9 best books on psychology for women

The shelves of bookstores are full of all sorts of textbooks on psychology. Some books promise to make life happy and successful, others help to understand the behavior of others, others - to gain self-confidence and find a companion for life. Unfortunately, not all prints are effective. Among the brilliant works there are such books that will become a waste of time.

Choosing the best work on psychology for women, we faced certain difficulties, and now decided to give some important tips on how to distinguish worthwhile work:

  1. Don't get stuck on a book cover. It is important to pay attention to the photo of the author and his biography, and in particular to the personal life of the writer.
  2. It is necessary to open the book on any page and read 1-2 paragraphs. If the text is not captured and seemed boring - it is better not to spend money.
  3. It is important to choose good books on psychology, which are aimed at improving life, finding yourself, and not at destroying someone else's happiness.
  4. It is necessary to get acquainted with the reviews of readers on the Internet about a particular book.

Choosing between Russian and foreign authors, it is difficult to say which of the writers is better. Therefore, we decided to divide the rating of the best books into two nominations. In it, we reflected the most popular works on psychology, which scored a lot of positive feedback from women.

Ranking of the best books on psychology for women

Nomination a place Name of product rating
The best books on psychology for women Russian authors      1 Izyumskaya Anastasia "Mom at Zero"      5.0
     2 A. Libina "Psychology of the modern woman"      4.9
     3 E. Mikhailova "I am alone ..."      4.8
     4 Oleg Torsunov "The laws of a happy family life"      4.7
     5 50 rules clever fools. Paul Rakov      4.6
The best books on psychology for women of foreign authors      1 Dale Carnegie "How to stop worrying and start living"      5.0
     2 B. Angelis "Secrets about men every woman should know"      4.9
     3 “Five Languages ​​of Love” by Gary Chapman      4.8
     4 K. Estes "Running with wolves"      4.7

The best books on psychology for women Russian authors

All books presented in this nomination are recommended for modern women to read. They not only develop brain activity, but also allow you to have a fun time, discover a lot of new things.

Izyumskaya Anastasia "Mom at Zero"

Rating: 5.0

Izyumskaya Anastasia Mom at zero

The book opens with a well-thought structure. It includes 15 stories of moms and 3 stories of dads. For some chapters there is a list of questions from a psychologist. This is a very useful book that will help every woman understand what is happening to her. Here we are talking about parental myths and neurosis, the difference between depression and emotional emptiness, mother's aggression. From the book, the reader learns what modern parents are like medical, social workers and educators.

The practice of self-help contains psychological and meditative methods for relieving fatigue. Every woman will be able to adjust her dream, learn to calm herself and her child. At the end of the book there is a section “Emergency help lists”.Here the author reflected interesting recipes, fascinating films and useful thematic sites. All this will switch and relax. Opinions about the publication are only positive. He is advised to read to all mothers and those girls who are just preparing for the birth of a child.

A. Libina "Psychology of the modern woman"

Rating: 4.9

A. Libina Psychology of the modern woman

All ladies who like psychology books should definitely read A. Libina’s work. Her work is different from most publications and has its own original approach. She does not need psychological training groups. She will help find answers to all your questions.

Judging by the reviews, the book helps to become happier and more confident. There are many interesting tests and methods, educational games, real life stories. There is nothing superfluous in the text. Readers are delighted with the lively plot, clear and understandable text. All moments are described very realistic. This is the best choice for women who want to find a way out of the situation and understand a lot of serious things.

E. Mikhailova "I am alone ..."

Rating: 4.8

E. Mikhailova I am alone ...

Next in the ranking is a deep and strong book that allows you to define important goals for yourself and set priorities in life. She gives answers to most troubling questions. The advantages of the work include the ability to understand the essence of what is happening around, to feel the specific situations, to complete what has been started. The bright power of metaphor fascinates readers.

It should be noted that the book is designed for educated women with a certain degree of intelligence. It will suit those who want to reflect on life and to spend the evening with benefit. The publication is recommended for absolutely all women.

