14 best lip fillers

Modern fillers allow not only to increase the volume of the lips, but also to make them younger and more seductive. This is the best option for girls who are not satisfied with the shape of the skin-muscular folds, and women in age. It is important to responsibly approach the choice of funds, otherwise you can exacerbate the situation. We learn how to choose the right filler, and what manufacturers are praised by experienced cosmetologists.

How to choose a filler

Preparations for lip augmentation are synthetic and biological. The latter are distinguished by safety and short-term effect. It is worth entrusting the selection of the filler to your cosmetologist or plastic surgeon.

The choice of filler depends on the following factors:

  1. introduction technique;
  2. the presence of cosmetic defects;
  3. list of contraindications;
  4. the number of previous procedures to increase.

Today, drugs based on phosphorus and calcium, hyaluronic acid, are especially popular. They have a minimum of side effects and perfectly take root, actively retaining moisture. Some cosmetologists choose injections with collagen, polylactic acid.

Independently to increase lips by means of the filler is forbidden. Even after a quality procedure, it is important to follow all the recommendations of a specialist.

Some prices for fillers seem exorbitant. Firstly, high cost is a subjective concept for every customer, and secondly, there are products in the assortment of companies that are quite affordable for girls with a modest budget.

It remains only to choose your favorite option. This will help in the rating of drugs that qualitatively correct the shape of the lips. Knowledge of modern fillers will be a significant advantage for an ordinary girl who will come to a consultation for the first time.

Top lip fillers rating

Nomination a place Name of product price
The best collagen based lip fillers      1 Artefill      -
     2 Cymetra      4 800 ₽
     3 Zyderm      9 500 ₽
The best hyaluronic acid lip fillers      1 Revolax deep      2 800 ₽
     2 Dermafill lips      6 300 ₽
     3 Yvoire Volume      4 200 ₽
     4 Surgiderm 30 XP      9 100 ₽
     5 Restylane Perlane      8 446 ₽
     6 Teosyal kiss      15 470 ₽
     7 Croma princess volume      3 300 ₽
     8 Allergan Juvederm Ultra Smile      7 990 ₽
     9 Belotero intense      16 500 ₽
The best lip fillers based on polylactic acid      1 Sculptra 18 000 ₽
     2 Esthefill 12 000 ₽

The best collagen based lip fillers

The filler is produced from animal or human collagen. The result lasts about six months.


Rating: 4.9


The filters are produced by Artes Medical. Biogel has been used in Europe for over 10 years. He received approval from the US Department of Health. The main components are polymethyl methacrylate and bovine collagen. They contribute to smoothing wrinkles, improving skin elasticity, giving the lips volume. The formula includes lidocaine for a painless procedure.

The duration of the effect is from six months to five years. Pleases the absence of sodium chloride in the composition, provoking a severe swelling. Reviews of the drug mainly approving. In rare cases, patients have allergies to animal collagen. Price - from 6000 rubles.


  • instant effect;
  • result up to several years;
  • speed of the procedure (about 15 minutes);
  • reasonable price;
  • ease of use;
  • proven safety.


  • no serious cons.


Rating: 4.8


Filler "Saymetra" is available in the United States. Its main substance is made from donor tissue of people, carefully selected on the basis of allografts. Sold in the form of powder, which requires dissolution and is enclosed in a syringe. Beauticians note the high performance of the filler, a long and excellent effect. They argue that the material is well acclimatized and eliminates the appearance of aging in the lips.

As a result of the procedure, the regenerative process is stimulated in the tissues, its own collagen is produced, and the elasticity of the dermis is restored. Compared with other fillers on the market, Saymetra is an effective and affordable means with a minimum set of contraindications and side effects. The price of one dose is 5-6 thousand rubles.


  • adequate price;
  • thoughtful composition;
  • minimum of adverse events and prohibitions;
  • stimulation of own collagen;
  • tissue regeneration.


  • not.


Rating: 4.7


Unlike previous rating participants, Zyderm contains sodium chloride. This causes frequent edema after the procedure. The composition of the drug is animal collagen, extracted from cowhide. Filler saves the result for 4-6 months. An improvement in the condition of the dermis is observed immediately after the injection.

The filler is actively used with an insufficient volume of lips, light superficial wrinkles. He has several contraindications, including open wounds, the period of pregnancy and lactation, the acute phase of chronic diseases. The cost range for the introduction procedure is in the range of 6500-15000 rubles. "Zyderm" is used in more than 35 countries.


