14 best drugs for the heart and blood vessels
We have collected in this ranking the best means of improving the state of the cardiovascular system: drugs that normalize the state of the vascular wall, vitamins to support the heart muscle, means that improve metabolism, drugs that normalize blood clotting and others.
Some of them can be used by healthy people to prevent cardiovascular problems. Others are prescribed only by a doctor and require constant monitoring during the application. In any case, this rating is not a recommendation for self-diagnosis and self-treatment.
Cardiovascular pathology is not a problem that can be treated with prescriptions from the Internet, such diseases require face-to-face consultation from a competent specialist, including for diagnosis: heart pain can be a symptom of many diseases, ranging from relatively harmless cardioneurosis, including extremely unpleasant, but not bearing the serious consequences of pain caused by compression of the nerve roots, and ending with deadly manifestations of myocardial ischemia (blood supply to the heart muscle). Therefore, if you suspect you have any heart or vascular disease, do not try to consult the Internet, consult a doctor.
Rating of the best drugs for heart and blood vessels
Nomination | a place | Name of product | price |
The best means for the prevention of blood clots | 1 | Acetylsalicylic acid | 18 ₽ |
2 | Clopidogrel | 342 ₽ | |
3 | Warfarin | 48 ₽ | |
4 | Xarelto | 1 296 ₽ | |
The best remedies for the treatment of hypertension | 1 | Perindopril | 84 ₽ |
2 | Losartan | 44 ₽ | |
3 | Carvedilol | 64 ₽ | |
The best treatment for coronary artery disease | 1 | Nitroglycerine | 119 ₽ |
2 | Rosuvastatin | 156 ₽ | |
The best means to improve the metabolism of the heart muscle | 1 | Trimetazidine | 43 ₽ |
2 | Meldonius | 243 ₽ | |
Best Supplements | 1 | Omega-3 1000 mg Evalar | 846 ₽ |
2 | Cardio Capilar with Coenzyme Q10 | 306 ₽ | |
3 | Doppelgerz VIP Cardio System 3 | 1 286 ₽ | |
Prevention Tips |
The best means for the prevention of blood clots
The ability of platelets to “stick together”, forming thrombi is a vital necessity for any living organism, without it we would die from bleeding due to the slightest scratch. But the same ability causes a heart attack or stroke. When an atherosclerotic plaque tire collapses, the body perceives this area of the vascular wall as damaged and forms a blood clot above it. The lumen of the vessel is sharply narrowed, which disrupts the normal blood flow and leads to the necrosis of the site that does not receive enough oxygen.
That is why drugs that reduce the ability of platelets to stick together - antiplatelet agents - are recommended for almost all patients with coronary heart disease, as well as those suffering from hypertension (this condition is a serious risk factor for heart attacks and strokes) and other risk factors for cardiovascular accidents. Moreover, if earlier it was thought that in case of a heart attack, nitroglycerin should be taken first, now it is first recommended to take an acetylsalicylic acid tablet, regular aspirin, which will slow down the formation of a blood clot.
Other conditions where blood clotting agents are vital are the presence of prosthetic heart valves or vascular walls (shunts). Any foreign body provokes the formation of a blood clot. If it occurs in a place with an active blood flow (heart valve), then after a while it comes off and moves through the body with blood flow until it blocks a small vessel, causing tissue necrosis. Having arisen on the site of the shunt, a thrombus, as a rule, remains in place and grows until it completely overlaps the vessel, causing a second heart attack.
The third among the most common reasons for prescribing drugs that reduce clotting is arrhythmias with atrial fibrillation. At the same time, a portion of the heart periodically stops contracting normally and synchronously, starting to “flutter”. The blood stagnates in the atrium, because of which a blood clot forms, which subsequently enters the bloodstream - according to statistics, with atrial fibrillation, the probability of a stroke increases 17 times. To prevent this from happening, doctors also recommend anticoagulants - a means of reducing clotting.
