13 best books on parenting

Becoming a parent, each person faces many difficulties. The main one is the upbringing of the child. When there is no one to ask wise advice to decide how to act in a given situation, techniques developed by experienced psychologists come to the rescue. We offer readers a selection of books that, according to the editors, deserve special attention, because they really learn to understand their child and communicate with him correctly.

Our experts have prepared a rating that includes 13 best books on the education of children of different ages.

Rating the best books on parenting

Nomination a place Name of product price
Rating the best books on parenting      1 "From the cradle to the first date," Debra Haffner      518 ₽
     2 "How children succeed," Paul Tuff      149 ₽
     3 “After three is already late”, Masaru Ibuka      396 ₽
     4 "The Battle Hymn of a Tigress Mother", by Amy Chua      383 ₽
     5 "A brief guide to raising children", Axel Hake      494 ₽
     6 "French children do not spit food", Pamela Drukerman     539 ₽
     7 “Bad parents”, Susan Forward, Craig Buck      560 ₽
     8 “The secret support. Attachment in the life of a child ", Lyudmila Petranovskaya      376 ₽
     9 "An independent child, or how to become a" lazy mother "," Anna Bykova      278 ₽
     10 “Communicate with the child. How? ”, Julia Gippenreiter      396 ₽
     11 "Brothers and sisters. How to help your children live in peace ”, Adele Faber, Elaine Mazlish      358 ₽
     12 “Before Your Child Drives You Mad”, Nigel Latta      533 ₽
     13 “Make our children happy”, Madeleine Denis      540 ₽

"From the cradle to the first date," Debra Haffner

Rating: 4.9

From diapers to first dates, Debra Haffner

Leading the book is Debra Haffner, an American sex education specialist. Few adults are able to start a frank conversation with their child on sensitive issues. But sooner or later you will have to step over the constraint and fear, especially at the moment when the child enters a difficult adolescence. First feelings, dates, parties in a company with peers, kisses, late returns home - this is alarming and worrying adults, so they take all possible steps to prevent children from getting into trouble. True, many people choose unsuitable methods, trying to put bans and talk from a position of strength. Arising conflicts push the child to take risky actions, including sexual experiments.

Debra Haffner highlights the key points that should primarily interest parents. Explains how to convey information about your own values ​​related to the manifestation of sexuality so that children want to hear. The author does not bypass the psychophysiological features of development, highlighting three categories: junior, middle and senior. Explains in detail how the thinking about sex changes in each of these periods. The topics of masturbation, harassment, contraception, pregnancy, sexual orientation, etc. are also affected.

The book is replete with examples taken from practice, as well as personal experience. Suitable for all parents, especially those who bring up teenagers.

"How children succeed," Paul Tuff

Rating: 4.8

How children succeed, Paul Tuff

The second line goes to the work of Paul Taff.Readers will see the destruction of the myth that success requires a high test score. The author argues that in this difficult process a significant role is played by personal qualities, character, for example, endurance, perseverance, self-discipline, motivation, purposefulness, ambition, curiosity. In order for the child to achieve heights in the future, it is recommended to focus on the formation and development of these qualities.

On the pages of the book, the reader gets acquainted with modern teachers and researchers who use scientific tools to study children's nature. For example, there are numerous stories of children who have now become successful people. Taff explains the relationship of education, which was given, with the results obtained in adulthood. Paul tells what parents can take to prepare the baby for an independent future; examines situations that show who copes with this and how, and who makes mistakes.

The work is full of names and research figures, which is very informative. The book makes you think and from a different angle to look at the education of the child. Recommended for parents of schoolchildren and those who are only going to the first grade.

“After three is already late”, Masaru Ibuka

Rating: 4.7

After three it's too late, Masaru Ibuka

The third position is occupied by the work devoted to raising a baby in the earliest period, from birth to three years. Masaru Ibuka argues that in these years it is necessary to develop as many abilities as possible. The book is written with a minimum amount of water, as noted by readers in the reviews and reviews. On the pages there are many practical methods that allow the child to develop intellectually. The author focuses on the fact that it is impossible to set a task to raise a genius, it is better to approach the process in a playful way, to give the kid a rest and have fun with his peers.

The material is divided into blocks, so the information is perceived easily. The presentation is easy and simple. There are many examples from the life, allowing to focus on the main thing. The book is colorful, filled with funny illustrations, uplifting. It is recommended to read to all those who are planning to become parents in the near future or have recently become their parents. Especially interested beginners, but people who want to deeply explore the topic, do not like it, because the main theses on the surface and do not have a full disclosure.

"The Battle Hymn of a Tigress Mother", by Amy Chua

Rating: 4.7

The battle anthem of the mother tigress, Amy Chua

In fourth place is the work that caused a stir in the USA and Europe. A professor at Yale University Law School described in a book about her experience raising daughters. Amy Chua impressed the reader with revelations about the Chinese model of education. The above methods shocked someone, and someone admired. Discussions do not subside to this day.

