22 best books on the psychology of relationships

Relationship problems between a man and a woman are always relevant. Any person who is interested in their self-development, preserving family harmony, sooner or later turn to the advice of psychologists. Today, there are many books that have a great influence on people and are able to replace the session with a specialist. Find out what works deserve to be in the ranking of the best publications on the psychology of relationships.

Rating the best books on psychology

Nomination a place Name of product rating
Rating the best books on psychology      1 Act like a woman think like a man          4.9
     2 7 principles of a happy marriage, or emotional intelligence in love          4.8
     3 Men are from Mars, women are from Venus          4.8
     4 Right to "left"          4.8
     5 Paradox of passion          4.7
     6 Art to love          4.7
     7 Five languages ​​of love          4.6
     8 Mask, or the formula of the perfect wife          4.6
     9 Hug me tighter          4.5
     10 Women who love too much          4.5
     11 Psychology right through          4.5
     12 Love. Secrets defrost          4.5
     13 Faithful and caring husband          4.5
     14 Be afraid i am with you          4.5
     15 Bitch getting married          4.4
     16 World of Narcissistic Victim          4.4
     17 Dependence on love: how to get out of unhealthy relationships          4.3
     18 Bed wars. Infidelity, sexual conflict and the evolution of relationships          4.3
     19 Feminine dignity - the force of attraction of men          4.3
     20 Men love a bitch. A guide for too good women          4.3
     21 Boy made from cubes          4.3
     22 You know nothing about men          4.2

Act like a woman think like a man

Rating: 4.9

Act like a woman think like a man

The honorable first place ranking is the book of Steve Harvey. It is read in one breath. This is confirmed by rave reviews of fans of the writer. The piece is a classic guide that allows you to understand your companion.

The book attracts the reader by the fact that it is written in an accessible language and presented by a man who, from his point of view, makes it clear why certain things happen in relationships. It has a lot of useful and interesting information. It seemed funny to some readers, because it has a bit of humor. There are practically no negative reviews about the book. It is recommended for reading to all modern women.

7 principles of a happy marriage, or emotional intelligence in love

Rating: 4.8

7 principles of a happy marriage, or emotional intelligence in love

The next book in the ranking is a clear and clearly outlined study of relationships in various families. She was born thanks to the work of Professor of Psychology at Washington University, John Gottman. The author conducted his analysis and made conclusions about the main reason for a successful marriage. All the techniques proposed in the book are real and feasible. They contribute to the development of respect, patience and friendship between the beloved. The union of two people becomes successful, productive and interesting.

On the Internet you can find reviews of professional psychologists who recommend the book to read. They argue that she really helps to deal with family problems. Everyone will find in it for themselves something important.

Men are from Mars, women are from Venus

Rating: 4.8

Men are from Mars, women are from Venus

Few ratings do without the book of John Gray, an eminent American psychologist and family relations specialist.His work has been translated into more than 15 world languages. Bestseller sold in countries millions of copies. From one name of his creation it is clear that ladies and the representatives of the stronger sex are completely different creatures. They think, feel and perceive reality in different ways.

In his book, the author makes it clear that the union of a man and a woman requires hard work, patience and understanding. The writer makes the reader act right after reading, pushes him to positive changes. With the help of this book, it will be possible to understand the way of thinking of the “Martians” and “Venusians”, to find an approach to your soulmate.

Right to "left"

Rating: 4.8

Right to left

Why do beloved change each other? What makes a man to have an affair on the side and live in two families? Practicing psychotherapist Esther Perel has his answers to these questions. Her point of view is based on the study of the desires of the two sexes. It is confirmed by non-fiction patient histories. The author offers a new way to consider their relationships, make them more sincere.

Many readers do not agree with the statements of the writer, but it was very interesting to read non-fiction stories, because they make it clear to someone else's logic. In addition to changes in the book there are chapters about culture, history and various types of relationships. In any case, everyone will learn something new from it.

Paradox of passion

Rating: 4.7

Paradox of passion

In the book "The Paradox of Passion," everyone will find a line about himself, if ever loved. The work tells about the main steps in the development of relations between a man and a woman; it helps to find a way out of a difficult situation, when it seems that nothing can be done. The authors C. Phillips and Dean C. Delis offer readers ways that have been tested over the years. They will help to revive feelings, to return the romance and improve family relations.

These methods will tell you how not to fall into the trap of passion, when one person is madly in love, and the other wants to leave. Based on the relationship of several pairs. Judging by the reviews on the Internet, the book is a real guide to action, there are many vital tips in it.

Art to love

Rating: 4.7

Art to love

German sociologist and philosopher Erich Fromm was born in the distant 1900 year. He published several books after 50 years, including The Art of Love. It leads to serious reflections and considers the essence of such a thing as "love." A huge number of books have been written on this topic. What is different from them the creation of Fromm? First, the author refers to the psychological maturity of the people and culture. Secondly, he presents the marriage of a man and a woman as an “energy gain” from the loneliness of two people.

