15 best laxatives for constipation

Unfortunately, constipation, as well as diarrhea, can often occur not only with bowel disease, but also in a healthy person, for example, leading a sedentary lifestyle. People often use various laxatives, and believe that their appointment does not require a doctor's consultation. But it is not. Any remedy has some contraindications that must be taken into account. Some medicines for treating constipation, or constipation, can be addictive. That is why modern medicine recommends the use of laxatives in short courses. This rating of drugs that have a laxative effect on the intestines includes several categories of drugs for different groups of patients.

Top laxatives rating for constipation

Nomination a place Name of product price
The best laxatives based on herbal ingredients      1 Kafiol          -
     2 Laminariade          148 ₽
     3 Mukofalk          470 ₽
     4 RektivAktiv          405 ₽
     5 Agiolax          1 700 ₽
The best laxatives for children      1 Duphalac          305 ₽
     2 Forlax          290 ₽
     3 Glycerol (glycerin)          49 ₽
     4 Bisacodyl          52 ₽
Prebiotics as laxatives      1 Prelaks          315 ₽
     2 Inulin          150 ₽
     3 Export          229 ₽
The best laxatives for the elderly      1 Senade          524 ₽
     2 Regulax          329 ₽
     3 Magnesium sulphate (magnesia)          -

The best laxatives based on herbal ingredients

Laxatives based on natural plant components are the most gently acting and sparing organs of the gastrointestinal tract, while their effectiveness is quite high. Laxative drugs from this group have been used for several centuries, and do not have as many side effects and contraindications as synthetic drugs. But, nevertheless, it is desirable to consult a doctor before prescribing any drug, including drugs of this group. Opens the rating means Kafiol.


Rating: 4.9

Kafiol is a complex herbal remedy that contains senna leaves and fruits, liquid paraffin, sometimes called liquid paraffin, plum fruit pulp and fig fruit pulp. A laxative is prescribed for constipation of different origin in different patients. It acts on the intestines by irritating its chemical and mechanical receptors, which greatly facilitates the promotion of fecal masses and their removal from the body. Even in the case of persistent constipation, the use of Kafiol improves peristalsis and speeds up the passage of food debris through the intestines by half.

With uncomplicated constipation, Kafiol is prescribed one at a dosage of one briquette at night, and for long-term constipation, 2-3 briquettes are recommended, but not more than 6 daily. The maximum course of taking the drug is 2 weeks, but such long-term treatment can be allowed only by a doctor. Laxatives are quite common in pharmacies, and the cost of one package of 6 briquettes of this laxative does not exceed 180 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The unconditionally positive effects of Kafiol include the gentle effect of the drug on the normal intestinal microflora. It does not irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, and is well tolerated by patients. In case of overdose, if the patient immediately takes 6 briquettes, then he may develop abdominal pain and diarrhea. Do not take a laxative longer than the recommended maximum period, otherwise it may lead to a reflex decrease in the functional activity of the intestine. Laxative is contraindicated in intestinal obstruction, severe inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines, in women with metrorrhagia, or with uterine bleeding of a different nature, as well as with painful and copious menses.


Rating: 4.8


Laminaride is the only laxative medication that is listed on a kelp-based rating. This is kelp, or seaweed. Taminaria is available in granules. Additionally, it contains alginic acid salts, and a mixture of polysaccharides. A laxative is recommended already for chronic constipation, and with a hyperspastic component, when patients have a nagging pain in the abdomen instead of a bowel movement.

The mechanism of action of the drug is associated with the swelling of granules in the intestine, an increase in the volume of intestinal contents, and at the same time its softening. The medicine is packaged in bottles of 50 g. It is necessary to take Laminarid after meals, 1 to 2 teaspoons, with a glass of water. Since the remedy is indicated for chronic constipation, the remedy is taken three times a day. A laxative is produced by Art Life, and you can buy it at a price of 140 rubles. for 1 bottle.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the fact that this is a natural drug, in case of overdose or too frequent intake in the body can accumulate an excess of iodine, which can manifest as a runny nose, cough or symptoms of bronchitis. With an overdose, the patient may have diarrhea. The remedy is contraindicated in patients with high sensitivity to iodine, during lactation, during pregnancy, and in severe form of renal failure. The positive side of Laminaria also includes a mild effect on constipation, which is not accompanied by unpleasant phenomena of flatulence.


