7 best amplifiers for antennas

Not always the antenna perfectly copes with a stable reception of a television signal. What to do in this case? Buy a new, more powerful antenna? Perhaps this is a good option, but very costly. That is why we decided to talk about amplifiers for antennas. They allow you to receive even the weakest signal when the television tower is located at a distance of many kilometers from your place of residence. At the same time we briefly describe how to approach the choice of such a device.

How to choose an antenna amplifier?

Any antenna tries to amplify the received signal. Without this, you would be waiting for continuous interference. Cheap antennas produce only passive amplification - this is done by the metal parts of the structure. In fact, this is often enough, especially if the television tower is located relatively close. But if you live in a rural area, a few dozen kilometers from the tower, you will need an active amplifier. Also, the residents of the lower floors of high-rise buildings may have problems - the signal to them breaks through with significant losses.

Now in stores you can easily find indoor and outdoor antennas with a built-in amplifier. But why spend a lot of money if the antenna is already available? In this case, it is easier to purchase an amplifier for it - you just need to understand how to choose it.

  1. First you need to understand that any active amplifier requires electricity. To obtain it, use the network adapter 5, 9 or 12 volts. However, some models can receive power through the antenna cable - in this case, you need to make sure that the TV can transmit it. Another difference from one model to another may be in the housing used. The fact is that some amplifiers are designed to be placed on an outdoor antenna - such a device must have a waterproof housing, otherwise it will fail after the first rain. Well, if you want to strengthen the indoor antenna, then no moisture protection is needed. But try to place the amplifier at least a few meters from the TV. Otherwise, the purchased device may begin to amplify not only the useful signal, but also noise.
  2. Perhaps one of the main characteristics of the accessories we are considering today is gain. Chasing the biggest number is not necessary. Instead, find out the distance to the nearest television center - this can be done, for example, using the digital TV coverage map in Russia. If the tower is located a hundred kilometers away, then you really need the maximum gain. In other cases, it can play in the minus - the picture will be supplied with extra noise. However, many modern models are equipped with a gain control. This means that a person can change the gain, focusing on how the antenna and TV behave. Please note that it is usually not possible to completely get rid of signal amplification. Therefore, even the most "tricked" amplifier can not be used near the television tower - it will provide the picture with noise.
  3. Antenna amplifiers vary. between themselves and supported frequencies. Most often, users make their choice in favor of broadband models - they are also called universal, as they enhance almost all existing frequencies. However, finding the wrong amplifier is now almost impossible. Their manufacturers understand that now everyone is switching to digital TV, which is broadcast on strictly defined frequencies.
  4. The most expensive antenna amplifiers can act as a signal divider. On their case is located more than one output connector. This allows you to connect to it at once two, three or even four TVs. Of course, instead you could use the usual dividers sold in many stores selling radio products. But do not forget that signal degradation occurs on such dividers. In the amplifier, nothing like this is observed, no matter how many TVs you connect.

On the Internet you can find instructions for self-assembly of the amplifier for the antenna. But we recommend you not to bother. Believe me, you will spend a lot of time on this. It is much easier to choose one of those amplifiers that are considered in our rating. The issue of saving here is also not worth it, because the price tags for such devices are rarely so high. The exception is made for models intended for professional use - usually they serve to amplify a non-television signal. Our selection starts with such devices.

Rating of the best amplifiers for antennas

Nomination a place Name of product price
Rating of the best amplifiers for antennas      1 Terra HS004          3 540 ₽
     2 Alcad AI-400          2 350 ₽
     3 WISI VM 8351          2 800 ₽
     4 Lans LX-50          1 400 ₽
     5 Remo BAS-8102-01          499 ₽
     6 Anteks AX-C20U          450 ₽
     7 Remo USSh-5V          113 ₽

Terra HS004

Rating: 4.9


Very expensive amplifier. Its high cost is due to the fact that it is designed to amplify a variety of frequencies. Also its role in raising the price tag played a reliable cast body. It is almost impossible to disable Terra HS004 - there is even protection against voltage surges here.