  • acceptable durability;
  • instant result;
  • proven effectiveness;
  • increases lips and smooths fine lines;
  • convenience of the procedure.


  • high risk of side effects;
  • The duration of the procedure is about 1 hour.

The best hyaluronic acid lip fillers

The best fillers are preparations based on hyaluronic acid, which is part of the connective tissue. The substance improves skin condition, gives the desired volume and is famous for its long-lasting result.

Revolax deep

Rating: 4.9

Revolax deep

The main advantages of the filler are ease of use, no side effects and instant effect. It is used for different parts of the face, often injected into the lip area. Beauticians choose the product for high elasticity and the presence of lidocaine - a powerful anesthetic that provides no pain.

The composition includes a special hyaluronic acid, eliminating the occurrence of edema, peeling and inflammation. Especially suitable for women after 40 years of age. Filler perfectly removes vertical creases and wrinkles in the corners of the mouth. The correction by the cosmetologist is carried out once every six months. The effect lasts up to 12 months. Price for 1.1 ml - from 2300 rubles.


  • procedure without pain;
  • natural result for a year;
  • giving an accurate shape;
  • optimal price;
  • correction of wrinkles and creases.


  • not.

Dermafill lips

Rating: 4.8

Dermafill lips

The second place ranking belongs to the drug, which includes high-molecular hyaluronate. The filler is introduced into the dermis to give volume and modeling of the lip contour. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed out, the moisturizing of the cover improves.

In the production of the drug uses a unique technology Time-X, eliminating excessive incorrect effect. It guarantees the durability of the result up to 9 months and ensures the purity of the product. The period of splitting passes gradually. Price - from 6300 rubles.


  • uniform splitting;
  • no obvious side effects;
  • contour modeling;
  • wrinkle removal;
  • protection from dehydration.


  • no serious cons.

Yvoire Volume

Rating: 4.7

Yvoire Volume

Korean drug is suitable for solving serious cosmetic problems.The high content of hyaluronate helps to correct difficult defects and shows decent performance on a par with the fillers of French and German manufacturers. Cosmetologists note the convenient design of the syringe, which ideally lies in the palm of your hand. The drug is perfectly injected under the skin and does not cause bruising. He gets to the right place without problems. Swelling in the morning is minimal.

Some patients tolerate the procedure without anesthesia. The effect lasts on the lips up to 9 months. Pleases the best combination of price and quality. Cost per 1 ml - from 4700 rubles.


  • adequate price tag;
  • beautiful result for a long time;
  • good lip moisturizing;
  • plastic and easy to use;
  • minimum side effects;
  • modern production technologies;
  • approval of many professionals.


  • not found.

Surgiderm 30 XP

Rating: 4.6

Surgiderm 30 XP

Natural remedy from the French company has a high rate of decay. It is effective in treating many cosmetic problems. Surgiderm 30 XP is based on synthetic hyaloranate. It is completely hypoallergenic. Filler suits most customers and provides fast quality results. It is easily introduced due to the comfortable plastic consistency.

This is the best choice to increase the volume of the lips. The filler gives them a sophisticated natural shape. It is allowed from the age of 18 and is one of the most resistant products. Judging by the reviews, the next three days the lower part of the face does not look too nice. However, soon everything passes. The price is 11,000 rubles.


  • comfortable consistency;
  • competent composition;
  • many recommendations of cosmetologists;
  • ease of use;
  • high resistance (up to a year);
  • prick tolerance.


  • side effects in the form of edema.

Restylane Perlane

Rating: 4.5

Restylane Perlane

Next in the ranking is a Swedish product with a lasting effect. The main components are sodium chloride and hyaluronate. The filler has medium thickness and is easily inserted. The result is visible for one year. Restylane is great for intensely moisturizing and rejuvenating the skin. It does not dry and does not tighten the epidermis.

Beauticians choose it for a quick introduction, visible smoothing of wrinkles and an excellent composition. It is worth considering that for several days, swelling and discomfort in the lips are possible. Price - 6700 rubles.


  • quick procedure;
  • effect for a year;
  • intensely moisturizes and nourishes;
  • good composition.


  • the presence of sodium chloride.

Teosyal kiss

Rating: 4.4

Teosyal kiss

A highly concentrated drug with a viscous gel consistency is well perceived by the cells and is often used for fading of the skin, lip asymmetry. Teosial Kiss provokes bruising around the lips and severe swelling. Therefore, you should not plan important events for the next 3-4 days. Typically, these symptoms bother patients after the first increase.