Most of the drugs described in this section of the rating can be deadly in case of overdose, so the doctor should prescribe them, and during the application periodically it is necessary to check the state of the coagulation system and, if necessary, adjust the dose of the drug. Therefore, we urge our readers not to try to be treated on their own.
Acetylsalicylic acid
Rating: 4.9
Trade names: Aspirin Cardio, Trombo-Ass, Cardiomagnyl, Acekardol, CardiASK.
In small dosages from 50 to 300 mg, this substance inhibits the “gluing” of erythrocytes - the first stage of the formation of a blood clot, and it is the blood clots that form above the cholesterol plaque that most often cause an attack of coronary heart disease. Therefore, acetylsalicylic acid is recommended both for the prevention of angina pectoris, heart attack, stroke, and in case of the already existing ischemic heart disease for the prevention of complications.
You can use acetylsalicylic acid for prophylaxis for people over 40 who have risk factors for cardiovascular diseases: obesity, diabetes, elevated plasma cholesterol elevated triglycerides, smoking, arterial hypertension.
As a rule, for the prevention of cardiovascular problems in people with risk factors, a minimum dose of 50-75 mg is recommended (depending on the specific trade name). If coronary heart disease has already been diagnosed, 100-150 mg of acetylsalicylic acid is prescribed per day. To prevent recurrent infarction, the dosage may increase to 300 mg (recommended by the doctor). The course of application can last for years and even become lifelong: since the life of a platelet is only 10 days, it is necessary to use drugs that change their properties.
Acetylsalicylic acid is not recommended for bleeding tendency during pregnancy.
- efficacy in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases confirmed by numerous studies;
- safety: over-the-counter medicine;
- low price.
- with prolonged use, you need to monitor the state of the gastrointestinal tract.
Rating: 4.8
Trade names: Plavix, Zilt, Klopidex.
Another tool that prevents "gluing" - aggregation - platelets. As a rule, it is recommended for people who have experienced acute coronary syndrome or a transient cerebral circulation disorder, both for the treatment of an acute condition and for the prevention of recurrent heart attack or stroke. Often, clopidogrel is combined with acetylsalicylic acid to increase efficiency: such therapy, according to research, reduces the risk of recurrent heart attacks by half.In addition, the tool is prescribed for atrial fibrillation to prevent blood clots.
Typically, therapy begins with a loading dose of 300 mg, then the drug is prescribed at a dosage of 75 mg per day. Courses for receiving clopidogrel are also quite long - from three months, but, unlike acetylsalicylic acid, it is usually not recommended to take it for life. In any case, this medicine is a prescription, the doctor must prescribe and cancel it.
Possible adverse effects:bleeding, impaired blood (neutropenia), headache, dizziness, abdominal pain, diarrhea, rash, itching.
Clopidogrel is contraindicated in the following conditions:age up to 18 years, pregnancy and lactation, any bleeding, liver failure, individual intolerance.
- proven to reduce mortality;
- proven efficacy in preventing heart attacks and strokes in atrial fibrillation;
- proven efficacy in preventing recurrent infarction.
- prescription drug.
Rating: 4.7
This drug acts not on platelets, but on special plasma proteins - coagulation factors, reducing their activity. It is prescribed for the treatment of acute thrombosis, in particular venous thrombus in case of thrombophlebitis, pulmonary thromboembolism, as well as for the prevention of thrombus formation in atrial fibrillation. For more than 60 years of use of warfarin in medicine - the first clinical results were obtained in 1955 - its advantages and disadvantages have been well studied and the tool has become a kind of “gold standard” of therapy, with which the effectiveness of other, newer drugs is compared.
Warfarin, figuratively speaking - “heavy artillery”, which is assigned to life-threatening situations. On the other hand, its very use can cause dangerous bleeding (occur in approximately 8% of patients), so it should be used under the supervision of a physician, once every 2 to 3 weeks monitoring the state of the coagulation system. With an overdose, warfarin is relatively simply neutralized by vitamin K.
