5 best stekloizolov

A popular material for roofing is stekloizol. This rolled web has a flexible base made of fiberglass or fiberglass, which makes the work easy and convenient. The basis on both sides is covered with a special binder based on bitumen, so when bending the roof does not crack, while maintaining water resistance. So that during storage the layers do not stick together, the lower part is protected by a polymer film, it easily melts when heated. As the top cover can be used a special lining or dressing. Choose the appropriate stekloizol not difficult if you listen to the recommendations of our experts.

How to choose stekloizol

Purpose. Stekloizol is widely used in construction. For different designs requires a canvas with certain properties.

  1. When it comes to waterproofing the foundation, the floor or the device of the intermediate layer in the roofing pie, you can use the available types of stekloizola with the designation of HPP. The lining coating improves the heat and noise insulation properties of the structure, improves water resistance.
  2. A stronger foundation has products of the brand of the CCI. This material can also be used for waterproofing foundations and floors. In addition, it is perfect for the device of an inexpensive roofing for a garage or a shed, on which rarely someone walks.
  3. The maximum resistance to mechanical stress are roll materials with the designation HKP and TCH. Manufacturers can achieve wear resistance and durability by sprinkling the upper part with granite or slate crumbs. The purpose of such a canvas is the finishing (top) layer of the roof.

The foundation. In marking, the first letter indicates the type of base.

  1. Fiberglass (X) allows you to get an inexpensive roll product, which is used in cases where it is not a constant high load. Stekloizol on such a basis is used for waterproofing the foundation and floors. In the roofing pie, he takes the place of the lining.
  2. Fiberglass fabric (T) is highly durable. Stekloizol with such a marking is able to withstand the frequent walking of people on the roof. Therefore, its scope of application - the formation of the upper layer of the roof.

Density. Stekloizol different thickness, and as a consequence, the density (kg / sq. M). The higher the density, the better the insulating properties of the material. But this increases the load on the building structure. Thickness ranges from 2-5 mm. Thin material (2-3 mm) will be suitable as a lining, and for the topcoat it is better to give preference to the fabric with a thickness of 3-4.5 mm.

We have selected the top 5 stekloizol in review. The distribution of places in the rating took into account the opinion of the expert community and consumer reviews.

Rating the best stekloizolov

Nomination a place Name of product price
The best stekloizolya HPP      1 TechnoNIKOL HPP 3.0 1x10 m      530 ₽
     2 Orgkrovlya - HPP-2 mm      541 ₽
The best stekloizolya CCI      1 TechnoNIKOL TPP-3,0 10x1 m      1 277 ₽
The best stekloizolyas HKP and TCH      1 TechnoNIKOL Technoelast TKP slate gray 10x1 m      2 540 ₽
     2 HKP-350 top layer base fiberglass 9 m2      461 ₽

The best stekloizolya HPP

The most affordable type of stekloizol is the brand of HPP.The basis is fiberglass (X), the lining layer (P) is located on top, and a polymer film (P) is glued on the bottom surface. The material is intended for use as an intermediate layer between the base and the top roofing coating. Experts praised the properties of the following materials.

TechnoNIKOL HPP 3.0 1x10 m

Rating: 4.9

TechnoNIKOL Stekloizol HPP 3.0 1x10 m

Fully waterproof lining material is TechnoNIKOL Stekloizol HPP 3.0 1x10 m. Experts consider this rolled product to be the best option for a tile underlay. The manufacturer offers several varieties of HPP, which differ in thickness. The basis of the product is fiberglass, which is impregnated on both sides with bitumen. The material can be used for waterproofing above-ground and underground structures, and also as a roof covering (provided there is no load). The product becomes the winner in our rating.

Domestic roofers flatteringly speak about TechnoNIKOL HSP. They highlight such advantages as durability, reliability and high quality workmanship. By cons users carry only a lot of weight.


  • high quality;
  • durability;
  • strength;
  • affordable price.


  • great weight.