Rating: 4.8


Mucofalk is a popular and effective laxative that contains psyllium seeds. Seeds in the human body are not digested, and create a sorption effect, they absorb fluid from the intestinal lumen and exert pronounced pressure on its walls from the inside. As a result, the intestine begins to contract reflex, and its contents move on.

The tool is not indicated for the treatment of severe and chronic constipation, but can be successfully used with a typical delay of stool over two to three days. Mukofalk is produced in the form of granules, which have an orange flavor, a suspension is prepared from these granules. Like all vegetable laxatives, Mukofalk needs to be washed down with a significant amount of water to swell the seeds in the intestines. The laxative is produced by the German company “Doctor Falk”, and you can purchase a package containing 20 bags for 470 rubles. In the event that one can be purchased with a mass of 300 g, it will cost no less than 1,150 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of laxatives include the ability to use it for a long time, it deserves a place in the rating, because it can be taken from nursing mothers, it does not develop addiction, it can be combined with other medicines. The disadvantages of the drug are not too fast action, lack of evidence in relation to children and the need to drink plenty of fluids during treatment. In case of an overdose, the patient may experience discomfort in the abdomen, rumbling, and the phenomenon of flatulence.


Rating: 4.7


Such a drug as RektivAktiv also contains seed extract, but already horse chestnut. The tool comes in the form of rectal suppositories, or suppositories, which are light brown in color. There are two dosages, 50 and 100 mg, the drug acts by stimulating rectal peristalsis. Usually after 15 minutes, there is a normal bowel movement, and after emptying the bowel, the urge stops. RektivAktiv shown in various variants of constipation, in bedridden patients, with psychogenic constipation. Domestic company Altfarm produces a laxative, and you can buy 10 candles at a maximum dosage of 100 mg for 390 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of the tool is a quick action, a rare development of adverse reactions, which are reduced to a short-term burning sensation in the rectum, the possibility of a long reception (about a month). Negative aspects include the need to introduce a candle into the anus, which cannot always be done comfortably, a ban on taking the drug during pregnancy and lactation, in the presence of inflammatory pathology of the rectum, with proctitis, cracks, exacerbation of hemorrhoids and pronounced spastic constipation.


Rating: 4.7


Agiolax laxative is a combination herbal preparation that contains raw oval plantain, its seed husks, and senna. Agiolax is produced by the German company Meda Pharma, in the form of granules for oral administration. Usually taken one teaspoon of funds. As in the case of other drugs from the seeds of plantain, the husks of seeds swell, increases the intestinal contents in volume, increases peristalsis, and senna is capable of chemical irritating the receptors of the intestinal wall, which softens the feces and facilitates their elimination. It is possible to buy a laxative in a container weighing 100 g at a fairly high price, ranging from 1,700 rubles. This is equal to a reception within 20 days. The tool is prescribed in the evening, before bedtime, the effect occurs in the morning.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the drug, which allowed to get into the rating, include treatment of atonic and hypotonic constipation, including in bedridden elderly patients, in the period after surgical intervention, and the ability to use the drug for anorectal pathology, for hemorrhoids, proctitis, and anal fissures. The unpleasant moments include colic in the stomach and flatulence with overdose, a number of contraindications, such as spastic constipation, cystitis, the presence of chronic gastrointestinal and uterine bleeding. Since only a doctor can distinguish spastic constipation from the opposite in nature of atopic, then only a doctor should prescribe a remedy.

The best laxatives for children

In children, the intestines are not yet fully matured, and its nervous and humoral regulation is imperfect. Therefore, in children, constipation occurs quite often, and besides, the child has no normal intestinal microflora. The process of becoming a normal intestinal digestion in a child takes more than one year, and parents should not worry, constipation in children is a fixable phenomenon. The laxatives that come to the aid of children will be discussed below. The rating opens a very popular and effective drug for constipation - Duphalac.


Rating: 4.9


Duphalac, or lactulose, has a hyperosmolar effect, which leads to the secretion of fluid into the intestinal lumen, and increases peristalsis. For a pronounced laxative effect, the help of the normal microflora of the colon, which breaks down this carbohydrate into low molecular weight acids, is necessary. Duphalac is used in the form of syrup to treat a variety of constipation, for the correction of dysbacteriosis. Laxative is indispensable for chronic liver failure and encephalopathy.