Basically, this amplifier is used by radio owners. This is evidenced by the ability to work with VHF and UHF bands. I am glad that this model can split these ranges, allowing you to separately adjust the gain of each of them. To be precise, frequencies from 47 to 862 MHz are available to the device. Gain is adjustable from 34 to 44 dB. In this case, the specialist is not surprised that the VHF range is subject to greater amplification than the UHF.

Power supply of this model is provided by an ordinary plug inserted into the socket. Therefore, a miniature power supply is located inside the device itself - this is good news. As for noise, its level does not even reach six decibels.

The amplifier can operate at a wide range of temperatures - even at 20 degrees of frost. However, as such, moisture protection is not here. On the contrary, the case has a large number of vents, due to which the device almost does not heat up. It turns out that placing the amplifier outside the room is not recommended.

A nice bonus is the presence of ears here, thanks to which Terra HS004 is mounted on the wall somewhere with ordinary screws or bolts. In a word, it is an excellent copy for any special services and other organizations that regularly face the need to improve the quality of signal reception in the VHF and UHF bands. However, digital television broadcasts in the same bands, so the amplifier works with it. But does it make sense to buy such an expensive device in order to strengthen the indoor antenna?

We draw your attention to the existence of a model under the symbol Terra HS004L. It differs from its counterpart only in the presence of an LTE signal suppression filter.


  • Can be mounted on a wall or any other surface;
  • Division into subranges;
  • There is a version with filter suppression LTE-signals;
  • Power supply via RF input possible;
  • There is protection;
  • There is a DC overload indicator;
  • There is a test connector on the output;
  • Excellent cast housing;
  • High gain;
  • You can implement a large number of connection points.


  • Very high cost.

Alcad AI-400

Rating: 4.8

Alcad AI-400

Another very expensive amplifier of television and some other signals in our rating. On its case there is also a number of holes, thanks to which ventilation is realized. This means that it is impossible to use the device on the street - rain and snow quickly organize corrosion, after which the operation of the amplifier will be impossible.

Alcad AI-400 is quite different from the model discussed above. First, there are four outlets here. This allows you to connect up to four TVs to the amplifier without using a signal divider. Of course, such an accessory costs a penny, but you need to remember that some signal losses occur on each divider. Secondly, and this is already a negative feature of the device, there are no ears in order to screw the amplifier to any surface. Thirdly, this product turned out to be lighter - its weight does not exceed 580 g. And this had no effect on the quality of the design - only an emergency situation, such as a lightning bolt into the antenna, can disable the amplifier.

This model works with two bands, which include the frequencies 40-318 MHz and 470-862 MHz. Unfortunately, their splitting for better gain does not occur. This suggests that the product was not created for professional use paired with a radio station, namely, to enhance the television signal. With this task, the device copes almost perfectly, as evidenced by at least the gain, varying from 20 to 28 dB, depending on the frequency range. Some gain control is available here. It allows you to use the accessory anywhere, no matter what distance from the television center you are. The noise figure here does not exceed 4.2 dB, which is also good. Return loss is about 10 dB.

Please note that the product does not hold cable frequencies. This means that it will not allow the cable operator to dissolve the signal on several televisions. But on the other hand, the components inside do not have to strain too much - it is unlikely that the board will burn out even after several years.


  • Long service life;
  • A large number of exits;
  • Decent gain;
  • Gain adjustment is possible;
  • All possible frequencies of digital TV are supported;
  • Very low noise figure.


  • The price can not be called low;
  • It is impossible to fasten on the surface with screws;
  • No overload indicator.

WISI VM 8351

Rating: 4.7

WISI VM 8351

This amplifier, also included in our rating, differs from the previously reviewed models in a modern rounded case. All entrails are hidden under the white plastic, only a few connectors are brought out. However, in the kit there is not only this very white box. Also, the buyer will receive a more familiar metal product, on which the gain control and a pair of jacks are located. It can be said that the white device plays the role of a power supply and a separator, while the amplifier is the metal box.