Contraindications to the use of warfarin:first trimester of pregnancy, last 4 weeks of pregnancy, acute bleeding or hemorrhage of any origin, esophageal varicose veins, reduced platelet count, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, malignant hypertension, severe liver and kidney disease.
In addition, warfarin somehow interacts with a variety of medicines, including medicinal herbs: for example, the usual St. John's wort reduces its effectiveness and sage, on the contrary, increases the risk of bleeding. The list of drugs that somehow alter the activity of warfarin, without exaggeration, is huge, and it is simply impossible to bring it fully within the framework of the overview rating. Therefore, when applying this anticoagulant, the use of any other means, including folk remedies, will have to be coordinated with the attending physician (or, in extreme cases, be checked with the interaction table in the instructions for use).
Since warfarin is neutralized by vitamin K, it is necessary to follow a diet when taking it. Liver, Brussels sprouts, parsley, green onions, cucumbers, blueberries, broccoli, olive oil are excluded from the diet.
- time-tested tool;
- it is easily neutralized if necessary;
- extremely cheap.
- regular monitoring of the coagulation system is necessary;
- interacts with many drugs that may change its effectiveness;
- requires dietary restrictions.
Rating: 4.6
Appearing on the pharmaceutical market in 2011, this drug was the first real alternative to warfarin in the treatment of thrombembolia and the prevention of strokes in atrial fibrillation.It does not require constant monitoring of the blood coagulation system, which in itself is a huge advantage for both patients and doctors. That is what made us include the tool in the ranking of the best for the heart and blood vessels.
In addition, Xarelto is several times less identified drug interactions. It does not combine with the antifungal agent ketoconazole, antiviral retonavir and the antibiotic erythromycin - these drugs enhance the effect of Xarelto, which can lead to bleeding. The list of "prohibited" drugs ends. The medicine does not require a special diet.
On the other hand, Xarelto does not have a specific antidote, which can be a real danger for bleeding caused by overdose. In addition, all the benefits of the drug for most people in our country are ruined by its high price.
Contraindications:pregnancy and lactation, acute bleeding present, individual intolerance, conditions leading to an increased risk of bleeding: gastric or duodenal ulcer, malignant neoplasms, recent injuries, impaired liver function, etc., simultaneous administration of anticoagulants, age up to 18 years .
Xarelto is prescribed only by prescription!
- lack of drug interactions;
- does not require a long selection of the dosage;
- there is no need for frequent monitoring of the blood coagulation system;
- high price.
The best remedies for the treatment of hypertension
Increased pressure, or, in medical terms, arterial hypertension is a problem that affects up to 40% of women and 47% of men in our country. Increased is called the "upper" - systolic - pressure more than 140 mm.rt. St and / or "lower" - diastolic - more than 90 mm. Hg Art.
If in the last century it was believed that the most important thing was to “remove” a hypertensive crisis, and in itself stably increased pressure is relatively safe, then it has now been reliably established that even minor hypertension is dangerous in itself. Constantly increased pressure thickens the blood vessels, making them less elastic. Due to hardening of the vessels, renal function is impaired. Increased load on the heart muscle - after all, it has to overcome greater resistance - causes excessive growth of the myocardium. This condition is called left ventricular hypertrophy. In this case, the heart muscle begins to require more oxygen, and the lumen of the coronary vessels, at best, does not increase. As a result, hypertension increases the likelihood of cardiovascular accidents: heart attacks and strokes, which cause 55% of all deaths.
Since high pressure leads to adverse effects even with a slight increase, the concept of “working pressure” in medicine has ceased to be relevant, and the treatment of hypertension has become lifelong. Modern drugs "from pressure" are aimed at preventing the rise in blood pressure, and they should be taken constantly, adjusting the dose or combining it with others until a stable normal blood pressure is reached.
