7 best diet pills

The eternal question, pursuing our contemporaries. regardless of gender: "What would such eat to lose weight?". The human body, like all other mammals, was formed under conditions when hunger was the norm rather than the exception, and those who survived in relatively replete times accumulated fat more efficiently than others survived. They left the offspring, which in the suddenly happened food abundance began to gain weight rapidly: according to doctors in our country, 59.2% of all adults are overweight.

Theoretically, everyone knows the weight loss recipe: eat less and move more. In practice, this is not always the case, and “magic pills” are beginning to be used.

When compiling the ranking of the best diet pills, we considered only the funds officially registered in Russia as dietary supplements or medications. We deliberately did not include in it "Chinese" or "Thai pills" with an unknown composition and drugs that can not be obtained officially.

Choosing a means of promoting weight loss, you need to remember that in medicine there are clear criteria for the effectiveness of weight loss and they are far from the widely publicized 7 - 10 kilograms per week. National clinical guidelines for the treatment of obesity are called safe loss of 5-10% of the initial weight per month, which in practice is no more than 3 kg per week.

And before moving on to the rating itself, we recall that no pills will help if the weight meets the medical standard, which does not always coincide with modern standards of beauty. A normal body mass index is from 18.5 to 24.99. BMI is calculated by the formula: weight in kg / (height in m)2

Comparative table of various slimming products

Slimming medication

Bad slimming

Slimming Tea

active substance


synthetic, natural extracts

natural herbs

weight loss mechanisms

loss of appetite, normalization of metabolism

decrease in appetite

normalization of metabolism


have clinical studies been conducted


more often yes


side effects

there is

are possible

there is





“yo-yo” effect (quick return to the initial weight) after the end of the application




Excess weight can be not only the result of excessive diet, but also the result of serious diseases:

  1. polycystic ovary syndrome;
  2. Cushing's syndrome;
  3. hypothyroidism;
  4. dysfunction of the hypothalamus;
  5. hyperprolactinemia and others.

Therefore, when it comes to not just obesity, but obesity, Before you prescribe a pill you need to consult a doctor. Drinking weight loss medication can only be satisfied that the cause of excess weight is in the peculiarities of lifestyle.

Top Diet Pills Rating

Nomination a place Name of product price
The best slimming drugs      1 Sibutramine      1590 ₽
     2 Orlistat      681 ₽
     3 Metformin      92 ₽
Best dietary supplements for weight loss      1 Chromium picolinate      931 ₽
     2 Garcinia Cambogia      347 ₽
     3 Alpha lipoic acid      650 ₽
     4 L-carnitine      301 ₽

The best slimming drugs

In this section, we have collected medicines designed to help in the fight against obesity. All of these diet pills are prescription drugs, because they interfere with the work of the nerve centers or metabolism rather severely, which can cause serious side effects. Therefore, most often these drugs are recommended for people with severe obesity (BMI> 30) in situations where diet and sports do not help.

On the other hand, unlike dietary supplements, for which registration it is not necessary to confirm the effectiveness of the action, all weight loss drugs have proven to be effective in clinical trials - without this, registration of a drug is impossible.


Rating: 4.9


Trade names: Reduxin, Goldline.

Sibutramine is ideal for people who honestly try to follow a diet, but cannot withstand constant hunger. Acting directly on the saturation center in the brain, these pills help to eat in small portions. And since the process activates serotonin and adrenaline receptors, an added bonus is increased activity and less need for sleep. True, this medal has a downside: an increased activity can easily turn into anxiety, a reduced need for sleep can turn into insomnia, and an effect on adrenal receptors can provoke an uncontrolled increase in pressure. Sibutramine increases the load on the heart and blood vessels: blood pressure increases by an average of 1 - 3 mm. Hg st, and the pulse at 3 - 7 beats per minute. That is why it is banned in the countries of the European Union.

Many people who have used this drug complain of a complete loss of food pleasure. On the one hand, it helped them to lose weight, on the other hand, such sensations are subjectively endured very hard.

Often taking medication complain of dry mouth, a complete lack of appetite, a change in taste, constipation. Other side effects include traditional allergic reactions, headache, a transient increase in the amount of "liver enzymes" (transaminases) in the blood.

Judging by the reviews and publications in medical journals, sibutramine works fine "at short distances" from a month to three, then get used to it and weight loss slows down.

It is not recommended to take the medicine for more than a year in a row, just nobody has studied the safety of such a long-term use.

