11 best books by Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho - Brazilian writer, causing his work a lot of controversy. Critics consider it cheap and commercial literature. And readers call this talent and genius, and read his works with pleasure. Only a small percentage of people are not familiar with at least one of his books.

Since childhood, Coelho dreamed of becoming a writer, but, as in most cases, his family was against it. And so that he did not make such a mistake, he was placed in a psychiatric hospital for three years, where he was treated with electric shock. Experiences and the very essence of the hospital, he later put in one of his books, which we describe in our ranking. After Paulo entered the law, but was able to stay there for only a year. Then he went along with the hippies to travel around Europe and America. The whole difficult life of the writer is reflected in his books. They can catch his experiences and feelings.

Among his books it is difficult to choose the best, but especially for you we have done it. The rating is based on reviews, opinions and personal reading.

Top books by Paulo Coelho

Nomination a place composition rating
Top books by Paulo Coelho      1 Alchemist          4.9
     2 Veronica decides to die          4.8
     3 Eleven minutes          4.8
     4 Devil and Senorita Prim          4.7
     5 Diary mage          4.7
     6 Valkyrie          4.7
     7 Fifth mountain          4.6
     8 I sat down on the banks of the Rio Piedra and wept          4.6
     9 Zaire          4.5
     10 Manuscript Found in Acre          4.5
     11 The winner is left alone          4.5


By: Paulo Coelho

Rating: 4.9


Our destiny goes somewhere nearby. But we are not always ready to give in and follow it. We are visited by fears and doubts. The novel "The Alchemist" will reveal the secrets of fate and ways of knowing it. It was published in 1988, and he almost immediately brought the author recognition and popularity. Critics did not appreciate the novel, but readers admired it. He was translated into 67 languages ​​in 117 countries. This is the most popular book ever written in Portuguese and recognized as a bestseller.

At first glance, this is expected to be a fantastic adventure. But above all, the book is built on the theme of finding yourself. What is fate, how important it is to know oneself, to find the right solution. The novel "The Alchemist" Coelho shows that the thorny path is an ordinary life, and the reward is worth any obstacles. It is emphasized that on the way there will always be not only problems, but also ways to solve them. This work can change the life of the reader, so we put it in the first place.

In the center of events - the usual shepherd Santiago. He lived quietly in Spain and herding sheep until he had a dream: Egypt, pyramids and treasures. The shepherd was so excited that he went to the gypsy for the interpretation of a dream. After that, he decided that it was there, in Egypt, that real life and treasures awaited him. And he threw almost everything and went to an unknown country. There he is looking for work, survives, knows people in search of his treasure and meets love. And in the end finds a real treasure. The novel is named after the minor character Alchemist, with whom you will meet in the book. And maybe he will turn your life.

Veronica decides to die

By: Paulo Coelho

Rating: 4.8


Death is something strange, it can be close at one moment, far away at another. The question is, consider it a gift or punishment. About the death of Coelho says in his novel "Veronica decides to die." He writes about what life is and its value. It is necessary to distinguish this book from the rest due to the resonance that it caused. Most reviews are opposite to each other. Some call the work a masterpiece, others do not understand its meaning. The book has made a lot of noise, and this attracts new readers. In addition, she was screened twice and created a rock opera based on.

The reflection of Coelho’s personality and personal experience can be found in Edward, a minor character with the author’s story. His personality allows you to take a deeper look into Coelho's experiences and understand what it is like to lose your dream. It is necessary to highlight each character in the book, starting with Veronica herself and ending with nurses. Everyone with whom the heroine meets has his own history and dramas. From the stories of the heroes, a new look at society is taking shape. The book allows you to evaluate any person individually and as part of society.

Veronica is a girl who has everything. Good job, favorite guy, finances and family. But still something is wrong. The world seems to her gloomy. And so Veronica finds nothing better than to commit suicide. For her it is easy: swallow sleeping pills - and that's all, the end is near. But fate is not such a simple lady, so the girl manages to be saved. She is placed in a psychiatric hospital. Veronica still dreams to finish the job, but the doctors make a terrible diagnosis: she has only a week to live. And here she understands that this time must be lived for real. She finds friends, falls in love, and comes to her understanding of the value of life.

Eleven minutes

By: Paulo Coelho

Rating: 4.8


It seems that assessing another person is not a problem. His behavior and actions speak for themselves. But can it be different? This and not only Coelho reflects in his novel “Eleven Minutes”. The work was published in 2003 and continues the “feminine theme,” which the author touched in previous books. The novel may seem a bit scandalous and vulgar. Therefore, the qualification for it - from 16 years.