Amy tells in detail how she raised her two girls, preparing them for a successful future. She intentionally did everything to make her daughters become musical geniuses. Being a Chinese woman who married a Jew, and living in the United States, a woman did not deviate from national traditions. Despite the fact that they seem wild, an effective result was obtained. Amy built her system on several prohibitions, here are some of them: sleeping with friends; inviting friends to yourself; participation in school plays (nagging about the ban); watching TV and computer games; independent choice of elective subjects; grades lower than fives (related to all subjects except physical education); refusal to engage in music; classes on other instruments besides the violin and the piano.

Readers differ opinions. Not every mother wants and can become such a "tigress". We recommend the material to familiarize parents who bring up children with musical bias.

"A brief guide to raising children", Axel Hake

Rating: 4.6

Quick guide to raising kids, Axel Hake

The fifth book becomes, despite the name is not a guide.The work is full of jokes and small stories-articles that were once published in a German newspaper. They are the story of a family with three young children. The journalist father shares his successes and failures in his upbringing, talks about the future, describing various life situations in a humorous way.

The book is useful to all parents, as it gives an opportunity to approach with humor everything that children sometimes throw out. This is not serious psychological work, but easy reading at leisure. After reading, you will look differently at the whims, hooliganism, leprosy and resentment, as well as learn to exhale, so that you can continue the difficult path of education with calm nerves. Axel does not give any advice, does not develop copyright techniques, but simply tells about his experience, full of both success and failure.

The main message of the book is parental love. As it is said in one quote, any gentleman who has read the “Quick Guide to Raising Babies” will be comforted, as he will understand that his children are not so bad, because others are exactly the same. It is suitable not only for parents, but also for adolescents who still remember their restless childhood.

"French children do not spit food", Pamela Drukerman

Rating: 4.5

French children do not spit food, Pamela Drukerman

The sixth line gets a bestseller, telling that the kid should live each age stage naturally, without outside intervention. Pamela lived in France for many years, so she managed to study the traditions of education, combining softness and severity, freedom and prohibitions. All her books are becoming popular and loved among her parents.

The book tells how the French manage to raise happy, obedient and polite children, without sacrificing their own lives. They do not spend half the night near the bed of the baby trying to duck him, the kids do not roll up scandals in the stores, do not interfere in adult conversations, calmly accept failures, eat adult meals and behave in an educational manner in restaurants. The author insists that social life, career and appearance should not fade into the background after the appearance of a child in the family. This is shown by the example of French women who always manage to stay fashionable, sexy and active.

The work is written with humor, so it will give not only practical advice, but also entertain at leisure. The book is recommended to a wide readership.

“Bad parents”, Susan Forward, Craig Buck

Rating: 4.5

Bad parents, Susan Forward, Craig Buck

The seventh position is occupied by a deep psychological book from two authors. The main message of the work is that parents should not let off improper behavior that causes serious harm to the child’s psyche. Yes, they are also people who can make mistakes, but deliberate manipulation of authority, guilt and other things kills the baby’s self-esteem, his confidence in himself and his abilities.

The material tells about how to work with victims of any violence (psychological, sexual, emotional), as well as with parents, consciously or not practicing such behavior in relation to their children. The book helps adults to understand how to behave properly, without showing an abjuz. Often, these parents themselves were victims in the family, so it’s not possible to get away from the stereotypes that have developed. Sadly, many who grew up in families of alcoholics and decided that they would never repeat such a fate sooner or later return to a vicious circle, for example, choosing a partner with similar problems. This book also contains a lot of information on scrupulous incest topics: how to start a diagnosis and therapy, as well as exercises that are performed independently and with a specialist. The work of Susan and Craig gives an understanding that a child has the right not only to physical, but also to emotional protection, where personal boundaries, feelings, opinions, and personal dignity are respected.

It is recommended for reading to all future and present parents, as well as to people who want to cope with the pain caused in childhood.

“The secret support. Attachment in the life of a child ", Lyudmila Petranovskaya

Rating: 4.5

Secret support. Attachment in the life of a child, Lyudmila Petranovskaya

At the eighth place is the work of a famous psychologist, Lyudmila Petranovskaya. She has written several works, including articles about growing up. It is not only about growing up baby, but also about all of us who survived the shake. Post-Soviet education, collective trauma received and experienced until now. Being at the junction of two worlds, it is already impermissible to blindly follow the rules instilled in us from childhood.

The book is considered to be basic in Petranovskaya, therefore it is obligatory to read. Here we will talk about difficult children and finding an approach to them, about the inseparable connection between adults and babies, about affection. Lyudmila says that it is necessary to build mutual love, but in such a way that in the future it will not become a heavy burden and burden. Only mutual understanding will provide the most simple communication with the child. The book contains answers to the most popular and difficult questions: to give adolescents freedom? Does a child go to kindergarten? etc.

The work is written in accessible language, and a convenient division into chapters by age allows you to quickly navigate. It is recommended to read to all parents, teachers, psychologists, as well as people who want to reconsider relations with already grown up children.

"An independent child, or how to become a" lazy mother "," Anna Bykova

Rating: 4.4

An independent child, or how to become a lazy mother, Anna Bykova

The ninth is the work of Anna Bykova, who once posted her article entitled “Why I am a lazy mother” on one of the sites. It talked about why hyper-care is harmful, why give the baby more autonomy. The article immediately attracted attention, after which it was decided to make a whole book on this topic. Later Bykova released a number of books.

