7 best vitamins of group B

Vitamins of group B - one of the most famous means to maintain the health of the nervous system. They are most often prescribed by neurologists for back pain, "lumbago", diabetic and alcoholic polyneuropathy. But drugs of group B can be useful also to practically healthy people who wish to preserve their health.

In this review, we have compiled for you the ranking of the best preparations of the B vitamins.

What are B vitamins and why are they needed?

Vitamins are a group of highly active compounds that regulate all biochemical reactions of the body. All processes in the cells occur under the influence of special proteins - enzymes. In order for them to start working, we need coenzymes, that is, substances that, joining the enzyme molecule itself, make it active. This role in the body perform vitamins. That is why, with their shortcomings, serious illnesses develop.

Group B includes 7 vitamins and 4 vitamin-like substances. Vitamins must come from the outside, because they are not synthesized by the body. Vitamin-like substances are produced by the body, but in small quantities.

Vitamins of group B:

  1. IN 1 - thiamine. Regulates the transmission of impulses in the nervous system, the tone of the heart muscle and smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, is involved in the transfer of genetic material during cell division and almost all metabolic processes in the body.
  2. AT 2 - riboflavin. Participates in the absorption of iron, the formation of red blood cells, the work of nerve cells, the synthesis of adrenal hormones.
  3. IN 3 - niacin. Also known as vitamin PP or nicotinic acid. Reduces blood pressure, improves microcirculation, participates in the work of the central nervous system, regulates the formation of red blood cells.
  4. AT 5 - Pantothenic acid. Included in the coenzyme A (CoA) - the most important substance for the body, which is involved in all reactions that produce energy. Stimulates the synthesis of glucocorticoids by the adrenal glands, which can be considered as anti-inflammatory. Participates in immune responses and the production of neurotransmitters.
  5. AT 6 - pyridoxine. Regulates the absorption of protein, immunity, the function of the nervous system. Participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin and red blood cells.
  6. AT 9 - folic acid. Regulates blood formation and development of the nervous system. Especially important in the planning period of pregnancy, as with its lack of defects in the brain and spinal cord in the fetus. On the other hand, with its excess, the activity of immune killer cells is reduced.
  7. AT 12 - Cobalamin (Kasla external factor). It is necessary for normal blood formation and activity of the nervous system.

Vitamin-like substances:

  1. AT 4 - choline. Included in the myelin sheath of nerve fibers. Source for the synthesis of the main mediator of the central nervous system - acetylcholine. Participates in the regulation of insulin activity, has hepatoprotective and lipotropic (protects the liver from fatty rebirth) properties.
  2. AT 7 - biotin. Also known as vitamin H or coenzyme R. Regulates protein and fat balance. Sulfur source for the synthesis of proteins necessary for skin, hair, nails, bone tissue.
  3. AT 8 - Inositol. Promotes weight loss, is involved in the regulation of cholesterol metabolism. slows down the development of atherosclerosis.
  4. AT 10 - para-aminobenzoic acid (bacterial vitamin H1).A powerful antioxidant, is involved in the work of the thyroid gland and blood formation.

As we can see, most of the B vitamins are somehow involved in maintaining the normal functioning of the nervous system, blood formation, and immune reactions. That is why the main area of ​​their application is neurology.

Treatment of various kinds of neuritis, neuralgia, asthenic syndrome (general weakness) - the main indications for prescribing drugs of group B. They are also recommended for sleep disorders (insomnia, and daytime sleepiness), an unstable psycho-emotional state (however, irritability and tearfulness can be manifestations asthenic syndrome). For prophylactic purposes, they are taken to maintain a high level of activity, both physical and mental, under stress, and to compensate for an unbalanced diet.

Many or few?

Anyone who has ever bought vitamins on foreign websites has paid attention to incredibly high dosages - sometimes they are a hundred times higher than the recommended daily dose indicated in the same instructions. At the same time, everyone heard about the dangers of hypervitaminosis. You can, of course, assume that manufacturers decided to poison their customers en masse. But if we leave aside the conspiracy theories, the situation turns out to be extremely interesting.

Those consumption rates that are usually indicated in the tables are called the norms of the recommended dietary supplement (RDA or Recommended Dietary Allowance). They were developed in the middle of the last century, and since then they have moved from manual to manual with almost no changes. These norms stipulate the amount of vitamin in food, which helps prevent diseases caused by its deficiency.