There are still many amazing and original statements, discoveries and well-known truths in the narrative that modern people should think about. The book has 88 pages. Some of this may seem very small, but the theme of love, though concisely, but fully disclosed with the elaboration of details.

Five languages ​​of love

Rating: 4.6

Five languages ​​of love

The book "5 languages ​​of love" will help to competently express their feelings towards their loved one. She wrote a family consultant and professor of philosophy Geri Chapman. The work is based on five simple methods that will tell you how to find the key to family happiness. After the book came out, many couples learned to love and be loved. The publication has created a real sensation.

The entire text is written in clear and simple language, it reads like fiction. Five languages ​​of love will help you understand yourself and understand the actions of your soulmate. This is confirmed by numerous reviews of fans of Gary Chapman.

Mask, or the formula of the perfect wife

Rating: 4.6

Mask, or the formula of the perfect wife

Next in the ranking is a love affair with erotic content. He helps to free the inner demons and aims to individualize the individual. Some readers believe that this book is about how to powder the brains of the weaker sex. But this is far from the case.

Judging by the reviews, there is a lot of superfluous information in it, among which you can still find practical advice and certain benefits. Others say that “The Mask, or the Formula of the Perfect Wife” is an excellent erotic reading matter, which awakens desire. Thus, opinions about publication are contradictory. It remains only to draw your own conclusion by reading the creation of Andrei Ryder.

Hug me tighter

Rating: 4.5

Hug me tighter

The following book is suitable for couples of all ages and interests. It is written for men and women of different religions, segments of society. Author Sue Johnson has developed an innovative approach to solving problems between a man and a woman. It is called "emotionally-focused therapy." Several pairs took part in the unique project. Correction of their behavior showed amazing results.

You can learn more about this therapy from the book “Hold me tight”, which consists of three chapters. They explain what love is and what its power is. Unclear definitions will help to understand the glossary at the very end of the work. Readers consider the book unique and recommend it for purchase.

Women who love too much

Rating: 4.5

Women who love too much

Next in the ranking is the psychological book of Robin Norwood. She will tell you why you can not fully give yourself to a man. It is very interesting to read it, the thoughts are set out correctly, but not everyone can bring them to life. The main idea of ​​the work is to love in spite of it Such a feeling sooner or later destroy the person from the inside.

The author tries to convey to the reader that too much love is associated with a habit or some kind of fear. On the pages there are many different stories, and at the end of each is an analysis. “Women who love too much” is a guide for those girls who make a lot of mistakes in relationships and do not know how to get out of a difficult situation.

Psychology right through

Rating: 4.5

Psychology right through

The author of the book is Pavel Zygmantovich. The psychologist relies on fundamental knowledge of scientists and new research. No false theories, own guesses and fantasies. The book is written in simple and understandable language, it is read in one gulp in one evening. I am pleased with examples of real people with various difficulties in relationships. Each reader will find an exhaustive answer to his question.

Edition reviews are rather contradictory. There is no point in writing about subjective impressions. They each have their own. There are also those who were able to save the marriage with the help of the writer's creation. After reading, indeed, life becomes brighter and warmer.

Love. Secrets defrost

Rating: 4.5

Love. Secrets defrost

Many modern men and women can not build a normal relationship. They have long been looking for their soul mate among colleagues, on the street, in cafes and the Internet. Why is it so difficult? What do lonely hearts? Answers to these questions can be found in the work of psychologist Marina Komissarova.

It turns out that even the closest and dear person living next to you remains a separate world. He will never be truly your half. Why the author thinks so, and how to live with this truth, you can find out by reading “Love. Secrets of defrosting. Judging by the reviews on the Internet, the creation of the writer will be interesting to everyone without exception.

Faithful and caring husband

Rating: 4.5

Faithful and caring husband

It is impossible to imagine this rating without the book "Faithful and caring husband." This guide is for those girls who dream of a successful marriage, a long and happy relationship. It was written by Satya Das, a lecturer who can present the most serious things in a humorous form. It makes you think about important points and everyday actions. The product saves from mistakes, adjusts to a long-term union.

The creation of the author is called "useful" and "entertaining." Readers do not regret a waste of time and advise the book to read.They note that the topic of civil marriage is well disclosed in the narrative, and its obvious truths will help those who are just starting a relationship. If you are not lazy and follow the advice of Sathya, you can change your inner world.

Be afraid i am with you

Rating: 4.5

Be afraid i am with you

Tanya Tank is not a professional psychologist or a great writer, but her work is adequately in the ranking of the best books about relationships. Among the advantages of this work, they note the clarity, the effectiveness of instructions, a lot of examples. “Fear, I'm with you” is a warning for the female.

The book describes in detail the model of behavior of manipulators who want to ohmurit their victim. Even sensitive intuition and wisdom cannot guarantee that a girl will not fall for such a man. Therefore, the publication is a must-read for those who were already intimately familiar with daffodils. It has the whole truth about fatal and irresistible.