But the drug perfectly fights dehydration, dryness and peeling. It nourishes and moisturizes the dermis. Girls delighted with plump sexy lips, clear contour. They note that the injection itself is accompanied by pain. Price for 2 ampoules of 1 ml - 11,000 rubles.


  • beautiful plump lips;
  • fight against peeling;
  • effect for a long time.


  • severe side effects;
  • pain of drug administration.

Croma princess volume

Rating: 4.3

Croma princess volume

The preparation Princess volume is based on a unique technology and contains a large amount of hyaluronic acid. It has a high level of digestibility and makes lips more seductive. The filler is called "air", because it gives a delicate moderate volume and has a light texture. The final result can be seen after 5 days.

Judging by the reviews, the gel does not form lumps over time, behaves well and does not migrate. The injection itself is accompanied by unpleasant sensations - burning, pain and a feeling of distention. Swelling and bruising after the procedure is not observed. Price for 1 ml - 3400 rubles.


  • affordable price;
  • almost no bad reviews;
  • no unpleasant side effects;
  • light texture;
  • well digested and does not form cones;
  • well increases the volume;
  • effect up to 18 months.


  • unpleasant procedure.

Allergan Juvederm Ultra Smile

Rating: 4.2

Allergan Juvederm Ultra Smile

The filler from the American brand is created from biostentized hyalo. The auxiliary components are phosphate buffer and lidocaine. They relieve pain and promote better penetration of the active substance.

The use of the gel minimizes the manifestation of allergies. The product is recommended by many specialists in the field of plastic surgery and cosmetology. Filler increases and changes the shape of the lips for the better. The price of the product is entirely consistent with the quality. We are pleased with the long-lasting result, the excellent quality of the product and the hypoallergenic formula. Allergan Juvederm Ultra Smile costs about 9 thousand rubles.


  • safe composition;
  • lip swelling;
  • long lasting effect;
  • excellent shape correction.


  • within 2-3 days there are unpleasant symptoms:
  • high cost.

Belotero intense

Rating: 4.2

Belotero intense

Germanic filler has an excellent quality and a dense gel base. It is successfully used to correct the shape of skin-muscle folds, complex defects. “Belotero Intens” is preferable to use during the holidays, as the lips on the day after the injection swell strongly. Perhaps the appearance of bruises. The final result is visible after 10 days.

In general, clients of the salons are satisfied with new lips. They note that the appeared lumps dissolve in 10-15 days. The effect lasts for 6 months. After that, the injection must be repeated. For half a year one syringe of 1 ml volume is enough. It costs 6400 rubles.


  • skin rejuvenation;
  • quick result;
  • spectacular lips in total;
  • corrects natural symmetry;
  • safe composition.


  • the need for the procedure after 6 months;
  • severe swelling and bruising;
  • painful injection

The best lip fillers based on polylactic acid

Injections with a filler based on polylactic acid are less commonly used for lip surgery. With the introduction of this substance can cause an allergic reaction. The principle of action is based on the active stimulation of the production of natural collagen.


Rating: 4.9


The drug was created by French experts more than 10 years ago. As a result of its introduction, a noticeable rejuvenation of the skin occurs. The tool perfectly keeps the shape of the lips and is well perceived by the body. It has few side effects. The effect of the substance is confirmed by clinical studies. According to test results, it was proved that two injections provoke an increase in collagen production by an average of 35%.

Salon clients call the result after the introduction of the Sculptra "fantastic." They note that as a result of using the filler there is no edema or discomfort. The volume of the lips is exactly the one that was planned. Price for 2 ampoules of 5 ml - 12,400 rubles.


  • wrinkle removal;
  • visible increase in lip volume;
  • no side effects;
  • approved by dermatologists.


  • not.


Rating: 4.8


Next in the ranking is the Korean injection volumizing agent of glycolic and polylactic acid. It keeps the volume of tissues for a long time due to filling with natural protein. As a result, wrinkles are reduced, skin laxity decreases. This is the best choice for narrow lips, folds in the corners of the mouth.

The drug has few contraindications and completely decomposes after a short period. It is safe to use and approved by many experts. You can buy a filler for the price of 4-6 thousand rubles.The kit includes an ampoule with a substance for injection.


  • effect for 24 months;
  • proven safety;
  • filling the voids with natural collagen;
  • copes with deep wrinkles;
  • short recovery period.


  • no serious cons

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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