Hypertension cannot be “cured” once and for all, unless it is caused by overweight, an abnormal lifestyle, or excessive salt intake. But by constantly maintaining the pressure within the norm, one can avoid serious complications and reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular accidents. Most often, to achieve the target blood pressure, using only one medication, does not work, so the funds have to be combined.
Rating: 4.5
Trade names: Prestarium, Perineva, Coverex
It belongs to the class of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor agents. That is, perindopril blocks a particular enzyme that is involved in the synthesis of the hormone angiotensin II, which narrows blood vessels.
With constant use of perindopril helps to restore the elasticity of the vascular wall, reduces pressure in the capillaries of the lungs, reduces left ventricular hypertrophy, that is, excessive growth of myocardium. It improves the capillary blood circulation, and, therefore, the blood supply to the tissues, reduces the need of the heart muscle for oxygen. According to research, taking perindopril for 4 years reduces the risk of myocardial infarction by 19%.
It is applied one per day, which is very convenient for the patient. A stable result appears after a month of therapy, so at first it may be necessary to combine perindopril with fast-acting antihypertensive drugs, for example, captopril. If for some reason, the drug is stopped, withdrawal syndrome - a sharp increase in blood pressure - does not occur.
Available in tablets of 4 and 8 mg, it is recommended to start with 4 mg, if in a month blood pressure reduction is not enough, it is necessary to switch to a dosage of 8 mg. If perindopril is prescribed to patients who are already taking diuretics (diuretics), you should start with 2 mg, after 1 - 2 weeks switch to 4 mg, then act depending on the effect obtained.
Perindopril is contraindicated in: individual intolerance, pregnancy and breastfeeding (safety has not been studied), up to 18 years (safety has not been studied), a history of severe allergies to any ACE inhibitor (captopril, enalapril, lisinopril, etc.), bilateral stenosis (narrowing) renal arteries.
Possible side effects: dry cough, dry mouth abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, headache, skin rash, violation of sexual function.Perindopril is available on prescription.
- enough to take 1 time per day;
- prevents changes in the vascular wall and myocardium caused by elevated blood pressure;
- improves the condition in chronic heart failure.
- stable result is achieved only after a month of constant use;
- with a sharp rise in blood pressure acts too slowly.
Rating: 4.4
Trade names: Lorista, Lozap, Vazotenz, Kozaar, Lozarel.
It belongs to the group of drugs - angiotensin II receptor blockers, they are also angiotensin II antagonists.
Losartan is the first and most studied drug from this group. It protects the body against the action of the hormone angiotensin II. Expands overly constricted vessels reduces pressure in the capillaries of the lungs, protects against sodium retention and, as a result, water in the body. Reduces left ventricular hypertrophy. It protects the blood vessels of the kidneys from the effects of high blood pressure (has anti-sclerotic effect on the renal tissue). Improves the condition in chronic heart failure. According to research, when used for 5 years, losartran reduces the chance of a stroke by 25%.
The tool is taken 1 time per day, after the start of reception a stable effect is achieved after 3 - 6 weeks.
The recommended daily dose of 50 mg. People taking diuretics, or suffering from chronic heart failure, are recommended to start taking with 12.5 mg (a quarter of the tablet), increasing the dosage once a week.
Losartran is contraindicated: with individual intolerance, under the age of 18 years (efficacy and safety were not tested), during pregnancy and lactation, with dehydration, while reducing the level of potassium in the blood.
Possible side effects:nasal congestion, headache, fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, a sharp decrease in blood pressure when going from a prone position to a sitting position.
Sold by prescription.
- applied once a day;
- protects kidneys from complications of arterial hypertension;
- helps prevent left ventricular hypertrophy.
- stable effect is achieved only after several weeks of administration.
Rating: 4.3
Trade names: Dilatrend, Talliton, Carvidil, Acridilol.
Refers to the group of alpha - and beta-blockers. Blocks receptors for adrenaline, preventing vasoconstriction and promoting expansion of arterioles.