Oleg Torsunov "The laws of a happy family life"

Rating: 4.7

Oleg Torsunov Laws of happy family life

To a woman in whose family discord has arisen, we advise you to purchase a book by Oleg Torsunov. She has already saved many couples from divorce. The author offers a large number of practical advice on relationships with a loved one, relatives and a child. Judging by the reviews, many women managed to change their lives for the better thanks to this book. Some young ladies regularly attend Oleg Torsunov’s lectures and recommend his work to be read to all the fair sex.

This edition will force out of the comfort zone and teach you to interact with time. The advantages of the book also include the positive attitude of the author, a lot of useful information and clear language of presentation. At the end there is information about food products and their proper consumption.

50 rules clever fools. Paul Rakov

Rating: 4.6

50 rules clever fools. Paul Rakov

It turns out that smart can only be called those women who recognize their own stupidity. The readers who agreed with this are delighted with the work of Pavel Rakov, who is a successful alpha male and came up with his own guide to action for women. 50 original rules will open the way for women to family happiness and life well-being.

From the book you can learn what you can not talk with your loved one, how to behave with a man, what to wear and how to move. Some women wish they had read the book before. Perhaps they would have avoided many mistakes. Judging by the reviews, the text contains simple tips on the life of any girl. They will give confidence and teach to hold the right people. It is a pity that after reading they are quickly forgotten.

The best books on psychology for women of foreign authors

The books of foreign writers raise pressing problems in the life of a modern woman. They help to find a way out of the situation, understand the behavior of others and become happier.

Dale Carnegie "How to stop worrying and start living"

Rating: 5.0

Dale Carnegie How to stop worrying and start living

The second nomination of the rating is opened by the book of a famous speaker and psychologist Dale Carnegie. After reading it, every woman will be able to find peace of mind and understand how harmful anxiety a health hazard is.Carnegie's work will be relevant at all times, because the weaker sex is always characterized by stress, neurosis, and anxiety.

The content includes not only the effective advice of a psychologist, but also real stories from the lives of people who make you think about your own existence. Phrases from the book have become cruise to many. Some women have written their favorite thoughts and come back to them again and again in order to cheer up again.

B. Angelis "Secrets about men every woman should know"

Rating: 4.9

B. Angelis Secrets about Men Every Woman Should Know

The next book is for those women who want to better understand men. Reading it is easy and difficult at the same time. It is written in a living language and reflects every single problem that modern women face. The girls point out that it is not always pleasant to read the truth about themselves and admit their mistakes.

Barbara de Angelisporebodno explains to the reader why this or that situation occurs, and how to avoid it. Much attention is paid to the male psychology. It is interesting to read about why a loved one acts in this way, and not otherwise, as it relates to his character. The book will appeal to mothers of sons, as well as to all ladies who want to behave more intelligently with a spouse or boyfriend.

“Five Languages ​​of Love” by Gary Chapman

Rating: 4.8

Five Love Languages ​​by Gary Chapman

Among the wide range of books, articles and websites on the psychology of family life truly stands out the valuable work of Gary Chapman. For many girls, this book will be a real discovery. The idea of ​​the author is that each person expresses and sees love through gentle words, touches, gifts. The book will teach how to show your feelings correctly and will become a desktop guide for newlyweds.

It has intelligible and qualitative theory, practical tasks. It will appeal to men who are interested in building strong relationships. It is best to read it before marriage.

K. Estes "Running with wolves"

Rating: 4.7

K. Estes Running with Wolves

Clarissa Estes presented a book to readers consisting of legends, myths and fairy tales. She tells about the development of a woman, her formation. The work of the writer was translated into 25 languages ​​and occupies a leading place in all sorts of literary ratings relating to the psychology of people. The book delays from the first pages. It is called truly magical, like all beautiful fairy tales.

The work is unlikely to understand a teenage girl. More precisely, because of her age, she will be able to catch only the surface of her ideas. In 25-30 years, the book is read and perceived differently. A woman, sophisticated with the opposite sex, will learn a lot from her. The book should be read to every lady. It may seem difficult to some.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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