It is necessary to start with a dose of 10 mg 1 time per day; if within a month it was not possible to lose 5% of the initial body weight, it is recommended to switch to a dosage of 15 mg, if it turns out to be ineffective, further experiments should be stopped.

Sibutramine is absolutely not suitable for people suffering from "Binjas" - bouts of uncontrolled overeating, when a person wakes up in a devastated fridge with a heavy stomach and confusion: why did he eat all this? Such situations are not as rare as common people think, and require work with a psychologist. Controlling the appetite of people who eat, not because they are hungry, but because of stress, is useless.

The list of contraindications to the use of drugs is quite long:

  1. age up to 18 years;
  2. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  3. Obesity is not caused by overeating, but by disease (hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome, Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, and others);
  4. IHD, arrhythmias, heart failure at any stage;
  5. HELL above 145/90;
  6. thyrotoxicosis;
  7. pheochromocytoma;
  8. angle-closure glaucoma;
  9. benign prostatic hyperplasia;
  10. kidney or liver failure;
  11. alcohol, drug or drug addiction.

Sibutramine should not be taken with antidepressants, other diet pills and tryptophan-based sleep aids.


  • reduces excessive appetite
  • helps to reduce weight
  • increases activity.


  • gives the load on the vessels and the heart.


Rating: 4.8


Trade names: Orliksen, Xenalten, Listata, Xenical, Orlimax.

If sibutramine acts on the brain, "turning off" the interest in food and the pleasure of its absorption, then orlistat works at the intestinal level, blocking the enzymes that break down fats. Large fat molecules are not able to pass through the intestinal wall, and leave the body along with other undigested food debris. Since fat is the highest calorie part of the diet, the number of calories acquired is reduced and a person loses weight without restricting himself in his favorite foods.

So the theory sounds. In practice, those who take orlistat have to control the contents of the plate in the most severe way. Because undigested fats irritate the intestinal wall. And barely their number in the dish will exceed a certain minimum, for each his own, the intestines begin to contract uncontrollably, which forces, excuse me for naturalism, to run to the toilet. Naturally, such embarrassing situations make it necessary to limit the fat in food, and, therefore, those who argue that taking orlistat can not change the eating habits, at least cunning.

By the way, this effect must be borne in mind for women who take contraceptives - due to the fact that the intestines are released faster, hormones do not have time to absorb completely, which reduces the effectiveness of the medicine.

On the other hand, orlistat, perhaps, can be advised to people suffering from eating disorders, since the absorption of fat actually decreases and the calories during overeating a person will get less. True, the thrill will also be guaranteed.

It is with intestinal irritation with undigested fats that most of the side effects that occur when taking orlistat are caused:

  1. discharge of gases, often with a certain amount of intestinal contents;
  2. sudden strong urge to defecate;
  3. loose stools;
  4. abdominal pain.

Of the other adverse events, allergic reactions and problems associated with a decrease in the effectiveness of drugs that a person takes constantly (antihypertensives, contraceptives, anti-epileptic, etc.) are possible.

From the positive aspects it should be noted that the pills not only help to reduce weight, but also normalize the content of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Moreover, it is almost impossible to poison them - that is, to create too high dosage in the body: the active substance is not absorbed inside, remaining in the intestinal lumen. Therefore, orlistat has a minimum of contraindications:

  1. maladsorption syndrome (impaired absorption in the intestine of a particular food component);
  2. cholestasis;
  3. pregnancy, lactation, child age — no one has experienced the safety of the drug in these categories of people.

Orlistat can not be taken simultaneously with warfarin and other means that change blood clotting, or simultaneously with cyclosporine.

It is necessary to use these diet pills three times a day during meals. If in three months the weight has decreased by no more than 5% from the initial one, further use of the medication should be stopped. Course duration is not limited to instruction. but it is necessary to take into account that together with fats, absorption and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K, which are vital for the body, are blocked.


  • few contraindications
  • normalizes blood lipid composition
  • makes you follow a diet.


  • extremely uncomfortable side effects.


Rating: 4.7


Trade names: Glyukofazh, Siofor, Gliformin.

These tablets were originally developed not for weight loss, but for the correction of sugar level in patients with type 2 diabetes.But after several years of sales, it turned out that they contribute to an active weight loss - and the drug was started to be used, among other things, to combat overweight. And, despite the fact that formally the weight loss in the instructions for use of metformin is not indicated, among the indications for use is BMI> 35, that is, obesity, in which the risk of diabetes mellitus sharply increases.