We draw the attention of readers - the norms of RDA, which are quoted in all medical manuals, including domestic ones, are designed not to maintain optimal health, but to prevent diseases. Those same diseases, like scurvy or beriberi, about which modern man learns from high school biology textbooks, and not from reality.

But if it is not considered the norm simply the absence of the disease (and, according to WHO experts, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being), then the indicated amounts of vitamins are clearly not enough to maintain optimal health. Yes, and surveys, when a random sample of people studied the content of vitamins in the body, suggest that at least 60% of the population have a lack of them, and about a third have complex vitamin deficiencies. It turns out that the norm for the prevention of the disease caused by a deficiency of vitamins, and the rate optimal for health is different.

In addition, over the past half century, the nutrition of people has changed. In the diet of most citizens began to dominate processed, refined products, convenience foods, fast food. Talking about the content of vitamins in such food is meaningless - it means that they have to be replenished from other sources in much larger quantities than with a balanced diet.

That is why the concept of ONA (optimal nutrient allowance) - the optimal consumption of nutrients. These are the recommended daily dosages of vitamins, selected to achieve optimal health. They take into account modern food stereotypes. Most of the producers of dietary supplements are oriented on them. But the proposed dosage is many times higher than the usual recommendations.

Table of needs of vitamins of group B


Standard norms


IN 1

1.5 mg

10–100 mg

AT 2

1.8 mg

10–100 mg

B3 (aka PP)

20 mg

20–35 mg

AT 5

5 mg

400 mg

AT 6

2 mg


AT 9

400 mcg

800 mcg

AT 12

3 mcg

12–100 µg

Based on what standards to select the group B complex, each reader is free to decide for himself. An overdose of water-soluble vitamins, to which this group belongs, when taking pills is unlikely - the body is able to regulate their absorption in the intestine and thus will not take "excess".

But those who decide to choose drugs with higher doses will have to turn to the services of foreign online stores. In Russia, it is impossible to register dietary supplements with the content of active substances greater than the upper permissible level of consumption specified in special regulatory documents. And this level is several times lower than those recommended as optimal dosages, not to mention the limit doses approved by WHO. For example, for vitamin B1, the upper permissible level of consumption according to Russian standards is 5 mg, and according to the WHO, there is no upper limit, since it is extremely rapidly excreted by the kidneys, due to which it has no toxic effect.

This restriction does not affect medicines, since therapeutic dosages of vitamins may be higher than prophylactic, but in fact there are not so many drugs approximated by the content of vitamins in ONA standards for free sale.

That is why, compiling the rating of the best B vitamins, we divided it into two sections: those available at offline pharmacies and those available via the Internet.

By the way, paradoxically, vitamin complexes with the content of the active substance, focused on the ONA norms can be found in offline sports nutrition stores.

Rating of the best B vitamins

Nomination a place Name of product price
The best B vitamins available in regular pharmacies      1 Multi-In complex Vitamir for the nervous system, hair and nails      159 ₽
     2 Pentovit      112 ₽
     3 Combilipen      470 ₽
     4 Salus Vitamin B Complex      1 440 ₽
Top B Vitamins Available Online      1 Now Foods, B-50      890 ₽
     2 Doctor's Best, Fully Active B Complex with Quatrefolic      634 ₽
     3 Solgar, B-Complex with Vitamin C Stress Formula, 250 Tablets      3 221 ₽

The best B vitamins available in regular pharmacies

In this section of the rating, we picked up the funds that can be bought in regular offline pharmacies. Their advantages are affordability, relatively low price and non-prescription leave. Among the shortcomings it should be noted - we found only one complex containing the entire group of vitamins B.

Multi-In complex Vitamir for the nervous system, hair and nails

Rating: 4.9


This dietary supplement is positioned as a complex containing 11 B vitamins. In fact, it contains 7 B vitamins and 4 vitamin-like substances: choline (B4), biotin (B7), inositol (B8), para-aminobenzoic acid (B8). However, if we talk about group B as a complex, then the manufacturer has hardly left the truth.

In the package of 30 tablets, which is enough for a month with the recommended intake of 1 tablet per day. And given that the drug is domestically produced, the cost of taking it turns out to be very humane.

Since the tool is registered as a dietary supplement, the only indication for its use is as an additional source of vitamins in food. Contraindications include pregnancy, breastfeeding, and individual intolerance.


  • contains the whole complex of group B,
  • inexpensive.


  • not.


Rating: 4.8


Contains B1, B3, B6, B9, B12. Available in packs of 50 tablets. It is recommended for asthenic conditions (fatigue, weakness in recovery after a serious illness, etc.), neuralgia.

