15 best raspberry varieties

Raspberries are not only tasty, but also useful berries, which pleases summer residents and gardeners in the summer. There are many varieties of this shrub, which differ not only in taste, color and size of fruits, but also in other important qualities.

Varieties of raspberry varieties

Usually shrub fruits the next year after planting the seedling. There is a repair raspberry, on which berries grow in the first year of life. Its fruiting ends with the onset of autumn frosts. There are other types of raspberries:

  1. Large fruitI. The weight of the berries reaches 20 g. This species is distinguished by high yield and excellent taste.
  2. Standard. It has strong shoots and resembles a small tree.
  3. Classic. Reliable grade that is well acclimatized.

All these types of raspberries can be both early and late ripening. Making the right choice will help the ranking of the best varieties, which is based on a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of varieties.

Top Raspberry Varieties

Nomination a place Name of product rating
The best repair raspberry varieties      1 Hercules          4.9
     2 Polka          4.8
     3 Unattainable          4.8
     4 Bryansk jubilee          4.8
     5 Kalashnik          4.7
     6 Orange Miracle          4.6
     7 Firebird          4.5
The best classic raspberry varieties      1 News Kuzmina          4.9
     2 Novokitaevskaya          4.8
     3 Meteor          4.7
     4 Balm          4.6
     5 Reward          4.5
     6 Mirage          4.5
The best standard raspberry varieties      1 Tarusa          4.9
     2 Monomakh's hat          4.8

The best repair raspberry varieties


Rating: 4.9


It is a particularly popular plant, which is distinguished by large fruits - up to ten grams by weight. Hercules have a ruby ​​color and are resistant to weevils. They calmly carry transportation. To taste the fruit is slightly sour. This raspberry is eaten in any form. It is used to make compotes, jams and preserves. In its fresh form, it is not everyone’s liking because of its sourness. However, in this case, much depends on climatic conditions and soil composition. The best region for Hercules is the middle zone of the Russian Federation. It also grows well in the south.


  • good portability of transportation over long distances;

  • large fruits of commercial appearance;

  • pest resistance.


  • the difficulty of harvesting due to the large number of thorns;

  • not suitable for the northern regions of the country;

  • acid in taste.


Rating: 4.8


This raspberry variety is a highly growing shrub that rarely suffers from disease. Its berries are quite large and have a dark red tint. Raspberry fructifies from the middle of the third summer month. Competent top dressing will allow harvesting twice a season. The grade perfectly is suitable for compotes and jam. Even after freezing the berries look great. It is important to cut the branches at the shrub after harvest, otherwise the next year the fruit will be smaller. Despite the need for proper care, Polka deserves to be in the ranking of the best along with other varieties.


  • perfect appearance of the berries;

  • good yield;

  • high resistance to diseases and pests;

  • lack of large spikes;

  • good transportability.


  • badly tolerates frosts and temperature increases (above 35);

  • possible development of root diseases.


Rating: 4.8


This is an early ripe crop that many gardeners prefer to grow. It has an exquisite taste and excellent aroma of berries. Fruits until October. Raspberries have a rich ruby ​​color. The taste of the fruit may vary depending on weather conditions. This plant needs constant feeding. It best survives on loamy soils that have neutral acidity.


  • early fruit ripeness;

  • compact shrubs;

  • pleasant taste.


  • drying of berries due to heat and with poor-quality care;

  • low transportability;

  • risk of infection with chlorosis.

Bryansk jubilee

Rating: 4.8

Bryansk jubilee

This raspberry variety is characterized by early fruiting. The berries are visible at the end of July, the entire crop ripens to cold snaps. Up to two kilograms are collected from one bush, up to five in rare cases. More than half the height of the shoots bear fruit. Shrubs branch well and grow straight. The berries of the Bryansk Jubilee are red, weighing up to 6 grams. They have a beautiful elongated shape and sweet-sour taste. Compotes, jams, pies are made from raspberries of this variety.