The main effect of metformin is the restoration of the body's insulin sensitivity. It is the insensitivity of cells to this hormone, which reduces the level of glucose in the blood and becomes the cause of type 2 diabetes.

The drug acts in several directions, and we will not give all the mechanisms of its influence on the body, limiting itself only to those important in the context of weight loss. It:

  1. decrease in the activity of carbohydrate absorption in the intestine;
  2. transformation of glucose into lactic acid in the intestinal lumen;
  3. activation of an enzyme called adenosine monophosphate activated protein kinase, which reduces the synthesis of glucose by the liver and activates the oxidation of fatty acids.

Translating from medical language to understandable, metformin not only reduces the flow of glucose from food, which indirectly reduces calorie intake, but also helps the body break down its own fat, using energy primarily as a source of fat reserves, and not glucose, which is produced in the liver under the action of medication decreases.

Metformin will be useful not only to those who already have a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, but primarily to people who have blood sugar levels still within the normal range, but insulin sensitivity is already impaired and the level of this hormone in the body begins to rise steadily. This condition is called prediabetes.

To detect it, you need to donate blood for analysis, including the calculation of the CARO and HOMA-IR indices. Without going into too much detail, let's say that these indices are based on measuring the ratio between the amount of insulin in the blood and the level of fasting glucose. To find out if such an analysis is needed, divide the circumference of your waist by the circumference of your hips. If the value turned out to be more than 0.85 for women or 0.9 for a man, there is a high risk of metabolic syndrome, which, among other symptoms, is also manifested in impaired insulin sensitivity.

There are other indications for the use of metformin, in addition to prediabetes:

  1. BMI> 35;
  2. type 2 diabetes in blood relatives;
  3. diabetes during pregnancy;
  4. elevated blood triglycerides;
  5. arterial hypertension.

Take metformin as a pill for weight loss need 850 mg, first 1 time a day, after 10 days - 2 times a day. The drug does not cause an excessive decrease in blood sugar levels, but with a gradual increase in dosage there is less likelihood of side effects from the gastrointestinal tract, such as nausea, a sharp decrease in appetite, abdominal pain, diarrhea.

Other adverse events include taste disturbance, allergic skin rashes. Very rarely lactic acidosis is possible - acidification of the body with lactic acid, which is manifested by such symptoms as weakness, muscle pain, drowsiness. In this case, you must immediately stop taking the medicine and consult a doctor. To prevent such a condition, it is impossible to combine metformin with extremely rigid diets - the daily caloric content should be at least 1000 kcal. Also increases the likelihood of developing lactic acidosis with alcohol poisoning while taking metformin, therefore, it is strongly recommended not to abuse alcohol.

The tool is contraindicated in severe renal, hepatic and cardiovascular failure. Not recommended for pregnant women, as safety for the fetus has not been established. You can not take Metformin for 2 days before and 2 days after the X-ray contrast study with the use of iodine preparations.

With long-term administration of metformin, the absorption of vitamin B12 is reduced, so it is recommended to periodically use multivitamin preparations.


  • prevents the development of type 2 diabetes as a complication of obesity.


  • side effects of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • the possibility of hypovitaminosis B12.

Best dietary supplements for weight loss

With all the advantages of drugs for weight loss, they have one serious drawback: prescription. What in practice means a variety of contraindications and the need to carefully monitor the condition of the body in time to notice the side effects. In this regard, dietary supplements at times safer.

On the other hand, in order to register, produce and sell dietary supplements, you only need to prove that the substances in it do not harm health. Benefit and effectiveness do not need to prove. Of course, creating formulas, pharmacologists usually focus on the results of a certain number of studies, but they are not obliged to conduct clinical trials of the finished product. Therefore, choosing a diet pill from among dietary supplements, often have to go through trial and error.

In addition, unlike drugs, dietary supplements for weight loss "by themselves" are often ineffective. They accelerate weight loss during the diet or increase fat loss during exercise or help to avoid "harmful" foods. But just to use diet pills, keeping your usual lifestyle, and really lose weight will not work.

By offering you the rating of the best OTC diet pills, we focused primarily on the active ingredients and their effects on the body. The funds listed in this section can be bought both in ordinary pharmacies and on foreign Internet sites.

Chromium picolinate

Rating: 4.5


Trade Names: Chromium Evalar Turboslim Picolinate, Solgar Chromium Picolinate, Nature's Way, Chromium Picolinate.