Among the shortcomings it is necessary to note a relatively long (for vitamins) list of contraindications. The manufacturer does not recommend the drug to pregnant women. Indeed, excessively high doses of nicotinamide have an embryotoxic effect. In a tablet pentovita its 20 mg, that is, the amount does not exceed the daily rate for the most conservative recommendations - if limited to one tablet. But the regimen recommended by the instruction is 2 to 3 tablets 3 times a day, which may indeed be too much during pregnancy.

Pentenitis is not indicated for children under 18, people with chronic pancreatitis and stones in the gallbladder.


  • almost full complex of group B,
  • low price.


  • many contraindications.


Rating: 4.7


This medicine contains only three vitamins - B1, B6 and B12. But this is a complete analogue of Milgamma, a well-known and very beloved neurologist means.The fact is that such a combination of vitamins in itself has analgesic properties, which allows to reduce the dosage of anti-inflammatory and reduce their harmful effects on the body. In addition, they contribute to the restoration of nervous tissue and protective myelin fibers.

The peculiarity of combilipene is a special, fat-soluble form of B1 - benfotiamine. This improves its bioavailability several times. The dosages of all the vitamins are quite high - 100 mg of benfotiamine and pyridoxine, but only 2 mg of cyanocobalamin. Take the medicine you need on 1 - 3 tablets per day, depending on the state of health.

Contraindicated in children and in severe cardiovascular failure.


  • low price in comparison with analog,
  • high doses of vitamins.


  • prescription.

Salus Vitamin B Complex

Rating: 4.6


Contains B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, biotin. That is, almost all B vitamins, with the exception of folic acid, and one vitamin-like substance.

In the package of 60 capsules, which is enough for 2 months of use. The means of production of the German company, which is positioning itself as a manufacturer of naturopathic medicines - derived from natural ingredients, herbs, vegetables and fruits. Perhaps this explains the relatively high cost of packaging for such a complex.


  • a wide range of B vitamins,
  • natural origin.


  • price.

Top B Vitamins Available Online

These funds will have to order on the Internet. They are suitable for those who prefer to take courses of high doses of vitamins, based on the theory of optimal micronutrient requirements. They can be recommended to athletes, as regular physical exertion inevitably entail an increased need for vitamins (as, indeed, in other nutrients). Many of the B drugs listed in this rating section are suitable for vegans. This is important because vitamin B12 can only be obtained from animal products and people on a vegan diet need to specifically fill up its deficit.

Now Foods, B-50

Rating: 4.9


Contains a full complex of B and vitamin-like substances of this group. Named so because most of the vitamins (except B9) has a dosage of either 50 mg (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6), or 50 μg (B12).

Take 1 capsule per day, with meals.

Available in capsules, suitable for vegans.


  • high enough, but not excessive, amount of vitamins;
  • contains a full complex of B.
  • suitable for vegans.


  • need to order online and wait for delivery.

Doctor's Best, Fully Active B Complex with Quatrefolic

Rating: 4.8


Contains B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12 and biotin.

The peculiarity of this tool - a non-standard form of vitamin B9: Quatrefolic. This 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid salt of glucosamine, characterized by increased bioavailability. It is necessary for people who have mutations that violate the normal metabolism of folic acid (analysis for mutations in the genes of the folate cycle can be taken in most commercial laboratories). Most often, such mutations are found in the examination of women with habitual miscarriage: deficiency of folic acid in the body, caused by its reduced absorption, leads to the development of defects in the neural tube, heart, urinary tract; missed abortion or premature placental abruption. In addition, such mutations increase the likelihood of cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer.

It is useless for people with this pathology to take conventional folic acid preparations - it is the drugs with increased bioavailability that are needed.

The drug is available in cellulose-based capsules suitable for vegetarians.

Take 1 capsule per day.


  • a special, easily digestible form of folic acid,
  • suitable for vegans.


  • order only via the Internet.

Solgar B-Complex with Vitamin C Stress Formula, 250 Tablets

Rating: 4.8


In addition to the full complex of vitamins B, it contains ascorbic acid and a mixture of natural plant extracts with antioxidant and cardioprotective properties. Contribute to the normalization of the nervous and immune systems.

The manufacturer recommends taking 2 tablets per day, so the treatment course is relatively expensive.


  • A mixture of plant extracts has been added to potentiate the main action.


  • 2 tablets per day.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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