  • high yield;

  • early maturation;

  • original appearance;

  • good taste.


  • medium-sized berries.


Rating: 4.7


The Kalashnik raspberry variety is considered a raspberry by both amateurs and professionals. He deserves to be in the ranking of the best species because it has been grown for several decades and is considered proven. It is valued for dessert taste, juiciness, decent productivity and large fruits. Berries are well separated from the fruit. They are quite transportable, provided sufficient supplements. The plant has excellent resistance to gray rot, otherwise it is at the level of standard species. Kalashnik recommended for cultivation in regions with a soft long autumn. Begins to bear fruit in early August.


  • high yield;

  • unpretentiousness;

  • gray rot immunity;

  • pleasant taste and good quality;

  • good survival rate of seedlings;

  • resistance to dry weather.


  • spikeiness;

  • Autumn harvest ripens late.

Orange Miracle

Rating: 4.6

Orange Miracle

Bryansk breeders brought out a raspberry variety Orange miracle that lives up to its name. Velvety berries of a bush rather large (up to 8 grams). They have an orange color, become pinkish in the sun, and turn yellow when it rains. Fruits cling tightly to their petioles and rarely fall to the ground, even if they are overslept. Their taste depends on the climate of the region. The more sun received culture, the raspberry will be sweeter. Fruit ripening begins in late July and lasts until the first frosty days. Up to three kilograms of good berries are produced from one bush. They do not lose their taste to 14 days, if stored in the refrigerator. They are canned, frozen and dried.


  • high yields;

  • good keeping quality and transportability;

  • frost resistance (up to minus 25 degrees);

  • long life cycle;

  • hypoallergenic variety;

  • high culinary properties.


  • very sharp spikes;

  • lack of immunity to gray rot;

  • poor drought tolerance.


Rating: 4.5


The popular raspberry variety called Firebird has not bypassed the ranking of the best. Shrub takes up little space due to its compactness. He feels great in the middle lane, so gardeners of Central Russia love him so much.On the branches are soft and thin spikes. Berries have a glossy surface, bright scarlet color and juicy pulp. They are eaten both fresh and after defrosting and processing. They ripen at the end of the summer season.


  • disease resistance;

  • fruits 2 times a season;

  • good transportability.


  • late maturation;

  • tolerates drought very well.

The best classic raspberry varieties

News Kuzmina

Rating: 4.9

News Kuzmina

Raspberries are attractive with perfect taste, excellent winter hardiness and stable annual yield. Its fruits ripen one of the first among others. Berries are beautiful in appearance and color. They can not be confused with other varieties. From one bush receive 2-3 kilograms of fruits. They are slightly oblong and painted in raspberry color. They are loved for juiciness, aroma and tenderness. Shrub successfully adapts to different climates. It is advised to pick berries carefully and avoid over-ripening if transportation is to take place. For the same reason, it is not recommended to pour fruit from one cup to another.


  • small spikes on the shoots;

  • the ability to adapt to weather conditions;

  • reference taste of berries;

  • fruits are easily separated;

  • Minimal care for raspberries.


  • not too high transportability of berries;

  • instability to pests and diseases.


Rating: 4.8


This mid-early raspberry variety is obtained by crossing the other two - Novost Kuzmina and Kitaevskaya. If you take care of Novokitaev raspberry properly, you can get up to four kilograms of crop from one shrub. Despite the low weight, raspberry berries have acceptable consumer qualities. They have a dark red color, juicy flesh and a sweet taste with a raspberry flavor. Resistance to pests in the average grade.


  • stable high yield;

  • winter hardiness;

  • pleasant taste and aroma.


  • susceptibility to viral diseases;

  • non-transportable berries;

  • a large number of thorns.


