7 best contraceptives

Family planning is a very important factor in the harmonious development of modern society. And contraceptives play an important role in this. Modern medicine has a rich arsenal of various contraceptives and methods of protection. In the first place is sterilization, in which, for example, men undergo a vasoresection operation. This method guarantees one hundred percent result, but at the same time having children, alas, is no longer possible in the future.

There are various means of intrauterine contraception, the so-called spirals, there are hormonal injections, barrier methods of contraception. The most famous representative of this group is the condom. As is known, its advantage is that only he is able to protect not only from fertilization, but also from sexually transmitted infections. But if a condom is accidentally broken, a large number of different problems can arise. Many women use the natural calendar method, when sex is possible only in a safe period, but the effectiveness of this method is unlikely to exceed 60%.

Interrupted sexual intercourse is able to protect against fertilization in 80% of cases, but it is fraught with known inconveniences and with constant tension during sexual intercourse. Various spermatozoa destruction agents are also used - spermicides. They are produced in the form of various creams, suppositories and pills, are introduced intravaginally and physically destroy male sex cells. The effectiveness of this method also does not exceed 70%.

Therefore, modern women prefer oral contraceptives, namely hormone tablets, and the effectiveness of their use, if indicated, is more than 99%. In terms of reliability, they are in second place after sterilization. Therefore, the current rating includes modern drugs from the group of oral contraceptives that are of high quality and effectiveness, actively prescribed by gynecologists. The prices of drugs are given for the autumn of 2018, for pharmacies of various forms of ownership, located in major cities of the Russian Federation. Emergency contraceptives, injectables and local remedies will also be considered.

Top contraceptive rating

Nomination a place Name of product price
Top oral contraceptives      1 Monophasic COC          956 ₽
     2 Biphasic COC          529 ₽
     3 Three Phase COC          267 ₽
The best means of emergency contraception      1 Escapel, (Postinor) = Levonorgestrel          394 ₽
     2 Mifegin, Agesta, Ginepriston, Genale, Mifolian (Mifepristone)          310 ₽
The best contraceptives for topical use: creams, rings, spirals      1 Pharmatex (benzalkonium chloride)          237 ₽
     2 Spiral "Mirena"          9 190 ₽

Top oral contraceptives

First of all, the very name of this group of drugs is puzzling in persons without medical education. Oral contraceptives do not have anything in common with oral sex, just translated from Latin as “oral” or “oral” use of any means means by mouth.All tableted drugs are used orally, that is, inside. And for contraceptives stuck more shortened name.

There are several varieties of these contraceptive drugs. The first large and most popular group is a combination of the means, they include two different female hormones - proizvodoee estrogen and progesterone. They were called COCs, or combination oral contraceptives. If in the composition of the drug there is only an analogue of progesterone, then such contraceptives are called gestagens, and have a second name - mini-drank. Usually they are assigned to women who breastfeed the baby.

All drugs also differ in the amount of hormones that are present in them. It is known that a woman's menstrual cycle proceeds with cyclic changes in the concentration of hormones in the blood. In the first phase of the cycle, estrogens predominate, and in the second phase, progesterone. In the event that, regardless of the phase of the cycle, tablets with the same hormone content are used, then this contraceptive is called monophasic. If in tablets the amount of hormones and their ratio changes in accordance with the day of the menstrual cycle, then such contraceptives are called two- or even three-phase.

The amount of estrogen in pills is very important. Estrogen is normally secreted by the ovaries, and regulates a very large number of diverse processes in the female body. Therefore, contraceptives are low in estrogen, high in content, and with micro doses of this hormone. The latter group of contraceptives is most suitable for young women who have not yet given birth, but the means with high estrogen dosage, for example, 50 mcg per day, are suitable not only as a means of contraception, but also for the treatment of certain diseases.

Consider the most popular and frequently prescribed contraceptive drugs from the group of oral contraceptives. Unlike drugs that are intended for the treatment of diseases, for example, cough medicine, all instructions to these products are very long, multi-page, and contain extremely much very detailed, but extremely important information for the doctor. This is due to the fact that hormones affect almost all stages of metabolism in the female body. Therefore, information about each drug will be given without unnecessary details. Those who are interested in the details, be sure to read the official instructions.