Of the indications can be particularly noted irregular rhythm of bowel movements, hemorrhoids, because Duphalac softens the chair, as well as dysbiosis. Laxative can be used for putrid dyspepsia in young children after food poisoning. Dufalak is applied once in the morning with food, the infant dosage is on average 5 to 10 ml at the reception, children up to three years old are given at a dose of 5 ml. The popularity of this drug is very high, and it is available under various trade names. In addition to Duphalac itself, it can be found in pharmacies Goodluck, Lactusan, Normaze, Portalak and Romfalak. Lactulose is produced in powder, in syrup, and in tablets. Duphalac itself can be purchased for 735 rubles, in the amount of 1 liter of syrup.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the funds include a mild laxative effect, which is so necessary for children, the suppression of the growth of pathogenic microbes, the practical absence of contraindications and side effects. Perhaps lactulose is ranked first in the ranking of the safety profile. The disadvantages include the rather high price of syrup.


Rating: 4.8


Forlax for children is a white powder with the smell of orange or grapefruit, the active substance is macrogol, or polyethylene glycol. The powder consists of long linear molecules, and in combination with water, macrogol holds it by means of weak hydrogen bonds. After taking the powder, the volume of the contents in the intestine significantly increases, which causes a laxative effect. Forlax acts not immediately, after a single dose, the laxative effect occurs in a day or two.

Laxative agent is indicated for the treatment of constipation of various etiologies in children, ranging from the age of 6 months to 8 years. Babies are prescribed one sachet per day, children from one to three years old can be given two packages, and children of eight years old up to 4 packages per day. Reception mode - in the morning and in the evening, having dissolved the necessary dose in 50 ml of water. You can continue treatment with Forlax without a consultation with a doctor for a maximum of 3 months. The company produces the drug company French company "Bofur Ipsen", and 20 sachets can be purchased for 250 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Forlax can be attributed to its mild action and the absence of addiction, the ability to apply it in children, starting from six months of age, the possibility of long-term use in the absence of adverse symptoms. The disadvantages of the drug include the onset of a laxative effect in a day or two, and also only an orange or grapefruit flavor that not all babies like.

Glycerol (glycerin)

Rating: 4.7


Glycerol and glycerin are one and the same substance, which is recommended for constipation associated with a lack of intestinal motility in children, that is, with hypotension and atony. Colorless transparent syrup of sweet taste, which in all proportions is mixed with water. Glycerol is used in children in short courses, or simply once. The laxative is effective only when administered rectally, and therefore glycerin suppositories, or suppositories with glycerin, are produced. After rectal administration, glycerin has a slight irritating effect, the intestines begin to contract, the feces soften and easily leave the body. In children, a laxative effect occurs, on average, after 20 minutes. Apply candles should be once a day, preferably after breakfast. For children, a special dosage of 0.75 g is produced. For a package of 12 candles you need to give at least 145 rubles. Produces candles with glycerin Romanian pharmaceutical company "Antibiotichi."

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive side can be attributed mild effect, the possibility of a single use.The negative side is a rare feeling of discomfort and irritation in the rectal area, with very frequent use, symptoms of catarrhal proctitis occur. The undoubted advantage is the availability and low cost of the drug.


Rating: 4.6


This laxative has been placed on the popularity rating as an affordable and reliable, inexpensive product for children. Bisacodil not only irritates the mucous membrane, but also increases the production of mucus in the intestine, which facilitates defecation. If the remedy is taken orally in the evening, the laxative effect will come after 12 hours, and if the drug is administered rectally, then within an hour. In children, Bisacodil is used for atonic constipation, it is produced in the form of suppositories by the domestic manufacturer Nizhpharm, and for 10 candles it is necessary to give only 38 rubles, in a dosage of 0.01 g. only 13 rubles should be paid, produced by ZAO Biocom. Perhaps this is one of the most inexpensive and affordable laxatives for children. The laxative has such synonyms as Laxatin, Dulcolax.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Bisacodil include cheapness, the rapid onset of defecation, and it can be used in children from 2 years. The laxative effect is already one pill, and you should not increase the dosage. The disadvantages of bisacodil include the development of addiction, with prolonged use of the drug loses its activity. If you take two or three enteric pills at once, diarrhea can develop in your child.