Carvedilol prevents myocardial hypertrophy. It has an antianginal effect, that is, it reduces the incidence of angina attacks. According to research data, the drug reduces the risk of death by 28% in patients with grade II and III heart failure. Contributes to the normalization of plasma lipid composition, reducing the amount of "bad" cholesterol. Stimulates the action of other antihypertensive drugs.
Carvedilol is recommended to be taken orally, 2 times a day. Begin with a dosage of 6.25 mg or half a tablet (only 12.5 mg per day), after 1 to 2 weeks the dosage is increased to 25 mg per day, if it is ineffective, after another 2 weeks you can increase the dose to 50 mg / day.
The tool is strictly contraindicated under the following conditions: individual intolerance, systolic, “upper” pressure below 87 mm Hg. Art., severe heart failure, marked slowing of the heart rate, cardiogenic shock, bronchial asthma, severe liver disease, arrhythmias: atrioventricular block 2–3 degrees, sinoatrial block, sick sinus syndrome.
Not recommended for use with vasospastic angina pectoris, diabetes mellitus, peripheral vascular disease, diabetes mellitus, pheochromocytoma, low sugar, hyperthyroidism, psoriasis, impaired renal function, age 18 years and over 65 years.
Possible side effects: dizziness, weakness, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, fainting circulatory disorders in the limbs, violation of the blood (decrease in the number of leukocytes, platelets), sleep disturbance dry mouth nausea, vomiting, nasal congestion, violation of urination.It is applied only by prescription.
- reduces the number of strokes.
- requires a gradual increase in dosage;
- a large number of restrictions on the application.
The best treatment for coronary artery disease
By and large, many drugs that could be mentioned in this section of the rating have already been described in detail in other parts. In the treatment of coronary heart disease are widely used and means that reduce blood viscosity - antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants; and antihypertensive drugs, among the effects of which are the ability to prevent ischemia attacks. As an additional therapy, they use drugs that improve the metabolism of the heart muscle, which we will mention below, and even dietary supplements. Therefore, in this section we want to dwell on drugs that are primarily associated with the treatment of IHD in the ordinary people: nitrates, in particular nitroglycerin, and means for normalizing the plasma lipid composition, that is, reducing the amount of "bad" cholesterol.
Rating: 4.2
Trade names: Nitromint, Nitrospray, Nitrokor, Nitrong, Sustak Forte, Trinitrolong.
This is perhaps the most famous "heart" means. Nitroglycerin has traditionally been used to eliminate or prevent chest pain. Acute pain in coronary heart disease occurs due to impaired blood flow and lack of oxygen. Expanding the vessels of the heart, nitroglycerin restores blood flow and relieves pain.
In order to remove an attack that has already happened, the remedy is used in a high-speed form. It can be tablets that are placed under the tongue - so they enter the bloodstream after 1.5 minutes, bypassing the liver - or sprays, which are sprayed, again, under the tongue. The duration of the effect of quick action forms does not exceed 30 minutes.
Long-acting nitroglycerin can be either in tablets or in the form of an ointment, which begins to act after half an hour and lasts up to 6 hours; or a patch with a duration of 18, 24 or even 32 hours.Nitroglycerin in similar forms, as well as any long-acting nitrates, is often addictive, because of which their effectiveness decreases. Therefore, when applying ointments and patches, it is recommended to remove them at night so that during this period the drug in the body is absent and sensitivity to it is restored. For the same reason, nitroglycerin is usually recommended not for permanent use, but before possible physical or emotional stress.
The most frequent side effects of using nitroglycerin are headache, flushing and orthostatic hypotension, that is, a sharp decrease in pressure when going from a prone position to a standing position.
Nitroglycerin is contraindicated in:reduced pressure, myocardial infarction with systolic blood pressure below 90 mm. Hg Art., HR less than 50 beats per minute, hemorrhage in the brain, increased intracranial pressure, toxic pulmonary edema, pregnancy, breast-feeding.
