14 best balancers for winter fishing
Top best balancers for winter fishing
Nomination | a place | Name of product | price |
The best balance on the perch | 1 | Nils Master Jigger-2 | 445 ₽ |
2 | Kuusamo Tasapaino X-Pro | 384 ₽ | |
3 | Aqua Jig-2 Trapper | 240 ₽ | |
4 | Rapala w7 | 490 ₽ | |
5 | Salmo Lucky John 6 | 80 ₽ | |
6 | Dixxon "Black Death" | 199 ₽ | |
The best balancers on pike | 1 | Scorana ICE FOX 55 | 198 ₽ |
2 | Nils Master Nisa 50 | 388 ₽ | |
3 | RAPALA JIGGING RAP | 160 ₽ | |
4 | Lucky John Pro Series Mebaru 67 | 475 ₽ | |
5 | Nils Master Jigging Shad | 258 ₽ | |
The best balancers on zander | 1 | Kuusamo Tasapaino 75 mm | 501 ₽ |
2 | Scorana Ice Crystal Mark 2 (80 mm) | 293 ₽ | |
3 | Lucky John Fin | 134 ₽ |
The best balance on the perch
Nils Master Jigger-2
Rating: 4.9
The beautiful and very strong balance sheet from the Finnish company is the first contender for the title of the best in the rating. Its main feature is the presence of an elongated tee, necessary in the case of using the model as a normal vertical (vertical lure). In general, the Jigger-2 is distinguished by a 70-mm body and an unhurried, more mannered game, equally attractive for both perch and pike at that time, which is passive. However, by the will of inexplicable things, the main catch of the model is mostly a nimble predator.
There are 28 color options in the assortment of this balancer, each of which in one way or another has a similarity to the reflectors of light (sparkles, grooved, etc.). Thanks to the use of these constructive details, the effect of wiring is enhanced twice, and affects even those predators that are at a considerable distance. Separately, it is worth highlighting the possibility of penetration of the Jigger-2 at 14 meters, which is an unattainable value for competitive models.
- luring effect of the posting is complemented by the effect of glare from the coloring;
- low cost;
- quality performance;
- possibility to go deeper by 14 meters;
- 28 options for color schemes;
- the presence of an elongated tee to use the balancer as a vertical spoon.
- not found.
Kuusamo Tasapaino X-Pro
Rating: 4.8
Timeless classics that can leave out of work the latest developments from famous competitors. Kuusamo Tasapaino X-Pro is a very high-quality version of the percum balancer, using alternative design parameters for the benefit of increasing the catch. The main difference of this model from the others is the "cast" connection of the shank and the body - the so-called plastic plumage smoothly passes into the base metal. In addition to the lack of an obvious trace of gluing and sharp transitions of the diameter, such a step allows to achieve a gradient from bright red to the current color of the calf.
According to anglers, Kuusamo Tasapaino X-Pro models with a length of 50 millimeters are the most suitable for catching perch. They are moderately brisk, extremely beautiful, and are able to withstand significant loads on the hooks. However, in some cases, it is these balancers that attract the pike, and moreover it is quite large. And if the model itself can withstand the onslaught of a predator without any problems, the fishing line often breaks, leading to the loss of the bait. And, considering its high cost, this is a significant blow to the angler's wallet.
- very high-quality finish calf;
- a huge number of colors (more than 20 pieces);
- the tail is poured into the metal case;
- uniform game with the possibility of acceleration / deceleration.
- attracts the attention of the trophy pike, which leads to frequent loss of balancer to the initial costs.
Aqua Jig-2 Trapper
Rating: 4.8
The product of the production of the domestic company, based in the city of St. Petersburg, caught in the rating due to the tremendous efficiency when catching perches. Equipped with base tee No. 10, Trapper is able to dive to depths of up to 8 meters, provoking pikes with pike-perch that are more sluggish in winter. However, due to the heightened activity of the movement, when wiring the main “audience” of the bite, it is just perches.