This device has a small indicator that signals that it receives electricity. If suddenly something happens to the above-mentioned power supply unit, then you will immediately understand it. However, the reliability of the product is quite high. The German brand is trying not to let its customers down. Nevertheless, its products still can not be called perfect. In particular, you can find fault with the gain control. It is very small, which is why an elderly person is unlikely to cope with its turn. However, this operation is carried out only once, after which you can forget about the regulator.

This amplifier is designed exclusively for operation with a UHF range (frequencies 470-790 MHz). Digital TV in our country is broadcast in it, so you should not worry. As for the gain, it is adjusted in the range from 15 to 35 dB. The noise figure of this accessory does not exceed 3.5 dB.


  • Gain adjustment available;
  • Reliable design;
  • Low noise figure;
  • Very high gain.


  • In fact, the kit consists of several devices at once;
  • Few connectors;
  • High price.

Lans LX-50

Rating: 4.6

Lans LX-50

Another rather small amplifier for the antenna. It costs already significantly less money - in Russian online stores approximately 1,100 rubles are asked for it. It is clear that such an accessory could not get a number of simplifications. In particular, the fact that the device cannot play the role of a divider is immediately striking - there is only one input and one output F connector on its body. The body, by the way, is metallic. The design looks reliable, but we would be careful not to place the amplifier somewhere outside the room - it is possible that raindrops will find their way into the accessory.

Despite the low cost, the device received a gain control. This means that the accessory can be used at a very different distance from the television center.

The main advantage of this model is its versatility. The amplifier is broadband. This means that it supports multiple ranges at once. As a result, they consistently handle frequencies from 47 to 862 MHz. The accessory is powered by a traditional 220V network. When ordering, make sure that you also receive a power supply!


  • Reliable assembly;
  • High gain;
  • A large number of frequencies are supported;
  • Gain can be adjusted;
  • Small sizes.


  • Few connectors;
  • The noise figure is unknown;
  • Only one F-out.

Remo BAS-8102-01

Rating: 4.3

Remo BAS-8102-01

The smallest signal amplifier in our ranking. Yes, and the most affordable. And it's not even in the price tag of 500 rubles. The models just reviewed above were quite difficult to purchase - they are sold only in specialized online stores selling antennas and corresponding accessories. Well, Ramos BAS-8102-01 can be found in many large trading networks - for example, in DNS or “M.Video”. However, the prevalence in no way suggests that the device turned out impeccable. Otherwise, we would begin our story with him.

The accessory was very small. In fact, it looks like a small USB flash drive. Inside there is a tiny board that, according to the manufacturer, provides a signal gain of 16 dB. In fact, the coefficient is less, so you should not try to achieve something with such an amplifier if the television tower is located a hundred kilometers from you. But even more someone will disappoint the complete lack of gain control.

As you already understood, the product requires a power supply with a USB-connector. Fortunately, there is one in the kit, so you don’t need to worry. And if your TV has a USB-socket, then you can power the amplifier from it. Two wires come out of the unit with a USB plug. At the end of one is the input for a television antenna, while the second is inserted into the corresponding socket on the TV. Everything is very simple!

The amplifier is broadband. It is capable of operating at frequencies from 48.5 to 862 MHz. Somewhere in this range are those frequencies that broadcast digital TV channels. The noise figure here does not exceed 3 dB, which can be considered an excellent result. Well, the input and output impedance is 75 Ohms.

In some online stores they write that the device has two exits. This, as seen in the photo of the amplifier, is not.If you want to connect a second TV to the antenna, you will still need a signal divider. Also, the product suffers from poor-quality assembly. Buyers say that in some instances the central wire of the coaxial output is simply not soldered to the board! If you are faced with just such a problem, then you can either return the purchase to the store, or disassemble the device to solder the small wire. Unfortunately, even after that you can still disable the accessory if you regularly remove it from the USB port. The fact is that plastic of terrible quality is used here, which quickly collapses. In short, the manufacturer has saved a lot, which did not benefit the product.


  • Very low cost;
  • Simplest operation;
  • Included is a power supply;
  • Can be powered from the TV itself;
  • A large number of frequencies are supported;
  • Low noise figure.


  • Not very high signal gain;
  • Lousy assembly of many instances;
  • Cannot play the role of a signal divider;
  • The gain is not adjustable.

