7 best manufacturers of vapor barrier

The construction of modern houses does not do without such important material as vapor barrier. Thin fabric allows not only to increase the life of the house, but also to create an optimal indoor climate. To buy a vapor barrier film today will not be difficult, well-known foreign and domestic brands are widely represented on the Russian market. Each of them has its own advantages, making it harder to make a choice. Our experts will help deal with the criteria that are particularly important in the construction business.

How to choose a vapor barrier

  1. Vapor permeability. One of the main parameters when choosing a membrane or film material becomes vapor permeability. This characteristic directly affects the ventilation of the walls or roofing space. Due to the vapor permeability of the structure, it is possible to prevent the wood from rotting and the appearance of mold and fungi.
  2. Strength. Both at the stage of transportation or installation, and at the stage of operation, the vapor barrier must have high strength. Even with the careful handling of builders, the web break can occur from a strong gust of wind. This parameter is especially important when a vapor barrier is used as a temporary roof.
  3. Life time. The combination of many parameters of vapor barrier ultimately affects the durability of the material. To be guided by a potential buyer in this aspect is necessary for the manufacturer's warranty and user feedback. Ideally, a vapor barrier material should last no less than the roof or wall itself.
  4. Installation Features. Installation works occupy one of the main places in the general estimate of construction. The simpler the vapor barrier is laid and fixed, the cheaper the roofing services will be. Therefore, when choosing, it is necessary to take into account not only the width of the web, but also the presence of adhesive tape on the edge.
  5. Resistance to ignition. Since a very dry microclimate forms over time under the roof and in the interwall walls, there is a danger of accidental ignition of the wooden structures. Output can be found in the purchase of fireproof vapor barrier, which endurely withstand high temperatures. To impart such properties, manufacturers introduce into the composition of special additives.
  6. Cost of. Vapor barrier is sold in rolls of a certain length and width. When it comes to the price of the material, many buyers forget to look at the area of ​​one roll. Very often, manufacturers lure customers with a low price per roll, while reducing the length or width of the vapor barrier sheet. In addition, some multilayer materials not only protect the walls and roof from moisture, but also improve the quality of insulation.

We selected 7 best vapor barrier manufacturers to review. Purchase it is not difficult in the trading network of Russia. We managed to put the applicants in places thanks to the opinion of the expert community and feedback from domestic consumers.

Rating of the best manufacturers of vapor barrier

Nomination a place manufacturer Rating
Rating of the best manufacturers of vapor barrier 1 ISOPAN      4.9
2 TechnoNicol      4.8
3 ONDUTIS      4.7
4 Yutafol      4.7
5 ECOLIFE      4.7
6 MegaFlex      4.6
7 Klober      4.5


Rating: 4.9


The vapor barrier of Hexa - Nonwovens LLC meets all world standards, it is known under the brand IZOSPAN. The company has been operating in the Russian market for 17 years, constantly improving its products and expanding its model range. The manufacturer offers 3 types of vapor barrier.

  1. IZOASPAN C is a two-layer material, one of the sides has a rough surface. Its task is to retain moisture and promote its rapid evaporation. It is used in the device of the roofing pie.
  2. IZOSPAN B has a similar structure, but it is designed to protect walls from moisture.
  3. IZOSPAN D is a versatile type of vapor barrier that has an anti-condensation coating. Differs in high durability, can be used as a temporary roof.

The experts gave the brand first place in our ranking.


  • high strength;
  • reliable protection from moisture;
  • convenience in work;
  • affordable price.


  • not detected.


Rating: 4.8


The largest manufacturer of roofing and waterproofing materials in our country is the company TechnoNIKOL. The main advantage of the products of this brand, according to experts, is the increased service life. The warranty on certain types of vapor barrier is several decades.

Universal vapor barrier is designed for interior work. Such material can be laid on the ceiling or walls.

A diffusion membrane has been created specifically to protect the roofing insulation from moisture. It is a double-sided polypropylene sheet that provides effective ventilation.