Monophasic COC: Yarin (Jess, Leia, Midiana, Anabella, Vidor, Delcia, Dimia) = Drospirenone + Ethinyl Estradiol

Rating: 4.9

Monophasic COC

Usually, in accordance with the standard, each package of any product has a designation according to which scheme tablets are used. This is important for two-phase and three-phase COCs, since the tablets contain different amounts of hormones, and tablets from these groups are even labeled in the same package in different colors. But for monophasic COCs, there is no difference which pill is taken on which day of the cycle, because all pills are the same. It is very convenient.

The drug Yarin, and its analogues are monophasic COCs from the low-dose group. Yarina and her analogs act by increasing the viscosity of the cervical mucus, and by suppressing ovulation. Apply the drug you need every day for 21 days, and preferably at the same time of day.

The drug begins to be taken strictly on the first day of the cycle - and this is the first day of the beginning of the monthly period. The package just contains 21 pills. After the woman has completely consumed one package, you need to take a week break. During these seven days, slight bleeding develops that resembles menstruation, gynecologists call it withdrawal bleeding. Most often this occurs two or three days after taking the last pill.

A week after the cancellation, you should continue taking the drug by purchasing a new package.If a woman did not have time to start taking this remedy on the first day of the cycle, then she can catch up and start taking the drug on 2, 3, 4 and even on the 5th day of the cycle. But at the same time during the first week of reception it is necessary to use other contraceptives, for example, the use of spermicidal drugs, a condom, or interrupted sexual intercourse. The fact is that the contraceptive effect of all contraceptives does not work immediately.

In the event that a woman missed taking the pill, but this delay was less than 12 hours, nothing terrible will happen. But it is necessary to make up the missed dosage, and the next pill is taken as usual. And if a woman just forgot to skip the reception, then contraceptive protection will be significantly reduced. The closer this random skip to the end of the course of treatment and the beginning of the seven-day break, the higher the risk of unwanted pregnancy. As follows from the above, it is quite simple to take pills, but it is very important to know these necessary conditions.

The drug Yarin is produced by the famous German manufacturer Schering-Plow, one pack containing 21 pills costs, on average, 970 rubles. But the drug Midian, which is produced by the Hungarian company Gedeon Richter, will have a cost of 540 rubles at the same dosage, the number of tablets and decent quality.

Advantages and disadvantages

The great advantage of Yarina, despite the fact that she is mentioned in the instructions only as a contraceptive, is a pronounced anti-androgenic effect. Reducing the concentration of male sex hormones, Yarin well helps from acne, or treat acne. Therefore, this tool can be administered as part of the complex treatment of treatment of severe acne. The action of the drug is to reduce sebum production, in antiseborrheic effect. In this case, Yarin is contraindicated in all thrombosis, in diabetes mellitus in a complicated form, in patients with severe diseases of the liver and kidneys, during breastfeeding.

Two-phase COCs: Anteovin (Bifazil, Sequilar) = Levonorgestrel + Ethinyl Estradiol

Rating: 4.8


The drug Anteovin belong to the two-phase oral contraceptives. One tablet (blister) contains 21 tablets, in the box there are three canvasses, that is 63 tablets. Anteovin represented by white and pink pills. The white pill has the same amount of 2 hormones, and the pink pill contains less gestagens and the same amount of estrogen.

Anteovin should be applied in the evenings, daily, one tablet at a time. For contraception, the ideal start is from the first day of menstruation, but you can start taking it on the fifth day inclusive. In the first 11 days only white pills are taken, and then within 10 days - pink pills. Thus, the whole consolata is consumed with 21 pills. Then follows a seven-day break with the already described bleeding, similar to menstruation, and proceed to use the pills from the second convolute. Accordingly, one box of the drug is designed for three menstrual cycles, and approximately corresponds to three months of administration.