Prebiotics as laxatives

Prebiotics are those substances that are not absorbed or digested by our body, but are derived in a completely different form than the substance that has entered the body. Prebiotics make up the components of nutrition for normal microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, and stimulate its vital activity and reproduction. Therefore, these drugs have a laxative effect, working through intermediaries - enterococci, Escherichia coli, and other representatives of normal microflora.


Rating: 4.9


The laxative is a combination, it contains lactulose, lactose and galactose. Strictly speaking, Prelax is not a medicine, because it is not absorbed by our body, but is a kind of biologically active additive. But it is completely absorbed by bifidobacteria, and its decomposition products - such acids as propionic, acetic, lactic and oily - contribute to an increase in osmotic pressure in the intestinal lumen. Along the way, Prelax weakens various pathogenic bacteria that enter the intestine, normalizes stools, and facilitates the elimination of toxins from the body. Laxative is prescribed to children over 3 years old half a teaspoonful of syrup daily, during meals. The drug is taken for a long time, not less than 2 weeks. It is possible to increase the dosage by 2 or 3 times, but only by doctor's prescription. Laxative agent is available in bottles of 220 ml, the manufacturer - the French company "Felitsata". The cost of one bottle starts at 190 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage is a soft recovery of the chair, associated restoration of microflora, and in practice - the absence of side effects. The disadvantages include the occurrence of diarrhea in children with increasing doses and not too fast action.


Rating: 4.8


Inulin in its action belongs to probiotics, and in its composition it could well belong to the category of laxatives of plant origin, Therefore, in the rating it occupies two groups at once. Inulin is a unique oligosaccharide, which is obtained from the roots of chicory and Jerusalem artichoke tubers. It comes in powder form, has a sweet taste.Inulin has a sorbing effect, absorbs various toxins, salts of heavy metals, and even radionuclides. It restores the normal intestinal microflora, as it is absorbed by beneficial microorganisms, mainly bifidobacteria.

Inulin normalizes stool, intestinal motility, secretion, its absorption capacity. In children, Inulin is indicated not only for constipation, but also for diarrhea, for irritable bowel syndrome, as well as during antibiotic treatment and after antibiotic therapy. Inulin is prescribed to children and adults 1 teaspoon 4 times a day with meals, and the average course of treatment lasts about 1 month. Inulin is available in powder or tablet form. The powder should be dissolved in a liquid, for example in water, juice or kefir. The cost of one pack of 100 tablets is 303 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the drug include a mild action, strengthening the immune system, the absence of side effects, the effect on the normal microflora, the ability to normalize the blood lipid spectrum, and a positive effect in diabetes mellitus. The negative side can be attributed to rare individual hypersensitivity and the need to cancel with congenital fructose intolerance.


Rating: 4.7


Expal is a laxative that is created from lactilol, a derivative of milk sugar, or lactose. Chemical structure of lactylol is a hydrocarbon alcohol, but it is used to treat constipation in children, the elderly and adults. In addition to constipation of various origin, the drug is used for dysbacteriosis and liver failure. In the intestine, it is broken down by normal microflora, which also leads to an increase in osmotic pressure. As a result, fecal masses increase in volume, soften and easier to defecate. The effect after the first intake develops in a day. In chronic constipation, especially associated with a decrease in intestinal tonus and motility, the first laxative effect may occur on the second or third day.

Expalat applied once, during meals, when mixed with various drinks. The entire daily dose is taken at once in a single dose, and 4 teaspoons of powder are prescribed to adults, and one teaspoon is given to children from one year to 6 years.

Exported in bags, or in the form of powder in plastic containers. The manufacturer is the domestic pharmaceutical company "Farmvilar", and 20 bags in packaging of 10 grams can be purchased for 430 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive side is the ability to use the drug in patients with diabetes and the elderly, and the negative point is the need for increased fluid intake throughout the course of treatment, which can be up to 5 months. In case of overdose of the drug in adults and children, diarrhea may occur, in very rare cases, vomiting was observed.

The best laxatives for the elderly

In the elderly changes the work of the intestine. His muscles weaken, his physiological tone decreases, and the passage of the contents through the intestines slows down. Older people often take different medications that also affect stool regulation. Finally, in old age, physical activity decreases, and the frequency of constipation increases. Older people often neglect the use of fiber, and drink little water. All this leads to chronic constipation. The rating presents several popular effective drugs that are used in gerontological practice.