Non-perforated vapor barrier film is highly durable due to reinforced mesh fabric.

The second place is the brand for unstable quality.


  • high service life;
  • different types of vapor barrier;
  • affordable price;
  • simple installation.


  • unstable quality.


Rating: 4.7


The French company Onduline is well known to Russian consumers for its unique roofing materials. But under the brand ONDUTIS, this manufacturer has established the production of high-quality budget vapor barrier. In the lineup there are several films.

The most affordable is the Ondutis R70 series. It is designed to protect walls, ceilings, roofing. Modification Smart is characterized by the presence of adhesive tape.

Ondutis Thermo is a three-layer foil material made of polyester fiber. Experts believe that the advantage of the series is thermal stability (up to 120 ° C).

For cold roofs, special films Ondutis Smart RV and Ondutis RS are created.

The brand takes the third place in the rating, since the mounting tape is located only on one edge. Because of this, the consumption of vapor barrier increases.


  • high strength;
  • easy installation;
  • rich assortment;
  • affordable price.


  • adhesive tape on one edge.


Rating: 4.7


The largest European manufacturer of film products is the Czech company JUTA. Having started its activities with a small company engaged in the production of yarn, ropes and fabrics, the brand has become a corporation that unites 14 factories. About 80% of products are exported, including to the Russian market.

Among the most popular vapor barrier materials, experts note a two-layer polypropylene film Yutafol N 96 Silver. It is used in the device of the roofing pie.

Particular strength stands out material Yutafol N 110 Special. The three-layer film has a reinforcing mesh, a self-extinguishing reagent that prevents ignition is added to the composition.

The brand is located one step away from the prize winners, since the cost of vapor barrier is quite high.


  • quality manufacturing;
  • simple installation;
  • resistance to ignition;
  • high strength.


  • high price.


Rating: 4.7


The young, but very rapidly developing enterprise is the Russian company ECOLIFE. It was organized in 2007, focusing on the production of roofing materials. The plant uses environmentally friendly raw materials, so the vapor barrier meets all the requirements of international standards. Due to multi-level quality control, the manufacturer managed to achieve high quality products, which is confirmed by certificates. Among the features of the vapor barrier, experts note the rough structure of the inner surface and the gloss of the outer side. The material has heat-shielding properties, thereby improving the parameters of insulation.

The disadvantages of ECOLIFE membranes include low strength. The brand takes the 5th place in the rating.


  • high quality;
  • affordable price;
  • heat-shielding properties;
  • moisture resistance.


  • low strength.


Rating: 4.6


Production company MEGAFLEX falls into our rating for the development and production of a wide range of protective films and membranes. In the assortment there are steam and waterproofing materials, wind-proof fabrics, foil-foamed polyethylene, etc. Experts identify several advantages of MEGAFLEX vapor barrier. These are good heat-shielding properties, reliable protection of walls and roofs from moisture. Today, the production site has more than 50 units of modern equipment, including a high-performance extrusion line for the production of synthetic flat yarn.

From the disadvantages of vapor barrier users allocate special requirements for the design of the roof. It should have a tilt angle of more than 35 degrees, and a double sheathing device is required.


  • rich assortment;
  • high heat-shielding qualities;
  • wide scope of application;
  • acceptable price.


  • special requirements for the roof.


Rating: 4.5


The world leader in the market of roofing materials and components is the German company Klober. It was established in 1960, supplying products only to the domestic market. Today the concern has factories not only in Germany, but also in other European countries. The brand boasts its own testing laboratory and technical center. All products are tested for quality. Among the key areas, experts note vapor barrier materials for the roof and walls, components for ventilation and roofing, and connecting elements. The company has a narrow specialization, which allows it to develop and produce the most advanced samples.

It was not possible to take a higher place in our rating because of the high price and insufficient adsorbing properties.


  • high strength;
  • durability;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • self-adhesive tape.


  • high price.
  • poor absorption.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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