The manufacturer indicates that the reliable effect of the use of the drug develops only on the second cycle, that is, when using the second convolute. If you use this tool regularly and without gaps, then even during the required week break, the effect of contraception will be preserved. As in the case of monophasic drugs, when you skip a pill, you need to take it as quickly as possible, but if more than 36 hours have passed between doses, the contraceptive effect is greatly reduced. In the case of pregnancy planning, it is necessary to cancel the drug for 3 months, and to use non-hormonal contraceptives.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like many other hormonal drugs, Anteovin is contraindicated for hepatic and renal failure, for malignant tumors, severe vascular diseases, for migraine, and high cholesterol. Side effects can develop dyspeptic disorders, headache, decreased sexual desire and increase body weight. But, as a rule, in the event of such side effects and subsequent consultation with a gynecologist, it is possible to replace the drug with another one, or switch to a monophasic contraceptive. The advantage of a two-phase contraceptive is a softer physiological effect in relation to the development of these effects, since its use in various dosages corresponds to the fluctuations of hormones in the body.

Three-phase COC: Three-regol (Rigevidon, Ministon) = levonorgestrel + ethinyl estradiol

Rating: 4.7

Three regol

As a rule, many three-phase oral contraceptives incorporate the words "three". In addition to the Three-Regol these include Triquilar, Triziston, and similar names. Unlike two-phase contraceptives, three-phase have three types of pills, and in the case of Three-Regol in one package of 21 tablets there are pink, white, and dark-yellow pills with different hormone levels.

It is necessary to begin reception in the following sequence: 6 pink tablets, 5 white tablets, 10 dark yellow. After the pills run out, you need to take a standard seven-day break, and then start the next cycle by purchasing another package. All the above comments, which relate to the accidental skip and start taking the first pill, are also valid for this drug. Three-regol is produced by the Hungarian pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter, and the cost of one package is, on average, 260 rubles. Such a relatively low price for drugs in this group is associated with the need to strictly follow the sequence of pills.

Advantages and disadvantages

Low and affordable price is the advantage of all three-phase oral contraceptives, as well as good tolerability with a rare development of side effects. The disadvantage is the need to take pills according to their color, sometimes it is inconvenient. Three are contraindicated in regolol with a high degree of arterial hypertension, gynecological bleeding, with generalized herpetic infections, marked disorders of the liver and kidneys, with a tendency to thrombosis and with malignant tumors of the mammary glands. Three is also contraindicated - regola during breastfeeding.

The best means of emergency contraception

These drugs are not taken before intercourse, but after everything happened. Cases are enough. These are confused days of the cycle, a torn condom, violence against a woman. The modern pharmaceutical industry produces a rather limited range of these drugs, and at present the most popular are drugs based on levonorgestrel and mifepristone.

Escapel, (Postinor) = Levonorgestrel

Rating: 4.9


Escapel contains 1.5 levonorgestrel, and Postinor contains half the dosage of the synthetic progesterone analogue. It has a strong contraceptive effect. This remedy suppresses not only ovulation, but also fertilization. A woman has changes in the endometrium, which can lead to rejection and prevent implantation of the egg. In the event that the egg is already implanted in the myometrium, this preparation, like Postinor, will no longer have the desired effect. Therefore, the maximum period after intercourse, when the tool can act, is not more than three days. On the first day, the effectiveness of emergency contraception is 95%, and on the third day it decreases to 60%.

To prevent pregnancy, it is necessary to take one pill inside, and if a woman vomited after taking the pill, then another pill should be taken if vomiting occurred no later than 3 hours after ingestion. You can use drugs based on levonorgestrel on any day of the menstrual cycle. Escadel Pharmaceutical Hungarian company Gedeon Richter produces, and the cost of packing with one (!) Tablet is, on average, 415 rubles. Postinor, produced by the same company, costs, on average, 330 rubles, but for two tablets.

