6 best vacuum pumps

To get airless space in the tank, special vacuum pumps are used. The scope of application of these devices is now significantly expanded, and at the end of the last century such equipment could be found in research centers or in the space industry. Vakuumniki differ not only in overall dimensions and price, they have different technical characteristics and designs. Choose the optimal model will help the recommendations of our experts.

How to choose a vacuum pump

Pump power. Most vacuum pumps are driven by electric motors. From their power often depends on the speed of pumping air or gas mixture. But do not make your choice, relying only on this parameter. The greater the engine power, the higher the power consumption. In addition, using modern designs and technologies, manufacturers can increase the performance of the model without increasing the power of the electric motor. Most often for production purposes are used units with a capacity of from 0.5 to 12 kW.

Residual pressure Theoretically, at full vacuum, the residual pressure in the vessel should be 0 mbar. This means that there are no molecules inside the container.

  1. In practice, such a vacuum is unattainable, so the battle goes beyond the lower limit of 0.0005 mbar. Only high-vacuum pumps are able to achieve this mark.
  2. In production, there is often enough residual pressure at the level of 0.01-1000 mbar. Low-vacuum models can cope with this task.

Rated performance. Another important indicator to consider when choosing a vacuum pump. This is the rate of pumping gas mixture from a vessel with a limited volume. The faster vakuumnik removes air, the higher its performance. The range of speed indicators is quite wide, it all depends on the purpose of the device. In some industries, 30-40 cu. m / h, and in some areas the performance reaches 30000-40000 cubic meters. m / h

Design features. A great influence on the basic parameters of the vacuum pump has its principle of action. The following designs are widely used.

  1. The best-selling are rotary lamellar oil-compacted models with one stage. Their capacity ranges from 4 to 1600 cubic meters. m / h at a residual pressure of 0.1 mbar. They are simple and reliable, but often have to be serviced.
  2. Dry rotary vane models are notable for vacuum purity, since the lubricant is not used in the construction. But to achieve a good vacuum level is not possible (100-1000 mbar). The pumping speed is 3-500 cubic meters. m / h
  3. Water ring vakuumnik able to pump dirty gas mixtures. They have a low price, but consume a lot of electricity and water. This is an old type of pump with a vacuum of 30–1000 mbar and a pumping rate of 3–45,000 cu. m / h
  4. A good combination of reliability and vacuum depth (0.5-1000 mbar) can be obtained from diaphragm pumps. They work quietly, have a compact size. But the application is limited to laboratory tests due to insufficient performance (0.5-16 cubic meters / h).

We have selected 5 best vacuum pumps for review. All of them found their use in our country and received high marks.In compiling the rating, expert opinion and consumer reviews were taken into account.

Ranking of the best vacuum pumps

Nomination a place Name of product price
Top Low Vacuum Pumps      1 Edwards xds      120 000 ₽
     2 Samson Pumps KE      -
     3 Busch r5      76 346 ₽
Top High Vacuum Pumps      1 Leybold COOLVAC      -
     2 Agilent TwissTorr      60 0570 ₽

Top Low Vacuum Pumps

The most widely used in different areas of production are low-vacuum pumps. They are used in food packaging, are involved in the equipment, help conduct laboratory tests. Experts have chosen some reliable models.

Edwards xds

Rating: 4.9

Edwards xds

The British company Edwards has developed a new series of oil-free (spiral) pumps of the XDS series. The developers have applied an innovative technology of bellows input movement. Thanks to this design, it was possible to completely isolate the working chamber, preventing the ingress of lubricants into it. Experts highly appreciated the high pumping speed (35-95 cubic meters / h), low noise, small residual pressure (0.007-0.01 mbar), economical power consumption (0.52 kW). The model becomes the winner of our rating.

Vakuumnik is widely used, starting with chemical laboratories and ending with areas for spraying coatings. Consumer feedback is positive. The only drawback of the units of this series is the high cost.


  • innovative design;
  • stable work;
  • ease of installation;
  • ease of operation.


  • high price.

Samson Pumps KE

Rating: 4.8

Samson Pumps KE

A worthy competitor to British pumps is Samson Pumps KE from Denmark. This series of vakuumnik is used for pumping gaseous medium from process tanks. Water ring models are in demand in the food and mining industry, in oil production and even in industrial fishing. Experts note a high pumping speed (150-320 cubic meters / h), because the device works on the principle of a volumetric hydraulic machine. The pump is compact and durable. In terms of residual pressure, the model is inferior to the leader of the rating (33-100 mbar), and the unit's power consumption is also higher (4-11 kW).

Consumers include a high build quality, compactness and low-cost maintenance. Low vacuum is considered the main disadvantage of Danish pumps.


  • quality manufacturing;
  • compact size;
  • strength and durability;
  • high pumping speed.


  • low vacuum.

Busch r5

Rating: 4.7

Busch r5

German Busch R5 vacuum pumps are widely used in food and light industry. Thanks to the lamellar-rotary design, it is possible to create a low vacuum (up to 0.1 mbar). And even though the price of German vakuumnik is quite high, they are popular in different countries, including Russia. This fact is confirmed by the simultaneous operation of 2.5 million Busch R5 pumps on our planet. For the optimal combination of performance and residual pressure, the model takes the honorable third place in the rating.

Russian users are offered a variety of models, along with universal pumps in the series there are also highly specialized units. The advantages of consumers include a smooth flow and low noise, simplicity and reliability.


  • high efficiency;
  • a variety of models;
  • quality manufacturing;
  • noiselessness


  • high price;
  • scope of application is limited.

Top High Vacuum Pumps

When developing innovative products, high vacuum pumps are often required. Their task is to create a deep and clean vacuum. Such devices work in research institutes, in astronautics and medicine. Experts highly appreciated the ability of several units.


Rating: 4.9


The famous Swiss company Oerlicon manufactures Leybold COOLVAC cryogenic pumps. They work on the principle of refrigeration. The equipment has a very clean vacuum, low vibration, high performance.In the series there are 10 modifications, the consumer will easily find the most suitable option. The scope of application of this unit is wide, starting with the production of laboratory equipment and ending with electron-beam welding. For high quality workmanship and exceptional vacuum purity, the pump becomes the winner of our rating.

Users note that no nitrogen purging is required during operation, the unit can be controlled using a PC. The disadvantages include the high price and the need for regular regeneration.


  • high vacuum purity;
  • usability;
  • low vibration;
  • wide scope of application.


  • periodic regeneration required.

Agilent TwissTorr

Rating: 4.8

Agilent TwissTorr

The Agilent TwissTorr American pump is not inferior to the winner in the vacuum clean rating. The turbomolecular model is used in the most high-tech areas of production and in human scientific activity. The manufacturer managed to achieve high purity of vacuum due to improved bearings that run on dry lubrication. Experts appreciated the low level of vibration of the unit, high speed and durability. Inferior American vakuumnik Europeans in the richness of the range. The series includes only 5 modifications.

Users are satisfied with high performance, quality of vacuum, reliability, modern design and ease of operation. Of the minuses can be noted the high price and limited range.


  • high speed;
  • clean vacuum;
  • low vibration;
  • reliability.


  • high price;
  • small selection of models.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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