It is released without a prescription.Virtues
- famous. long-proven drug practice
- over-the-counter leave
- low price.
- with uncontrolled intake can dramatically reduce the pressure
- with constant use, the efficiency decreases.
Rating: 4.1
Trade names: Roxera, Crestor, Rosukard, Rosulip, Merten, Tevastor.
Belongs to the group of statins - drugs that reduce the activity of cholesterol synthesis by the liver.
In addition to directly blocking the enzyme involved in the synthesis of the direct precursor of cholesterol, rosuvastatin increases the uptake from the blood and the destruction of cholesterol by the liver cells. Thus, the content of "bad" cholesterol (low density and very low density lipoproteins, triglycerides) decreases, which slows down the progression of atherosclerosis, and, consequently, the narrowing of the coronary (and not only) vessels.
During the clinical use of the drug - since 2003 - rosuvastatin has become one of the most studied statins, which made us include it in the rating of the best drugs for the heart and blood vessels.
Rosuvastatin can be prescribed both to people with already existing coronary artery disease, and those with plasma cholesterol increased clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis, such as coronary artery disease or impaired cerebral circulation, not yet. Recommend the drug and patients with diabetes, as this disease is also often accompanied by increased levels of cholesterol and atherosclerosis.
According to studies, the regular use of rosuvastatin allows a 40% reduction in the number of cholesterol plaques in the carotid coronary and other large arteries, but this effect is manifested no earlier than after 9 months of administration.
Rosuvastatin begin to be applied with a dosage of 5 or 10 mg per day, after 4 weeks, depending on the effect achieved, the dosage can be increased to the recommended dosage of 20 mg per day. In severe cases, you can bring the dose up to 40 mg, but this is fraught with an increase in the number of adverse events.
It should be noted that Rosuvastatin is involved in a large number of drug interactions. For example, when applied simultaneously with clopidogrel (which, as you remember, is often used in the treatment of coronary artery disease), its effect is enhanced almost 2 times. And when used simultaneously with hormonal contraceptives, rosuvastatin increases the activity of the latter by almost a third. All these aspects are detailed in the instructions for use and must be considered when taking the medicine.
No cost and no side effects.Rosuvastatin can trigger the development of such conditions as: type 2 diabetes, headache, dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, constipation, muscle pain, the appearance of protein in the urine.
Strongly contraindicated drug for:pregnancy, acute and exacerbation of chronic liver diseases, myopathies, severe renal failure, excessive alcohol consumption.
Rosuvastatin must be prescribed by a doctor and must be sold by prescription.
- proven to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood plasma by 40-50% (efficacy depends on the dose);
- helps to reduce the number of atherosclerotic plaques.
- efficacy changes when combined with other medications,
- relatively high incidence of adverse events.
The best means to improve the metabolism of the heart muscle
In this section of the rating, we included products from different pharmacological groups, united by one common feature - they reduce the sensitivity of the heart muscle to oxygen deficiency and improve metabolic processes.
Rating: 4.0
Trade names: Preductal, Predizim, Deprenorm, Rimecor.
Optimizes metabolism and muscle cell function of the heart and nerve cells of the brain. Translates them to a more rational use of incoming oxygen, protects against oxidative stress that occurs during ischemia. With regular use (at least 2 weeks) reduces the frequency of strokes, increases resistance to physical exertion, levels blood pressure drops.
Mentioned in clinical guidelines for the treatment of coronary artery disease.
Trimetazidine is recommended to take 1 tablet (20 mg) 2 or 3 times a day.
The tool is quite safe - from allergic reactions, allergic reactions are possible, rarely - headache, palpitations.
Contraindicated in pregnancy, breastfeeding, children under 18 years, as for obvious reasons, it is impossible for these groups of people to conduct a study of efficacy and safety. In addition, it is not recommended for use in severe impaired liver and kidney function.