From the point of view of design, the Aqua Jig-2 Trapper can be called beautiful - it is very good for homemade spinners. There is no such abundance of colors, like, say, Kuusamo or Rapala, however, even without them, anglers manage to show a good catch. In combination with local advantages, this balance bar is the cheapest in the selection, which is another reason for inclusion in the common top. True, this moment has a small nuance: in view of its cheapness, some batches of the model were delivered to the market with a defect in the rear hook. He expressed extreme fragility - it could even be bent and blunt against a crust of ice. Fortunately, that lack was one of a kind, and craftsmen have already adapted themselves to eliminate it by soldering or local hardening.
- the lowest price in the segment;
- active game with characteristic diving and planning;
- nice design;
- high efficiency of catching on domestic reservoirs.
- marriage on the back single hook.
Rapala w7
Rating: 4.7
The 70-mm version of the catchy Rapala balancer is a rather expensive but high-quality model for catching perch and pike throughout the winter period. In a similar Kuusamo Tasapaino X-Pro manner, the plastic shank of the W7 is monolithically soldered to the body, exposing the wide side wings to give a more interesting movement during wiring.
With a length of 70 millimeters, this balance weight weighs 18 grams, providing a smooth dive to depths of up to 8 meters inclusive. In this case, the tail performs the function of the balancer, alternately tilting the bait in one direction or the other. With this movement, an important role is given to the color spectrum, mainly bright, with smooth gradient transitions from one color to another. As for the total number of colors, there are more than 50 of them here - and absolutely every one of them shows itself perfectly during wiring. The average Rapala W7 price is 450 rubles, which makes it one of the most expensive in this collection.
- smooth movement in the water column;
- a huge number of colors in stock (over 50 pieces);
- possibility of care to a depth of 8 meters;
- very high quality performance.
- high price.
Salmo Lucky John 6
Rating: 4.6
“Kid” Lucky John 6 is a worthy representative of balancers for catching perch in the winter season, the peak of which falls on December and January. It can go down to a depth of 6 meters, from where pike and pike go very well, although mostly small. The main factor in the effective operation of the model is the combination of color and movement. In the assortment of the "sixth" almost all schemes are a combination of bright colors that are clearly visible at great depths. In addition, the body has a certain relief - albeit not the most realistic, but sufficient to ensure glare on the sides.
As for the movement, Salmo Lucky John 6 supports active play throughout the posting. The balancer can “explode”, slow down a little, but generally show a pace close to the summer one. It is for this reason that the main "danger" for the bait comes from a more brisk perch than from pike and pike perch that are passive at that time. Adds "sparkles" and the presence of a drop on the tee, performing the luring function at the time of the vertical immersion of the fish to a depth.It is inexpensive, but provides excellent conditions for effective catching and display of fair individual skill.
- large depth horizon (up to 6 meters);
- interesting colors in combination with the relief of the calf;
- an active game that attracts the attention of all predators of the reservoir;
- low cost
- somewhat careless design.
Dixxon "Black Death"
Rating: 4.5
It is not known, in honor of which the “Black Death” balancer from the Dixxon company received such a name, but neither in the original coloring nor in the form is there even a hint of this or that aspect. It is an elongated two-color imitation of a fish of an extremely simple design, made of a rather heavy metal alloy. With a length of 65 millimeters, the weight of the model is 18 grams, which gives it not only a good load, but also has a certain effect on the game during wiring.
In general, the Black Death movement resembles a dimensional balanced circling with smooth swaying in different planes. Such a slow game is very appealing to predatory fish during the fasting period, since it is often unable to keep pace with the brisk little things. Here, attacks happen very often, the good thing is that the equipment with good hooks practically does not give descents. The main prey of this balancer are perch, but there are also frequent cases of catching pike perch and even a trophy pike.
- low price;
- uniform, quiet movement, suitable for catching fish from ice;
- acceptable quality body kit;
- optimal weight for a given form.
- untidy decoration with sharp and uneven color transitions.
The best balancers on pike
Scorana ICE FOX 55
Rating: 4.9
Scorana ICE FOX 55 is a universal balancer suitable for catching passive pike during different periods of the winter season. It is distinguished by excellent stability of the game, regardless of the depth and speed of the flow, which is important for provoking an inactive predator to perform such an energy-consuming function. The main emphasis in coloring this bait was made on realistic, bordering on the selection of bright provocative colors. So, fishermen note the combination of a spotty green body with a red plastic tail, which causes aggression (or interest) of fish even when moving at a considerable distance.
