7 best non-prescription drugs for menopause

The female body, unlike the male, lives more intensely, and experiences fluctuations in the hormonal background. It is easy to understand that this is due to the need to be ready for conception, pregnancy and childbirth. But in the female body there is a certain temporary limit on the normal functioning of the genitals. Gradually the fertile period, or the time when a woman can freely become pregnant, bear and give birth, ends. And then begins the period of menopause, or menopause. This is the period during which the body tries to smoothly restructure, and complete the hormonal fluctuations associated with reproductive function.

Usually in modern women is the age of 45-50 years. At the beginning of this period, the ovarian-menstrual cycle still retains a certain regularity, and at the end a steady menopause develops. This is the name at which the hormonal background stops changing, the ovarian-menstrual cycle ends, and the menstrual period with it.

Like any hormonal adjustment, the climacteric period makes adjustments in the life of a modern woman, as new, often diverse symptoms appear. There are several types of menopause, but they all share a decrease in the quality of life associated with a decrease in the level of estrogen in blood plasma.

Most often, the symptoms of menopause include a decrease in sexual desire, the appearance of irritability, anxiety. Functional disorders of the cardiovascular system are manifested in the form of tachycardia, as well as hot flashes, which have already become a classic symptom. So called the state when a woman suddenly "throws into a fever," and it is felt, mainly skin of the face, chest and neck. Quite often, the tides occur in the evening, and last a few minutes. In menopause, women are often worried about night sweats, shortness of breath, weakness. Often there is drowsiness in the daytime. In connection with a decrease in the level of estrogen, a decrease in elasticity and skin turgor occurs, wrinkles appear, and trophic subcutaneous tissue decreases. After menopause, menopause occurs. A drop in the level of hormones eventually causes a disorder such as osteoporosis, or a rarefaction of the structure of the bone tissue with a fall and mechanical strength.

Climax can proceed as usual functional disorder, and in this case, to improve the quality of life and eliminate its unpleasant symptoms, you can use the tools that are listed in the following list of drugs. But it also happens that the severity of symptoms in menopause is so significant that it requires treatment by a gynecologist, or gynecologist-endocrinologist. In some cases, women even have pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, there is dryness of the mucous membrane of the genital organs. Such symptoms require regular medical supervision and treatment.

This rating will list the groups of drugs that are used for anxiety and feelings, as well as mildly acting herbal preparations containing phytoestrogens, as an analogue of hormone replacement therapy. There is no mention of hormonal preparations, before using which consultation of a doctor is required.

All prices mentioned in the rating are taken from open sources, are average, and are valid at the end of 2018, for pharmacies of all types of property.

It is assumed that the material presented is intended for a focus group of women in menopause. Some of the drugs listed below have contraindications such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, and childhood. But since the rating is devoted to the climacteric period in which there is no pregnancy and lactation, and which, moreover, does not occur in childhood, we will not mention these contraindications in the review. Those wishing to receive full information should refer to the official instructions.

Top drugs with menopause

Nomination a place Name of product price
The best sedatives in menopause      1 Persen          227 ₽
     2 Fitoedan number 2          135 ₽
     3 Deprim - Hypericum extract (Helarium, Negrustin, Neuroplant)          396 ₽
     4 Afobazole          393 ₽
The best herbal preparations and phytoestrogens with menopause      1 Klimadinon          431 ₽
     2 Estrovel          469 ₽
     3 Taxifolin Baikal          1 300 ₽

The best sedatives in menopause

This section could be called otherwise - “tranquilizers”. But it is not by chance that the word “soothing” stands here. Although this is the same thing, it is accepted that drugs are called tranquilizers, which are prescribed by a doctor for certain reasons and are sold by prescription. These include benzodiazepines, such as Diazepam, Grandaxine, Elenium or Relanium, and others. But in our case, we will consider sedatives for which no prescription is required and you can even not visit a doctor. These are OTC drugs, and their role is to reduce the secondary connection between menopause symptoms and their subsequent anxious expectation.

Their reception leads to an improvement in overall health, a change in the attitude of the woman to the same flushes and sweating, to a decrease in the excitation of the central and peripheral nervous system. As a result of the regular use of such mild remedies, the expectation of unpleasant symptoms decreases, they occur less frequently, and their tolerance improves. Thus, without directly affecting either hormonal changes or symptoms, these products improve the quality of life. They are inexpensive, have a small number of contraindications, or do not have them at all, and are recommended by experts as non-specific (non-hormonal) first-line drugs for stopping the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.


