12 best sites to learn English

Adults and children who are eager to learn English will be interested to get acquainted with the best online training resources. On popular sites you can find not only dictionaries, but also tasks in the form of dialogues, games, dictations. It only remains to find out which of them has more advantages and the disadvantages of some contents. It will help in this rating, compiled by our experts.

Ranking of the best sites for learning English

Nomination a place Name of product rating
The best sites for learning English for children and teenagers      1 study-languages-online.com      5.0
     2 freddiesville.com      4.9
     3 starfall.com      4.8
     4 cambridgeenglish.org      4.7
     5 teremoc.ru      4.6
     6 funenglishgames.com      4.5
Top Sites for Learning English for Adults      1 bistroenglish.com      5.0
     2 preply.com      4.9
     3 learningenglish.voanews.com      4.8
     4 Englishdom.com      4.7
     5 puzzle-english.com      4.6
     6 bbc.com      4.5

The best sites for learning English for children and teenagers

The first nomination consists of sites that are specifically designed for children and adolescents. Despite this, they are used by some adults. Especially they like those who are at the initial level of learning English. Information on the resources is given in detail and accessible. This is a great option to practice using simple exercises.


Rating: 5.0


Opens the rating of the Russian-language site, characterized by convenience and ease of use. Children who have just begun to master the basics of a foreign language will like its intuitive interface, the ability to listen to dialogues and learn colors, fruits, animals.

The child with pleasure repeats the speaker and is easily guided on the site thanks to the breaking of the pages. Verification exercises will help to consolidate the knowledge gained. The site is constantly updated, there are new themes. If you register, you can save the results of passed tests and tasks.


  • clarity of use;
  • instant check;
  • lessons are divided by topics;
  • many exercises and tests;
  • for any level of training;
  • picture Dictionary;
  • ability to save results.


  • a little lack of theory and explanation.


Rating: 4.9


The second place belongs to the English-language site, which is designed for middle school students. The resource includes many visual video lessons, free materials and games. Exercises are divided into levels of difficulty. The site is chosen for the availability of educational materials that can be printed, the ability to consolidate knowledge in a game form.

Children with pleasure solve crosswords, repeat after heroes on video. Opinions about the site are mostly positive. However, more than half of users believe that it will be difficult for a child to independently complete the proposed tasks. It will take the help of a teacher or parents.


  • colorful design;
  • many exciting games and tasks;
  • different levels of difficulty;
  • availability of educational material.


  • for advanced kids only.


Rating: 4.8


Next in the ranking is the English site starfall.com. Unlike the previous participant, he is considered the easiest to use.The resource will appeal even to those who have a poor command of a foreign language. The information is presented in such a way that it is intuitively clear where to click and what to do. There are exercises for learning the alphabet, reading rules, short tests with pictures. Each word is voiced, you can listen to it.

Children like colorful design, interesting stories to read, large and well-written letters. Many new words and sentences are remembered thanks to fun games. The program is useful for children of primary school age. The resource is recommended to parents who want to help their child learn English. Some classes coincide with the school curriculum.


  • helps to tighten the student;
  • for any level of knowledge;
  • simple interesting stories for practicing reading;
  • colorful games;
  • many good grades.


  • no serious cons.


Rating: 4.7


The site in English includes a huge number of songs and exercises aimed at developing the vocabulary of the student. Tasks will be clear even to those who have just started learning English. There are three levels of difficulty on the site. The child should start from the very easiest and gradually move towards the latter. Periodically, you should return to the first section.

The entire program is built on levels that are adopted within the framework of European language awareness. It is convenient to do both on the computer and on the tablet. The site is quite popular among children and their parents. That is why he adequately ranks fourth in the ranking.


  • no negative ratings;
  • a lot of fun exercises;
  • three levels of difficulty;
  • well-designed program.


  • not.


Rating: 4.6


The site “Teremok.ru” is distinguished by an abundance of educational games in English. With their help, any preschooler will learn to count and read, will remember the spelling of words. This approach to the study of discipline contributes to the development of memory, hone skills. Pleases colorful design and clear menu. There is a special section for learning English, while other web pages contain coloring pages, riddles and poems, there are online tales and cartoons.

Thus, the site is primarily aimed at entertainment and fun pastime. Judging by the reviews, kids enjoy playing games in English. They are suitable for children aged 2-3 years. The resource is the best option for the first acquaintance with a foreign language.


  • lots of extra fun;
  • suitable for the smallest;
  • fun colorful learning games.


  • no theory;
  • English is devoted to one section.


