both monoslakovy porridges, and mixed for their baby. Buckwheat is enriched with vitamins B1 and C. The manufacturer respects the little things, and indicates the presence of gluten in the composition, although it is present in small quantities, as "traces", due to the characteristics of production. Corn is a mixture of corn and rice flour, which makes it more tender.

The line of Hipp dairy-free cereals is quite diverse, the following types are offered: buckwheat, buckwheat with fruit, corn, multigrain, oatmeal with bananas and melissa, wheat, rice, 5 cereals with prunes and prebiotics, oat-wheat with apple, wheat with oatmeal and prebiotics rice with banana and peach. Very popular with parents is porridge with melissa for fast falling asleep.


  • wide range of;

  • natural taste;

  • inexpensive price.


  • poorly soluble.

Nestle dairy-free

Rating: 4.6

Nestle dairy-free

Nestle products are popular with children for their taste, and moms like a wide range. They differ from other brands by features of production, in which enzymes and probiotics are added to the product. The presence of enzymes improves the taste of porridge, increases its viscosity and digestibility. The introduction of probiotics improves immunity and improve intestinal microflora.

The Nestle product line contains cereals with sugar for a mild expansion of the range, multivitamins, as well as products containing bifidobacteria, prebiotics, vitamins and minerals. An interesting option with a lime blossom, which is part of its linden extract has a mild sedative effect, and is recommended for evening feeding the baby. The disadvantage of Nestle is the content of traces of lactose and gluten.


  • wide range of;

  • adding probiotics;

  • good taste.


  • the presence of lecithin.

Remedia dairy-free

Rating: 4.5


The range of Remedia is limited only to dairy-free cereals without additives and fruit fillings. Manufacturers deliberately narrowed the range of products due to guaranteed high quality. Krupa undergoes special processing, which ensures lower consumption of the product for the production of a portion, which is why this brand is in our rating. Porridge perfectly divorced in a liquid of any temperature without lumps, except for boiling water. The products of this manufacturer are enriched with a multivitamin complex. 12 vitamins and 9 minerals enclosed in special capsules to prevent exposure to moisture and temperature. The capsule shell is destroyed only in the stomach, and beneficial supplements are absorbed most fully.

Heat treatment and strict control at all stages of production ensure high hygiene of the product, so open packaging has a shelf life of up to 3 months. Dairy-free Remedia porridges are suitable not only for healthy babies, but also for children with iron deficiency anemia, celiac disease, and food allergies. Pregnant and lactating women can also add Remedia porridge to their diet. Line Remedia contains semolina, rarely found in other manufacturers.


  • high quality;

  • inexpensive price;

  • convenient packaging.


  • limited range.

Heinz Dairy-Free

Rating: 4.5


Products "Heinz" attracts parents with a wide range and a variety of additives. Rice, buckwheat and corn with the addition of probiotic chicory fibers are especially popular. Mineral substances, calcium, iron, iodine, zinc and 12 vitamins are added to corn and buckwheat. Rice porridge contains only vitamin C and calcium. The manufacturer also offers products with additives, some with sugar.

The interest of parents is caused by buckwheat porridge with Omega-3, enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids. For evening feeding suitable multigrain with lindens and chamomile, she saturate the baby, and allow you to quickly fall asleep. The Heinz company produces unique products with the addition of vegetables. These are wheat-rice porridge with zucchini and wheat-corn - with pumpkin.


  • diverse range;

  • natural taste;

  • well divorced.


  • availability of additives.

Bebi Dairy-Free

Rating: 4.5


Dairy-free porridge "Baby" on the basis of rice, buckwheat, oatmeal and corn grits are intended for the first feeding. They are highly hypoallergenic in the way that no fruit is added to them. The composition includes prebiotics, iodine, iron, a complex of 12 vitamins. Dry porridge is not flour, but crushed flakes, so they are well diluted and do not form lumps. Kashi recommended for children from 4 months.

The manufacturer also offers non-dairy oatmeal with wild berries for six-month active babies. The range of "Baby" is limited, but this is offset by the high quality of production and popularity among consumers. Moms say that they have a good digestibility, they have no allergies and constipation.


  • high quality,

  • easy to buy in stores

  • inexpensive price.


  • limited range.

The best dairy-free cereals ready to eat

In addition to dry porridge for feeding, dairy-free cereals are produced in jars, ready to eat. Starch is added to improve consistency. The composition can be added fruit puree of several species. Ready-made cereals are used for toddlers who have already tried dry ones with fruit additives and rated their taste. Finished products with fruit in jars are convenient for a quick breakfast and for a snack for a walk, you can take them with you, going to visit or to the clinic. Soft consistency close to breast milk and pleasant taste like babies. Our ranking includes the most popular ready-made cereals “Frutonyanya” and HiPP.

HiPP Dairy-free

Rating: 4.7

 HiPP Dairy-Free Ready

Ready-made HiPP cereals are sold in special glass jars, and are recommended for children from the age of six months. Consist of cereals and fruit additives. The composition may be starch. Also, cereals with chopped cookies are offered.

The jars are equipped with a screw cap. The package volume is a small 190 g, so it is convenient for quick use. Consumers are attracted by the lack of artificial additives and the successful combination of price and quality.


  • pleasant taste;

  • affordable price.


  • lack of a measuring scale;

  • mandatory presence of fruit.

FRUTONIAN Dairy-free

Rating: 4.7


Ready-made porridges "FRUTONYAN" consist only of cereals and fruit puree. Most products in this series contain prebiotic inulin, which is necessary for normalizing digestion and preventing constipation. The production of "FRUTONYAN" is divided into day and night, which is conveniently marked with the color of the package: white and dark blue. By the day are oatmeal, oatmeal with a banana and buckwheat porridge with apple. Night cereals are made from rice, buckwheat and a mixture of cereals: buckwheat, corn and rice. Before feeding, porridge is poured from the packaging in the baby bowl and heated in a microwave. You can give porridge straight from the bag, but before that you need to shake it well.


  • Convenience packaging with a measuring scale;

  • easy to buy;

  • affordable price.


  • not identified.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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