The length of the Scorana ICE FOX 55, as you can guess, is 55 millimeters, with a mass equal to 10 grams. These indicators allow the balancer to remain in the upper horizon of the reservoir, and dive to a considerable depth. And it is recommended to do this in the middle of the season - at this time the predator focuses on dredging. Among the other advantages of the model, it is possible to distinguish the presence of simulated scales throughout the body, as well as a high-quality body kit that provides a good hold in any situation.
- optimal combination of price and build quality;
- stable, unhurried game during wiring, suitable for catching a slow predator;
- realistic colors, causing interest from the river fish.
- not found.
Nils Master Nisa 50
Rating: 4.8
Nils Master Nisa 50 is a model that successfully plays with the shape of a well-fed sluggish fry. With a length of 50 millimeters, its mass is 12 grams, which is an excellent overall balance, not least important for an attractive game. Due to the action of stabilizing lateral fins, when wiring this “baby” makes very smooth and measured movements, clearly demonstrating vulnerability to a striking attack. However, for the sake of playing on the predator's reflexes, Nisa is able to "explode", adequately responding to the acceleration of the wiring and leading the intended trophy to a kind of affective state. Further actions - the case of exceptional technology.
In the assortment of the model range of the balancer there are 16 colors, each of which differs in brightness and abundance of gradient transitions. In addition, the model's only abdominal tee has a drop to attract fish in the early phase of diving into the hole. The only drawback of the Nisa 50 is expressed in high prices, contrasting with compact dimensions.
- great game with the possibility of a sharp change of pace;
- a sharp tee with a bright lure drop;
- 16 colors in the range of the line;
- optimal sizes for pike, perch and pikeperch fishing;
- high quality production.
- high price for the model.
Rating: 4.8
One of the largest series of balancers from the Latvian company Rapala, which includes just six sample sizes. However, as in all rulers, for fishing for pike (from small to trophy), the most preferred models are 70 and 90 millimeters. Their mass is 18 and 25 grams, respectively, which determines the healthy interest of the toothed predator and pikeperch, popular in domestic water bodies.
In general, the movement of Jigging Rap is reduced to the graduated writing of loops and a smooth return to a calm state. Such a change of rhythm somewhat confuses the attacking fish, taking it by surprise. This explains the extremely high efficiency of the balance in both winter and summer periods. These models have no problems with hooks, since they have only one movable tee installed on them. That, however, does not affect the number of gatherings, which, according to anglers, is extremely small. Despite the high cost, the lure has no obvious drawbacks, offsetting the cost of the acquisition by durability and higher efficiency.
- optimal combination of price and quality;
- good selection of weight for size;
- resistant color, not coming down for several seasons of frequent fishing;
- high degree of durability;
- ornate movement playing against the predator reflexes.
- not found.
Lucky John Pro Series Mebaru 67
Rating: 4.7
Dear in fishing circles, the Japanese balancer, designed specifically for seasonal fishing for pike from the ice or from the boat in the summer. Despite the lead body molded from lead 67 millimeters long, Mebaru has a fairly acceptable weight of 18 grams. This is facilitated by the presence of a plastic shank, whose weight is insignificant, and the increase in size is palpable. Thanks to him, this model can make sharp turns, provoked by a change in the direction of wiring. Such movements usually do not go unnoticed: when combined with bright colors, a sharply moving fish becomes just an ideal target for attack.
An important feature of Mebaru is the presence on the dorsal fin of three holes for the fishing line, due to which the balancer drastically changes the style of play (depending on fishing conditions). For the hook meets the two hooks from the company Owner, located on the abdomen and tail. This layout allows you to increase the likelihood of a successful outcome of a sweep when biting, but at the same time increases the number of “idle” hooks on the grassy place. In general, the Japanese lure from Lucky Pro shows a great result on the water, for which it rightfully occupies a line in the ranking of the best.
- appealing appearance;
- universal dimensions for catching small and trophy fish;
- the presence of two movable tees from the company Owner;
- the ability to change the balancer when wiring (due to the holes in the dorsal part).
- increased likelihood of hooks (due to a pair of installed tees);
- quite high cost.