The first question - how could a man write this? The whole truth is that the story is real, recorded from the words of the same prostitute. The novel broadcasts many aspects about which a person does not think in ordinary life. "Eleven minutes" - so much a person spends on sex a day. But is he worth the attention? This question is the main character. The book raises questions about how terrible labels are and how they can be wrong, as well as what love and sex are.

Young girl Maria wants to fix her life. She is tired of working in the shop, and she wants a stable and secure life. To fulfill her dream, she flies to Switzerland. But there life throws a new surprise - the promised work does not make money. To survive, Mary has to engage in prostitution. At the new work, she discovers sex, his possibilities. The girl becomes wealthy and understands that she does not want to return home. She has money, she is engaged in self-education, but her life is not yet full. And then Maria meets the artist and finally knows something more than sex.

Devil and Senorita Prim

By: Paulo Coelho

Rating: 4.7

Devil and Senorita Prim

There is an old parable that there are two wolves in a man - black and white. And the one we feed gets the better of life. The question is - are there purely bad people or not? This Coelho argues in the novel "The Devil and Senorita Prim", published in 2000. The book concludes the trilogy of "And the seventh day." It also includes: "Veronica decides to die" and "On the banks of the Rio Piedra I sat down and wept." The essence of all three novels comes down to the fact that human life can drastically change literally within a week.

It may seem that the novel is light fiction, but it has a deep meaning, important topics are raised and serious questions are asked.In this book, Paulo Coelho is more of a philosopher than a novelist. “The Devil and Senorita Prim” includes such important issues as responsibility for yourself, temptations, fears, the choice between good and evil. And every reader himself must find the answer, are there any bad people.

Distant, ordinary and boring village Viskos. Nothing happens in it, everything is calm and quiet. Only old Berta is waiting for the devil to come, as her husband assured her of his death. Then one day a stranger comes to the village. He meets Chantal Prim, who wants to leave, and tells her that he has buried eleven gold bars in the forest. The man says that she can take one of them, and says where he lies. In return, the stranger asks Prim to tell the residents that they will receive ten ingots if they kill someone. She tells, and here residents already have a choice whether someone’s life is worth gold.

Diary mage

By: Paulo Coelho

Rating: 4.7


To understand yourself, you often need to go a certain way, ask questions, find answers and think. The Magician's Diary (1986) is practically Coelho's autobiography and the first published book. In it, he talks about his pilgrimage on the Way of Santiago. The novel made a great impression on readers: before its release, only 400 people made such a pilgrimage, and after - almost half a million.

The book is not as famous as "The Alchemist", but more deeply. The fantasy genre is only partially applicable to it, but on the whole it is philosophical. Throughout the story, we see how a person changes - he gains wisdom, knows himself and the unknown. Begins to understand how the world works. And everyone who wants to is able to walk the Path of Santiago. What and pushes the work "The Magician's Diary". Paulo Coelho himself went through this, and the book contains his personal example, feelings and experiences.

On the Path of Santiago becomes a new willing to understand themselves and in the world. In his journey he asks a lot of questions: how the planet and the Sun work, what are the laws of life in reality. Mystical guides help to come to understanding and move on. Together with them, he learns the nature of truth, studies mysterious rituals and receives Strength. With each step, he will come to know ancient wisdom.


By: Paulo Coelho

Rating: 4.7


Questions of faith and personal views remain open throughout our lives. We are looking for answers and patrons. The autobiographical novel "The Valkyries" was published for the first time in 1992. It tells about the important period of the formation of Coelho. It was a time when he participated in the organization Alternative Society, which was against capitalism, supported self-expression and engaged in black magic. In another way, the organization liked to call "a shelter for anarchists."

The book "The Valkyries" - the real way and history of the author. In his autobiography, he touches questions of religion, society, faith, mysticism. Coelho not only talks about the "Alternative Society", but also about the human soul. Perhaps in this book someone will find their way to faith. According to the author, Valkyrie is a real character, but he is not ready to call her name. Coelho revealed that she showed him the way to Catholicism.

The protagonist of the work is confused. His soul is filled with doubts, he struggles with his fears. And for that, he starts looking for a guardian angel. He believes that he will show him the way and give an understanding of life. Together with his wife, they go to the Mojave Desert. There they meet female warriors and their leader - a woman named Valkyrie. And the hero decides to go with them in search of peace of mind. So for forty days the travelers get rid of their past in order to enter a new future.

Fifth mountain

By: Paulo Coelho

Rating: 4.6


In 1996, the novel “The Fifth Mountain” was published, dealing with a sensitive religious issue. It is written based on the true story of the prophet Elijah. The original can be found in the Third and Fourth Books of the Realms. The same work deals with the problems of the coexistence of several religions together and the personal experiences of the hero.