The author's advice will direct moms to the right path, allowing a sober assessment of their approach to education. Anna explains that the desire to always be irreplaceable and unique for a child is the path to nowhere. Numerous reviews and reviews emphasize that the book is written in a simple language for ordinary people, so anyone who does not even understand psychology will be able to learn what is useful for themselves. A large number of examples from practice will clearly demonstrate what the psychologist is talking about.

The book answers a variety of questions: how to accustom to the pot? to teach your baby to fall asleep in the crib? to instill accuracy in order for the child to clean the toys? other. Suitable for a wide readership.

“Communicate with the child. How? ”, Julia Gippenreiter

Rating: 4.4

To communicate with the child. Like, Julia Gippenreiter

The tenth line gets the work of Gippenreiter, whose books have become bestsellers for ten years. The author teaches how to properly communicate with the child, paying attention even to trifles, for example, throwing phrases like passing words like “Oh, who do you look like?”, “What did you think!”, Etc. words are dangerous and perceived by children as humiliating and devaluing problems. Julia offers a unique technique that will help parents to communicate with the child at any age.

Even if the baby is surrounded by care and care, without proper communication, he is fully simply unable to develop. Over time, this will necessarily affect his behavior, after which mom and dad, throwing up their hands, will say that he has become disobedient and unbearable. In fact, the whole root is that adults did not set up the right relationship in time, because the result was only their work. The book helps to develop a healthy communication style that will safely affect the future of the child.

The work of a psychologist for many readers is a guide to education. It is better to get to know him at a very early stage, when the baby is very small or not yet born, but even if you just now learned about the book, you still recommend that you buy it. It will help families where there are problems with older children, even if they are already teenagers.

"Brothers and sisters. How to help your children live in peace ”, Adele Faber, Elaine Mazlish

Rating: 4.3

Brothers and sisters. How to help your children live in peace, Adele Faber, Elaine Mazlish

The eleventh position is taken by the work of Faber and Mazlish, telling about the correct building of the relationship between brothers and sisters. After the success of the previous book, psychologists were overwhelmed with requests to do a separate work devoted to this problem, since parents do not know how to protect children from quarrels, rivalry and jealousy so that no one feels deprived.

The book, written in accessible language, will first of all explain how to teach children to express negative things so as not to hurt the environment; avoid hostility and come to a compromise; be an individual without comparing yourself to anyone. Although the work does not carry revolutionary techniques, but repeats simple truths, for many it has become a lifesaver if you believe the reviews. Clearly presented material, both in the form of text and in the form of illustrations, reminds mothers and fathers what mistakes cannot be made in order to preserve peace between brothers and sisters.

Not everyone will like the book, as it has a slight western bias, but the essence and main ideas are applicable in our country. Suitable for parents with two or more children.

“Before Your Child Drives You Mad”, Nigel Latta

Rating: 4.2

Before your child drives you crazy, Nigel Latta

At the twelfth place is a book of a practicing psychologist, telling how to learn to understand your child; to accustom him to restraint, without depriving of carelessness. The work is full of tips that will help the already desperate parents, tired of the whims and disobedience. Here the stages of development of preschool children are affected, and recommendations are given that help to develop the correct attitude to any behavior on the part of the child.

Nigel with humor sets out the material, but structured, so that the reader will not miss the point. The author does not raise questions about feelings between the parent and the child, but gives practical advice on how to act in a particular situation, most often dead-end. The proposed techniques may seem harsh and inhuman, but they are not. Raising a capricious, sometimes uncontrollable child is a most difficult task requiring a special approach. There are no sentences of physical punishment in the book, but there is ignoring bad behavior and encouraging good.

Suitable work moms and dads unbalanced, spoiled and aggressive children. Remember that each child requires an individual approach; therefore, it is impossible to use all the methods, not relating them to the personality.

“Make our children happy”, Madeleine Denis

Rating: 4.1

Make our children happy, Madeleine Denis

Closes the rating of a series of books, including five works, having familiarized with them, it will turn out to grow a happy person. It is recommended to read to all parents, especially those who are only planning to have children.

"Your baby's dream" will tell parents how to teach the baby to fall asleep on his own; tells how to beat the night fears of the child. A lot of tips and tricks will not sit every night for a long time near the crib. “Moods and Tantrums” will tell about effective methods that allow parents to figure out where anger comes from a baby and how to cope with it. Here is an analysis of the situations that occur most often. Different age periods have been taken, so at the right moment you will already be prepared and will be able to react correctly. “Preschoolers. 3-6 years old ”is a joint project of Clever Publishing House and Psychologies magazine, helping parents to better understand children's behavior and direct their children, setting age-appropriate tasks. "Primary School. 6-10 years "- the continuation of the project. On the pages of psychologists share their opinions on the practical side of education. “Teenagers. 11-16 years "- the end of the family project. The book helps to establish a dialogue with a teenage child, to overcome alienation, to avoid aggression and resentment, and also to accept maturation as a natural factor.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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