Rating: 4.9


This is a combined herbal remedy, it includes valerian, lemon balm and mint. Of course, you can use just an extract of valerian in pills or drops, but the presence of lemon balm and mint enhances the calming effect, and adds a spasmolytic effect on the smooth muscles of the internal organs. It is known that hot flashes and functional disorders, such as shortness of breath, heart rhythm disturbance (tachycardia) often lead to unpleasant and painful sensations in the chest, abdomen, bowel discomfort, which makes you feel worse. Persen allows you to reduce the severity of these symptoms, and the woman treats her more calmly.

It is shown in the menopause with increased nervous excitability, irritability and symptoms such as insomnia. Persen is produced in tablets, the average dosage is 2 or 3 tablets at one time, for 2-3 times a day.The official instruction limits the maximum dosage to twelve tablets per day, and the maximum course of administration is no more than 2 months. Persen is produced by the pharmaceutical company Lek from Slovenia, and the average cost of one package, in the amount of 40 tablets, is 420 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Persen likes many, and not only in the period of menopause. He is able to soothe and with serious mental and physical stress, but at the same time his inconvenience is reduced to the need to take several pills at once, which is not very convenient. In addition, businesswomen Persen is contraindicated, because it can cause deterioration of concentration, and slow down the speed of reaction. It is not recommended to take on the eve of driving a car. In addition, Persen is able to enhance the effect of sleeping pills and other drugs that inhibit the central nervous system. Therefore, in the event that a woman in the period of menopause also takes drugs to lower blood pressure, their actions may be stronger against the background of Persen, and in this case consultation of the doctor is required before its first use. Therefore, about Persen contraindicated with low blood pressure.

Fitoedan number 2

Rating: 4.8

Fitoedan number 2

The phyto sedan is a complex plant collection, and it relaxes well with mild to moderate climax. Its composition (collection number 2) includes the grass motherwort, peppermint hops, valerian and licorice. It is sold in filter bags for brewing. Such a well-chosen mixture has a sedative effect and a slight antispasmodic effect. We can assume that the Phytosedan and Persen are very similar, while Persen is more concentrated and is sold in tablets, and the Phytosedan must be brewed, which in itself is a sedative procedure.

It is also shown in case of increased nervous excitability and sleep disorders, which often occur during menopause. It is shown in women who, in the period of hormonal adjustment, often experience drops in blood pressure with a tendency to increase it.

It is necessary to brew at once two filters of a packet of 2 g each, the total volume of boiling water is 100 ml. After infusion for 20 minutes, the bags are wrung out, then brought up to the volume of a glass (200 ml) and drunk. Usually during the period of menopause, it is enough 2 times a day half an hour before meals. The sedative collection Phytosedan No. 2 is produced by the domestic pharmaceutical company Krasnogorskleksredstva, which specializes in the production of herbal preparations. One pack of 50 filter bags, designed for 25 doses, costs an average of 90 rubles, which is quite inexpensive.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of the Fito-Sedan is a kind of preparation procedure, which can already cause a relaxing effect under the right conditions, like a “tea ceremony”. The phyto sedan has practically no contraindications, except for individual intolerance, many like it, due to the sweet taste of licorice. Some women prefer to use it only once a day, half an hour before bedtime, as a mild hypnotic herbal remedy. The price of the Phyto sedan is very attractive. On the other hand, disadvantages are a continuation of the merits. The phyto sedan is difficult to use while at work, since it is not always possible to brew sachets even during a regulated break, in this sense, tablets have a certain advantage. Finally, if you accidentally break the bag, then the finished infusion will not be spoiled, but its taste will be reduced.

Deprim - Hypericum extract (Helarium, Negrustin, Neuroplant)

Rating: 4.8


It is known that Hypericum extract acts with almost the same strength as prescription drugs from the group of benzodiazepines, so it is deservedly considered to be anti-depressants of plant origin.It is used even for such disorders as a depressive episode of not only mild, but also moderate severity. In one tablet Deprima contains not less than 60 mg of herb St. John's wort, and the active ingredient is hypericin.

It is necessary to use Deprim and its analogs, which contain St. John's wort, not so much at high tides, tachycardia, and periodic rises in blood pressure, but only when these symptoms are intensely emotionally colored. A woman can have different expressions of these symptoms, from vague anxiety to an intense feeling of fear and hopelessness. It is in such cases that the appointment of Hypericum drugs is shown. It is important to remember that the effect develops gradually, and you should not wait for the improvement of condition in less than 10 days. The average duration of the course of application is about one and a half months.