Advantages and disadvantages

On the merits of these drugs can not speak. The situation is an emergency, and those side effects that may arise, arise, and quite often. Despite all the exhortations of gynecologists, these drugs have always been used, and will be used, although they are far from harmless. Their action is based on the shock dosage of hormones, which not only prevent unwanted pregnancy, but also can significantly harm the female body. Most often, after the use of these drugs, symptoms such as various bleeding occur, and the cycle may not recover for quite a long time. Also, a woman may have allergic side effects, quite often vomiting occurs, which causes to take a second pill. Perhaps this is precisely the advantage of Postinor over Escapel, since there are two tablets in the package. After taking these drugs can be a delay of menstruation, pain in the lower abdomen and other unpleasant symptoms. Naturally, it is advisable to avoid situations that may lead to the need to use these tools.

Mifegin, Agesta, Ginepriston, Genale, Mifolian (Mifepristone)

Rating: 4.8


Mifegin, and its analogues containing mifepristone, are an amazing example of dialectics in pharmacology. The tool serves both for the destruction of life, and for its appearance. What does it mean? The action of this tool is associated with blockade of receptors for progesterone, and therefore, abortion occurs, but already at the stage of formation of the ovum. That is why Mifegin and its analogs are effective not for 3 days, like Postinor or Escapel, but up to the whole 42 days of the absence of menstruation.

But these drugs there is a second indication for use. They also help induce childbirth in full-term pregnancy. Under the action of this drug, the fetus is induced to be excreted from the mother's body, only not in the form of a miscarriage in the early period, but in the form of normal birth. Therefore, it is not surprising that these drugs are prescribed to women in the later stages.

It is necessary to take a drug for termination of pregnancy in special conditions. After all, at this late term, the woman is already going to provoke a miscarriage. Abortion is carried out in the presence of a doctor, and within 2 hours after a woman has taken 3 tablets of Mifegin 200 mg each, she should be under nursing control for 2 hours. No later than two days later, you must perform a control gynecological ultrasound of the uterus. After control, an assay for chorionic gonadotropin is assigned to confirm mifepristone-induced miscarriage.

Mifegin is produced by the French company Macro Lab, and this tool is the most expensive - it is an original drug and a high-quality substance. Packing in 3 tablets can be purchased at a price of 3650 rubles. Cheap analogues that have the name Ginepriston and Genale can be purchased for about 420 rubles. per package in one pill, but the dosage will be not 200 mg, but 100 mg. Since a woman needs to take 6 tablets at once, this will require an amount of 2,520 rubles. As you can see, the difference in price is only one 1000 rubles, but the difference in quality between the original and local generics can be enormous.And with such indications it is impossible to save, this is not the choice of a patch for sticking a finger.

Advantages and disadvantages

The enormous and indisputable advantage of mifepristone is the ability to terminate a pregnancy up to 42 days after fertilization. But while there are serious contraindications. These are the use of corticosteroid hormones, a significant impairment of liver and kidney function, reduced blood clotting, and the presence of inflammatory gynecological diseases (colpitis, cervicitis) in the acute stage. These contraindications are related to the fact that after all a woman will have to experience a miscarriage, and he will always be accompanied by bleeding.

Also, this remedy is strictly contraindicated if there is a suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy. You can not use this drug if pregnancy is not confirmed and is not proven by taking an analysis for hCG and using ultrasound. There are other, specific contraindications, But this topic is so complex and responsible that in each specific situation, an obstetrician-gynecologist will determine them and appoint something.

The best contraceptives for topical use: creams, rings, spirals

This section of the rating includes funds with very different activities. These are spermicides, which destroy spermatozoa, and are introduced into the vagina in the form of capsules, tablets, as well as in the form of candles or a form of cream. The effectiveness of these funds is slightly lower than that of hormonal contraceptives, and is about 70%. Therefore, it is desirable to use them in conjunction with other methods of contraception. Highly effective is the use of a special hormonal ring, which is also represented in the rating. Finally, women use intrauterine contraceptives (IUDs), colloquially called coils, which are also sources of hormones that are released in microdoses. The use of intrauterine devices is a separate large topic, but since these devices are also applied topically, the helix is ​​placed on the contraceptive rating in this section, although with the same right both helix and ring may be on the list of hormonal agents.