Rating: 4.9


Perhaps Senade, or senna extract, is one of the most popular and well-known drugs for the treatment of constipation in general. In elderly, the laxative has become popular due to its availability and a wide range of indications, including chronic constipation, proctitis, anal fissures and hemorrhoids, intestinal atony.The active ingredient is sennosides, which irritate the intestinal wall. Available Senade tablets of 13.5 mg. Take the drug inside usually once a day, before bedtime. It is recommended to drink a pill with one glass of water, and in the absence of morning stool, the dose can be increased to 2 or 3 tablets. Buy a tool of domestic manufacturer of FC "Health" in the amount of 20 tablets, respectively, for 20 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of a laxative is a favorable price, and a rare development of side effects. It should be said that during the administration of senna preparations, reddish or brown urine staining occurs; this is due to the formation of metabolites and their excretion by the kidneys. Do not be afraid of this, it is not a sign of kidney disease and passes after drug withdrawal. The negative side of the reception can be attributed to a fairly wide range of contraindications, for example, spastic constipation, therefore, the doctor should prescribe the extract of senna, which will distinguish the spastic condition from the atonic one. Also contraindications are various inflammatory bowel diseases, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer, pain in the abdomen is not installed reasons.


Rating: 4.8


Another popular drug for the treatment of constipation in the elderly, included in the rating is Regulax, in which the active ingredient is sodium picosulfate. It is shown in the case of atonic and hypotonic constipation, which is most common in the elderly. The drug is sold as a colorless clear solution, one milliliter of which contains 7.5 mg of sodium picosulfate. In the intestine, the active substance undergoes hydrolysis, which is caused by representatives of normal microflora. As a result of this, there is an accelerated advancement of the fecal masses, and in the same time water absorption decreases, due to which fecal masses also soften. According to the mechanism, the agent can be attributed to prebiotics, and according to indications - to the drugs recommended in old age. The laxative effect occurs, on average, 12 hours after ingestion, and Regulax is administered, respectively, at bedtime. Initially, 12 drops are required, and with pronounced atonic constipation, the dose is doubled. The average course of treatment is 7 days. Laxative agent can be purchased in a 20 ml vial for 230 rubles. The German firm "Crevel Moiselbach" manufactures Regulax.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of laxatives include: good regulation of the chair in case of atonic constipation in the elderly, and rare development of side effects. The negative aspects include a wide range of contraindications, which include cystitis, dehydration, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the development of hypersensitivity. It should be borne in mind that with the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, the effect of taking the drug will decrease.

Magnesium sulphate (magnesia)

Rating: 4.7

Magnesium sulphate (magnesia)

Normal magnesium sulfate, or magnesia, has a good laxative effect, irritating the intestinal receptors, and increasing osmotic pressure in the gastrointestinal tract. This contributes to the release of water into the intestinal lumen, peristalsis increases, and after 4-6 hours after the application of magnesia, there is an urge to defecate inside. The application involves the dissolution of magnesia powder in the amount of 25 grams in half a glass of water. It is recommended to use this mixture before bedtime. To enhance the laxative effect, you need to drink then 2-3 glasses of warm water. Magnesium sulphate is sold in almost any pharmacy, and is inexpensive, a single dose of 25 g will cost you only 25 rubles. Magnesia is produced by a variety of domestic pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of magnesia include widespread availability, which allowed it to occupy a place in the rating, a rather active action, and the negative sides include a bitter - salty taste of the finished solution, which is unpleasant for everyone. In addition, a laxative can not be prescribed to patients in old age with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, with various rhythm disturbances in the form of intracardiac blockades, with myocarditis, the elderly with chronic renal failure. Sometimes there are side effects such as nausea, vomiting or diarrhea with an overdose of magnesium sulfate.

Above were listed the most popular and laxative drugs available in Russia. In conclusion, you need to add that in order to avoid constipation, you need to drink at least three glasses of pure water a day, not counting the liquid obtained from food. It is necessary to add fiber, cabbage, prunes and beets to the diet. Eating vegetables and fruits in a raw form helps to avoid constipation, and if you also keep an active lifestyle and moderate exercise, then you will not be afraid of constipation. But still, the most important thing for any constipation is to find the cause, and for this you should consult a doctor.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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