Apply Deprim need one tablet three times a day. It is advisable to use it without a pass, and if it’s still a pass, it is necessary to fill in the missed reception as quickly as possible. The deprime company Lek from Slovenia produces, and the cost of one package, calculated for 10 days of reception, is, on average, about 250 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps, Deprim and its analogues are suitable for women who, in principle, do not want to “sit down on pills”, but try to use herbal preparations. After all, if a woman comes to a doctor who presses her for a light tranquilizer, (for example, Grandaxin), then she will get about the same effect, but not for 10 days, but much earlier. And here the advantage of Deprim is naturalness. In addition, all drugs Hypericum have one feature: they are able to cause sunburn during prolonged exposure to the sun - cause photosensitivity to ultraviolet rays. During the reception of Deprim, the safest period is winter, and in summer it is necessary to close from the rays of the direct sun. Otherwise, this tool is very popular and effective, and can be used for various types of climacteric disorders associated with anxiety and depressive symptoms. Of the minuses - not very convenient is the 3-single dose of the drug, as well as the need to monitor the completion of the missed dose.


Rating: 4.7


Afobazole is quite actively used in our country as a tranquilizer, and not only in menopause with severe symptoms, but also for anxiety disorders, for neurasthenia, for insomnia disorders, for premenstrual syndrome, for vascular dystonia, and even for abstinence in patients with alcoholism and drug addiction . The composition of the drug is a special active ingredient - fabomotizol at a dose of 5 mg in each tablet. It belongs to the group of anxiolytics of the non-benzodiazepine series. The manufacturer claims that it acts on the receptors of neurons in the brain, which causes their stabilization and increases sensitivity to inhibitory effects.

Afobazol reduces anxiety and slightly stimulates or activates. As a result, Afobazol can help women in menopause, who are constantly afraid of something, scared, who have tearfulness or constant lethargy, have symptoms of anxiety disorders, ranging from cardiovascular to gastrointestinal. The drug begins to be active on the 5th - 7th day of administration, and the greatest effect develops by the end of the month.

Afobazol is administered one tablet three times a day, and the course lasts an average of about 1 month, but according to indications it can be increased to three. Afobazol is produced by Pharmstandard, a domestic company, and the cost of one package in the amount of 60 tablets for 3 weeks of treatment is an average of 460 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to the manufacturer, the advantage of Afobazol is high selectivity for specific receptors of neurons. This drug is sold without a prescription, it is indicated for a fairly wide range of diseases and conditions, starting with withdrawal from vegetative dystonia. Afobazol does not cause drowsiness, addiction, and practically does not lead to the development of side effects. On the other hand, this drug is virtually unknown in countries with developed medicine.

The best herbal preparations and phytoestrogens with menopause

Phytoestrogens have a long history. At the end of the 20th century, it was found that women in Japan and China suffer from less heart attacks and strokes, they have less common malignant diseases of the genital organs, and the menopause is much easier for them. According to the results of the study, it turned out that the food of Asian women contains a large amount of soy and soy products. It was found out that the composition of soybeans and some other plants contain special estrogen-like substances. This equil, genistein, and other compounds. Unlike real estrogen, which is 100% suitable for the receptor, as a key to a lock, phytoestrogens only resemble a hormonal structure, and therefore their connection with receptors is much weaker.

But still, they resemble the real estradiol, and are able to have a therapeutic effect in menopausal disorders. Compared with placebo, that is, a pacifier, the reduction in the frequency of hot flashes, tachycardia, and other unpleasant menopause symptoms decreased by 12%, and this suggests that they can be used in the treatment of menopausal disorders. Currently, quite a lot of drugs of this line are found. The main active ingredient is plant extracts from red clover, flax seeds, licorice, red grapes, soybeans, hops and tsimitsifuga.

In addition, there are data on drugs that do not have estrogenic activity, but, nevertheless, improve the quality of life in menopause. We are talking about blockers of lipid peroxidation. These processes accelerate the arrival of menopause and activate the signs of aging skin. These most effective blockers of free radical processes include dihydroquercetin, provided on the market by taxifolin Baikal.


Rating: 4.9


Klimadinone or cimicitifu extract is popular and effective. It is positioned by the manufacturer as a vegetable anti-climacteric agent, and one tablet contains 20 mg of this plant extract containing active phytoestrogens. In addition, Klimadinon is also available in drops, It mainly affects the autonomic nervous system, and during mild and moderate climacteric periods it can significantly weaken or even completely reduce the unpleasant symptoms associated with autonomic disorders. These include the well-known hot flashes, hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, nervousness, sleep disturbances, and mood changes.