Bitch getting married

Rating: 4.4

Bitch getting married

The author of this bestseller, Sherry Argov, focuses on the relationship between a man and a woman before and after the wedding. The book deals with a lot of questions, for example, “how men choose their spouse for themselves,” “what to do if a guy delays in offering hands and hearts,” “how to rekindle passion in relationships again.”

Some readers believe that the advice of an American writer is unlikely to help an ordinary woman from the Russian hinterland. Most likely, the author's vision is related to her mentality. After all, not every man will appreciate if his chosen one leaves to have fun with her friends all night long without a call and will pretend that she has cooled to her partner. Perhaps, on returning, the young lady will not find the blessed things in the apartment. Thus, opinions about the book differ dramatically.

World of Narcissistic Victim

Rating: 4.4

World of Narcissistic Victim

The book "The World of Narcissistic Victim" tells how to recognize the signs of narcissism, find your true self and learn how to communicate with others. The publication consists of three parts. The first "Masochism" determines the causes of this behavior. In the second chapter, Narcissism, the problem of the victims of narcissism is raised. From the last part of “Trauma” you can find out how the therapy of psychological disorder.

The work of Anastasia Dolganova helps to identify the factors that provoke dissatisfaction, overcome the feeling of helplessness, realize the problem. It is noteworthy that this is the first book about the narcissistic victim, which is published in Russian, and its author is one of the three most famous experts on the pathologies of mental activity in our country.

Dependence on love: how to get out of unhealthy relationships

Rating: 4.3

Dependence on love: how to get out of unhealthy relationships

Psychologist Andrei Nosov in his book describes the causes and consequences of dependence on love. He offers effective methods to help build their boundaries, to achieve harmony in the soul, get rid of fear and guilt, painful memories. Thanks to this edition, you can not only forget about the person to whom you are indifferent, but also create new mature relationships.

The book is read very easily, all techniques are described in simple language. The above exercises help to improve self-esteem, to reconsider their behavior. With this book, you can learn to love yourself, and this is perhaps the most important thing.

Bed wars. Infidelity, sexual conflict and the evolution of relationships

Rating: 4.3

Bed wars. Infidelity, sexual conflict and the evolution of relationships

Each chapter of this book is a separate story from the sexual life of partners. The sections examine the behavior of people, there is a discussion on the extent to which this or that behavior is acceptable in today's society. Author Baker Robin gives his opinion on the topic of walking men. It turns out that the males, who are constantly looking for new connections, thus unconsciously maximize the chances of extending their own kind, give an evolutionary advantage to the hereditary material.

The book helps to look at the most ordinary things in a new way, to gain knowledge in the field of sex.It is especially recommended for those who have problems conceiving a child.

Feminine dignity - the force of attraction of men

Rating: 4.3

Feminine dignity - the force of attraction of men

The next participant in the ranking is ideal for girls who want to raise their self-esteem and make the stronger sex respect themselves. In the book a lot of useful information, it is easily perceived. Readers liked writing style. The publication will be a great helper for young ladies who recently broke up with a young man and found themselves in a difficult situation.

Author Mila Shevchuk narrates, based on personal experience. The writer went the hard way and gladly shared practical advice with other women. Readers say that the book is able to replace a psychologist. They feel sorry for the fact that she did not get to them earlier.

Men love a bitch. A guide for too good women

Rating: 4.3

Men love a bitch. A guide for too good women

This book is a must-read for those who have had to worry about a sick relationship with a man. Its main secret is that the representatives of the stronger sex do not like the right and diligent women. No, you do not need to rush into all serious and rude guys. We must start to love and improve yourself in this art.

Sherry Argov will tell you how to do this and will give many examples of how not to do. He encourages women to search for their interests. This may be a favorite hobby that will enthrall you more than exploring a relationship with a partner. You can become a person and not dissolve in a man by reading this guide.

Boy made from cubes

Rating: 4.3

Boy made from cubes

In contrast to the previous participants in the ranking, Keith Stewart's The Boy Made of Cubes is a full-fledged novel with a plot that motivates and encourages reflection. This is a story about family and love at real events. It is based on the biography of the author, which, certainly, will not leave indifferent any reader.

The work is considered an excellent opportunity to look into a world where all restrictions are only within our imagination. Readers say that the work is very lively, all experiences are described in such a way that you begin to understand the thoughts and feelings of the characters. This is an excellent option to brighten up a couple of free evenings and discover many new things.

You know nothing about men

Rating: 4.2

You know nothing about men

Master of books on the psychology of relationships Steve Harvey opens for women a rich spiritual world of the opposite sex. From his work "You do not know anything about men," you can learn how to behave with men of different age categories. What to expect from a twenty year old guy? How to build relationships with those over 50? Why don't avid bachelors want to marry? How to keep passion in family life? These and other questions are covered in the book of Harvey. Thus, the publication is suitable for both young girls and women of advanced age.

It is easy to read a book; it contains all the important truths that, although they know beautiful persons, often forget about them. It may seem mediocre to some readers.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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