Orgkrovlya - HPP-2 mm

Rating: 4.8

Orgkrovlya - Stekloizol HPP-2 mm

A very effective method of waterproofing floor slabs is the use of glass insulation Orgkrovlya HPP-2 mm. The advantages of the material experts include good sound and heat insulation, which is especially important at the junction of the heated and unheated tiers. It is optimally suited for lightweight construction, since the density is 2.1 kg / sq. m. As the basis of the manufacturer used fiberglass, which is not subject to rotting and decomposition. For high flexibility, affordable price and a long service life, roll waterproofing falls into our rating.

Professional builders note ease of use, good fit to the base, low thermal conductivity. But at negative temperatures (below -15 ° C) the bitumen filler may crack.


  • ease of installation;
  • full water tightness;
  • a light weight;
  • low thermal conductivity.


  • cracking in severe frost.

The best stekloizolya CCI

A complete roofing material is considered to be stekloizol with the designation of the CCI. The base is made of fiberglass (T) with lining (P) and film (P) coating. It is characterized by high strength, which allows it to be used as the upper part of the roof, provided that it is used rarely. The specialists liked one rolled web.

TechnoNIKOL Stekloizol TPP-3.0 10x1 m

Rating: 4.8

TechnoNIKOL Stekloizol TPP-3.0 10x1 m

Stekloizol TechnoNIKOL Chamber of Commerce and Industry-3,0 is suitable for roofing on household outbuildings or garages. The material can withstand a high load, it is sometimes allowed to walk on it. Therefore, the manufacturer recommends the use of canvas on concrete or metal structures with a slight slope and without it. Experts note a decent breaking load (400-500 N), resistance to high (up to + 80 ° C) and low (-40 ° C) temperature, the possibility of fusing on vertical bases. Even when pools are formed on a flat surface, full waterproofness is maintained. The product becomes the winner of our rating.

At roofers positive emotions cause such qualities of the product as ease of installation on mastic, installation to -15 ° C, ease of cutting, flexibility. The disadvantages include a high price.


  • stored without gluing layers;
  • elasticity;
  • resistance to biodegradation;
  • ease of installation.


  • high price.

The best stekloizolyas HKP and TCH

On the basis of fiberglass (X) or fiberglass (T) roll materials are created for the device of the top layer of the roof. A large dressing (K) is applied on top, providing resistance to mechanical stress. The lower part has a film (P) surface that melts when heated. Builders often use the following models stekloizola.

TechnoNIKOL Technoelast TKP slate gray 10x1 m

Rating: 4.7

TechnoNIKOL Technoelast TKP slate gray 10x1 m

In all climatic regions of Russia it is allowed to use stekloizol TechnoNIKOL Tekhnoelast TCH. Roofing material has a high reliability, which allows you to mount a solid coating on the roofs of buildings or create a waterproof waterproofing of the foundation. As a basis for the manufacturer used reinforced fiberglass. From above the cloth is strewed with slate, and the bottom surface is covered with an indicator film. With a thickness of stekloizola 4.2 mm weight 1 square. m of flexible roof is 5 kg. For high strength, resistance to decay, durability (over 25 years), experts gave the product first place in our rating.

Russian builders are flattering about the ease of installation, the ability to work at low temperature (up to -25 ° C), reliability and elasticity.


  • resistance to decay;
  • strength;
  • durability;
  • elasticity.


  • great weight.

HKP-350 top layer basis fiberglass 9 m2

Rating: 4.6

Stekloizol HKP-350 top layer base fiberglass 9 m2

Available rolled waterproofing material is Stekloizol HKP-350. It can be used as a top layer when building a roofing cake. The canvas consists of fiberglass and bitumen coating. The upper side of stekloizola sprinkled with gray slate. A film is glued on the bottom surface of the roll material. Experts pay attention to some limitations. The angle of the roof should not be more than 10 degrees, and the load on the roofing should be minimized. Therefore, the product ranks second in our rating.

Professionals praise products for a wide range of applications in all climatic conditions. Only install the roof covering should be at a positive temperature (+5 ... + 40 ° C).


  • low price;
  • small weight (3,5 kg / sq. m);
  • resistance to decay;
  • universality of use.


  • restrictions on the slope of the roof;
  • afraid of high loads.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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