Anteks AX-C20U

Rating: 4.3

Anteks AX-C20U

Another tiny antenna booster in our ranking. Its cost, as it is easy to guess, also does not exceed 500 rubles. The design here is used is different. This amplifier has no wires with a certain resistance. Instead, the buyer is waiting for a tiny box, with two ends of which are the input and output connectors. And that's it! Do I need to say that even an elderly person can cope with connecting an antenna to such an amplifier? However, in this design lies one drawback. You will have to get a cable that will follow from the amplifier to the TV. But this is only if we compare the device with the REMO product discussed above. As you can see, the remaining amplifiers for the antenna are also supplied without any wires.

Despite its tiny size, the product offers a gain of 20 dB. The figure named by the manufacturer is close to the truth, because the device really copes well with its task. The noise figure here is no more than 3 dB, which can also be considered an excellent result. In short, this is a great choice for those who live at a great distance from the television center! But do not forget that to connect two or more TVs will need signal dividers that can reduce the work of the amplifier to zero.

If you thought that the product is completely devoid of flaws, then we hasten to disappoint you. Unfortunately, the owner of this accessory is facing some difficulties with power supply. It is received via the antenna input. This means that you will have to acquire an AX-TVI USB power injector. However, many modern TVs are able to independently supply 5-volt electricity to their antenna input. Also, this feature has almost all digital set-top boxes designed to receive a signal in DVB-T2 format.

This model is used to amplify the signal in the frequency range from 470 to 862 MHz. Therefore, it is ideal for stable viewing of digital TV, but it is meaningless to demand something more from it.


  • Miniature sizes;
  • High gain;
  • High-quality assembly;
  • Strengthens the frequency of digital TV;
  • Very low cost;
  • Implemented protection against sudden voltage drops.


  • No gain control;
  • Few connectors;
  • Requires power supply over the antenna cable (strictly 5 V).

Remo USSh-5V

Rating: 4.2

Remo USSh-5V

Another amplifier for the antenna in our rating, present on the shelves of some major retail chains. It is also the cheapest - you can buy it for only 250 rubles. For this money you get an accessory that is comparable in size with some adapter. It consists of only two parts.The first one is an amplifier itself with an input for a cable extending from the antenna - the microcircuit is hidden under a black plastic case. The second part is the simplest plastic plug F-type white color, inserted into the antenna jack of the TV. Between themselves, these two parts are connected by a very short wire - its length does not reach even ten centimeters.

Use of the accessory is maximally simplified. The owner needs to insert the product into the TV, after which it remains only to connect the antenna. Perhaps the only serious flaw associated with the second step. The fact is that the connector here turned out to be wider than it should be. If you accidentally pull the antenna wire, the plug may pop out of the socket. However, this does not apply to all instances - for good reason some reviews are purely positive.

Despite its miniature dimensions, the signal gain here corresponds to the declared one, or close to it. Some owners of the device write that the level of admission increased by 10-15%, while others report an even more commendable result. And almost no one had such that the amplifier did not give at least some effect. The exception to the rule is made by those people whose antenna has already been equipped with an amplifier - this device will not work in tandem with such a device.

The rest of the device is hardly capable of something surprising. Like all other models considered in this rating, it is considered to be broadband. This means that they support frequencies of 48.5-862 MHz. Therefore, the amplifier can be used to watch digital TV. Well, the main drawback of the device lies in the absence of a separate connector for generating electricity. It turns out that the amplifier can only be used in conjunction with those consoles or televisions that are able to provide power to your antenna connector. But the device does not require a network adapter - no wire to the outlet is needed.


  • Very small size;
  • Extremely low cost;
  • Stable support for all frequencies of digital TV;
  • A decent gain, close to the stated;
  • It is worthy of the build quality of most copies.


  • Only one antenna output;
  • No gain control;
  • Need power on the antenna cable (strictly 5 V).


Now you know how to choose the perfect amplifier for the antenna. You also got acquainted with the amplifiers themselves - it seems to us that we told about all the best models available on the Russian market. And do not forget that many modern antennas do not need such a device at all - they are endowed with a built-in amplifier.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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