- reduces the frequency of heart attacks
- reduces the need for nitrates in patients with IHD,
- contributes to the normalization of blood pressure.
- prescription drug.
Rating: 3.9
Trade names: Mildronat, Meldony Organic, Idrinol
After the doping scandal, when this tool was “outlawed” in big-time sports, many people forgot that originally meldonium (known as Mildronate in Russia) was developed for people with cardiovascular diseases: it increases the resistance of the heart muscle to oxygen deficiency. Meldony improves metabolism in the heart muscle (and other striated muscles too), improves exercise tolerance, contributes to a better resistance to stress, increase efficiency, reduces the symptoms of both physical and psychological overstrain.
It can be recommended both to healthy people for prophylactic purposes, and as part of complex therapy of coronary heart disease, chronic disorders of cerebral circulation.
Apply 500 mg 2 times a day. The prophylactic course of 10–14 days, with increased physical exertion, can be extended up to 21 days; as part of complex therapy, the course of use is 4–6 weeks.
Not recommended for children under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating as safety has not been studied.
- wide spectrum of action - it can be taken not only “for the heart”, but also for increasing the efficiency.
- prescription drug.
Best Supplements
These funds are designed to supply the body with substances. which can positively affect the state of the vessels and the heart. but it comes from food in extremely small quantities or does not come at all. These can be vitamins, microelements, vitamin-like substances (unlike vitamins, they can be synthesized by the body, but not in such quantities to compensate for the deficiency), coenzymes (substances that regulate the activity of enzymes), and others.
Omega-3 1000 mg Evalar
Rating: 3.8
Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are most often mentioned in the context of prevention of cardiovascular diseases.Indeed, these substances have such effects as:
- hypocholesterolemic - help reduce plasma cholesterol levels;
- hypotriglyceridemic - regulate the amount of plasma fat;
- antiatherogenic - contribute to the prevention of atherosclerosis;
- antithrombogenic - normalizes blood clotting, preventing the formation of blood clots in the area of cholesterol plaques and blockage of blood vessels;
- vasodilating (hypotensive) - contribute to the relaxation of smooth muscles of the vascular wall, the expansion of the lumen of blood vessels and lower blood pressure;
- anti-inflammatory — in order to start to form cholesterol plaque, a local inflammatory focus is needed on the section of the vascular wall — only under this condition can cholesterol penetrate the inner shell of the vessel (endothelium) into the deeper layers, forming plaque;
- antiarrhythmic,
- cardioprotective.
But beyond that, Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids have other effects. They are involved in the formation of cells of the nervous tissue and retina, increase the quality of sleep in children and adults, help reduce the manifestations of depression, regulate the work of the immune system. Some studies confirm the positive effect of omega-3 PUFAs in autoimmune diseases and atopic dermatitis.
The American Heart Association recommends that healthy people use at least 500 mg of Omega-3 PUFAs daily, while American cardiologists advise people with existing coronary heart disease to take at least 1000 mg of Omega-3 PUFAs daily. The Russian Rospotrebnadzor considers that a healthy person needs from 800 to 1600 mg of Omega-3 per day.
Oval-3 production Evalar contains 1000 mg of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which allows to fill the daily need according to both international and domestic recommendations with just one capsule per day. Those who decide to follow the advice of American cardiologists and maintain the health of the heart and blood vessels, using 500 mg of omega-3, can be taken by capsule every other day.
- convenient dosage;
- low price.
- not.
Cardio Capilar with Coenzyme Q10
Rating: 3.7
The basis of this tool - dihydroquercetin, a biologically active substance of plant origin (bioflavonoid). In addition, the drug contains ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10), vitamin C and selenium.
Dihydroquercetin has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, helps to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol. It improves microcirculation - blood flow in the capillaries, contributing to the normalization of blood circulation in the heart muscle. In combination with vitamin C increases the strength and elasticity of the vascular wall.