The clash of religions has been happening since the beginning of time. The novel can be viewed from three sides. The first is the experience of the main character and how he sees his faith, what he feels and how he does not imagine himself without it. The second, Coelho's favorite topic is about fate. Whatever troubles a person may be waiting for, he will return to the path allotted to him. And the third is a philosophy where the author expresses his ideas, interprets them. A word of advice: a book may seem a bit overwhelming to some Therefore, in order to better understand it, we recommend using the audio version.

In the ninth century BC, Princess Jezebel reigned in Israel. She despised traditional religion and wanted everyone to worship her idol, the deity Baal. And she does not need the prophets of other religions. Therefore, she decided to execute all those who would not accept her deity. The protagonist of Elijah, the prophet of God, does not want to pass into another faith. Therefore, he has to flee. He found his love, but lost it. Elijah had to survive the war, but faith remained with him. He returns to his hometown and shows miracles, thereby proving the truth of his religion.

I sat down on the banks of the Rio Piedra and wept

By: Paulo Coelho

Rating: 4.6


Love is the engine of our world. In any story there is a moment for her. But can the love of faith and of man be together? The book appeared in 1994. She enters the trilogy “On the seventh day,” in which a week is enough to start a new life - we have already described other books in the series. The novel is about how love is intertwined with faith and how they find a compromise.

Love and religion are alike, but so different. Heroes waiting for a difficult choice. For each of them, these are two important parts of life, two rays of light. Paulo Coelho shows how life changes easily and simply. One small choice can turn everything around. And to make it not so difficult - it is only important not to be afraid.

The girl Pilar as a child fell in love with her best friend. They are completely inseparable and happy. But time passes, and they grow up. And each has its own way. He goes to the big world, she is trained to find a stable job. Many years later, he invites Pilar to attend his lecture, and after it they go together to France. Pilar learns about his gift to heal people. She understands that her dream is not the stability of life, but love for him and the joint spread of faith. But he does not know about it and refuses his gift in order to love her. Learning this, Pilar runs away, and the man cannot find her.


By: Paulo Coelho

Rating: 4.5


Obsessive thought can haunt more than one day. But another story when it is connected with love. The book "Zaire" was published in 2005. The name Coelho borrowed from the same story by Jorge Borges. In Islam, it means “an image that supplants everything else,” a thought so obsessive that nothing else exists for a person. As neglected obsessive-compulsive disorder. Zaire ends with either enlightenment or insanity.

For readers, the book has caused controversial reviews, including negative ones. The book does not have that depth, as in the "Alchemist" or "Magician's Diary". But there is a specific topic. We recommend it to those who want to spend the evening with light reading with a touch of reflection.

The main character is a writer, happy in marriage. His wife Esther is a military journalist, so she is often not at home. One day she disappears. Husband in confusion, he begins to suspect anything: she could be killed, kidnapped, and so on. He begins to look for her, and the farther he goes, the more he loves and he searches more and more zealously. Esther - his goal, obsession. But one day he realizes that she herself left him.

Manuscript Found in Acre

By: Paulo Coelho

Rating: 4.5


To get an answer, you need to ask a question. To this end, in 2012, Paulo Coelho published the manuscript found in Acre. There is practically no story in the book, each part is the answer to the question. Most of the statements do not lose their relevance today.

The elder hero talks about what is inside each person: fears, expectations, hopes. The novel can be called a collection of motivations.The whole book is easily decomposed into quotes and mottos. The work will appeal to those who want to delve into themselves and find a purpose in life.

July 14, 1099 Crusaders are preparing to storm Jerusalem. On this tragic day, almost all residents gathered in the square and listen to the old man Kopt. Everyone can ask their question. Among those gathered there are people of different faiths, ages, statuses. But they all carefully listen to the answers of the old man. After all, for that century, he speaks truths that become a revelation for many.

The winner is left alone

By: Paulo Coelho

Rating: 4.5


What you will not do for love. And I want to know what is behind the screen of this feeling in rich people. The style of writing the book is familiar, but the genre is unexpected: a detective thriller with the addition of glamor. Against the background of other works by Coelho, this may seem something unusual, incomprehensible and strange.

The novel closes our ranking of the best books of Paulo Coelho. In his work, he stands out against the background of other genre and manner of narration. The book “The winner remains alone” is a chance to look at another world: the souls of rich people and their problems. No money will save if the senses are poisoned by something. Coelho surpassed himself - in the book everything changes not even in a week, as in the trilogy “On the seventh day”, but in one day.

Welcome to Cannes, France. We are waiting for the famous film festival. Igor comes to him. He is a Russian businessman, he has money, beauty, success. But Igor's life became grim: his wife Eve left him. And he came to France to return her. But she appeared at the festival with a new man, a clothes designer. Igor is furious - he wants her back, but everything goes wrong. A man is ready for anything. He starts to kill.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you should consult with a specialist.
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