5 best capsules for washing clothes

Laundry capsules are a good alternative to powders and gels for washing machines. They take up little space, do not require dosage and do an excellent job of removing contaminants. As a rule, good laundry powders have a stain-removing or renewing color effect. But a lot of options - all with different properties and different price tags. We picked up the five best capsules for washing clothes and linen, so that it would be easier for you to choose the best laundry detergent for your home.

How to choose good capsules for washing

On the market there are a large number of different capsules for washing from different companies. To choose the most successful option - you need to pay attention to basic features.

  1. The brand. The best capsules are produced by popular brands. Among the latter, you can choose a company you trust the most - for example, you used to use high-quality powder or gel.
  2. Smell. Most capsules have a pronounced odor. If you prefer weakly smelling underwear - try to choose models with a faint odor, for children or for special hypoallergenic ones.
  3. Composition. One pad may contain a different amount of substances. For example, it may consist only of a cleansing gel or may additionally contain a stain remover, a means to preserve color, and so on. The composition of the capsule directly affects the quality of washing. For example, if you wash very dirty things, then it is better to take a model with a stain remover. And if it is important that things keep their color longer, purchase capsules with the appropriate composition.
  4. amount. One box may contain different amounts - 30, 15, 20, etc. If you are worried about the price - you can count how much each wash will cost you. To do this, simply divide the price by the number of capsules.

Focusing on these factors, you can easily choose the most suitable capsules for your family from the leading brands presented today.

Top capsules for washing clothes

Nomination a place Name of product price
Top Capsules Rating      1 Tide "Color", 30 pcs      490 ₽
     2 Natural eco-tablets "Tri-Bio"      371 ₽
     3 Persil "Duo-Caps. Color 360 ° "      266 ₽
     4 Ariel "Touch of Lenor Fresh", 3 in 1, 30 pcs      302 ₽
     5 Lotta Tablets, 12 pcs      225 ₽

Tide "Color", 30 pcs

Rating: 4.9


The leading place is deservedly occupied by the capsules of the company “Tide”. They provide the best combination of quality laundry and cost. The powder contains gel for washing, stain remover and color protection composition. This combination of “three in one” allows you to achieve better cleansing and care for washed things. At the same time capsules have an acceptable cost. In terms of one wash, you get about 25 rubles.

In the reviews, customers write that the pills perfectly wash off any dirt, even old ones. The tool copes even with complex stains, if you do not overload the machine. It has a pleasant, but quite strong fragrance that lasts a long time on the fabric. If you are afraid to take 30 pieces at once, you can find options for 12, 15, 23 and 27 tablets in a box.


  • The quality of the wash.
  • Three funds in one.


  • Strong smell.

Natural eco-pills “Tri-Bio” 500 g, 20 pcs

Rating: 4.8


American tablets for washing white and colored linen, based on bio-enzymes and natural ingredients. There are no hazardous chemical components that lovers of eco-friendly products for the home. The tablet has a neutral pH. It is important that there are no chemical fragrances and dyes in the product - after washing the linen almost has no smell. This is useful if the harsh odors irritate you or cause asthma attacks.

The absence of chemicals (phosphates, formaldehydes, and so on) makes eco-tablets suitable for washing children's clothes. The product is environmentally friendly and has not been tested on animals. Naturally, the cost is slightly higher than that of other means - 35 rubles per wash, but taking care of one's health is worth it.


  • Environmentally friendly and safe means.
  • Almost no smell.
  • Suitable for children and allergies.


  • No stain remover / color fixer.
  • For very dirty laundry you need two pills.

Persil "Duo-Caps. Color 360 ° "

Rating: 4.8


A good tool for washing colored things. One capsule contains two compartments - one with a special composition that preserves the color of things, and the second - with a concentrated gel stain remover. There are many packaging options - from 14 to 28 pieces. There are also different flavors (for example, "Lavender"). I am glad that, together with the capsules, there is a fragrance for clothes that is supposed to be put in the closet - the disc smells unobtrusively but pleasantly.

The tool copes well with stains, but foams heavily - you might want to rinse the laundry after that. The cost of it is acceptable - from 21 rubles for washing. Persil copes with complex stains depending on the amount of linen - if there is a lot of it, the result will be worse. The color of things keeps well, but does not make it brighter than before washing. In some reviews, people warn that the product has a strong "chemic" smell, which can irritate the sensitive sense of smell.


  • Washes standard contamination qualitatively.
  • Flavor for the cabinet included.


  • Strong "chemozy" smell.
  • Cope not with all stains.

Ariel "Touch of Lenor Fresh", 3 in 1, 30 pcs

Rating: 4.7


Known and quite expensive capsules with three active ingredients. In one bag there is at once both detergent, and amplifier of brightness, and powerful stain remover. Together, these components provide high-quality washing of any clothing. The linen will get a gentle smell which will not be too strong or persuasive.

Reviews mainly laudatory. In particular, clothes do not need to be treated with an antistatic agent, and it becomes noticeably brighter - the color booster works well. Even the white color is washed up with quality. The disadvantage is the high cost - if you take 30 capsules at a price of about 1000 rubles offered in many stores, then one wash will cost 35-38 rubles. And it is much more expensive than other means in the rating.


  • Three active ingredients.
  • Faint smell


  • High price.
  • The smell is not persistent, quickly disappears.

Lotta Tablets, 12 pcs

Rating: 4.7


Italian tablets "Lotta" can be called almost the cheapest - one washing costs about 18 rubles. At the same time, the result is quite good - the oxygen stain remover removes all visible dirt, and the laundry detergent removes everything that remains after it. Tablets are capable not only to keep a shade of color linen. They also restore yellowed white, even if not as good as the more expensive brands.

Naturally, cheapness affected the quality of the product. In general, it erases a little worse than the more expensive options - there is almost no odor left, complex and old-fashioned pollution sometimes has to be rubbed. In cold water, the tablets work worse — to clean the stains, Lotte needs a temperature of at least 50 ° C. Otherwise contamination may remain.


  • Low price (from 18 rubles per wash).
  • Nice and faint smell.


  • Requires a water temperature of at least 50 ° C.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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