Pharmatex (benzalkonium chloride)

Rating: 4.9


This is a classic example of a spermicidal preparation whose active ingredient is benzalkonium chloride. It immobilizes and destroys male sex cells, and is used in capsules, tablets, in the form of a cream and in the form of vaginal suppositories, or suppositories. In addition to the contraceptive, the drug has a moderate antiseptic effect.

A woman chooses which form to use, but certain conditions will be required. Both tablets and capsules, cream and suppositories are inserted deep into the vagina 10 minutes before the intended sexual intercourse. Only candles can be used 5 minutes before intercourse. The duration of protection is different. The use of capsules and candles protects for 4 hours, the tablets last three hours, and the cream lasts up to 10 hours. This is due to the fact that the cream is introduced using a special dispenser, and very well lubricates the entire surface of the vagina, as well as the structure of the cervix. In the event that re-sexual intercourse is planned, then, despite the fact that the time of protection is not over, it is necessary to re-use the drug.

Pharmatex is produced by the French company Innotech, and the cost of a pack of 10 capsules suppository is 500 rubles, a pack of 12 tablets costs 340 rubles, a tub of cream weighing 72 g costs 500 rubles, and a pack of 6 vaginal capsules can be purchased for 400 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pharmatex, as well as other spermicides for topical administration, has a large number of advantages and disadvantages. A big plus will be the ability to apply them if the woman has contraindications to the appointment of hormones, or to the formulation of a spiral.Farmatex is very useful for rare sexual intercourse, when you do not need to load the body constantly using hormones. Spermicides act at any age, as well as during breastfeeding, there are no contraindications for use. Cream and suppositories help to significantly moisturize the surface of the mucous membranes, and facilitate intercourse. Spermicides are good to use if a woman constantly uses combined oral contraceptives, but accidentally missed a pill, and this pass came close to the planned cancellation period, and then this second method reduces the chances of unwanted pregnancy.

The disadvantages of Pharmatex and other spermicides can be considered a gross psychological defect: sexual intercourse must be planned, and spontaneous intimacy, which is born by desire, is impossible. A woman is forced to refuse her partner for at least 5 or 10 minutes, and during this time a lot can happen, and intimacy can then not take place at all. The second disadvantage is the possible development of local allergic reactions. This is the appearance of irritation or itching on the mucous membrane of the female genital organs, and even on the surface of the penis partner. But such reactions occur rarely, and therefore it is safe to recommend these safe drugs, especially for combined contraception.

Vaginal ring Novaring (ethinyl estradiol + etonogestrel)

Rating: 4.8

Vaginal ring Novaring

Novaring - a representative of hormonal drugs, but only applied topically. Therefore, it could be described in the section of hormonal contraceptives. The conditions of application, schemes and all possible terms remain very similar, as in KOC. After all, the vaginal ring, made of plastic, is saturated with hormones, almost the same, which are part of the combined oral contraceptives. The ring is colorless, smooth and transparent. It acts in the same way as oral oral contraceptives - suppresses ovulation.

A woman can independently enter this ring, having previously squeezed it with her fingers, and straightening it inside the vagina. The ring should be firmly held inside, and the position of the ring is not important for contraception. After the administration, a rather long period of time is needed so that the hormones that the ring secretes have a contraceptive effect. This period is 3 weeks. After the expiration of this time it is necessary to remove the ring, and on the same day of the week when it was delivered. It is necessary to comply with the exact time. For example, if a woman put the ring on Monday at 6 pm, then it should also be removed on Monday, at 6 pm exactly in 3 weeks. Then a week break follows, and then at the same time, on Monday, at 6 pm, a new ring is introduced, and the cycle repeats.

During the week, while there is no ring, the same bleeding occurs, like menstruation, which also happens with a planned pass in taking combined oral contraceptives. There are many subtleties and features (the transition to the use of the ring after the cessation of oral contraceptives, the postpartum period), but this should be explained at the reception of the attending gynecologist.