Rating: 4.5


The last line of the rating belongs to the site, which is suitable not only for teenagers, but also for adults who study English for a specific time and who want to deepen their knowledge. Unlike other participants in the ranking, the task is more difficult. They are not so colorful and fascinating. But the topics are well divided into sections and help improve grammatical knowledge.

The resource will allow you to hone your spelling skills and expand your vocabulary. His chosen teachers who are looking for free educational sites on the Internet. Due to less attendance and few reviews, we had to give the resource only the extreme place of the nomination.


  • easy to navigate the site;
  • a lot of useful material;
  • suitable for middle and high school students.


  • lower popularity compared to other rating participants.

Top Sites for Learning English for Adults

Many adults have learned their own English thanks to specially designed sites. Only PC and Internet are needed. Find out what resources are particularly popular.


Rating: 5.0


The bistroenglish learning site is one of the most popular self-study resources. The lessons are based on watching videos and listening to adio.Present here are classes for a fee. Video tutorials site collected a huge amount of views on the "YouTube". They are suitable for beginners and for those who have mastered the average level.

The founder of the resource is Oksana Dolinka, an English teacher. She became the author of an express course for beginners, and the site with effective and exciting videos has won the most encouraging reviews. Directly on it you can get acquainted with the views of users, the creator's biography and many topics for beginners from scratch.


  • huge popularity of videos;
  • clarity of lessons;
  • suitable for users of different levels;
  • convenient interface;
  • interesting and simple activities.


  • no serious cons.


Rating: 4.9


Next in the ranking is a site that gives the opportunity to learn any language while in any country. In addition to English, you can learn Chinese, French and even Arabic. The site is an original learning portal that is designed for people with different levels of knowledge. Its peculiarity lies in the wide choice of online tutors from anywhere in the world.

The teachers have the appropriate certificates, their profiles are checked by the administration. Advanced users join the learning content, they can also invite students and earn good money. In local classes commission for paying lessons will be minimal.


  • acceptable payment system;
  • You can find a suitable tutor;
  • opportunity to earn extra money.


  • the risk of running into an unscrupulous teacher.


Rating: 4.8


We could not include in the rating a unique site suitable for self-study of a foreign language. It includes a large number of life stories of Americans, videos and audio recordings. The resource will be an excellent language practice. Everyone can find a suitable level for themselves.

Users choose content for quick understanding of English, user-friendly interface. A multimedia source is considered one of the best methods for learning English. The site is popular in many countries and is the best assistant for bankers, lawyers and all those who want to understand the speech of foreigners and be able to answer them.


  • clear interface;
  • original tasks;
  • news articles;
  • clear speech speaker;
  • several levels of difficulty.


  • not.


Rating: 4.7


Next in the ranking is an online school for learning English. Users are delighted with the thought-out strategy of developers who offer watching movies, listening to conversational phrases, tasks on grammar. Themes of the exercises depend on personal interests.

To see success in the near future, it is enough to learn 10 words a day, memorize 5 phrases, learn 1 grammar topic and watch one video. The biggest disadvantage of the platform is its paid use.


  • good grammar training;
  • ease of use;
  • convenient personal account;
  • thoughtful training for self-study.


  • The price is not available to everyone.


Rating: 4.6


Russian-language site puzzle-english is designed to quickly and easily pump grammar, speech skills and word memorization. It is a constantly updated collection of entertaining exercises, tasks and games. They are suitable for any level of knowledge. Content is chosen for the opportunity to create a personalized training program, audio lessons with subtitles, a regularly updated online library with books in English, the opportunity to train a speech with a virtual companion.

Most reviews of the resource are positive. However, there are users who are dissatisfied with the lack of feedback, the need to pay for the use of the site.


  • many tasks for listening;
  • many functionality;
  • regular promotions;
  • integrated development of a foreign language;
  • the presence of a dictionary and virtual dialogues;
  • personal program development.


  • paid services;
  • no feedback;
  • periodic problems in the work site.


Rating: 4.5


The news site "BBC" is a resource suitable for improving existing skills. It is useful to those who have already mastered the initial level. Users enjoy watching Air Force videos, get the latest news, and learn words and phrases. This is the best option for the practice of understanding the speech of Americans.

Judging by the reviews, at first this method of study may seem complicated. However, plunging into a foreign language, they begin to recall the words from the school curriculum. Each time the language becomes clearer. Pleases the presence of videos about sports, animals and food. Everyone will find a topic for themselves.


  • many interesting videos;
  • free resource;
  • subject collections;
  • living language.


  • not suitable for entry level;
  • weak grammatical content.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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