Apply Klimadinone need one tablet twice a day, morning and evening, at about the same time, to mimic the secretion of natural hormones of the female body. It should be remembered that Klimadinon does not act immediately, and the effect develops on average 10-14 days after the start of treatment. Determines the duration of the course by the attending physician, but, on average, it is about 1 - 2 months. Klimadinon is produced by the German company Bionorica, and the cost of one pack of 60 tablets calculated just for the monthly course will be 485 rubles on average.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Klimadinon is its physiological mild action, and it does not have those contraindications that must be considered when prescribing potent hormonal drugs.In that case, if the symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, sweating and tachycardia are expressed slightly, then only with its help you can cope with these signs without resorting to other drugs. This allows you to significantly improve the quality of life "small means". However, keep in mind that the effect develops only 2 weeks after the use of this tool. Its cost is at least low, but in some cases a treatment course longer than a month is required, which leads to costs in the region of about 1,000 rubles. It is also contraindicated in the presence of epilepsy, chronic liver disease, and if a woman has an alcoholic dependence, then Klimadinon is contraindicated in drops, since it contains ethyl alcohol.


Rating: 4.8


The next agent containing phytoestrogens is a complete complex drug Estrovel. Unlike Klimadinona, it contains not only cimicifugu, but also soybean extract, wild yam, which contains progesterone precursors, indole-3-arbinol, which prevents the harmful effects of hormones in premenstrual syndrome and menopausal disorders. This compound also reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors.

The composition of Estrovel includes nettle extract, vitamin K, which is able to level hot flashes and reduce the severity of mood swings, as well as boron in an organic form. It enhances the effect of phytoestrogens. Also in this complex product contains more iron, rutin magnesium and other useful vitamins and trace elements. It is shown in menopause and premenstrual syndrome, can improve mood and increase sexual activity.

ESTROVEL is available in the form of capsules and tablets: 520 mg capsules, and 500 mg tablets. It is necessary to apply Estrovel during a menopause on one tablet from one to 2 times a day, the course of administration is not shorter than 2 months. The maximum dosage is 4 tablets per day. As for the drug in capsules, it must be applied according to a certain scheme, which is associated with the days of the menstrual cycle, and therefore the encapsulated drug must be used as directed by the physician. Estowelal is a pharmaceutical company VneshtorgPharma (Russia), and the cost of one package of 30 capsules for two weeks of administration, at an average dose, is about 460 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

It can be considered a great dignity of Estrovel a unique, nowhere else found combination of natural compounds, vitamins and microelements. Therefore, it can replace several types of drugs. However, as in the previous case, one should not hope that the use of only one Estravel can reduce the significantly pronounced symptoms of menopause, in which sometimes even a disability occurs. In addition, the cost of the drug is quite high. The monthly course will cost significantly more than a thousand rubles, especially if you use the maximum dosage.


Rating: 4.8

Taxifolin Baikal

Dihydroquercetin, or Baikal Taxifolin, which is the most highly effective dihydroquercetin, has no structural similarity with phytoestrogens, so it cannot be considered a substitute for female sex hormones. His role is different. It is known that menopause is associated with a planned deficiency of estrogens and progestins due to a decrease in their secretion. Hormones have a lot of points of application, and they affect practically many of the metabolism of various substances.

Deficit of hormones leads to stress at the cellular level, which is manifested by unpleasant symptoms of menopause. Such temporary functional impairments, however, contribute to an increase in free radical oxidation in many organs and tissues, although not a chronic, but very noticeable lack of energy and oxygen, lipid peroxidation is activated.

And dihydroquercetin, or Baikal Taxifolin, actively fights against this tissue stress. As a result, metabolism is normalized, harmful radicals are utilized and bound. Dihydroquercetin, or Baikal Taxifolin, is such an active compound due to the unique, crystalline structure of the molecule, the appearance of which is associated with the characteristics of the production cycle. The result is a highly active and purest form of this natural bioflavonoid isolated from Siberian larch, which, by its antioxidant activity, leaves all analogs far behind.

A woman appears cheerful, in a good mood, the symptoms of menopausal disorders decrease, the physiological blood pressure is restored. Take Taxifolin Baikalsky need 1 capsule with meals, the course of administration is 1.5 months. The pronounced effect associated with a decrease in the symptoms of menopause and general vigor develops on the 5th - 7th day of administration. Taxifolin is produced by the Baikal company Siberian Cedar, and the cost of one package calculated for a monthly intake ranges from 950 to 1,300 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The great advantage of Taxifolin Baikal is its ability to act gently, stabilize blood pressure, reduce the severity of hot flashes and sweating. If it is used in complex therapy, it helps to reduce the dosage of drugs, and save a certain amount. But most importantly - in this case, it reduces the drug load on the liver. Taxifolin can be used in a wide variety of situations, ranging from the feeling of intimate dryness to the symptoms of irritability and agitation. The disadvantage of Taxifolin is its recent appearance on the pharmaceutical market, and a temporary lack of information about it from doctors of various specialties. Virtually all of the produced amount of a unique drug is exported, and now this tool is distributed in the Russian Federation through the dealer network, and in pharmacies it is rare.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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