The Novaron company known as the Organon produces a vaginal ring, and it is possible to purchase a set of three rings designed for use within 3 months at an average cost of 3,240 rubles. You can buy a package with just one ring. This is justified in the short period during which such a method of contraception is planned, for example, associated with the planned cancellation of the pill contraceptives. The average cost of a package containing one ring is 1230 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

This method of contraception has both advantages and disadvantages. For example, a plus would be the “introduced and forgotten” situation. During the month a woman does not need to take any pills. The use of a ring can remain a secret for a partner, since the ring is not felt by a man.Finally, the hormones in the body of a woman practically do not arrive, and they all act locally, and their dosage is minimal. The ring, in addition, helps to normalize the cycle of menstruation, and makes menstruation less painful.

But still not without its drawbacks. Some women cannot physically tolerate a situation where there is a foreign body inside their bodies, and this leads to neuroses. Also, a minus is a rather high price, contraindications, which list is long. These are all those diseases for which oral contraceptives are prescribed: thrombosis, decompensated diabetes mellitus, migraine, inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, vaginal defects associated with its overstretching, omission of internal organs when the ring simply does not hold and falls. But in the event that a woman tolerates Novaring well, it will be a great way, and not only contraception, but also the treatment of certain endocrine gynecological diseases.

Spiral "Mirena"

Rating: 4.8

Mirena Spiral

In common parlance, this type of contraception is referred to as a spiral or even "spiral". In fact, it is a modern, high-tech intrauterine therapeutic system, which allows the release of the hormone levonorgestrel in a precisely dosed amount - 20 micrograms per day. This hormone has a local effect and is not absorbed into the blood. Mirena is a low-dose contraceptive, which is very important.

Spiral Mirena leads to a decrease in the sensitivity of hormone receptors, and the inner surface of the uterus stops responding to the estradiol signal, and therefore becomes unable to proliferate, and to implant an egg cell. In addition, the secret of the cervix becomes more viscous, it complicates the penetration of sperm inside and fertilization does not occur. In addition to contraception, the Mirena intrauterine device is used for various painful and heavy menstruation (menorrhagia), as well as for preventive purposes, when a woman is prescribed a large amount of estrogen, and it is necessary to prevent hyperplasia, or a significant increase in endometrium.

The intrauterine device Mirena, once inserted inside, exerts its effect for 5 years. The system is installed by a specialist doctor who is trained in the method of installation and has experience with this type of contraception, so the spiral will not be described here. Within a few months (1–2), following the installation of the helix, the body reacts to it by abundant menstruation. This is normal, and do not need to fear. Mirena Spiral is produced by the Finnish division of the pharmaceutical company Bayer Schering Pharma, and its cost will be the highest of all the drugs that participated in the rating. The minimum price at which you can purchase a spiral is 10,900 rubles, and the average retail price in pharmacies of all forms of ownership is 13,000 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps the most important advantage of the spiral is a local effect: the hormone does not affect any other organs, does not have a systemic effect, and does not penetrate into the bloodstream. Contraceptive properties persist for a long time, and the degree of protection is high. After the helix is ​​removed, in almost one or two months the woman regains the ability to conceive and become pregnant. The price of the spiral seems incredibly high, but if it is decomposed into 5 years of use, then every day it will cost only 7 rubles. In addition, the use of Mirena, makes it possible to prevent the occurrence of malignant tumors of the uterus and endometriosis, reduces pain during menstruation, and in the presence of myomatous nodes in the uterus, it stops their increase.

But still, there are downsides. Some women simply can not afford to immediately pay such a large amount.If a woman often changes her sexual partners, the presence of any foreign body in the uterus (including the IUD) significantly increases the risk of inflammation, and then it will be necessary to remove the helix prematurely. This coil does not protect against sexually transmitted infections. Be sure to trust the installation of the spiral experienced specialist, because if the spiral is set incorrectly, then there may be a feeling of pain and bleeding. Of course, there are contraindications, which include acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterus and vagina, cervical dysplasia, chronic liver disease, congenital heart defects and other conditions that must be determined by a specialist. But the intrauterine therapeutic complex Mirena is a modern and very effective means for preventing unwanted pregnancy, if all indications and contraindications are taken into account.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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