6 best textbooks on biology

This year, biology will again be one of the subjects on which graduates can take the exam. It is not surprising that many students choose his name, because most of the topics are close and understandable to them, and laboratory work is of genuine interest.

All those who want to improve their grades, prepare for exams and get an in-depth knowledge of the subject should get acquainted with the best biology textbooks. We took into account the opinions of schoolchildren, their parents and teachers, as well as the following equally important criteria:

  1. content literacy;
  2. compliance with the degree of complexity of the age of students;
  3. accessibility and clarity of the language;
  4. compliance with state educational standards.
  5. Illustrations, charts and tables were not ignored.

Ranking of the best biology textbooks

Nomination a place Name of product price
The best biology textbooks for grades 5-9      1 Ponomareva I.N., Kornilova O.A., Kumchenko V.S. Biology. 6 cl          651 ₽
     2 Pasechnik V.V. Biology. Bacteria. Mushrooms Plants. 5th grade.          677 ₽
     3 A. Matalin: Biology. 6-9 classes. In tables and diagrams. Reference Guide          165 ₽
The best biology textbooks for high school      1 “Biology in three volumes”, Taylor D., Greene N., Stout U.          2 133 ₽
     2 Textbook "Biology in charts and tables" - A.Yu. Iontseva, A.V. Torgalov          194 ₽
     3 Kamensky A.A. and others. Biology (basic level), 10-11 cells.          662 ₽

The best biology textbooks for grades 5-9

From grade 5, students begin to get acquainted with plants and living organisms. The course of study for middle school students is aimed at the ability to see details, observe, conduct research and draw conclusions. The program includes the study of organic matter and its development, the nature and social essence of the individual, the level organization of all living things.

Ponomareva I.N., Kornilova O.A., Kumchenko V.S. Biology. 6 cl

Rating: 4.9


The presented material is devoted to the study of flora and continues the concept outlined in the textbook for grade 5. There are voiced topics such as seed and its structure, a variety of fruits. Special attention is paid to the study of the main vegetative organs of plants. All topics are related by meaning, the principle of clarity is observed.

Literature raises interest in the subject due to additional material. The author's program is designed for 1 hour of biology study per week. The textbook is recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and deserves a lot of positive feedback from students, their mothers and fathers.

Pasechnik V.V. Biology. Bacteria. Mushrooms Plants. 5th grade.

Rating: 4.8

Pasechnik V.V. Biology. Bacteria. Mushrooms Plants. 5th grade.

The following textbook is fully consistent with the Federal State Standard of Education. In educational literature there are many colorful illustrations, a lot of different tasks and questions, there are laboratory works and interesting facts for curious students. An integrated approach is conducive to effective material absorption. Some parents believe that the text was written too dryly, and we cannot do without Reshebnik. Therefore, the task to make the lessons bright and interesting is fully assigned to the teacher.

However, there are those who praise the book and consider it the best option for obtaining basic school knowledge.In any case, the proposed material will not be enough, so the teachers recommend not limited to this manual alone. This is especially true of those students who in the future plan to enter a medical or veterinary university.

A. Matalin: Biology. 6-9 classes. In tables and diagrams. Reference Guide

Rating: 4.7


We could not but include in the rating a school handbook with the main topics of the course for students from the 6th to the 9th grade. The textbook complies with the GEF and provides effective assistance in the repetition and study of fresh material. This is a good option to prepare for the main state exam. The theory is presented succinctly and clearly in the form of tables and diagrams. This makes it easy to remember a topic in a short time.

Reviews of the book are mostly positive. Students note the availability of the course. They say that structured design helps to quickly find the necessary material. The main advantages of textbooks are brevity and clarity.

The best biology textbooks for high school

The main part of the course for the senior classes is designed to study the structure of the cell and its functions, features of the functioning of the body. School literature should be aimed at maximum preparation for final exams.

“Biology in three volumes”, Taylor D., Greene N., Stout U.

Rating: 5.0


The actual guide to the general biological course was created by English methodologists. The textbook is chosen for a decent level of the material presented, the simplicity of the language and the convenient location of topics. The text will be clear even to an unprepared student. There are three volumes in total. The first deals with viruses, bacteria, the world of animals and plants, in the second - methods of coordinating life processes and environmental issues, in the third - applied genetics and mechanisms of formation of species. This is a great option for teachers, high school students who are preparing for final exams, as well as students of biological faculties.

The manual is called the threshold between the school and university programs. The winners of various biology Olympiads advise the book to read and consider that it was she who helped them to attain high knowledge in the subject.

Textbook "Biology in charts and tables" - A.Yu. Iontseva, A.V. Torgalov

Rating: 4.9


Those students who are well aware of the distribution of data in rows and columns can turn to the help of the manual under the guidance of Iontsev. This is one of the best textbooks to prepare for the Unified State Exam. The information in the book is transferred compactly, without excess water. All images are clear even to those who are far from the subject.

The textbook is suitable for repetition and consolidation of the material. It is addressed in cases where the topic in another manual is unclear or transferred dryly. Many biology tutors explain material on this manual, and parents and students use it as an additional source of information. With this tutorial you will quickly repeat the school course, save time and effort.

Kamensky A.A. and others. Biology (basic level), 10-11 cells.

Rating: 4.8


The final textbook ranking is included in the biological CMD for graduate classes. It was created on the basis of a unique program under the supervision of Vladimir Pasechnik. The book corresponds to the GEF secondary general education. The textbook is devoted to the history of the development of science, the essence of all life. There are topics about the theory, role and composition of the elementary unit of the structure of organisms. Pupils and parents are delighted with the colorful design of the publication.

In general, this is a classic textbook on biology, containing information on the theory, tasks for each chapter, interesting facts and curious material. Compared with the publication for the ninth grade, here the problems of biology are described in more detail and more deeply, taking into account the latest achievements in the scientific field.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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