Rating: 4.7


Raspberry Meteor is definitely worthy of being in the ranking of the best due to its high consumer qualities. It was obtained by crossing Novost Kuzmina and Bulgarian Ruby varieties. The fruit of a Meteor is medium in size, their weight is no more than three grams. Ruby fruits look very appetizing and have a small wax coating. Their density allows you to safely freeze and transport the product. This raspberry variety ripens at the end of the first month of summer and is highly resistant to fungi.


  • good transportation;

  • excellent taste;

  • unpretentious care;

  • small number of thorns;

  • strong winter hardiness.


  • medium-sized berries;

  • low yield compared with other modern species.


Rating: 4.6


For several decades, the raspberry variety Balsam has been successfully cultivated in Russia. It is suitable for growing in almost all parts of the country. The sizes of the berries are average, the weight is about three grams. They ripen from the end of June to the first decade of July. On the surface there is a small plaque and slight pubescence.


  • berries are suitable for transportation;

  • winter hardiness;

  • the possibility of growing throughout the territory of the Russian Federation (except Siberia and the Urals);
  • good drought tolerance;

  • disease resistance;

  • early maturation.


  • primitive taste of the fruit;

  • not very high yields without proper feeding and thinning.


Rating: 4.5


Breeders who brought this sort of raspberry, were awarded medals for their work. Therefore, the next grade of the rating deservedly received the name Reward.It is recommended for cultivation in many cities of Russia, except for the Far East and some regions of Siberia. This variety of raspberry is able to endure harsh winters and unexpected thaws. The uniform fruiting allows you to harvest the entire crop in 3-4 weeks. Round berries have a bright raspberry color, intense aroma and sweet-sour taste. Raspberries are eaten both fresh and dried.


  • few thorns;

  • excellent quality of the berries;

  • unpretentiousness in cultivation;

  • resistance to vyprevaniya;

  • good winter hardiness.


  • late maturation (can be considered as a plus);

  • high risk of pests and infections.


Rating: 4.5


Mirage refers to mid-late varieties of raspberries and occupies one of the leading places in terms of yield. Up to six kilograms of fruits are harvested from one bush. With proper use of agricultural technology, the weight of the berries can reach twelve grams. Their shape is conical, and the color matte bright red. They have an excellent taste and a slight touch of sourness, which is in harmony with sweetness. In the middle band, the fruits ripen from mid-July. Bushes are not afraid of the winter and spring thaws, they tolerate the heat well.


  • excellent taste;

  • super high yields;

  • good transportability.


  • thin shoots bending at a bountiful harvest;

  • not high frost resistance.

The best standard raspberry varieties


Rating: 4.9


The raspberry variety Tarusa is the very first variety of bole culture cultivated in the Russian Federation. Stem bushes strong and erect. This variety can withstand temperatures down to minus 30 degrees and belongs to medium late species. Berries ripen at the end of the second summer month. They have a saturated red tint and often undergo external deformations - they are bent, compressed. Therefore, their form can not be called perfect. The weight of one fruit can reach 10 grams. The taste of raspberry is not too expressive, but pleasant. Many like it due to its juiciness. Shrubs are grown in temperate and southern latitudes of the country.


  • withstands cold weather;

  • large fruits;

  • high yields;

  • pest resistance;

  • berries retain their appearance during transportation;

  • good immunity to diseases.


  • low taste;

  • crop instability.

Monomakh's hat

Rating: 4.8

Monomakh's hat

The rating of the best raspberry varieties would not be complete without Monomakh's Caps. This is a remontant appearance that allows you to get two harvests per season. On a tree-like shrub appear huge fruits that reach 30 grams. They are painted red and are not immediately separated from the cutting. Outwardly, raspberry resembles strawberries, only slightly elongated. On average, with one bush gives up to five kilograms of berries per season. Under favorable conditions, the amount of harvest reaches eight kilograms. The weak side of the variety is the instability to diseases.


  • high taste qualities;

  • large fruits;

  • large amount of harvest.


  • susceptibility to fungal and viral diseases;

  • vulnerability during the early thaws.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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