Selenium not only protects the body from stress, but also has antioxidant properties. According to some studies, with selenium deficiency in the body, the likelihood of developing coronary heart disease increases by 70%.
Coenzyme Q10 is involved in the energy production of cells, stabilizes cell membranes, supports the activity of enzymes necessary for the normal functioning of myocardial cells. It has an antiarrhythmic effect, slows down the development of atherosclerosis.
Take 1 tablet 3 times a day. Course duration 1 - 2 months.
Not recommended for children under 14 years of age, pregnant and lactating as a safety study on these groups was not conducted.
- complex action can be taken not only for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. but also to increase resistance to physical and emotional stress.
- the need to take 2 tablets per day.
Doppelgerz VIP Cardio System 3
Rating: 3.6
Complex of biologically active substances: vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. In order for substances entering it to interact with each other in an optimal way, they were divided into 3 types of capsules: morning, afternoon, evening.
We will not list the functions of all twenty components that make up the dietary supplement, we will focus only on some of them:
Magnesium, mineral - "Anti-stress." Regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, energy supply cardiac muscle, helps to relax vascular smooth muscle (improve blood flow). Affects clotting, preventing increased thrombosis.
Folic acid - necessary for the growth and development of all organs and tissues, especially - for blood cell formation.
Vitamin B1 - is involved in almost all metabolic reactions, it is necessary for normal operation muscle heart. central nervous system.
Vitamin B12 - affects blood formation, regulates blood coagulation processes
Lecithin - a component cell membranes and nervous tissue, contributes to the normalization of fat metabolism, improves the cardiovascular system.
Omega-3 Polyunsaturated fatty acids, the positive impact of which on the body, we have described in detail above. It should be noted that the drug contains 450 mg of omega-3, which is suitable for healthy people, but not enough for those who already suffer from cardiovascular diseases.
Vitamin E - powerful antioxidant that slows aging, protecting cells from the action of active forms oxygen, which are formed as during intoxication (especially exposure to heavy metals), and in ischemia (insufficient blood supply).
Vitamin C - makes the walls of blood vessels more durable.
Selenium is another powerful antioxidant. Also increases the body's resistance to stress.
A total of 84 capsules per package, 3 for each type, that is, for 28 days. The recommended course duration is 2 months.
- magnesium, selenium provide protection from stress;
- multi-component composition provides support to the body in several ways.
- non-optimal dosage of omega-3;
- the need to take pills 3 times a day;
- high price.
Prevention Tips
Finishing our rating of drugs for the heart and blood vessels, we cannot fail to note - according to WHO experts, human health is only 20% dependent on the development of medicine, including the drugs that it takes, and 80% the result of lifestyle. Here are their recommendations for those who want to preserve the health of the heart and blood vessels for a long time.
Limit salt intake to 5g per day. Excess salt retains fluid, which in turn entails an increase in blood pressure and stress on the heart. Excess salt can be ingested with foods such as canned food, convenience foods, sausages, pickles, pickles.
Move at least 150 minutes a week (a little longer than 20 minutes a day). It is not necessary to work out in the gym until exhaustion - the concept of “moving” includes walking, cycling, household chores, active games with children.
Try to keep the weight in the normal range. This means that the value defined by the formula: weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters should not be below 18.5 and above 24.99. Both deficiency and overweight increase the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases.
Watch for blood pressure. Blood pressure above 140/90 is a risk factor for coronary heart disease. If your family does not have hypertension, measure pressure at least once every six months. If your parents are suffering from this disease, keep a blood pressure monitor at home and measure your blood pressure regularly. Referring to the doctor for advice, remember - modern drugs "from pressure" are not aimed at trying to "bring down" already high blood pressure, but are designed to prevent it from increasing. Therefore, they are taken constantly, every day, for life.
If, despite the observance of these recommendations, the heart still begins to cause you concern, do not self-medicate, consult a doctor!
Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.