Nils Master Jigging Shad
Rating: 4.6
The unique Jigging Shad Balancer was produced by Nils Master back in 1998. Being a representative of the "Shadov" was the flagship of the line, standing out among the other models (Junior Shad and Baby Shad) overall parameters. With a length of 70 millimeters, the weight of this bait was 23 grams, so that it goes to depth with a balanced speed.
Originally prepared for catching perch and large perch, Jigging Shad unexpectedly became the favorite bait of river pike, showing unprecedented activity when fishing on this balance weight. Its distinctive feature is the presence in the series of 22 colors, some of which emits a glow when it is caught at dusk or in the early morning. A small crook on the back, coupled with a transparent tail gives the model a jumping motion that allows you to describe a large radius within the drilled hole.Such a balancer is quite expensive, but it is highly efficient and reliable.
- 22 official colors, some of which are fluorescent;
- large radius of movement within the well;
- high-quality components tees;
- good pike baiting performance.
- high price.
The best balancers on zander
Kuusamo Tasapaino 75 mm
Rating: 4.9
The refined balance weight of Finnish origin, which has long and firmly taken the leading place in the category of baits for zander fishing. As in the case of the Scorana Ice Crystal Mark 2, the Tasapaino model has a plastic tail, which is necessary to impart dissecting forces when moving in the water column. True, there is one small nuance associated with its design: while the tails of the competitive balancer are fitted to the overall color scheme, here (regardless of color) they are all transparent or have a red tint.
The mass of the 75-millimeter model is 18 grams, due to which there is a smooth penetration into the horizons required for catching a large pike perch. An important feature of the calf is the presence of ripples that approximate the simulated model to the real prototype. Defiantly sharp plastic movements creates an annoying background for predators, attracting their attention even from a distance. Kuusamo Tasapaino confidently enters the category of the most catchy balances of the entire fishing segment, with the support of thousands of satisfied consumers around the world.
- body parameters, sharpened by sharp, maneuverable movements over a wide radius;
- optimal combination of price and quality;
- the presence of corrugation throughout the entire body;
- strong fittings with a high hitch index;
- attractive coloring in a set with a transparent or reddish tail;
- featuring performance at depth;
- high popularity among domestic fishermen.
- not found.
Scorana Ice Crystal Mark 2 (80 mm)
Rating: 4.8
Clockwork balancer with a wide body and 3D-eyes, caught in the rating due to good catchiness recorded on domestic water bodies. The line of these fish includes significantly larger runway size than its competitor from Lucky John. The smallest model has a length of 40 millimeters and is used mainly for catching perch and pike in the shallows. In turn, the “giant” of the series differs by a mass of 32 grams and 80 millimeters of length, thanks to which it shows itself perfectly when catching a large perch.
The tail of the 80-mm Ice Crystal Mark 2 is a powerful dissector of the water column, pointed downwards and provoking a measured but steady movement of the balance weight at depth. As practice shows, this type and pace of the game has a relaxing effect on predators, forcing them to blindly follow the lure to carry out a smashing attack. In terms of cost, this model fits very organically into the rank of budget baits, showing consistently high level results.
- optimal combination of price and quality;
- causing colors, working at great depths;
- equipment quality fittings;
- good depth indicators;
- original tailpiece;
- presence of a 3D eye.
- not found.
Lucky John Fin
Rating: 4.7
The originality of Fin's balancers from Lucky John lies in the slightly modified parameters of the body, flattened from the back and abdomen, which gives it a wider shape. Due to this, a planning effect is achieved, which helps to fish for much larger areas as part of fishing from the hole, as well as attract the predator by dimensional movement in the water column.
As part of the Fin series, three standard-sized models are at once concluded, weighing from 4 to 15 grams and from 30 to 50 millimeters long, respectively. In addition, the range includes balancers with pre-installed tees (with and without a drop), with the same dimensions and weights. In general, the difference in length has virtually no effect on aspects of the game, leaving the concept of planning the same for all the fish in the series. Only their color, containing both monochromatic colors and smooth gradients of two, and even three, colors, undergoes a dramatic change. Catching on Kucky John Fin mostly pike-perch, although there are frequent bites of pike, big perch, and rotan.
- three standard sizes of balancers in the series;
- acceptable cost;
- the presence of models equipped with tees (simple, with a drop);
- interesting colors: monochrome with a gradient of several colors according to the “belly \ back” and “head \ tail” patterns
- not detected
Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.