Chromium is involved in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, stimulates insulin receptors, the deficiency of this trace element provokes the occurrence of insulin resistance. Chromium picolinate helps reduce cravings for sweets, so it is best suited for those who are trying to get rid of "sugar addiction". Especially good, judging by the reviews, it reduces the "evening lights". However, to achieve this effect, you need to take pills at least for a month.

Some studies have shown that chromium picolinate can help reduce blood sugar levels and reduce the symptoms of depression - it is no secret that this condition is often accompanied by overeating and weight gain. But these data require further study.


  • reduces cravings for sweets.


  • the effect appears no earlier than after a month of use.

Garcinia Cambogia

Rating: 4.4


Trade names: Garcinia Forte Evalar, Evalar Tropicana Slim Garcinia Chewable Tablets, Now Foods Garcinia 1000 mg, Natrol, Garcinia Cambogia 1000 mg.

Natural plant extract that prevents lipogenesis - the deposition of fat in the cells. Promotes fat oxidation. Reduces the feeling of hunger.

Against the background of a low-carb diet, it can provoke a sharp decrease in the level of glucose in the blood, therefore, it is not worthwhile to combine the use of Garcinia with “carbohydrate-free”. Hypoglycemia is manifested by dizziness, general weakness, chills, aggressiveness. In this case, it is better to immediately drink sweet tea or eat candy.

As with the admission of most other OTC diet pills, the effect becomes noticeable no earlier than one month after the start of the reception.

A few years ago, it was reported that garcinia may contribute to liver damage. But since this is a side effect discovered in the complex means containing, in addition to Garcinia, other substances, there is no final opinion on this issue yet. In any case, the use of garcinia drugs in liver pathologies is not recommended.


  • slows down fat deposition in the body
  • stimulates immunity.


  • may cause liver damage.

Alpha lipoic acid

Rating: 4.3


Trade names: thioctic acid, Thioctacid, Berlition, Lipoic acid Evalar, Doctor's Best, Alpha-Lipoic Acid.

In Russia, it is sold both as a medicine (Thioctacid, Berlition), and as a dietary supplement (Evalar).

Initially developed for people with type 2 diabetes, to protect nerve cells and blood vessels from the toxic effects of excess glucose in the blood. In addition, it has a pronounced hepatoprotective effect - that is, protects the liver cells. As a means for losing weight, alpha-lipoic acid is effective only when it is physically active - in this case, it activates the breakdown of fat and its use as the main source of energy. So lying on the couch and losing weight with these pills will not work, although periodically there is information that alpha lipoic acid reduces appetite and cravings for sweets due to the normalization of glucose metabolism.


  • protects liver cells from harmful effects.


  • works as a fat burner only on the background of exercise.


Rating: 4.2

Now Foods L-Carnitine.jpg

Rating: 4.2.

Trade names: Elkar, L carnitine Evalar, Now Foods L-Carnitine.

This tool is well known among bodybuilders - it helps to cope with heavy physical exertion and by increasing the training volume helps to better “grow” muscles. But, besides this, it also accelerates fat burning, helping to transport fats into the mitochondria - the “energy stations” of the cells.

Like alpha-lipoic acid, L-carnitine works effectively for weight loss only in combination with physical activity.


  • stimulates muscle growth,
  • protects myocardial cells from hypoxia.


  • works only in combination with physical exertion.

Diet pills vs slimming teas

The attentive reader probably noticed that our rating is called “7 best diet pills”, which certainly excludes “slimming” teas that are popular with many girls. And there is a reason for this.

After examining the composition of the most popular slimming tea, we found senna or other herbs with a strong laxative effect and herbs with a diuretic effect. Using these tools to lose weight is impossible: weight loss is only due to the contents of the intestine and concomitant dehydration. If we talk about diet pills, we can talk about the balance between benefits and harms, then in the case of teas, we are not talking about any benefits: constant stimulation of the intestines leads to the fact that it stops working independently, and diuretic herbs increase the load on the kidneys, but prolonged dehydration and can cause kidney failure. With the constant loss of water through the intestines and kidneys from the organisms electrolytes are removed, especially potassium, the lack of which can cause nighttime cramps and arrhythmias.

And all these risks are completely meaningless: literally a few days after the end of tea intake, the body restores water balance and, pardon the rudeness, the amount of poop in the intestines, after which the arrow of weights returns safely to its original values.

Many people think that teas are safer than pills because herbs are completely natural. We venture to remind you that poisonous plants or mushrooms are also completely natural remedies. The same side effects arising from the abuse of tea for weight loss, we have described above.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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