6 best textbooks on economics
To understand the principles of such a serious discipline as economics, and to increase your level of literacy, you need to read the publications of authoritative authors. It is worth getting acquainted with modern textbooks that will help to understand many processes and find out their connection with political events. Our experts made a rating of 6 best manuals on the economy, based on the feedback of teachers and opinions of specialists.
Ranking of the best textbooks on economics
Nomination | a place | Name of product | price |
Ranking of the best textbooks on economics | 1 | Economy. A.I. Arkhipov | 244 ₽ |
2 | Economy. 10-11 kl. A basic level of. Lipsitz | 817 ₽ | |
3 | Fundamentals of Economics, Limanov and Bufetova | - | |
4 | "Microeconomics. Intermediate level "A. Chekansky and N. Frolova | 199 ₽ | |
5 | Basics of economic theory. For grades 10 and 11. Edited by Ivanov. | 885 ₽ | |
6 | Introduction to the economy of 10-11 cells, Avtonomov V. | 715 ₽ |
Economy. A.I. Arkhipov
Rating: 4.9
The most popular publication among students is the textbook of Arkhipov. According to him, many teachers of economic faculties teach. The manual was prepared by the authors of the Institute of Economy, RAS. It consists of three parts. The first one presents material on the theory, the second one presents the transition economy, the last one reflects the actual problems of science in our country.
Through this work, you can get acquainted with the standard of living and income of people, conditions and labor protection, statistics. The tutorial is clear language. It is addressed to specialists who wish to improve their qualifications, to all those who are interested in the difficulties of labor economics, and to undergraduate students.
Economy. 10-11 kl. A basic level of. Lipsitz
Rating: 4.8
Next in the ranking is a black and white textbook with illustrations, which is quite popular in ordinary schools. It covers all the necessary topics on macro and microeconomics. This is a great option for high school students and students who are just starting to study economics.
The text is set out in clear language, corresponding to the age of students. The manual will help in preparing for the Unified State Exam. Judging by the reviews, there are no obscure words or complex definitions in the book. Learning about it is easy. Many teachers believe that Lipsitz has the best wording. They are advised to bring in a separate notebook.
Fundamentals of Economics, Limanov and Bufetova
Rating: 4.7
The next place in the ranking belongs to the textbook, which contains descriptions of the central elements of the economy and its parts. There is in the book a worthy section on the country's transition economy. Teachers choose the book for brevity, a large amount of reference material presented in an accessible form.
This is the best option for graduate students and people who want to learn the root of the functioning of economic activity. Judging by the reviews, the textbook well outlines the essential issues of the social and economic situation of our country, provides statistics. It is worth considering that the benefit is the result of the overall work of the Institute of Economics employees within the framework of the state program.
"Microeconomics. Intermediate level "A. Chekansky and N. Frolova
Rating: 4.6
The manual Chekansky and Frolova is a high-quality textbook, in which the topics are discussed in some detail. An impressive range of tasks makes it possible to use the book in the course of teaching various training courses for masters and bachelors. With its creation, the authors relied on in-depth study of educational and methodical publications on microeconomics.
The tasks of the textbook are aimed at controlling the assimilation of formulations and definitions, developing students' ability to apply the analytical apparatus of the discipline. Included with the manual provided for the problem book of the same authors. This is the best choice for students who want to thoroughly study microeconomics.
Basics of economic theory. For grades 10 and 11. Edited by Ivanov.
Rating: 4.5
The next textbook will familiarize high school students with the foundation of the economy and ensure the formation of a key level of literacy in them, teach them to correctly perceive and use information. It gives knowledge that allows you to make a complete picture of the essence of the phenomena and their mutual conditionality of existence.
The content of the textbook includes topics on how to solve problems, the turnover of income, the laws of supply and demand. Each separate paragraph has a logical structure, specific concepts and principles, answers to tests and tasks are given. This is a good manual for individual work. It will help to control the degree of mastering a particular section and try your hand at solving various exercises.
Introduction to the economy of 10-11 cells, Avtonomov V.
Rating: 4.4
The ranking is completed with a textbook on the fundamentals of science, recommended for one or two years of study of a discipline, depending on the degree of preparation of students. The advantage of the book is that it gives a holistic view of the subject and does not limit familiarity with science with an introductory course. The author of the manual was the doctor of economic sciences from IMEMO.
The advantages of the textbook include the presence of illustrations and reference material that explains the essence of the concepts. At the end of the sections are questions and exercises. This is a great option for self-verification after studying the topic. For some students, the manual seemed difficult because of the presence in it of the university theory of economics. Many parents believe that prior reading of such literature requires preliminary preparation. In any case, much depends on the teacher and the aspirations of the student.
Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.